Unmatched Dominance/C1884 The Phoenix Devoured the Dragon
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Unmatched Dominance/C1884 The Phoenix Devoured the Dragon
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C1884 The Phoenix Devoured the Dragon

Yu Zhu hovered in midair, a mere half-meter above the vibrant sea, her lips curving into a joyful smile.

Her gaze first settled on Yu Yuan's face, then shifted to his arm, which was steadying her, her eyes gradually brightening.

"I'm aware that the Abyss Gate below us is fraught with danger."

The brilliance in her eyes seemed at odds with her slight frame and the color of her skin. She bore no resemblance to someone who had lost their divine status, yet there was unmistakably no trace of the source aura within her.


A keen soul shadow emerged distinctly within the fluttering Soul Summoning Flag, gazing at Yu Zhu with profound eyes before sighing with regret, "Why did it have to be you?"

Had it been the Supreme Demon Phoenix, his efforts would not have been in vain. United with Yu Yuan and the two colossal beasts, the Abyss Gate might have been the end of it.

But what significance was there in killing Yu Zhu, who had already lost her divine position?

Moreover, judging by Yu Yuan's demeanor, he would never allow anyone to harm Yu Zhu at the threshold of the Abyss Gate.


The slender girl supported by Yu Yuan suddenly looked up in astonishment. Her eyes swept over the Chaos Roc and the Abyss Goanna, finally resting on the spinosaurus's face, exclaiming in amazement, "So there is another one."

From within the depths of the shimmering blood membrane encasing her, a deep purple radiance burst forth, putting all beings near the Abyss Gate on edge.

The deep purple glow, teeming with demonic power, was unmistakably from the Supreme Demon Phoenix!

They had assumed the Demon Phoenix had taken refuge within Yu Zhu, preparing to descend through the demon clan's secret rites and unleash havoc.

But upon closer inspection...

Their piercing gazes, which seemed ready to tear through Yu Zhu's flesh, all converged on the area around her chest and abdomen.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

A heart pulsating with life emitted a resplendent purple glow, as if stripping away the superficial layers to reveal the true splendor of her Demon Heart.

Her Demon Heart shone with the clarity of purple jade, the delicate Bloodline Crystal Chains resembling myriad strands of purple lightning woven together!

The transformation of her Demon Heart gradually lightened her skin, leaving it no longer dark but luminous and fair.

She gently ascended, her gaze fixed on the Spinosaurus beneath Yu Yuan's astonished eyes. Pointing to the Demon Heart beneath her chest, she inquired, "So, the one within my heart, is that your... sister?"

The Spinosaurus's demeanor shifted dramatically.

Yu Yuan focused intently, his pupils ablaze with a crimson glow that pierced through all illusions and concealment, revealing a purple-gold crystal nestled within Yu Zhu's Demon Heart. This crystal exuded the distinct scent of the Titan Spinosaurus's life force.

It was a gift from the Demon Phoenix to her, another young Titan Spinosaurus that had yet to be fully assimilated and refined. She had consumed the majority of it, integrating the intricate bloodline qualities of the dragon heart deep into her Demon Heart.

Yet, within the heart of the once supreme Spinosaurus, there remained secrets too complex to digest, elements she had not been able to merge with. Particularly since she had lost the augmentation of her origin, her Supreme Godhood stripped away by the will of the vast cosmos.

"Father, she devoured my sister's heart," the young Spinosaurus, now in the form of a defiant youth, declared, his eyes gleaming with menace as he bared a sinister smile.

"Father? You... call him father?" Yu Zhu hovered between the young Spinosaurus and Yu Yuan, her expression turning peculiar as she realized who the young Spinosaurus was addressing.

"He hatched me and gave me life; of course, he's my father!" the young Spinosaurus asserted with conviction.

Since the moment he became aware of the ancestral blood energy concealed within the Abyss Gate, the young Spinosaurus's perception of his biological father had faded. Conversely, Yu Yuan, who had aided his release and restored his drained blood energy, had rekindled a sense of kinship.

"In that case..." Yu Zhu's lips curled into a slight smirk as she nodded gently, "you should call me sister."

"Sister?" The young Spinosaurus's entire being, along with his facial expression, became rigid.

Yu Yuan was equally perplexed.

"What is all this mess?" Tan Xiaotian, running his fingers through his disheveled black hair, glanced between Yu Zhu and the being within the Soul Summoning Flag, "You're the clever one; can you explain what in the world is happening here?"


A pair of elegant purple wings unfurled from Yu Zhu's back, fluttering softly.

The rich Demon Energy that emanated was a deep purple, identical to the Demon Phoenix's display in the Dim Starfield, with an indistinguishable scent.

"Phoenix Tribe!"

The Chaos Roc and the Abyss Goanna shrieked in astonishment.

"Her heart, once the Demon Heart's glamour has faded, is unmistakably that of a phoenix!"

After its outburst, the Chaos Roc had an epiphany, smacking its head and exclaiming, "The Spider Queen of the Demon Palace isn't the source of her bloodline at all. She's always been the child of the Demon Phoenix! Moreover, she's the most direct descendant!"

"She's the true daughter of the Demon Phoenix!"

This revelation left the powerful beings gathered at the Abyss Gate utterly stunned.

Yet, it was the undeniable truth.

Yu Zhu's presence, the purple wings on her back, and the Demon Energy she radiated all proclaimed her shared lineage with the Supreme Demon Phoenix!

Her looks, her form, and the aura she exuded were a spitting image of the Demon Phoenix of old!

"Father, I... might need your help to dissolve the purple-gold crystal in my heart. She told me you could help me ascend back to the level of a Demon God after I've lost my origin," Yu Zhu said, drifting before Yu Yuan with a hint of anxiety, her lips slightly pursed. "The life force within your Yang God can help me break free from these bonds."

Yu Zhu was, of course, referring to the Demon Phoenix.

She had been sent by the Demon Phoenix, who seemed convinced that Yu Yuan possessed not only the capability to assist her in reclaiming her status as a Demon God but would indeed help her succeed!

"How did she know Yu Yuan would be here?"

The soul shadow within the Soul Summoning Flag writhed intensely, as if locked in combat within another realm, steadily losing ground.

Since the Yang God and Yin God within Yu Yuan could not communicate, no one but Extreme Intelligence himself was aware of the struggle he faced against Youyu's encroachment in the Origin Realm, a battle that was proving to be exceptionally challenging.

"With the Origin Realm Gate in existence, the unique essence of my father could have drifted to the Dark Wing Starfield," Yu Zhu offered by way of explanation.

"Why didn't she come herself?" Tan Xiaotian asked icily.

Yu Zhu did not respond to his question, instead fixing her gaze on Yu Yuan, her face awash with hope.

Her soul is peculiar, not the Demon Soul we're familiar with, but rather... it resembles a Devil Soul."

The Abyss Goanna interjected with a hint of confusion, "A body of the Demon Race, yet it harbors the soul of a Devaputra. She truly is an anomaly among anomalies. Her Demon Body could potentially ascend to the heights of a Demon God, and perhaps her Devil Soul might even achieve the status of a Great Demon God. Should she succeed in both, this young lady would be an unprecedented miracle!"

"Demon Body, Devil Soul!" Exclaimed the Extreme Intelligence from within the Soul Summoning Flag, fixing his gaze on Yu Yuan, "Lady Extreme Yin, could she actually be the offspring of you and the Demon Phoenix?"

At this revelation, Tan Xiaotian felt a headache coming on as if his head might split open, and he rebuked, "Extreme Intelligence, what nonsense are you spouting?"

Meanwhile, the Chaos Roc and the Abyss Goanna remained silent.

Yu Zhu was equally bewildered.

She referred to Yu Yuan as her father because he had meticulously nurtured her in the Great Swamp of Jade Peak three centuries prior. After she emerged from the toxic marshes and ventured into Chilly Wind Valley, it was Yu Yuan who had consistently looked out for her, eventually bringing her back to Absence Relic and showering her with care and attention over the years. From the blood-red crystal of the Great Demon God Grec to a myriad of wondrous treasures, Yu Yuan had spared no expense for her.

All these factors, coupled with her innate affinity for Yu Yuan, made her wholeheartedly embrace the idea of Yu Yuan as her father.

Yet, whether it was the Supreme Demon Phoenix who had sent her or the Alien Demon Qiyan, no one had ever disclosed to her that Yu Yuan was her true father.

Nevertheless, she felt a genuine closeness to Yu Yuan, a sentiment that had been present since she first gained consciousness in Jade Peak.

"Impossible!" Yu Yuan maintained his composure, shooting a cold glare at Extreme Intelligence, though inwardly he felt somewhat uneasy. "I am not an Outland Devaputra. Don't jump to wild conclusions!"

"Some things, you assume are known only to you and Beilstein. But after my journey to the Abyss, I too uncovered the truth," hinted Extreme Intelligence with a pointed tone.

He left his statement ambiguous, yet Yu Yuan understood all too well.

When members of the Human Race undergo the transformation of their core soul into the Primordial Spirit, do they not become akin to the Great Demon God of the Outland Devaputra? Is this not essentially the Devil Soul?

Libre Baskerville
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