Unmatched Dominance/C1893 Soul Reincarnation in the Realm of Demons
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Unmatched Dominance/C1893 Soul Reincarnation in the Realm of Demons
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C1893 Soul Reincarnation in the Realm of Demons

Fernand's demeanor left the ghosts who were loyal to Wagner feeling somewhat uncertain and bewildered.

Could it be true that Lord Wagner would personally come to meet this individual?

Considering the esteemed status of Lord Wagner as the Ghost God of the Demon Realm, what could possibly compel him to do so?

Every ghost that arrived in the Demon Realm, regardless of their strength, approached Lord Wagner as supplicants. It was unheard of for him to lower himself to meet someone else.

So, who exactly was this Yu Yuan?

The ghosts who practiced the Ghost Dao within the Demon Realm were typically indifferent to external affairs. Their knowledge of the vast expanse was limited, and their understanding of Yu Yuan was even less.

The news that Wagner was coming specifically to meet Yu Yuan left them utterly astounded.

Subsequently, their gazes toward Yu Yuan shifted to ones of increased caution and reverence.

Fernand, however, was unlike the others. Even in his reduced state as a ghost, he remained concerned about Elena.

He would inquire about Elena's wellbeing from any Asura who retained a sliver of consciousness after dying in the outside world, which also led to his profound insight into Yu Yuan.

Wagner's attention to Yu Yuan was piqued due to Fernand's explanations and a few significant events.

Yu Yuan's confrontation with the Supreme Demon Phoenix in the Dim Starfield had caught the attention of the Great Demon God Reid and the Secular Bird Queen. His actions had even driven Han Miaoyuan to flee the vast expanse. How could Wagner remain unmoved after hearing such tales?

The Demon Phoenix, Han Miaoyuan, Reid, and the Secular Bird Queen were all beings of extraordinary stature.

Despite Wagner's infrequent departures from the Demon Realm, these names resonated with him like thunder.

The appearance of the Evil Cauldron was the catalyst for Wagner's arrival, prompted by the Ghost Kings' confirmation of Yu Yuan's presence.

"How have you ended up practicing the Ghost Dao?" Yu Yuan inquired, observing Fernand's turbid soul and shaking his head. He offhandedly remarked, "You're on a path to nowhere. From what I can see, no matter how much effort you put in, you'll never ascend to the status of a ghost god in the Demon Realm."

"A ghost god? I can't even achieve the rank of Ghost King," Fernand lamented, his expression pained. "I was a Platinum Asura in the outside world. The more powerful I was there, the harder it has become to attain higher accomplishments as a ghost after death."

"I practice the Ghost Dao in my current form, hoping that someday I'll hear good news about Elena from the outside world," Fernand said, his eyes brimming with hope. "Elena's lineage has ascended to the Ninth Level. She's become a Platinum Asura, having been forged in the trials of the Dark Domain!"

"After the death of our King and Alonso, she stands a chance of becoming a Golden Asura!"

"I have this premonition that I'll eventually hear from the newly arrived Asura souls that my daughter has achieved the rank of Golden Asura in the outside world!" Fernand's face was alight with eager anticipation.

Then, after a brief pause, he added in a softer tone, "If I didn't practice the Ghost Dao and instead followed the Grim River to the furnace, all my memories and lingering thoughts would be dissolved. I would no longer be myself, and no one would know into which clan I'd be reborn, nor would I remember anything."

"I wish to hear of Elena's ascension to Golden Asura before I vanish completely. Then, I would gladly embrace the furnace."

Holding onto this singular obsession, he had transformed from a formidable Platinum Asura into a ghost with no prospects of further power, all to await a single piece of news.

"I've heard..." Fernand's voice shifted, revealing a hint of nervousness. "Did the Sacred Glory War God of the Bright Clan really imprison her and several other Platinum Asuras in the Element Cage, and take them to the Gray Domain?"

Upon Yu Yuan's arrival, he had urgently requested the Ghost King to summon him, eager to inquire about this.

When Norant had captured Elena and the others, he had slain many Asura warriors. Their souls, now in the Demon Domain, had brought Fernand this news.

He was desperate to learn of Elena's fate.

"Don't worry, I've dealt with Norant and Elena is now free," Yu Yuan said, his demeanor nonchalant.

He spoke of disciplining Norant as if it were a trivial matter, reassuring Fernand, "Elena is safe in the Gray Domain, searching for a star suited to Asuras, and I have given my blessing."


"The Sacred Glory War God of the Bright Clan!"

"That despicable fiend!"

Upon hearing Norant's name, many of the Asura spirits and Ghost Kings atop the summit erupted in curses.

Following the demise of Asura King Sabonis, and with Alonso gone, Norant had seized the opportunity to haunt the Asura Starfield, mercilessly slaughtering members of the Asura Clan.

Recently, the Demon Domain has been inundated with a surge of Asura souls, most of whom perished at the hands of Norant and his Sacred Glory Legion.

"If only I could leave the Demon Domain, I'd give those Bright Clan folks in the outside world a piece of my mind!"

The Asura Ghost King, who was aboard the Ghost Ship with Blanco, was seething with rage, his face dark with fury as he bellowed.

"Yu Yuan, thank you."

Fernand, in his soul spirit form, bowed to Yu Yuan. "Without your help, Elena might have fallen to the Starfrost Sword during her time in the Dark Domain."

Ji Ningshuang, upon discovering Elena in the Dark Domain, not only refrained from attacking her but also ensured her safe departure.

Clearly, she was extending a courtesy to Yu Yuan.

"It was the least I could do."

Yu Yuan dismissed the gratitude with a wave of his hand and a slight twitch of his eyebrows.

After all, Ji Ningshuang was inside the Dragon Slash Platform, forging her new Yang God physique. She had arrived in the Demon Domain with him but had not yet emerged.

"You... can't leave?"

Yu Yuan asked, his surprise evident upon recalling the Ghost King's words.

"Except for the Demon Gods, no other ghosts, regardless of their rank, can leave the Demon Domain," Fernand replied earnestly, sighing. "That vast Shinra Net you saw when you entered acts as a one-way barrier for the souls and spirits of this realm."

"Once the departed souls pass through the Shinra Net into the Demon Domain, they can't even think about crossing back unless they ascend to Demon God status."

"They can't even touch it! For if they do, even a Ghost King might be reduced to ashes."

Fernand revealed the harsh reality.

"No wonder there are no tales of Demon Domain spirits wandering the Eon Realm. In contrast, our formidable Ghost Kings, like Mingdu, could still roam beyond the heavens." Yu Yuan grasped the situation and turned his gaze to the Nether Cat, the dark lady, and the other supreme Evil Demons.

"Non-spiritual beings who haven't cultivated the path of ghosts might have a chance to leave the Shinra Net."

Fernand, following Yu Yuan's line of sight, quickly clarified, understanding his thoughts.

Yu Yuan nodded, reassured that Andrea's warning to those who accidentally ventured into the realm of demons was sound.

Should the Devaputras be fortunate enough to encounter Andrea's signal, a swift retreat from the Shinra Net could mean their safe passage.

If one insists on courting death by lingering in the Demon Realm, they can hardly blame anyone else for the consequences.

Yu Yuan engaged in conversation with Fernand atop a mountain peak, seeking to learn about the Demon Realm through him. Fernand hadn't been in the Demon Realm for long and didn't hold a high rank among the spirits, but he was privy to more secrets than Karen, thanks to the guidance of the Ghost God Wagner.

Fernand also revealed that Youyu had recently been besieged by the three Great Ghost Gods, but Andrea's arrival turned the tide. The clash between Han Qi and Andrea at the Shinra Net had drawn the attention of Matina and sent shockwaves through the ranks of the Ghost Gods.

Upon her arrival, Matina had a discussion with Andrea, the content of which remained unknown. However, she ended up treating Andrea as an honored guest, leaving Han Qi at a loss. Andrea was now residing within Matina's domain.

Andrea's presence had also caused the three Great Ghost Gods to cease their pursuit of Youyu. The conflict eventually narrowed down to a duel between Han Qi and Youyu, with Youyu seemingly gaining the advantage.

Fernand admitted his ignorance of the finer details, suggesting they wait for Wagner's arrival for more information. Yu Yuan, therefore, settled in to wait patiently.

Meanwhile, the powerful Evil Demons scattered about occasionally captured and devoured lower-level ghosts to fortify their own soul bodies. Fernand seemed indifferent, as many nearby ghosts appeared disloyal to the Ghost God Wagner. He was unconcerned with the fate of those not allied with him.

Yu Yuan, however, was adept at multitasking. While conversing with Fernand, his physical body felt somewhat heavy, yet his primary soul, seated within his sea of consciousness, experienced a sense of ease.

"Could the main soul also benefit from the Demon Realm?" he wondered. With this thought, his primary soul, nestled in his sea of consciousness, began to harvest the pure Yin energy.

A cloud formed at his brow, swirling gently. Whoosh! The rich Yin energy of the mountain peak was drawn towards his forehead from all around, vanishing into its depths. The cool Yin energy, upon entering his soul sea, clarified his thoughts and brought a sense of comfort and tranquility to his main soul.

This indicated that all souls could potentially harness the Demon Realm for cultivation! While the Demon Realm lacked abundant resources, and even the Ghost King seemed impoverished, the omnipresent essence of Yin energy was the realm's most significant treasure.

Devaputras, along with all beings that delight in refining their souls, stood to gain immense benefits upon entering the Dark Domain!

Yu Yuan's main soul was on the cusp of ascending to the Primordial Spirit.

He had assumed that he would need the Yin God, the Yang God, and a corporeal body to repeatedly nurture his main soul, providing it with a steady supply of resources for it to gradually transform.

Unexpectedly, the unique environment of the Dark Domain made him feel exhilarated as he gathered Yin energy with his main soul.

"Are you... practicing your cultivation?"

Fernand, whose demeanor grew increasingly reverent upon witnessing Yu Yuan's unusual state, couldn't help but inquire.

"It's not a problem. Let's continue our conversation."

Yu Yuan chuckled and gestured to Fernand not to worry. In his mind, tiny vortexes of soul power formed, orbiting as if around the Tia Main Planet.


More Yin Energy converged from all around, flowing into Yu Yuan's forehead like a mighty river.

The surge grew stronger!

Unlike the Ghosting Arts he performed with his Yin God, this time his absorption of Yin Energy did not involve souls or spirits, sparing the nearby ghosts any harm or disturbance.

He was simply amassing the surrounding Yin Energy with a frightening efficiency that far outstripped any of the Ghost Kings present.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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