Unmatched Dominance/C1894 Ghost and Demon Wagner
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Unmatched Dominance/C1894 Ghost and Demon Wagner
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C1894 Ghost and Demon Wagner

In the vast expanse of Hao Ran, the Ghost Wizard Sect had made its home. Yuen Qingxi, along with other Ghost Kings and cultivators of the Unrestrained Stage, such as Chuan Ling, Luo Yue, and Qianjie, had convened beside Xuanli in a secluded valley, all awaiting an answer.

Recently, Han Miaoyuan and Lin Daoke had made a sudden appearance above Horror Land, stirring anxiety and despair among the Ghost Kings originating from that dread place.

Chuan Ling had overheard snippets of Han Miaoyuan and Lin Daoke's conversation, where they deliberated on the future of Horror Land. The mention of Youyu sent Chuan Ling into a state of alarm. Once Han Miaoyuan and Lin Daoke vanished, Chuan Ling, Luo Yue, and Qianjie hurried to join the others.

"What should be our course of action?" Lianjing asked, her gaze reflecting the same bewilderment as Xuanli's. "The beings from the mortal empires, along with the sects allied with Han Miaoyuan, have already departed on extraterrestrial warships."

Luo Yue let out a wry laugh before adding, "The Demon Palace had already begun their exodus from Hao Ran even earlier."

The migration of beings had become the prevailing theme across Hao Ran. Han Miaoyuan had disclosed that Hao Ran was on the brink of a catastrophic crisis. To mitigate the damage, he was not prepared to gamble with lives. Thus, he orchestrated the relocation of all beings in Hao Ran to the Outer Star River in succession.

Over the years, numerous Starfields had been dominated by the sects of Hao Ran, and the existence of World Walls was well-known. Previously, it was the Yang cultivators and those at the Unrestrained Stage who frequented these realms. With Han Miaoyuan's resolve, the seasoned cultivators who had already explored these Starfields were now leading the exodus, making the transition for Hao Ran's inhabitants less challenging.

This migration marked Hao Ran's most significant undertaking to date. However, the Divine Soul Sect, Babel Chamber of Commerce, Silver Moon Sect, and Ancient Desolate Sect appeared to be deliberately restrained by Han Miaoyuan, forbidden from leaving, at least for the time being.

The Ghost Wizard Sect, still awaiting Youyu's return, had not openly declared their allegiance, leaving them torn between supporting the Divine Soul Sect or Han Miaoyuan.

"I've come across some troubling news," Yuen Qingxi shared, his brow furrowed with concern. "It originated from the Oblivion Starfield. Rumor has it that Cao Jiaze's inept master, Han Qi, has been enduring a grueling cultivation in the Demon Realm as a Yin God and has even advanced to the Ghost God Realm."

"An Outer Realm Ghost God?"

Members of the Ghost Wizard Sect were taken aback.

"Upon his return, he's expected to settle in Horror Land and consecrate the subterranean source of the Yin Vein," Yuan Qingxi inhaled deeply, his voice icy. "At that point, it seems all souls and spectral beings from Hao Ran will need to swear allegiance to a new master."

"We do not acknowledge Han Qi."

"In our hearts, there can only be Lord Youyu!"

"It must be Lord Youyu!"

The Ghost Kings declared their stance.

Yuan Qingxi nodded with satisfaction. "Given this, we cannot journey with Han Miaoyuan. Our only option is to align with the Divine Soul Sect."

After much deliberation, Xuanli said, "I intend to venture to the Outer Realm and engage with the Divine Kings of the Divine Soul Sect to find out exactly what's transpired beyond our borders."

"Prepare yourselves. We may need to relocate to the Outer Realm, starting with a move toward the Oblivion Starfield," Yuan Qingxi directed.


On Tia Main Planet.

A mature ground beetle was actively ingesting and expelling star energy at the heart of colossal energy whirlpools.

Its massive form, crowned with a broad shell, was adorned with nebulae that cast brilliant light.

This radiance, viscous like fluid, merged continuously, forming crystalline membranes.

These "membranes," drawn and bonded by its power, appeared in abundance near the vast Tia Main Planet.

Employing the innate talents of the Starry Behemoth, it voraciously absorbed the star energy from the Starfield while crafting a nascent barrier for Tia Main Planet.

"Your efforts are greatly appreciated. The Divine Soul Sect will not let them go unrewarded," Taishi conveyed, visibly moved by the behemoth's diligent work since returning from the Gray Domain.

"We will ensure your protection. Regardless of the turmoil outside, rest assured that within the Gray Domain, you are untouchable!"

Given the sheer size of Tia Main Planet, which dwarfed the Vast Ocean, even the most rudimentary barrier, capable solely of purifying star energy, demanded a significant investment of time and energy from the ground beetle.

The creation of this primitive barrier marked the initial step in forging a new Vast Ocean, a step of utmost importance.

Once Yu Yuan's Yang God and the young spinosaurus made their return, they could infuse this foundational barrier with intricate Dao principles and secret arts, transforming the raw, tumultuous star energy from the Outer Realm into the most pristine Spiritual Qi.

If the core of Tia Main Planet were composed entirely of pure spiritual energy, the foundation for the new Vast Ocean would be established.

Subsequently, the earth, the void, space, and the myriad complex yet essential laws would be etched into the planet, making Tia Main Planet increasingly resemble the Vast Ocean.

Ultimately, Taishi knew exactly where to find what was missing and how to fill in the gaps.

"I just hope you'll keep your word," the ground beetle murmured faintly.

At that moment, Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Zhongli from the Ancient Desolate Sect, Duan Yisheng, and other prominent cultivators of the Vast Ocean had just returned from the Heaven Opening Flare Star to the Plover Realm.

Their plan was to secure a suitable base within the Oblivion Starfield to accommodate those arriving from the Vast Ocean.

In time, once Tia Main Planet in the Gray Domain was ready to welcome mortals, they would relocate there.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly fashion.



The old lizard, the Chaos Roc, and the small spinosaurus emerged from the spacetime gateway leading to the Dim Starfield.

Yu Yuan's Yang God, however, had not returned.

"What brought you back so suddenly?" Taishi materialized at the gateway, eyeing the three Starry Behemoths. "Where is Yu Yuan's Yang God?"

"He's standing watch over the Abyss Gate and won't be back anytime soon," the Chaos Roc replied, looking up in astonishment at the "nebula membrane" overhead. "A mature ground beetle is using its innate abilities to form a barrier around Tia Main Planet. Ah, it's already begun?"

The little spinosaurus licked its lips.

Taishi scoffed, "If you cause any trouble, you'll be dealt with."

The little spinosaurus was about to boast that he wasn't afraid of Taishi, but then he sensed the presence of the Secular Bird Queen and the Cold Domain Bear, now in human form, seeking a breakthrough in their lineage.

The Gray Domain was once ruled by the elder spinosaurus, and even with Yu Yuan as the new master, it still held its secrets.

Sensing something amiss, the little spinosaurus was taken aback and promptly settled down.

"Is a change in the weather coming?"

The old lizard murmured to himself, his profound eyes seemingly witnessing the unusual behavior of the Cold Domain Bear, the Ash Divine Crocodile, and the Three-legged Golden Crow. He realized that the eternal shackles binding the alien beasts had been unlocked.

Starry Behemoths were exceedingly rare in the current age, yet Ninth Level beasts were numerous.

Previously, these creatures were not regarded by them, nor did they hold any sway among the various intelligent beings.

Now, however, the situation had changed.

Should a multitude of Tenth Level Beast Gods, akin to the Desolate God and the Barbarian Tiger, emerge, the influence of the alien beast clans in this world would undoubtedly become immensely formidable!

What would happen when newly born Tenth Level Beast Gods, like Yu Zhu, the Barbarian Tiger, and other foreign Beast Gods, converged around the Demon Phoenix? The old lizard trembled at the thought.

The image of a dozen or more Beast Gods lurking beside the Demon Phoenix's Phoenix Shrine sent a chill down the old lizard's spine.


In the Demon Domain.

Yu Yuan stood atop the towering Dark Mountain, conversing with Fernand while drawing in Yin energy from the surrounding gray-white rock spires.

Whoosh! The Yin energy swirled towards him, growing increasingly abundant and concentrated.

He was like an insatiable abyss, voraciously absorbing the Yin energy of the Demon Domain.

Eventually, Fernand had to cease their conversation, and the Ghost Kings and specters loyal to Wagner watched him with trepidation, clueless as to what was unfolding.

Yu Yiyi, draped in the Evil Cauldron, quickly noticed that the Yin energy within a hundred-mile radius was being drawn towards Yu Yuan, converging upon him.

Yu Yiyi was astounded, never having anticipated that Yu Yuan could stir such a vast disturbance deep within the Demon Domain.

"How odd..."

Yu Yuan mused, levitating slightly to better assimilate the Yin energy.

His flesh was enveloped by the highly refined Yin energy, akin to Youyu's body, which had been uniquely crafted from the essence of the Yin Sunflower.

Within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness.

Streams of soul spirits branched off from his colossal void soul, exuding the essence of the Yin God. At times they would morph into the Derivative Spell, and at others, they would invoke the Ghosting Arts.

Soon after, the soul spirits transformed into clusters of gray whirlpools through the Ghosting Arts.

These whirlpools, which enveloped Yu Yuan's primary soul, evoked a sense of familiarity within him.

Tia Main Planet!

The Tia Main Planet in the Gray Domain was also encircled by a massive energy vortex, ceaselessly drawing in Galaxy Extraordinary Talent from an unknown realm, which contributed to the Gray Domain's wonder.

At that moment, the soul that had split from his primary soul first morphed into a colossal Demon God and troll via the Derivative Spell. Subsequently, it shifted into a gray whirlpool, mirroring the conditions found on the Tia Main Planet.

However, Tia Main Planet boasted thirty-six energy vortexes, and his current number was clearly insufficient.

With a mere thought, additional soul spirits detached from his primary soul and became gray whirlpools through the Ghosting Arts.

He halted only after forming thirty-six gray whirlpools!

These vortexes swirled around his primary soul, functioning in a manner opposite to that of the Gray Domain.

The Gray Domain's energy vortex expelled starry abilities outward, but his inner sea of consciousness was drawing in!

It was pulling in the Yin energy from the Demon Domain!

A profound insight suddenly dawned on Yu Yuan; he realized that this was an advanced form of the Ghosting Arts, an essential technique to master before his primary soul could evolve into the Primordial Spirit.


Not long after the thirty-six gray whirlpools materialized in his mind, the ever-flowing Grim River was influenced by him, its waters grinding to a halt.

The restless souls and ghosts that bobbed along the Grim River also came to a standstill.

"What's going on?"

Branca, Fernand, and ghosts like Karen stared blankly at the Grim River, eventually turning their attention to Yu Yuan.

"So it's you who has ventured into the Demon Domain!"

A lanky Asura astride a Skeleton Horse emerged from the Grim River.

"Lord Wagner!"


All the ghosts erupted in cheers, their disquieted hearts finding solace in his presence.

"Do you still remember me?"

Wagner, mounted on the Skeleton Horse, approached the mountain summit, gazing at Yu Yuan, he called out, "Lady Lunar, have you truly forgotten even me?"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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