Unmatched Dominance/C1906 Reversing the Knowledge
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Unmatched Dominance/C1906 Reversing the Knowledge
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C1906 Reversing the Knowledge

Yu Yuan felt disoriented, his mind reeling from the revelations before him. The Abyss, it turned out, was not at all what he had thought. The Human Race was an extraterrestrial life form, and the Abyss was their true homeland. The very treasure that had been corrupting the Origin Soul of the Boundless Human Race was, in fact, the wellspring of their greatness.

This realization brought a troubling question to the forefront: Was his new plan for the Boundless Human Race not a betrayal of their very essence? To distance himself from the Boundless, to rid himself of the tainted Origin Soul—was this not akin to turning his back on his own creators?

Yu Yuan was torn between amusement and despair. The truths unveiled by Extreme Intelligence had inadvertently cast him as the arch-villain of the Boundless Human Race, the greatest heretic and sinner of his people. His efforts to break free from the Boundless seemed to be an attempt to erase the very roots of the Human Race. He had become the epitome of malevolence.

"Difficult to come to terms with, isn't it? I was just as astounded as you when I first discovered the Human Race dwelling at the very depths of the Abyss. The more I learned and the closer I got to the truth, the more I struggled to accept it," said Extreme Intelligence, his handsome face etched with a wry smile as he gazed upon Yu Yuan's Yin God on the seventh layer of the Abyss.

"It took me an incredibly long time to adjust my thinking. And just when I was ready to act, to make sacrifices for our kin in the Abyss, the Origin Realm God confined me."

Extreme Intelligence sighed, a note of resignation in his voice. "If it weren't for Beilstein's grievous blow to him, I would never have escaped that imprisonment or gained control over the Origin Realm."

He paused, a slight smile gracing his lips. "It was during my refining of the Origin Realm God's residual soul in the Hellfire Mountain that I encountered its will. It was then that it became aware of my intentions to secure a future for the Abyss's Human Race, to help them ascend once more. In that moment, I knew I had earned its approval."

"Its validation of me even surpassed that of Han Miaoyuan. It endorsed my vision and my actions."

"Sir, it is the progenitor of our race, having already influenced the Origin Soul. If your Yang God form were to return to the Boundless Underground and face it, it could unravel the mysteries of the Origin Blood through you."

"And just as it has shaped the Origin Soul, it will also mold the Origin Blood..."

"In that world, the Boundless Human Race will flourish in every corner. We will reign supreme over all other races, just as we once did in the Abyss!"

"Once you uncover the truth, you will regain its recognition and become our new king."

Extreme Wisdom bowed respectfully.

Yet, Yu Yuan remained silent.

In a world engulfed by darkness, thousands of savage Abyss creatures engaged in endless slaughter, tearing each other apart in a brutal struggle for evolution.

This was merely the tip of the iceberg in the sixty-four lower realms.

Countless Abyss creatures grew in power through such vicious evolution, each vying to ascend to the higher realms and compete with the Abyss Warriors for resources.

Layer by layer, many of the so-called Evil Gods who now stand at the pinnacle of the Abyss began their ascent from the very bottom.

The wise, or the human race, once held a lofty status, but have since fallen to the lowest depths of the Abyss.

Extreme Wisdom's soul, having descended into the Abyss, eschewed the inherently fierce Abyss creatures. Whether through reincarnation or some form of transformation, he chose the weakest of human bodies.

His soul remained potent, but this human body, lacking the Origin Soul's empowerment, was initially no more than an ordinary mortal.

It was the arrival of the Origin Soul that sparked transformation in his body, propelling him through a rapid metamorphosis.

Clearly, his intent was to elevate the human race, now dwelling at the Abyss's lowest tier, to reclaim the summit of the first level, as their ancient ancestors once did.

To stand shoulder to shoulder with the heavens.

His ambition, his grand vision, hinged on the shattering of the Abyss Gate and the influx of human race champions into the Abyss.

Yet, this vision starkly contradicted his original principles.

Yu Yuan weighed his thoughts, unable to provide an answer.

"Sir, before you instructed me to uproot it, I had intended to lead the champions of the Boundless Human Race to explore the Abyss in spirit, using the still-rooted Origin Realm Gate," Extreme Wisdom explained with a light chuckle. "I am of human origin, unlike the Origin Realm God. My desire is for the human race to thrive. Do you understand?"

Yu Yuan, who had been silent until now, suddenly interjected, "There must be something amiss."

"What?" Ji Hui exclaimed in shock.

Yu Yuan, now in the presence of the Yin God, pointed to his own forehead with a hand formed from his spirit body and declared, "The Divine Soul Sect will be annihilated because I sought to forge a new Boundless Underground and wished to break free from it."

"Han Miaoyuan was the first to gain its acknowledgment. Thereafter, the Demon Phoenix might have been involved too. Together, they plotted to topple my sect."

After a brief pause, Yu Yuan continued, "By all accounts, I was the first to earn the recognition of the Origin Soul. I was the one who uncovered the complete mysteries of the Origin Soul following Beilstein. So why couldn't it inform me as it did you? If it had spoken, why would I still be determined to implement the plan for a new Boundless Underground?"

This was something Yu Yuan couldn't fathom.

At that moment, he even felt a compelling urge to immediately return to the Realm of Darkness and have Wagner or Matina assist him in recovering all his lost memories.

He was eager to discover whether the will of the Boundless Underground had ever revealed the truth to him during his tenure as the leader of the Divine Soul Sect, in its most glorious days.

If the truth had been disclosed, and he still chose to forge ahead with creating a new Boundless Underground, there had to be a compelling reason!

"Perhaps..." Ji Hui pondered deeply before suggesting, "My theory is that, back in that era, its influence over the Origin Soul wasn't sufficient. You were endowed with the soul's secrets by the Origin Soul itself, which you revered as your benefactor and Founder. Meanwhile, it, which was gradually affecting the Origin Soul, was perceived by you as a source of malevolent corruption."

"The God of the Origin Realm had been in retreat, healing from the direct assault you all had launched."

"It was powerless, lacking the means to lead you into the abyss to witness its true nature."

"Unable to venture into the abyss, blind to the humans dwelling at its deepest layer, you would distrust its words. You would only believe that creatures from the abyss had tainted the Origin Soul, which was the entity responsible for your creation."

"Therefore, all your actions were in defiance of it, the very Founder you were actually fighting against."

Ji Hui spoke with a tinge of regret coloring her words.

Suddenly, a colossal entity, reminiscent of the Stars World, plummeted from the sixth tier of the abyss, zeroing in precisely on the land where Ji Hui and Yu Yuan stood.

He glided swiftly through the air.

Every creature in the seventh layer of the Abyss felt a shiver of unease.

"Spirit Slayer!"

"Lord Grimes!"

In the villages of the Boundless Human Race, many elders had already commanded everyone to kneel and bow their heads in reverence to the newcomer.

Even the mindless Abyss beings, driven only by their instinct to kill, ceased their battles.

As the colossal entity moved through the area, those who caught his eye were casually slain, their souls sucked away as if he were savoring a meal.

No creature on this level dared to defy him, including those he devoured.

His passage brought a hush over the Abyss World.

Before long, he was hovering above Ji Hui.

"Spirit Slayer, Grimes."

Yu Yuan took a look and noticed that this Abyss Evil God's form was strikingly similar to when he was in the Origin Realm.

Grimes's entire form resembled a massive tumor oozing pus, with pale green eyes emerging as if observing others.

At that moment, his star-sized body was emitting a foul, acidic smoke, as though he had just emerged from battle.

"Why have you come?" Ji Hui asked with clear dissatisfaction, scrutinizing the Abyss Evil God. "Why has most of your soul suddenly retreated from the Origin Realm?"

Upon seeing Yu Yuan's Yin God, Grimes hesitated briefly.

With a tearing sound, a fissure opened in the star-sized tumor, and a figure emerged.

This was a bizarre entity, unlike most of the intelligent race.

It had a single eye, with long, slender limbs connected to its tumor-like body, radiating terrifying waves of soul energy as if possessing the power to effortlessly penetrate the minds of others.

"I found Beilstein. When I went to investigate, he inflicted severe injuries on me," the Evil God lamented from within its smaller body. "As I summoned other Evil Gods, Beilstein left with a strange laugh, and then I suddenly lost track of him."

"Beilstein!" Yu Yuan perked up.

He had ventured into the Abyss alongside Ji Hui, hoping to clarify Beilstein's situation. Little did he expect to encounter news of Beilstein so soon after his arrival.

From Grimes' perspective, Beilstein remained an unresolved issue for the Abyss.

"Why won't he just leave?" Extreme Intelligence was visibly irritated, cursing, "There are countless Origin Realm Gates spread throughout the Abyss! With his capabilities, using an Origin Realm Gate to enter the Origin Realm and then finding a way back to his own world shouldn't be a challenge."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yuan realized that Beilstein's predicament in the Abyss was far more optimistic than he had previously thought.

It wasn't that the mighty beings of the Abyss had grievously wounded Beilstein and held him captive; rather, Beilstein was evading capture across the various strata of the Abyss, remaining unscathed despite the pursuit of numerous Evil Gods.

Beilstein had the means to return, yet he chose not to.

"He's spreading his teachings."

Grimes, with his peculiarly small frame and contorted face, seemed to be in constant agony.

"On several of the lowermost continents, humans have learned the Soul Cultivation Technique he disseminated. Some of those unable to harness the power of the Abyss physically have managed to fortify their souls."

"Furthermore, he has imparted methods of soul strengthening to certain demon tribes, significantly enhancing their intelligence!"

"This accursed individual has thrown our Abyss into chaos, and yet we are powerless against him."

Grimes bellowed in fury.

A portion of the Abyssal creatures on this continent could hear his roar and attempted to discern his mood, only to have their souls extinguished in an instant.

Yu Yuan wore a peculiar look on his face.

Preaching, indeed?

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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