Unmatched Dominance/C1908 The Strengthened Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation
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Unmatched Dominance/C1908 The Strengthened Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation
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C1908 The Strengthened Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation

After Yu Yuan and Ji Hui vanished, the burly young man who had previously earned Ji Hui's favor was huddled in a dark, stone-built house within a dilapidated human village not too far away. In the dim room, his dark eyes glowed as if they were alight. Chaotic and violent energies of the Abyss converged towards him from the darkness. His face was alight with ecstasy as he sat with his arms crossed over his chest, practicing the cultivation method Ji Hui had taught him. He could feel a mysterious force, bestowed by Ji Hui at one of his acupoints, aiding him in gathering energy. The energy, omnipresent and both familiar and feared by the Abyss Tribe, had suddenly become tame.

Previously, the tribe's elders and many strong, refined warriors had attempted to integrate this energy into their bodies, as other Abyss Tribes had done. Some could not withstand the violent, chaotic essence and went mad, meeting their deaths. Others, despite their efforts, failed to assimilate the Abyss energy into their bodies. He was the first to succeed.

"It's so wonderful!" he exclaimed, roaring with joy in the darkness.

"Hmm, Grandpa Zhang?" he murmured, noticing a large head poking through the broken tiles at the front of his humble dwelling. It belonged to the village chief, the pillar of their community, who had taught them how to battle Abyss creatures, how to set traps, and how to slice and preserve meat.

"I've come across a technique for cultivating the soul; give it a try," the tall elder suggested, tossing a book bound in animal hide into the room.

With a smile, he added, "Strengthening the soul might offer us a path forward. I know you're striving to find a way out for us. So, give this a shot; perhaps this technique will be of help to you."

After imparting these words and leaving the book behind, the old man slipped away quietly. In the seventh layer of the Abyss, a world that Yu Yuan and Ji Hui had visited but not thoroughly explored, the old man was active among the human villages. He was the respected village chief and leader of the wise people in each community.

Now, he stood beside a deep, ancient well that seemed to plunge into the depths of the earth, looking up and silently chuckling with a wide grin. His tall frame was adorned with a thick, fiery red beard, covering most of his cheeks, and his eyes were bloodshot, adding to his intense appearance.

His Devil Soul was affixed to a variety of Abyss creatures, not limited to the human race.

Nor was it confined to the seventh level.

In the Abyss, hundreds of his Devil Souls were active, subtly influencing the grand schemes of the Abyss in his own way.

Spiritual Master Grimes and the other so-called Abyss Evil Gods were unable to locate him in the vast expanse of the Abyss.

"Good disciple, I'm eager to see what choice you'll make."

After a moment, he beamed, squinting as if envisioning the numerous pathways connected to the Origin Realm. He mused, "Trying to send me back? Heh, haven't you heard that it's easy to summon a god but difficult to dismiss one?"


Origin Realm.

Next to the wide-open Origin Realm Gate that bridged to the Abyss, stood a massive prism-shaped shadow of an Evil God. There was also a colossal green-leafed Devourer, along with Spirit Sweeper Grimes, and numerous other bizarre Evil Gods, all looking down with haughty detachment.

Youyu, Andrea, and two Ghosts from the Demon Domain also awaited at the "door."

All exhibited remarkable self-control and patience.

They were all anticipating the return of Yu Yuan's Yin God, led by the Supreme Intelligence, curious about the decision Yu Yuan would make upon his return.

This was particularly true for the Evil Gods yearning to explore another world.

Through Grimes, they learned that the guardian of the Abyss Gate was Yu Yuan's peculiar Yang God, the linchpin for inter-world communication, and no one dared to belittle him.

The Supreme Intelligence persuaded most of the Evil Gods to take a chance and attempt to reach out to the humans after the Abyss Gate crumbled, given their common origin from the Abyss.

The Evil Gods also believed that once Yu Yuan, who had emerged from the vastness, was brought into the Abyss and discovered its secrets, he would likely become a formidable ally.

If the humans, who had already established themselves so powerfully in the rich and vast world, were welcoming to them, then surely this expansive, mysterious world, with its connections to other realms, would allow them a share of the bounty.

As the former rulers of the Abyss had already taken the lead, their arrival should surely be met with welcome.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ji Hui and Yu Yuan made their return.

The intelligent beings scattered around the Origin Realm Gate, from the Evil Gods of the Abyss to the Ghost Gods of the Demon Realm, instinctively turned their souls and gazes upon their arrival.


Ji Hui's respect was palpable, evident in both his words and demeanor.

He held in high esteem the leader who had elevated the Divine Soul Sect to unparalleled heights among humans and had dispersed the lingering influence of the Nagas, the Titan spinosaurus. "You've witnessed our predicament in the Abyss," he said.

"I understand you have a choice to make. Regardless of... our future stance, I will honor your decision."

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ji Hui's soul, enshrouded by a cyan-black cape, had ventured into the Abyss, seemingly absorbing its wild, chaotic energies and carrying them back into the ethereal Origin Realm.

This experience appeared to have significantly empowered Ji Hui.

The cyan-black cape, with its surface shimmering like water, concealed a reincarnation technique linked to the Sea of Hearts and the Yin Meridian, insights gleaned by Youyu from the Undead Ruler. It seemed Ji Hui had re-forged it in the Abyss, transforming it into his own divine power.

"My apologies for the wait," Ji Hui said, addressing the three Ghost Gods and Andrea with a note of regret.

Yet, he abruptly cast off the cyan-black cape imbued with the Abyss's might.

It expanded across the Origin Realm's firmament, giving the previously skyless Origin Realm and the Sea of Hearts a new cyan-black canopy.

The gloomy, oppressive, suffocating forces of confusion emanated from this darkened sky.

To Yu Yuan, this expanse bore a striking resemblance to the enhanced version of the Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation high above the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

Within this cyan-black canopy were myriad Soul Arts and truths from the Divine Soul Sect, the heart clam beast, the Yin Meridian, and beyond.

It was akin to the blood-red sky of the Origin Blood Continent, only this time, the essence of lifeblood was transmuted into soul power and myriad doctrines of Soul Arts!

"The Origin Realm and this Sea of Hearts, I shall humbly accept," declared Ji Hui, his pure soul form settling amidst Youyu, Matina, and Wagner. He focused on Youyu, stating, "You have died, losing the flesh and blood body of the human race. The puppet body you later forged from the essence of Yin Kui is no longer of human kin."

"The very essence of humanity has been lost, and you, now just a soul of ghosts and gods, are no longer part of our race."

Youyu found these words perplexing, yet he refrained from asking for clarification.

"Moreover, your persistent resistance has led it to finally abandon you."

While Jie Hui was speaking, divine retribution rained down from the heavens.

One after another, broad bolts of dark green lightning, as if refined from the power of the abyss, materialized in the high skies of the Origin Realm, plummeting from the shadowy firmament.

Youyu, now in the state of ghosts and gods, was instantly shrouded by the green lightning.

He appeared to be standing within a massive column of lightning, enduring the relentless assault of countless thunderbolts.

Inside this colossal column, Youyu's ghostly spirit form swiftly dissipated into wisps of smoke, which coalesced only to be scattered again by the relentless strikes.

Youyu did not perish immediately. Having attained the level of a ghost god, he was clearly putting up a fierce struggle.

But with his origin lost, the exquisite Soul Arts he once wielded were partly stripped away by the origin itself, while Jie Hui had acquired the rest. It was evident that Jie Hui was targeting him at every turn.

"Such lightning has no place in the Origin Realm!" Matina exclaimed.

"It's the illusion of the heart clam beast!"

Youyu's cries echoed from within the towering lightning column, emanating from his smoky soul form, "After returning to the abyss, he became tainted with its power, growing even stronger."

"The origin can grow stronger in the abyss?"

Wagner, Matina, and Andrea were all stunned by Youyu's revelation.


Standing beside the luminous column, Extreme Intelligence addressed Yu Yuan with a courteous demeanor, "You are free to leave. You may return to the Realm of Maelstrom or exit from there. In the real world, your soul and Yang God can communicate. Take the time you need to reflect and decide on your next course of action."

"As for them..."

Extreme Intelligence cast a regretful glance at Matina, Wagner, and Andrea, who was accompanied by a Devil Soul, "I'm sorry, but they should abandon any hope of escape. Han Qi has also earned that individual's approval. He is set to assume control of the Realm of Maelstrom and attempt to govern the Source Soul's movements."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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