Unmatched Dominance/C191 Sealing the Passageway!
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Unmatched Dominance/C191 Sealing the Passageway!
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C191 Sealing the Passageway!

At the bottom of the Soul Transformation Pool, the lord of Darkmoon City stood vigilantly beside Yu Yuan, as if bracing for a formidable adversary. Her gaze was fixed on Ann Jieshan with wary intensity.

Yu Yuan's consciousness, a mere wisp, slipped from his fleshly vessel and seeped into the depths of the Soul Transformation Pool—a phenomenon Yuan Lianyao perceived with crystal clarity. Despite not being a practitioner of the Yin God Stage, Yu Yuan retained the remarkable ability to move freely even after his Yin God had departed his body.

His mastery of the Soul Forging Technique allowed him to channel a thread of his consciousness into the peculiar dimension at the pool's bottom. This dimension bore a deep connection to the individual who had inscribed the words 'Extreme Wisdom, Extreme Pain.'

Thus, even at the nascent Spirit Accumulating Stage, Yu Yuan could peer into the enigmatic space below, unveiling its myriad mysteries. But once his consciousness had departed, Yu Yuan's true form was left in a state of turmoil, as if bereft of its soul.

Yuan Lianyao harbored concerns that the elder of the Blood God Cult, who had invested a body of flesh, might detect the anomaly and strike Yu Yuan from the shadows. Yet Ann Jieshan remained motionless.

Ann Jieshan, now encased in flesh and blood, had eyes of dark crimson where blood-colored lightning seemed to dance. His gaze was locked onto the pool's depths, seeing far beyond what Yuan Lianyao could perceive.

Within his sight, the Soul Transformation Pool's walls, etched with sword marks, were silently forging a connection with Yu Yuan. The sword marks emitted a covert sword intent, like invisible threads tethered to Yu Yuan's arms, suggesting that with a mere whim, the sword intent could manipulate Yu Yuan's form, transforming his arms into blades to vanquish any alien presence.

Moreover, numerous sword intents, visible to the eye and discernible by spiritual sense and soul energy, hovered and weaved through the air. Alien Soul Demon Spirits, transformed into tendrils of smoke, were being reabsorbed into the pool's foundation.

"Sha! Sha! Sha!" A sudden, peculiar noise arose.

Ann Jieshan's scarlet pupils flared with light and then swiftly dimmed. Meanwhile, the Demonic Tree, brought from the starry heavens by the Golden Elephant Ancient God, was enveloped by the swirling river of sword intent.

"Boom!" The desiccated branches burst forth with a crystalline brilliance. The Demonic Tree, brought from some distant corner of the cosmos by the Golden Elephant Ancient God, writhed as it was entwined by rivers of sword intent.

Leaves, emblazoned with the esoteric patterns of nature's truths, struggled against their fate, becoming tangible and expanding to the size of fields in an instant. Yuan Lianyao's face registered shock as she watched the enormous leaves drift toward the Soul Transformation Pool.

An aura that sent shivers through her very soul emanated from these vast and ominous leaves, hinting at a mysterious colossal tree swaying somewhere in the uncharted depths of the galaxy. This vision flashed through her mind, lasting only a moment.

Then, in the blink of an eye, the heavens were filled with sword intent, weaving into a dazzling river of light that enveloped the Demonic Tree. The leaves, once fluttering gently, now burst apart like colossal stars.

The Demonic Tree's branches scattered a shower of light, like a rain of luminescence descending upon the Soul Transformation Pool. Yet, before it could touch the pool's depths, the light vanished into nothingness.

Dark soul energy surged toward the pool, swiftly penetrating its bottom. "The Demonic Tree has fallen," Zhao Yafu murmured, her face a tapestry of fear and unease. She scanned her surroundings for the elder with the dragon's body and human head, but he was nowhere to be found.

To Zhao Yafu, this elder was an ancient being, as venerable as the Demonic Tree and the ghost ape. The tree's demise seemed to foretell that the relentless sword intent within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area would continue its pursuit. It might not be long before the ghost ape and the elder would meet the same fate as the Demonic Tree.

Time trickled away.

From the distant heavens came a thunderous howl. Zhao Yafu and Ann Jieshan gazed into the distance, witnessing the ghost ape, nearly a hundred meters tall, writhing and trembling in the sky. Sword intent, like luminous streams, wove through its form.

Silver-white blood poured from the ghost ape, seeping into the crevices of the earth. Its Demon Spirit, shredded by the sword intent, was drawn into the depths of the pool, seemingly merging with the enigmatic energies of the Soul Transformation Pool.

The sword intent from numerous Silvermoon Empire cultivators, previously in pursuit of the Alien Soul Demon, suddenly withdrew.

Many strands of sword intent returned to their origin.

Yuan Lianyao also noticed that the ink-colored soul energy had ceased seeping into the depths of the pool.

The ground no longer rippled with spatial disturbances.

She was inwardly astonished.

In the next moment, Yu Yuan, having been adrift in Soul Wandering, snapped back to awareness.

With a jolt, clarity replaced the murkiness in Yu Yuan's eyes.

"Some things are rightfully mine."

A soft cry emanated from an odd monochrome boy, who, in his soul spirit form, emerged from the bottom of the pool and gave Yu Yuan a respectful bow.

Yu Yuan nodded in acknowledgment. "As it should be."

With a grateful smile, the black-and-white boy soared out of the Soul Transformation Pool.

Before long, the Artifact Soul of the Splitting Soul Staff began feasting on the remnants of the ghost ape's shattered Demon Soul, fortifying itself with each wisp of soul consciousness.

"Yu Yuan!"

Yuan Lianyao called out, "That Demonic Tree was destroyed by the sword intent that burst forth from the pool walls. The ghost ape, too, was obliterated by sword intent! What in the world is happening underground?"

"Yu Yuan!"

Zhao Yafu's voice pierced the air with a sharp cry, her tone laced with urgency, "Don't harm that elder!"

At that moment, the figure with a human head atop a dragon's body was ensnared by sword intent, suspended above the Soul Transformation Pool.

The once-imposing dragon man, his body no longer shimmering with golden brilliance, was subdued.

Multiple sword intents flickered menacingly at his back and the base of his skull.

Despite his predicament, the dragon man's grin persisted, "My dear, there's no need for concern on my behalf. I am long dead; my dragon body has been destroyed, leaving only my dragon soul. My blood, refined by Hidden Dragon Lake, will not see life again. I linger in this forsaken place clinging to a faint hope."

"Yet, it seems that hope is nonexistent."

Having come to terms with his fate, the dragon man's demeanor grew increasingly serene after passing on his legacy and unveiling his secrets.

"Should you one day reach the heights required, cleanse Hidden Dragon Lake of its scum for me," he said, his voice tinged with an indelible loathing for the place he mentioned.

"Hidden Dragon Lake!"

Yuan Lianyao gasped in surprise. "Hidden Dragon Lake, the abode of the Dragon Servitors, the human cultivators who serve the Nagas. Shouldn't they be venerating you like a master? How could the cultivators from Hidden Dragon Lake even think to challenge you?"

"You're not dead yet. There's still a chance to refine your dragon form," Zhao Yafu urged with urgency.

The man with the dragon's body shook his head. "It's as hard as reaching the heavens."

"Yu Yuan?" Yuan Lianyao furrowed her brow, glancing at Yu Yuan next to her. A sudden realization struck her, and her face paled as she exclaimed, "This is bad! Su Xiangtian and the remnants of the Empire have returned now that the sword intent has dissipated."

Zhao Yafu of Darkmoon City stood atop the pool, casting a glance over her shoulder.

Ann Jieshan, with eyes a deep crimson, had a glint of bloodlust, as if bracing for conflict.

And sure enough.

As the bulk of the sword intent withdrew and the essence of the Intents of Extreme Wisdom and Pain returned to the depths of the pool, the restless spatial tunnel was quelled.

The purpose of the sword intent lining the pool walls was to ensure the spatial tunnel remained undisturbed.

With no further anomalies below, the sword intent naturally began to recede.

Noticing the sword intent pulling back, Su Xiangtian and others from the distant Silvermoon Empire, who had been lying low, stealthily crept back.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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