Unmatched Dominance/C1912 The Creation of God
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Unmatched Dominance/C1912 The Creation of God
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C1912 The Creation of God

In the vast depths between the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent, there lay a solitary black stone island amidst the expansive ocean. This island brimmed with abundant Yin energy. Recently, Han Qi, who had taken refuge there, was suddenly seized by a shiver that coursed through his body.

"Sect Master."

Using a secret method, Han Qi whispered, and the jade pendant shaped like a lock around his neck emitted a radiant aquamarine glow.

In the span of a single breath, Han Miaoyuan appeared, his brow slightly furrowed. "What's happened?"

"My ghostly form and soul must have perished in the Realm of Demons."

A shadow fell over Han Qi's features. As a Yin God, he had severed all ties with his physical form upon entering the Realm of Demons. He was blind to the actions of his ghostly form within that realm. Yet, should the Yin God perish, he would feel it in his very essence.

Through harrowing trials and with Han Miaoyuan's aid, Han Qi had elevated his Yin God to supreme heights, harboring grand ambitions yet to be realized. Unexpectedly, the ghostly form he had painstakingly refined in the Realm of Demons met an inexplicable end.

He was eager to journey to the Realm of Demons to uncover the cause of his Yin body ghost's demise. However, his current level of cultivation was hardly noteworthy.

"Don't lose heart. You are not like Matina and Wagner; you are one of our own, a human of Hao Ran. Your original body is still alive," Han Miaoyuan reassured him, his voice steady as he clapped Han Qi on the shoulder, urging him to find his composure.

"Ah Qi, as long as the roots of your humanity remain, forging a new Yin God is well within reach. You needn't venture to the Realm of Demons again. Here, in the Horror Land of our Boundless Human Race, I can help you rise once more as a ghostly deity!"

"Youyu, now that the path to divinity has been carved out, we'll simply reclaim what you've lost."

"And there's more..."

"Cao is close to his breakthrough. Once he solidifies his realm and earns the Earth Core's endorsement, he will emerge as the next Dragon Slayer!"

"We have an ample three years at our disposal."

Han Miaoyuan stood undaunted, his spirit unbroken, showing no concern for the future challenges that the Divine Soul Sect might bring.

He even wore a look of eager anticipation.

The decision to relocate the Boundless Human Race en masse to flourish across the Eon Realm was made out of necessity.

Yet, when he sought the will of the Boundless Human Race for guidance, he received not just approval but commendation.

It seemed as though the will of the Boundless Human Race also sensed that the time was right.

The time had come for the Boundless Human Race to venture forth and establish roots in the Eon Realm, to maximize their influence.

With the Boundless Human Race's endorsement, Han Miaoyuan was imbued with tremendous confidence and courage, propelling him to exert his utmost effort to advance this cause.

Now, it wasn't just the lower-ranking members of the various sects who were on the move; even those from the mortal empires who had previously opposed them were given passage by Han Miaoyuan.

Countless mortals, practitioners, sect powers, and vast families boarded the Galaxy Ancient Starships, carrying a wealth of supplies as they migrated to the Stars Realm, safeguarded by the World Barrier.

Before long, the reach and influence of the human race would extend across the cosmos.


In the Demon Realm.

"When you become a ghost god, will you consider re-entering the Origin Realm?"

The robust Andrea nudged Yu Yuan's physical form with her sculpted shoulders.

She casually offered him a juicy root, akin to sugarcane, and with an easygoing demeanor, she gazed at Yu Yuan's Yin God atop the ancient vine, remarking, "You'll thank me later."

Youyu had suffered a severe blow in the Origin Realm. Wagner and Matina, both ghost gods, were deeply ensnared, and one of her Devil Souls was trapped, yet she appeared utterly unconcerned.

She even had the luxury of leisurely nibbling on a spirit plant she had unearthed from the Demon Realm.

Yu Yuan declined the proffered item, showing no interest in any edible produce from the Demon Realm.

Yu Yuan's focus was entirely on the Yin God, currently undergoing refinement by the Undead Ruler. As the Yin God underwent transformation, his soul was interwoven with pale, thread-like soul laws, and his primary soul was assimilating an immense wealth of knowledge.

This knowledge surprisingly overlapped with certain memories within his main soul, indicating that he had already grasped parts of it.

Without a second thought, he knew that the overlapping knowledge originated from the source of the Yin Vein.

Wagner will be aware of Han Qi's demise, but there's no cause for concern. He, Youyu, Wagner, and Matina were never truly part of our circle. Their deaths are inconsequential."

Andrea's excitement surged, her crimson lips curving into an ambitious grin. "The Demon Realm always needs its ghosts and gods. If you're the last one standing, then you'll have dominion over the entire realm."

"That wouldn't be too bad, would it?"

She seemed utterly indifferent to everyone else, Yu Yuan included. Even Matina, with whom she had once been close, didn't weigh on her mind. "My father, you, and I—we, the Divine Soul Sect, are united."

Yu Yuan felt a heavy weight in his heart.

He pondered the fact that a Yin God had uncovered the truth. Through this revelation, the Boundless Human Race of the Abyss had been observed, and by now, Beilstein must also understand the relationship between the human race and the Abyss.

Could things really proceed as Andrea suggested?

Not far away.

"Lord Wagner's ascension to ghosthood was nothing like this."

The Skeleton Horse, its emerald eyes swirling within the green flames, suddenly spoke with a human voice.

"You can talk?" Yu Yiyi exclaimed, astonished.

The Skeleton Horse snorted dismissively. "Obviously."

It kicked its hooves and stood on an outcrop of Dark Mountain, gazing at Yin God Yu, who had descended upon the crown of the ancient vine. "Back in the day, Lord Wagner spent centuries searching for the Essence of Yin Sunflower. That alone took him hundreds of years."

"Refining even a single drop of that liquid in the Grim River took nearly a century."

"Lord Wagner was the first to sense the constraints of his realm. He constructed an altar to reach out to the Undead Ruler, hoping to communicate with the elusive sovereign rumored to dwell in the Demon Realm. He sought to be noticed and acknowledged."

The Skeleton Horse, with a hint of melancholy, watched the ancient vine as it threaded its branches and roots into the blood-yellow Grim River, actively gathering the 'Essence of Yin Sunflower' and the refined liquid to form a mist of Yin energy, purifying Yin God Yu.

"Lady Matina's journey to advancement was fraught with hardship as well."

"Yet when it came to him, everything... seemed to become so effortlessly simple!"

The Skeleton Horse was distinctly displeased.

It was well aware that the formation of a Ghost King within the Realm of Demons was never an easy feat. None had achieved it without enduring severe trials and tribulations, many of which were deliberately orchestrated by the enigmatic Undead Ruler.

The purpose was to test the hearts and potential of the Ghost Kings, to see if they were worthy of being chosen.

Even those who were recognized by it had to toil through centuries, or even eons, of relentless cultivation before they might one day sense its permission.

Only when it, whose movements and traces were elusive, silently consented, would the ghost be allowed to make a breakthrough.

Previously, ghosts had to depend solely on themselves. So why did things seem to change with Yu Yuan?

The Undead Ruler, residing within the ancient vine and deep within the souls of malevolent spirits, seemed determined to forge a ghost for Yu Yuan, regardless of his willingness. This shattered the Skeleton Horse's preconceptions about the creation of Ghost Kings.

It had never witnessed nor heard of a Ghost King being fashioned in such a manner.

Even the mysterious and revered Undead Ruler seemed to have become peculiar.

"Don't take offense at what I'm about to say. Wagner and Matina, their influence is confined to your Demon Area. Beyond its borders, in the vast expanse of the starry sky, they are rather insignificant. If that were not the case, the Undead Ruler lurking in the Boundless Ocean wouldn't have remained absent."

"Heh, I have managed to strangle another Undead Ruler within the Boundless Ocean and strip him of his soul essence."

"And Yu Yuan's influence out there, beyond the heavens, in the Boundless Ocean, is surely stronger than mine!"

Andrea carried herself with an air of superiority.

She gazed at the ancient vine tree without a hint of fear, knowing that the Undead Ruler, bound to the Demon Area by other duties, would likely not be her equal in other starry worlds once outside its domain.

If not for her concern over the cosmic order of Samsara, she would have already reduced that Undead Ruler to ashes. Naturally, she did not share the Skeleton Horse's reverence for an Undead Ruler of equal standing.


Time passed, unmeasured.


Suddenly, a wisp of a remnant soul elegantly emerged from the Shinra Net, startling Yu Yuan, Andrea, and the Undead Ruler alike.


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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