Unmatched Dominance/C1921 He Could See Through the Heavens
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Unmatched Dominance/C1921 He Could See Through the Heavens
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C1921 He Could See Through the Heavens

The Evil God Temple within the Origin Realm had crumbled, leaving only the Origin Realm Gate teetering on the brink of destruction.

Evil Gods, who had descended into the Origin Realm in spirit, were compelled to flee back to the abyss to join the onslaught against Beilstein following his assault.

In the vast Origin Realm, only Extreme Intelligence remained.

The Soul Summoning Flag, crafted from the primal essence, was planted in the last standing Origin Realm Gate, as he endeavored to concentrate all the realm's power.

With Yu Yuan, Andrea, and the three ghostly deities gone, he was stretched too thin to attend to them.

He detected the essence of the origin soul within Yu Yuan, a supreme will of this caliber watching over him, refining Yu Yuan's ghostly soul, and bestowing upon him magical powers surpassing those of Matina and Youyu.

His previous advantage in the skirmish with Yu Yuan was due to the support from the Evil God Temple and the primal essence.

But that advantage was no longer viable.

Abruptly, the dazzling, dreamlike deep sea receded as if pulled by the tide.

The Sea of Hearts, shaped by the heart clam beast and sharing numerous commonalities with the Origin Realm, had once been annexed by the Origin Realm but now, inexplicably, it began to separate once more.

From the fading Sea of Hearts emerged a peculiar "Reincarnation Furnace," dispersing the aura of Yu Yuan.

A look of profound bitterness crossed Extreme Intelligence's face.

"Let it be."

After a brief pause, he shook his head in resignation and lamented, "On one side is Beilstein, on the other, you. We all hail from the abyss; you should have stood with me to exert pressure on Beilstein. But now..."

Confronted with the abyss's peril and Yu Yuan's demands on the Sea of Hearts, he was forced to make a decision.

He resolved to relinquish his claim on the Sea of Hearts.

"If this is how it must be, then the Origin Realm... has no further reason to exist."

In his hand, the Soul Summoning Flag fluttered at the last open Origin Realm Gate. The enigmatic realm, forged by the energy of the Evil God Temple, surged back through the gate.

In Creation Land, the true Evil God Temple, once quivering, now solidified with the collapse of the Origin Realm.

"My lord, I have acquired a piece of the primal essence. My form within the abyss will eventually reach its pinnacle of refinement. The Abyss Gate you protect—I am destined to shatter it one day."

Ji Hu's voice, magnified as if with deliberate intent, echoed in the fading Origin Realm, rising like a sound from the depths of a receding dream sea.

In the next instant, the Origin Realm enveloped his soul, returning him to his human form in the Abyss.

He materialized suddenly at the center of the Evil God Temple.

Intense spatial lightning erupted from his human body, now a conduit of the Origin, unleashing the purest and most violent power of the Abyss, breaking free from the temple's dome.

Ji Hu's power surged in all directions, even as the Great Demon God Beilstein tore through the surrounding darkness.

Beilstein's massive demonic shadow appeared to be frozen in space before shattering with a thunderous explosion.

"Push harder and strive to shatter the Abyss Gate soon. I have great expectations for you."

The Great Demon God's mocking laughter reverberated through the darkness, prompting all the Evil Gods in Creation Land to scour the world for any sign of him.

Alas, their search was in vain.


In the Realm of Nightmares.


Yu Yuan, gripping the Dragon Slash Platform, gazed at the heart stone above and the ethereal Reincarnation Furnace, his brow furrowed. "The Origin Realm has vanished."


Wagner cried out, peering intently at the heart stone, but to no avail.

"The Origin Realm and that temple conjured by Extreme Intelligence must be closely linked."

Andrea, with her striking figure, watched Yu Yuan casting spells through the Dragon Slash Platform, drawing power from the world connected to the abyss.

She was the only one, besides Yu Yuan, who had witnessed the changes in the Origin Realm and had also heard Extreme Intelligence's whispers.

A flicker of devil fire danced within the heart stone.

Deep within the fire, there lingered a beautiful devil figure, as if her devil soul had remained in that world until the disappearance of the Origin Realm.

Andrea beckoned to the flicker of devil fire with a crystalline finger, and the fire swiftly leapt out, merging with her fingertip.

Yu Yuan glanced at her, then removed the heart stone from the Dragon Slash Platform and passed it to Youyu.

"We're nearly there. I've restored most of your power. The portion that Extreme Intelligence has refined, I'm afraid I cannot retrieve."

Youyu accepted the heart stone, his expression stoic.

In that moment, a flood of lost memories and soul techniques were once again branded into his ghostly soul.

The rich Yin energy of this world surged toward him, aiding in the healing of his soul wounds.

Yu Yuan gazed at the ancient vine and proposed in a conversational tone, "Could you repair the imperfections in his body and reforge it for him?"

"Why should it be me?"

The second Undead Ruler responded reluctantly through his soul's voice.

"Because you possess the necessary skills."

Yu Yuan let out a light chuckle as he tossed the Dragon Slash Platform into the air, where his true form caught it.

He swiftly ascended, hovering above the fourteen Grim Rivers, as if surveying the entire Demon Area. He extended his senses to study the workings of this realm.

"I'll remain in the Demon Area. With this ghostly form, I intend to uncover the truth behind the Yin Meridians under Hao Ran's control."

He closed his eyes gently, tuning into the meridians of his body and absorbing an immense wealth of knowledge.

Outside, in the myriad paths of the Undead, the fragmented memories of the foreign races' souls became accessible to him as they entered.

Nearly a hundred paths of the Undead, teeming with millions of souls, had yet to reach the Demon Area.

Even so, the paths of the Undead acted like his informants, allowing Yu Yuan to peruse the life experiences and related memories of every being that entered.

This was a power exclusive to the First Master.

Matina and Wagner, the Ghost Gods of the Demon Area, were once tasked with laying out the paths of the Undead, guiding the souls from various heavens to the Demon Area.

Yet, even they could not access the residual memories of the souls within the paths they had laid out—after all, they were merely Ghost Gods.

The souls of the Boundless Human Race began to traverse the path of the Undead, originally forged at the source of the Yin Meridians. Without leaving his ghostly body in the Demon Area, Yu Yuan learned much from the lingering memories of these souls.

Han Miaoyuan was rallying the beings of the Boundless Great World, establishing a foothold in the starry skies they had conquered. The Galaxy Ancient Starships, acquired from alien races, now served as vessels for the human race.

All the great empires of mortals, whether allied with Han Miaoyuan or not, were granted permission to depart from the Boundless Great World.

Many practitioners from various sects, even those from the Silver Moon Sect and the Babel Chamber of Commerce, who were clearly aligned with the Divine Soul Sect, were no longer impeded by Han Miaoyuan. The vast boundary wall of the Boundless Great World was strictly monitored by Lin Daoke and Han Miaoyuan, who permitted exit but restricted entry. It appeared they were vigilant against the Demon Phoenix and Taishi, as well as their own stealthy return.

The paths of the dead that stretched across the cosmos seemed to have become the soul's pathways for his ghostly form. He and the Yang God, protector of the Abyss Gate, could communicate effortlessly. This implied that even after his true form ventured out, he could still seamlessly interact with the ghostly deities of the Demon Realm.

Shortly thereafter, with a whoosh, Andrea and Yu Yiyi, clutching the Evil Cauldron, materialized on the Shinra Net atop the now smooth and polished Dragon Slash Platform. Yu Yuan's true form, commanding the platform, departed from the Demon Realm. Youyu, along with his ghostly form, chose to remain for the time being. In the Demon Realm, he continued to assimilate the memories bequeathed by the source of Yin, searching for the truth related to the Boundless Ocean.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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