Unmatched Dominance/C1935 It Likes to Eat Meat
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Unmatched Dominance/C1935 It Likes to Eat Meat
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C1935 It Likes to Eat Meat

A menacing glare flashed deep within the Chaos Roc's dual-colored eyes as it snarled and let out a monstrous howl. Its reputation in this world was far from stellar. The countless alien beasts, Bloodline warriors, human cultivators, and Demon Kings it had shredded to pieces were beyond its recollection. Yet, when it came to vanquishing foes, the Chaos Roc was always swift and decisive, ending confrontations with a single, lethal bite.

In stark contrast, the greyhound, clutching half of a mixed-blood child's heart from the old lizard lineage, was engaging in acts of humiliation and revulsion that the Chaos Roc could never bring itself to commit. Such behavior was beneath it.

Thump! Thump! Thump! The rhythmic beating of the old lizard's heart echoed like a stampede of beasts across the plains, the creases on its forehead rising like hills. It dawned on the Chaos Roc that this foreign greyhound intended to provoke the old lizard into revealing its true form as a Starry Behemoth, triggering a berserk transformation.

Starry Behemoths like itself and the old lizard, once berserk, would gain immense strength, their bodies becoming more resilient and impervious to pain. Their bloodline's mysteries would enhance to some extent. However, the consequences were dire: a loss of reason, a muddled beast soul, and an inability to think clearly.

Should the old lizard succumb to fury and the tragic loss of its offspring, entering a berserk state, escape would be impossible. A bloody battle to the end would be inevitable, ending either with the demise of the six Beast Gods or with the Chaos Roc itself torn apart by the Desolate Realm's Beast Gods. Just as its bloodline descendants had suffered, the greyhound and the Eagle God would feast upon its entrails and greedily drink its blood.

"Perhaps you should take a moment to cool off?" Yu Yuan suggested, noting the Chaos Roc teetering on the brink of madness, and called out in an attempt to defuse the situation.

Yu Yuan, positioned atop the Dragon Slash Platform and intent on constructing the Galaxy Crossing, felt repulsed by the greyhound's actions. In the ancient tongue of the Demon Clan, he remarked, "To think a mere mongrel from the Desolate Realm could ascend to the rank of Beast God."

"A mongrel?" The greyhound's eyes, reminiscent of a blood-red crescent moon, swiveled briefly before it turned to face Yu Yuan.

Seven globs of sticky, dark red blood, ablaze with flames, descended upon Yu Yuan on the Dragon Slash Platform.

The foul-smelling, flame-wrapped goo was potent enough to corrode both flesh and vitality, and it reeked of sulfur.

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and discerned within the depths of the sticky blood seven fiery pools ablaze.

These were artifacts from another world.

"There are still wonders to be found in the Desolate Realm."

With a frown, Yu Yuan shook his head, first ushering the Chaos Roc off the Dragon Slash Platform, then transforming the platform, as radiant as a prism, into a lengthy, sharp blade.

Immersed in a golden glow, the Dragon Slash Platform didn't wait for the sticky blood to approach before striking.


Seven beams of golden light, reminiscent of a celestial river, streaked across like lightning, the surrounding void appearing to be locked by a Space-time Ban. The sticky blood and the flame pools within were all perforated by the dazzling golden radiance.

The corrosive substance transformed into chunks of filthy remnants, which fell to the ground in a heap.

"Shrouded Tower!"

The Eagle God, hovering like a streak of silver lightning, released a dark iron tower from its beak. Constructed from numerous blackened chains, the tower bore the rust and ancient marks of many years.


The black iron tower, ignited by the Eagle God's bloodline lightning, enveloped Yu Yuan and the Dragon Slash Platform beneath its hollow base.


The void within the Shrouded Tower solidified into a pool of silver lightning, with tiny bolts darting through it like fish.

"Space Restriction."

The Eagle God's icy gaze fixed on Yu Yuan and the Dragon Slash Platform, rendering their section of space incapable of instantaneous movement.

The void was temporarily sealed.

Yu Yuan's intention to transform the Dragon Slash Platform into a Galaxy Crossing, facilitating the entry of formidable allies arranged by Zhong Chichen, was thwarted by the emergence of the Shrouded Tower.

"I knew something was amiss."

From a great distance, the Beast God, hastening towards them, called out, "It's a good thing Soderis brought the Shrouded Tower. With this demonic edifice, even the faintest spatial fluctuations in the Silver Starfield are nullified. As for you, Deep Sky Lizard, the price for your spatial translocation must be paid. You can no longer employ it."

The Tenth Level Celestial Star Beast emerged with a commanding presence in the Demon Phoenix territory. Clutching a grievously wounded Deep Sea Basilisk, it would occasionally shove the slightly smaller creature into its mouth, tearing and chewing as if savoring a piece of sugarcane.

"I had already deduced your abilities through the fresh blood in its heart while feasting on your offspring," the Celestial Star Beast taunted the elder lizard from a distance. "Your mastery of spatial power is lacking. You can't evade the Shrouded Tower's suppression. Why not surrender peacefully and let us consume you?"

The leader of the inaugural group of Beast Gods then turned its attention to the Chaos Roc.

"Two!" it exclaimed in excitement. They had deployed six Beast Gods to trap the Deep Sky Lizard, fearing they might not have enough to go around.

To their surprise, they had lured two significant catches! With the addition of the Chaos Roc, dividing the spoils among the six of them would be much easier. It also noticed the unique and wondrous bloodlines of the Abyss Goanna and the Chaos Roc.

Yu Yuan, who was trapped within the Shrouded Tower, was dismissed outright. Being human, he wielded the Dragon Slash Platform, which primarily channeled spiritual energy, revealing no overwhelming blood power.

They had done their homework before arriving. Their king had educated them on the knowledge of this world, including the existence of the Demon Phoenix's homeland in the vast ocean, inhabited by a unique group of humans. Humans didn't rely on physical strength or bloodlines; instead, they harnessed a force called spiritual energy within their bodies and were versed in the secret arts of the soul.

Humans were certainly a formidable threat in their eyes, yet their naturally frail bodies did not make them appealing prey. The effort to hunt and consume them offered minimal gain.

"Father..." The Eighth Level Deep Sea Basilisk, still alive and in the clutches of the Eagle God Soderis, let out a mournful cry.

A youngling, left with only its head and a few limbs, desperately called out from the distant cosmos, "Run! They're too numerous. Forget about me and save yourself!"

The young beast, which had pinned its hopes on the elder lizard and had previously defied the Eagle God, now felt the sting of regret.

Regretting its decision to call for help through its bloodline, the creature lamented its mistake.

"You seem to have found your answer," Eagle God Soderis chuckled. "You've managed to deceive him into coming here, and you've even brought a Starry Behemoth along. I had intended to devour you immediately, as you've become worthless to me."

"However, since you've provided me with an unexpected delight, and considering an Eighth Level bloodline barely suffices to pick my teeth... I shall grant you the privilege of witnessing your father's demise!" With that, Soderis flung the limbless Eighth Level juvenile beast into the void of space, confining it within a makeshift birdcage crafted from a handful of branches.

"Yu Yuan!" The deep voice of the old lizard resonated.

"I am present," Yu Yuan responded.

"Later on, I won't be able to spare a thought for that unfortunate child. If you can, please attempt to rescue him. He is the last bloodline descendant within my perception," the old lizard spoke with a forlorn tone.

"I will exert every effort," Yu Yuan assured him earnestly.

"Thank you." The elder of the Silver Scale Clan inclined his body slightly in gratitude towards Yu Yuan. As he straightened up, the last of the Starry Behemoths from an era shared with Titans, Spinosauruses, and the Secular Bird Queen, succumbed entirely to a frenzied rage.

His frenzy was unlike that of the Chaos Roc, reaching what seemed to be a higher plane. The force of his rage, infused with the chaotic and violent power of the abyss, was a perfect match for his berserk state.

With a roar, his colossal form manifested, and the ground beneath could not bear the strain, fracturing apart. The starry sky nearby erupted in a series of explosions.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The blood-red hounds encircling him burst into clouds of blood mist, being too close when the old lizard's size surged, filling the land with his presence.

In an instant, entire packs of Eighth and Ninth Level Greyhounds were obliterated without so much as a whimper.

The old lizard expelled a mixture of mud, magma, and the abyss's power, along with his own potent beast blood, submerging the bewildered Greyhounds.

The Greyhounds floundered helplessly in the sea of mud, their movements severely hindered.

"Do you fancy meat?" the old lizard queried as his claw plunged into the muddy expanse, seizing a Greyhound's leg.

With a sudden, fierce tear, a dog leg resembling a twisted mountain range, shrouded in murky mud, was violently ripped from the greyhound's frame.

The greyhound let out a pained howl.

"Do you enjoy meat that much?"

In a frenzied state, the old lizard clamped down on the greyhound's leg, spattering blood and mud in all directions.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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