Unmatched Dominance/C1942 The Sowing(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1942 The Sowing(1)
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C1942 The Sowing(1)

The Shrouded Tower and the belt appeared to be designed to unite at a precise moment. Both artifacts, originating from the Desolate Realm and imbued with the blood energy of the King, merged seamlessly at Nors's whispered entreaty, overcoming the barrier of space.

The black jade altar holding the belt took on an eerie red and black hue, as if it were drawing the blood energy from within the belt, concentrating the diverse blood energies Nors had collected.

Suddenly, a series of stunning divine rainbows cascaded from the Shrouded Tower, suspended high above. Shades of orange, light green, white gold, and deep purple—hundreds of differently colored beams, like resplendent waterfalls, sparkled and captivated the eye, each hiding a divine melody.

Within each divine ray, one could discern innumerable tiny crystals, shimmering like fragmented stars. Upon closer examination, it became evident that each crystal encapsulated the evolutionary process of a Bloodline Secret Technique, the complete framework of a divine ability, the full cycle of a race's birth and demise, or the prosperity and decline of an entire nation.

The divine rainbows, cascading like waterfalls, formed a cylindrical veil, subtly encasing the area where the old lizard resided. The lizard, driven to frenzy, had unleashed its innate bloodline talent, bringing forth the abyssal power it had absorbed and contemplated, using itself as the cornerstone to forge an anomalous Chaos Abyss.

The insatiable Chaos Abyss, with its ability to warp the magnetic fields of all things, compelled every object to gravitate towards it. The bones, flesh, and even the brains of those below the rank of Beast God were mercilessly compressed by this distortion.

Before they could draw near, before they could truly enter the magnetic field of the Chaos Abyss, they were on the verge of bursting.

The Rat God, Nors, and the Eagle God, Soderis, attempted to connect through blood and soul, only to find their senses scrambled by the wildly turbulent magnetic field.

Nors had no choice but to resort to this tactic.

As the hundreds of divine rainbows fell from the Shrouded Tower, forming an enchanting ring-shaped conduit that enveloped the old lizard and the Chaos Abyss, the Bloodline Secret Techniques within each rainbow seemed to transform into invisible chains of blood.

These hundreds of blood chains, each with a hook-like end, shot towards the agitated old lizard, piercing his white-golden scales, abdomen, and tail. The restless creature was suddenly bound by the chains emanating from the divine rainbows, its movements abruptly constrained.

Yu Yuan squinted slightly and inched closer to the old lizard. He noticed that the resplendent blood chains shooting out from the Element Cage bore a striking resemblance to the Asura Clan's secret arts, yet they possessed an even more extraordinary mystique.

His eyes and soul elusive, it was only by harnessing the blood of the Yang God that he could detect the barbed power within the chains, which likely held the might of the Desolate Realm's King.

The King of the Desolate Realm, whose strength rivaled that of the Titan Spinosaurus, had never tasted death. An otherworldly force to be reckoned with, feared even by the Demon Phoenix, it was a colossus from another realm. A fragment of its power, channeled through the Shrouded Tower and a belt, had indeed disrupted the gravitational magnetic field of the Chaos Abyss, ensnaring the old lizard temporarily.

"Just as I thought," Nors exhaled in relief. As the diminutive Beast God, he had, at some point, perched atop a feather of the Eagle God, Soderis, and spoke with a hint of excitement, "The Starry Behemoth is truly formidable. This creature, known as the Deep Sky Lizard, is even mentioned in our king's annals."

"My king, while I have not encountered the true Starry Behemoth or slain them to harvest their blood, my vigil over the Origin Realm has informed me of their presence through the words of some in this world."

He paused briefly.

"The Titan Spinosaurus, the Secular Bird, the Dark Beast, the Deep Sky Lizard... this being once ranked among the top five, perhaps even the top three, of the Giant Beasts."

Nors rubbed his hands together, his icy eyes gleaming with a ravenous light.

With a roar, the bound old lizard thrashed wildly, his pupils slowly clearing. Trapped and oppressed by the Shrouded Tower, pierced by the blood chains, he was nearly immobilized. The excruciating pain seemed to awaken his dormant bloodline, the key to reclaiming his true self.

Unable to overcome his foes or break free from the prolonged constraints even in his Berserk state, it was clear that brute force would not suffice. It was time to adopt a calm and calculated approach, to view the vexing issue from a different perspective.

After slaying the Greyhound, he had nearly exterminated all the low-rank Bloodline Keepers, including those of the Silver Eagle, Celestial Star Beast, and Wind Spirit Beast. Following this frenzied slaughter, the old lizard was also in the process of recuperating.


Next to the Shrouded Tower, Yu Yuan materialized silently, observing the Deep Sky Lizard as it slowly regained consciousness.

He had intended to intervene, but seeing the lizard coming to, he refrained from taking immediate action.

The Deep Sky Lizard, in its berserk state, seemed to lose all sense of kinship, attacking any living being within its perception, save for those with whom it shared a blood connection.

That included Yu Yuan.

A completely irrational Deep Sky Lizard was beyond communication, which was not the outcome Yu Yuan had hoped for.

"In your invasion of the Silver Starfield, there are six Beast Gods among you. The Celestial Star Beast God... it's a collector of star maps, capable of branding the star charts of nearby starfields into its bloodline," Yu Yuan said, not rushing to make a move as he waited for the lizard to fully awaken.

"Your king has long coveted our world, and this incursion surely extends beyond the Perish Starfield. The Celestial Star Beast God will gradually incorporate the boundless starfields of the Origin Realm into the tapestry of its bloodline."

Within the Tenth Level Celestial Star Beast God, there were mysteries akin to those of the ground beetle in its bloodline. When Yu Yuan first attuned to it, he discovered a miniature star chart within the heart of the Celestial Star Beast God, including territories like the previously dominated regions by the Demon Phoenix, the Perish Starfield, and the Silver Starfield, as well as two incomplete starfield maps it had surveyed.

"Nors, as the collector of bloodlines, your role is even more crucial and significant," he remarked, turning to face the Rat God, whose beady green eyes glinted coldly beneath his intentional beard.

"The Greyhound, with Soderis at the helm of slaughter, commands his forces to consume flesh and blood, serving as your warrior. Indeed, your kind possesses advanced intelligence; each Beast God team is uniquely composed with its own remarkable capabilities," Yu Yuan deduced from his observations.

Meanwhile, the Deep Sky Lizard, having regained its senses and transformed its surroundings into a murky quagmire, felt the blood chains embedded in its flesh.

The instant the Deep Sky Lizard regained consciousness, it began to devise a plan for escape.


Upon observing the Starry Behemoth's awakening, the tumultuous and disordered pulsations within its heart and bloodline ceased.

Nors promptly declared, "It's done!"

The barbed blood chains, imbued with the power of that otherworldly king, were no longer confined to restraining the Deep Sky Lizard.

Each barb, as if transformed into voracious blood leeches, began to drain the blood from within the Starry Behemoth, intent on extracting every ounce of vitality from the Deep Sky Lizard.

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