Unmatched Dominance/C1945 The Devil Soul's Continuous Transfer(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C1945 The Devil Soul's Continuous Transfer(1)
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C1945 The Devil Soul's Continuous Transfer(1)

In the Yellow Moon Starfield, a dim yellow crescent moon served as the emblem of this celestial domain. The stars, sparse and scattered, clung close to the yellow moon, immersed in its eerie glow. With no sun to speak of, the yellow moon was the sole beacon of light for the inhabitants, among whom were members of the Banshee Clan.

When three battered Galaxy Ancient Starships from the Silver Starfield suddenly entered the Yellow Moon Starfield, the Banshee Clan members were promptly alerted. They quickly arrived to investigate. They learned that the newcomers had encountered a swarm of rats near the Silver Starfield, which left the Banshee Clan members astounded and eager for more details.

Among the Banshee Clan members questioning Qi Lingyu was a slender, quiet banshee whose emerald eyes underwent a startling transformation, taking on the hue of purple crystal. Moments later, a Devil Soul manifested, crossing the vast expanse of the Starfield.

Under the watchful eyes of the Banshee Clan's powerhouses, as well as Qi Lingyu and Tan Yuan, this unassuming banshee approached Qi Lingyu and inquired, "Did you just mention that two Yang Gods from your company have returned to the Silver Starfield to investigate the situation?"

She posed the question with a detached air, her demeanor that of someone accustomed to command, addressing Qi Lingyu, who possessed the early Unrestrained Stage cultivation.

An elder banshee of the Ninth Level bloodline, standing beside her, gasped in shock and chided, "Ai Li!"

The petite banshee, unfazed by the reprimand, curled her lips into a wry smile and introduced herself to Qi Lingyu, "I am Andrea of the Divine Soul Sect, known to the outside world as Shehun."

The revelation left all the Banshee Clan members dumbfounded. Tan Yuan, Yu Ying, and many from the Silver Scale Clan were equally incredulous.

After a moment's contemplation, Qi Lingyu respectfully invited her in, "Please, this way." She escorted the banshee, known as Ai Li but possessed by Andrea's Devil Soul, into the ship's cabin. Deep within the protective layers of spiritual light screens, she located the true physical forms of Zheng Luanjie and Qin Yan.

"We've lost our connection. Once we left the Silver Starfield and entered the Yellow Moon Starfield, we could no longer sense the Yang Gods," Zheng Luanjie, aware of Qi Lingyu's intentions, confided from within the radiant enclosure of light screens. He remained seated, cautious not to leave for fear that his corporeal form might become tainted by the strange energies of the cosmos, and he prudently shared his experiences.

Qin Yan, seated beside him, shook her head with a look of distress. "My level is even lower, so it's natural that I feel nothing."

"Are you two leaving your physical forms here while your Yang Gods are in the Silver Starfield?" inquired Ai Li, her purple eyes curious.

"Who is she?" Zheng Luanjie asked.

Without suspicion, Qin Yan confirmed, "Yes."

"I apologize for the intrusion, given the urgency of the situation."

Ai Li approached Qin Yan's physical form, her delicate face adorned with an innocuous smile. As Qin Yan looked on in bewilderment, Ai Li gently tapped her forehead.

The purple hue in Ai Li's eyes receded, while Qin Yan's eyes took on a crystalline purple sheen.

The transfer of the Devil Soul was complete, albeit brief.

"Thank you," was all Qin Yan said as her purple eyes flickered momentarily before reverting to their original black, as if the event had never occurred.

Both Ai Li and Qin Yan exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of what to make of the situation.

The elder of the Banshee Clan, a Ninth Level bloodline holder who had accompanied them, witnessed the peculiar event. He observed the Devil Soul's journey from Ai Li to Qin Yan, and its subsequent vanishing, seemingly grasping the nature of the occurrence.

"We should await further news."

"If this individual has been disturbed, then surely significant events are unfolding in the Silver Starfield."

"It's a shame we can't witness it."

"Sometimes, not seeing might be for the best."

The group engaged in animated discussion.


"Well, it appears there's no need to establish a Galaxy Crossing."

Millions of miles away, Qin Yan, who had been standing beside Zheng Luanjie with an expression of dread upon uttering "Yu Yuan," suddenly changed her demeanor.

She disdainfully shook off Zheng Luanjie's hand.

Zheng Luanjie, puzzled, looked at her. Noting her eyes had turned a deep purple, he exclaimed in alarm, "Yan'er, what's happened to you? Who is this?"

He feared an alien beast had silently afflicted Qin Yan with its mysterious power.

"There's no need for alarm. I am Andrea from the Divine Soul Sect. As for you, you may address me as... Lord Shehun."

She first responded tersely, then continued with a serene detachment, "This woman's soul is unharmed; I've merely set it aside for now. Once I depart, she will return to her unscathed state."

"Lord Shehun!"

Upon realizing that the newcomer was the formidable individual who had suppressed the source of the Yin Meridians in Horror Land, Zheng Luanjie, a high-ranking member of the chamber of commerce, dared not make any careless moves.

"You must have noticed the turmoil in the Silver Starfield. Six Beast Gods from another realm are wreaking havoc here." Shehun observed the situation and was reassured to find it more under control than anticipated.

She even took her time to converse with Zheng Luanjie.

As she spoke, the purple in her pupils deepened, and the gem-like Yang God body she inhabited seemed to be refined and adjusted by her touch.

The body slowly took on the hue of purple crystal, with the enigmatic power of the soul supplanting Qin Yan's spiritual power and soul force.

"This dark tower isn't as fearsome as it appears. It only seals and affects physical objects and flesh-and-blood creatures from the outside, those that enter through spatial power. Yet, the transmission of souls and the link of blood energy remain unaffected."

She gazed at the Shrouded Tower and also noted that Yu Yuan's Dragon Slash Platform had transformed into Crimson Prisma.

She quickly deduced that the peculiar tower from the Desolate Realm didn't completely seal off the Starfield's space.

She was able to transfer her soul power here, just as Yu Yuan could gather the Yang God's power through the Dragon Slash Platform.

"Return to the Huang Yue Starfield. I've got this covered."

She opened her hands, watching the convergence of soul and devil power within her palms, speaking to herself without glancing at Zheng Luanjie, "I'm going to hunt down that Silver Eagle soon. It'll be too cumbersome to have you around. Oh, and if I happen to damage this woman's Yang God body, you can seek compensation from the Divine Soul Sect."

"Before I arrived, I saw her and your true form inside the Galaxy Ancient Starship. If the Yang God is destroyed, you can simply forge a new one using higher-grade spiritual materials and precious prisma."

"Don't worry, the Divine Soul Sect can handle the cost."

Finding him to be a nuisance, she bluntly urged Zheng Luanjie to leave quickly.

"In that case, perhaps you should compensate me with an additional Yang God," Zheng Luanjie retorted.

Andrea's gaze finally shifted from her hand, and she looked at Zheng Luanjie with a hint of surprise. "What are you implying?"

"I'm not going anywhere. If my Yang God is destroyed here, I expect the Divine Soul Sect to provide compensation," Zheng Luanjie declared.

Andrea chuckled, nodding as she did so. "Even though, without using the Devil Soul to possess her, you two would likely perish, I can't help but admire your resolve. Very well, if your Yang Gods are shattered here, I'll take note of it and ensure that the Divine Soul Sect compensates you afterward."

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