Unmatched Dominance/C1954 The Undying Desolate God
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Unmatched Dominance/C1954 The Undying Desolate God
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C1954 The Undying Desolate God

Dense demonic clouds billowed from Andrea's shadowy form, shrouding the void between her and Yu Yuan.

Within the depths of the dark purple clouds, lightning flashed and thunder roared. Slender strands of purple lightning darted about, seemingly capable of snuffing out thoughts and preventing their spread.

Her spectral form, identical in appearance to her physical body, now unusually betrayed a sense of anxiety.

She urged Yu Yuan not to overthink, yet she remained vigilant, fearing any information might slip through.


A fragment of Qin Yan's Yang God, flickering with purple demonic energy, propelled the crystal shard forward from where she conversed with Yu Yuan.

It sped directly toward the Silver Starfield.

Qin Yan's Yang God was shattered, but her soul was intact, making the reformation of the Yang God relatively straightforward.

"It... will know your thoughts."

After completing these actions, Andrea finally allowed herself a slight sigh of relief, though her face remained grave. "You are nowhere near capable of shielding your thoughts from being detected. Not just you—I'm not quite there either. That's why we must be cautious when we speak."

Yu Yuan's face subtly shifted.

His thoughts had lingered on whether, given the fire phoenix from the Desolate Realm could potentially refine the Geocentric Fire, Tan Xiaotian might merge with the source of darkness in the abyss.

Could he, then, refine the Origin Blood?

What about the Origin Soul and the Origin Soul from the Demon Realm—could they be refined?

The Yang God was linked to the Origin Blood, and his unascended main soul and Origin Soul were deeply intertwined. His Yin God had been favored by the Origin Soul, receiving a portion of the Undead Ruler's secrets.

Yet, he was still merely a piece in the game.

Even as the King of Desolate Realm, like the ancient spinosaurus who had unraveled all the mysteries of the Origin Realm's blood and ascended to the Eleventh Level, he remained a mouthpiece for the Origin Blood.

In less flattering terms, a puppet.

"A primary origin spirit still has the potential for refinement. Once entities like the Origin Blood and Origin Soul evolve to a sufficient height, becoming beings that transcend a world, they are no longer..."

Andrea pondered, "Even my father hasn't found a way."

At her words, Yu Yuan felt a sudden stir within him.

The Great Demon God Beilstein, aware of the true nature of the Origin Spirit and having reached the power of the Eleventh Level, must have also considered the Origin Soul in relation to the Geocentric Fire.

Yet, it seemed he too was at a loss on how to proceed.

The Origin Soul, along with Origin Blood and Origin Spirit, far surpasses both the Geocentric Fire and the most extreme cold.

While there might be a way to refine a primary origin spirit, no definitive method exists for refining a higher-level origin spirit.

"In essence, a certain cosmic principle dictates that only after an origin spirit has been nurtured can a being surpass the Eleventh Level. An origin spirit isn't a creature of flesh and blood; think of it as a conglomeration of cosmic laws, yet with its own independent will. Origin spirits are natural creations, the physical manifestation of these laws."

"Origin spirits exist to some extent in every world."

"A high-level origin spirit can create an Eleventh Level representative. However, a primary origin spirit doesn't seem to possess this capability. It can only form an Eleventh Level existence when combined with a living being."

"It's exactly as you're thinking—refined by the likes of the fire phoenix and beings such as Tan Xiaotian."

"As for the secrets of the origin spirit, you should ask my father when he returns from the abyss. Even I don't know much."

While she spoke, the souls of the Tenth Level Earth Rift Beast God and the white ape had been utterly consumed by flames.

Andrea's shadowy form grew incredibly dense.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two more shadows, like twin flames of demonic fire, suddenly emerged within the minds of the Earth Rift Beast God and the white ape.

The deceased Earth Rift Beast God and the white ape began to stir sluggishly back to life.

She had employed the Outland Devaputra's Devil Soul Possession Secret Arts—first absorbing the souls of the two Beast Gods to bolster her own shadowy presence, then dispatching two Devil Souls to inhabit and claim the bodies of the Beast Gods.

"For now, let's set aside the topic of the origin spirit."

Andrea chuckled lightly, flanked by the two towering Beast Gods. "Beast Gods make for decent puppets. I could have transformed them into demonic bodies, but..."

The spoils of war belong to our Divine Soul Sect. The two dragons that willingly sacrificed their Origin Souls are also in dire need of substantial flesh and blood essence. I'll consider it a gift and present them to Loong Jie and Zhong Chichen."

The two Beast Gods, one on each side, set off toward the Silver Starfield.

"Driven by my Devil Soul, they will venture to the Huang Yue Starfield of the Banshee Clan. At my behest, Rebecca has constructed a Galaxy Crossing there. The individuals from the Perish Starfield will gradually make their way to the Huang Yue Starfield to learn about the conflict between the Silver Starfield and the Mensah Starfield."

The two deceased Beast Gods slowly drifted away.

A Flamingo, not yet fully dead, became another devilish vessel for Andrea, permeated by her concentrated Devil Soul.

The Ninth Level Flamingo, upon the infusion of her Devil Soul, suddenly gained a pair of purple eyes.

"We should visit the sanctuary of the Demon Phoenix. Let's see if more Beast Gods have reached the other two barriers connecting to the Desolate Realm."

The Flamingo unfurled its wings, ready to take flight.

Yu Yuan maneuvered the Dragon Slash Platform to one of the Flamingo's expansive wings, attempting to settle there.


The Flamingo, under Andrea's possession, shook its wings, evading Yu Yuan and the descending Dragon Slash Platform, and spoke with dissatisfaction, "You have hands and feet. Just fly over with me."

Yu Yuan was taken aback, his expression slightly odd.

"What? The Flamingo is under my possession. Did you think you could just land on it because it's not my body?" Andrea huffed, "As long as my soul is present, it is me! I am not your steed!"


The Flamingo darted off like a shot arrow.


The Deep Starfield lay in silence and desolation.

This forsaken, desolate place, long ignored by all, had not a hint of Galaxy Extraordinary Talent in its core.

At the fringes, the Galaxy Extraordinary Talent from neighboring Starfields slowly began to stretch back in.

Yet, to return to its former state, to once again shine with stars and nurture life, would take eons.

In the depths of the Deep Starfield, there was no light, no sound, no breeze—just an expanse of perfect stillness.

The Desolate God, puffing on his dry pipe, wore a somber expression as he awaited the inevitable embrace of death. He could sense the significant decline of his vitality and the gradual desiccation of his life's magnetic field. He had ventured to the Deep Starfield because of its proximity to the Dark Wing Starfield.

Yet, his final sliver of hope had been dashed.

Time was slipping through his fingers; not enough to make it to the Dark Wing Starfield, not enough to meet the Supreme Demon Phoenix, and certainly not enough to plead for a chance at survival. His Origin Soul remained, but even the vastness of that Origin Soul couldn't solve the riddle of his immortality.

Separated from his Origin Soul, he would perish instantly.

With the Origin Soul still nestled in his heart, he was at the brink of life's end. Without a new breakthrough, death was inevitable.

He could feel it; old age was about to claim him.

He would not live to see the day when Yu Yuan's Yang God descended into the heart of the vast ocean, nor would he witness the fulfillment of the promise given by the Origin Soul.


Old Ape was filled with a deep sense of melancholy, occasionally clutching at his chest, feeling the Origin Soul that had not yet departed, as if it too was waiting for his demise. Once his death was certain, the Origin Soul would leave, returning to the depths of the vast ocean's core.

A new supreme being would emerge, perhaps a human champion or a new Demon God, but it would no longer be him. His life was drawing to a close.

"After all, it has been futile."

Old Ape continued to draw on his pipe, his face etched with a despair greater than resignation, realizing that his lifelong pursuits and desires paled in comparison to the Demon Phoenix, amounting to nothing more than a fruitless endeavor.

The Demon Phoenix was the embodiment of true immortality.



A pitch-black pagoda materialized in the desolate silence of the Deep Starfield, an iron tower forged from numerous dark chains, radiating a mysterious and bizarre blood energy magnetic field.

Atop the black jade altar beneath the tower, a snow-white python coiled majestically.

"Vast Ocean, Desolate God, Ape," the white python uttered in the ancient tongue of the Demon Race. Its proud head bowed gently, eyes reflecting a glint of reverence. "This is a token from our king, specially entrusted to me to deliver to you."

An exquisite cold crystal box soared from the black jade altar before the white python, coming to a halt before the Old Ape.

"It's quite the coincidence. I hail from the Desolate Realm, and our King... shares your lineage. You have his blood coursing through your veins," the white python stated gravely.

The Old Ape, his heart heavy with despair, glanced at the box and noticed a single drop of blood within the transparent container.

The box remained unopened, and the drop of blood showed no signs of peculiarity.

Yet this white python...

"Are you also a Demon God?"

The Old Ape steadied his emotions and scrutinized the unfamiliar white python. "Aside from Hao Yun, no creature in this world has been born with a Tenth Level bloodline."

He scoffed with contempt, "Your King claims that I carry his bloodline? Ha, what rank does your King hold? In this world, I've yet to encounter an ape with a bloodline more ancient than mine!"

"Our King is of the Eleventh Level," the white python replied earnestly.

The Desolate God was taken aback by the term 'Eleventh Level,' his demeanor instantly turning grave. "Eleventh Level? Are there alien beasts in this world with bloodlines that reach such a level?"

"Not from this world. I come from your place of origin. As I've said, I am from the Desolate Realm. There, the number of Tenth Level Beast Gods like myself has long since surpassed one hundred."

"Moreover, Beast Gods who gain the favor of my King are bestowed with eternal life."

The white python's pale eyes fixed on the cold crystal box as it spoke, "The gift from my King is the key to immortality. It hopes you will accept it."

"Eternal life!"

The very thing the Desolate God had sought all his life was now laid before him, reigniting the fervor in his Demon Heart.

And in that moment.

The essence that constantly clouded his mind, driving his primal instincts, stirred once more.

"Consume it," the white python implored solemnly. "Integrate it into your beast heart, and you will maintain the strength of a Tenth Level Beast God without any external aids, and in doing so, achieve everlasting life."

With a violent rip, the heart of the Desolate God suddenly burst open, unleashing a pain as if it were being slashed by a thousand knives.


The white python urgently cried out.

Sensing impending doom, the Desolate God wasted no time and immediately lifted the lid of the box.

A drop of blood, radiating an infinite crimson glow that defied description, like a miniature blood-red star, was devoured by the Old Ape. It instantly fused with his heart.


The Old Ape manifested his Demon God form, a colossal ape towering thousands of feet high, with dense fur swirling in a fierce sea of blood.

This stellar drop of blood acted as a sedative within the heart of the Old Ape, quelling all of his turmoil and madness, and healing the wounds within his heart.

The Origin Soul, realizing the futility of its efforts, decisively retreated from the depths of the Boundless Great World.


The Origin Soul vanished. Under the white python's peculiar gaze, it soared away, following its predetermined path toward the Boundless Great World.

The Old Ape was not dead. In this transformed, empty land, he was engaged in the reforging of his Bloodline Crystal Chain.

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