Unmatched Dominance/C1955 Provoking the Desolate Realm
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Unmatched Dominance/C1955 Provoking the Desolate Realm
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C1955 Provoking the Desolate Realm

The vast expanse of Hao Ran encompassed three continents, an immense ocean, and a myriad of islands, all shrouded in an unprecedented desolation.

The imperial city, once teeming with life, now stood deserted. Its streets were eerily silent, resembling a realm of the dead.

The surrounding towns and fields were equally abandoned.

On the Heavenly Source Continent and the Quietus Continent, only the elite cultivation sects remained active, inhabited by formidable Unrestrained Stage cultivators.

The world appeared to have flipped on its head. Mortals and lesser cultivators had fled from Hao Ran, while the Yang Gods and Unrestrained Stage cultivators, who once waged war in the Outer Star River, chose to remain.

As the day foretold by Taishi drew nearer, the mortals of Hao Ran, including those formerly allied with the Divine Soul Sect, were granted permission to depart.

Now, only the mightiest of warriors awaited the prophesied day, ready to face the Divine Soul Sect's retaliation.

"Yet another essence has returned."

Zu Ann materialized in the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, gazing at the Profound Dao Flag that veiled the Realm's gateway. Sensing the emergence of a fresh essence, he spoke with a melancholic tone, "It has perished after all."

He detected the scent of the Desolate God within this essence and surmised that the Old Ape had met its end.

Standing with him were Geng Tianhao of the Taiyuan Sect, Xu Mingze of the Cloud Water Sect, Cao Ji of the Spirit Void Sect, and Tang Dongjun of the Filthy Spirit Sect—all venerable figures in the late Unrestrained Stage.

Hao Ran's essence had never been as abundant as it was now. These ancient beings, who had traversed great distances to return from the heavens, had been waiting for this moment.

Initially discontent with Han Miaoyuan's command to remain, these old monsters were now brimming with anticipation.

The surplus of Hao Ran's essence was simply too vast!

Each possessed the potential and strength to ascend to the Primordial Spirit Realm. They were ready to merge with the essence and claim the highest seats of power at Han Miaoyuan's behest.

Yet, without his approval, they were left to wait patiently for a miracle.

These individuals were well aware that Han Miaoyuan's faction had severed ties with the Divine Soul Sect. Eager for a place among the exalted, they had repeatedly pledged their allegiance to Han Miaoyuan.


Han Miaoyuan materialized above the Profound Dao Flag. Casting a glance at Cao Ji, he reflected briefly before speaking, "Return to the Spirit Void Sect and commence the fusion with the Origin. Strive to ascend to the highest divine echelon."

"And the two of you as well."

He gestured towards Geng Tianhao and Xu Mingze.

The individuals he singled out were overjoyed. They bowed deeply in gratitude and then soared into the heavens.

For thousands of years, they had been amassing the necessary materials to advance to the Primordial Spirit. These venerable Unrestrained Stage sages lacked neither the realm nor the resources.

What they needed was the Origin!

Cao Ji, Geng Tianhao, and Xu Mingze had long been illustrious figures, and at last, their moment had come.

Those not chosen, like Tang Dongjun, could only gaze longingly at Han Miaoyuan.

"Mr. Han!"

Their pleas were desperate.

"At least half of them stand a chance of success. You, on the other hand, are merely squandering time."

Han Miaoyuan uttered a cold snort and spoke without mincing words, "Sometimes, it's not that I'm unwilling to offer opportunities. It's just that you're practically seeking death by hastily attempting to ascend to the Supreme Realm."

"Reaching the late Unrestrained Stage and possessing an Origin doesn't guarantee ascension to the Supreme."

"Over the years, the high success rate of those ascending to the Supreme within our vast realms is the fruit of my careful selection! If everyone at the late Unrestrained Stage rushed to merge with their Origin, aiming for the Supreme, countless lives would have been lost!"

Han Miaoyuan rebuked those who had not received the promise and were not permitted to merge with their Origin.

"I'm quite curious why you've allowed all those deeply connected with the Divine Soul Sect to depart," a shadowy figure emerged from the depths of Jade Peak, addressing him from a distance, "Senior Han, this is out of character for you."

The Silver Moon Sect, Babel Chamber of Commerce, Ancient Desolate Sect, and the Divine Soul Sect's guardians were all permitted to withdraw from the vast expanse.

Then, one day, Han Miaoyuan lifted all restrictions, choosing not to coerce the factions deeply intertwined with the Divine Soul Sect. Instead, they departed aboard the Galaxy Ancient Starship.

Tan Xiaotian was baffled.

"Demon Lord!"

"Tan Xiaotian!"

Tang Dongjun, along with those who had reached the late Unrestrained Stage, craving a connection to the Origin, all showed a hint of concern.

They hadn't anticipated the return of the Demon Lord.

At the Babel Chamber of Commerce in the Jade Peak mountain range, the Medicine Sect and the Yu family had scoured the area without spotting a single soul. They discovered that even the stone pillars used to construct the palace had been dismantled and removed. In an instant, Tan Xiaotian had made his way to the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

The Heaven Sealing Soul Transformation Formation had become ineffective.

"After all, they are our kin, part of the human race. Despite our current disagreements and conflicts, a day will come when we'll see beyond the clouds," Han Miaoyuan explained, albeit vaguely.

So far, it was only he and Ji Wuyi who could truly perceive the intent of the earth's core.

He was now closer than ever to uncovering the truth.

Considering that all humans born in the vastness originated from deep within the earth, and the Origin Soul was a fusion with the abyss, what would become of those who had fled to the Gray Domain once the mystery unraveled?

Perhaps many would reconsider their paths.

Once the human cultivators under the Divine Soul Sect learned the truth—that humans arose from the abyss—how many would reassess their choices?

"Those of the highest rank may stay; the rest of you, leave the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area immediately," Tan Xiaotian demanded unapologetically.

An Unrestrained Stage cultivator like Tang Dongjun, upon seeing Tan Xiaotian's stern expression, hesitated briefly before compliantly departing.

Soon, only Han Miaoyuan, Zu Ann, and Qin Luo remained.

"What's the deal with that Old Ape?"

Once the others had left, Tan Xiaotian, with a furrowed brow, inquired, "He moved against Loong Jie and Zhong Chichen on your orders. He always obeyed you, so how did he still end up dead?"

"If there's anyone to blame, it's Yu Yuan's Yang God for not returning," Han Miaoyuan replied with a hint of resignation. "The Old Ape isn't one of our kind. His quest for immortality could only be resolved by Yu Yuan's Yang God descending into the depths."

"Furthermore," Han Miaoyuan gazed at his fellow supreme human beings and said with gravity, "something peculiar has occurred. After the Old Ape lost his origin, he did not succumb to old age. Instead, he achieved the eternal life he desired."

The others were taken aback.

"Our creator glimpsed something novel upon returning to his origin," Han Miaoyuan continued, his voice heavy with hesitation. "I'm still searching for the answer and cannot share it with you just yet."

"Just remember that we are all part of the vast human race, and this world... it might ultimately face destruction."

"Even if our world faces ruin, as long as it exists, our supreme status and power will remain unaffected."

"Our duty is to safeguard it from external influences."

"It won't be long now; I can sense their imminent return."


At the Starry Border.

Above the desolate stars, the shattered statues of the Beast Gods lay in ruins.

The Tenth Level frog god, the golden giant deer, the iron-wing bird, and the stone figures were all broken and incomplete.

The purple phoenix, symbolizing the Supreme Demon Phoenix, had its expansive wings severed. Its head bowed as if hiding in shame beneath the earth.

The scene was one of utter humiliation and mockery.

"The third Shrouded Tower is not here."

Andrea, whose spirit was intertwined with the flamingo, surveyed the stars from above. Detecting no signs of life, she approached the boundary between the two worlds.

Similar to the Divine Soul Sect's stronghold in the Perish Starfield, there was a barrier here leading to the Desolate Realm.

The flamingo's eyes subtly shimmered, casting reflections into the abyss.

Suddenly, the images of Eagle God Soderis's demise, along with the Earth Rift Beast God and White Ape's deaths, materialized on the membrane separating the two worlds.

She employed this tactic in hopes of eliciting a response from the alien beasts in the Desolate Realm.

"If there truly is a Beast God stationed on the other side, they should be able to see this."

Accustomed to the Perish Starfield, she knew the ropes and said with a giggle, "My soul cannot cross due to the natural barrier between the worlds. But if the Beast God can come here, then surely he can see this."

With great patience, she replayed the scenes of the many alien beasts and Beast Gods' deaths, over and over again.

She was indefatigable.

"I refuse to believe that the Beast Gods witnessing this spectacle can remain unprovoked!"

Andrea employed this tactic to challenge the Beast Gods of the Desolate Realm, hoping to draw their attention and compel them to dispatch additional powerhouses.

"The King of the Desolate Realm is at the Eleventh Level, and yet, you seem unfazed."

Yu Yuan, who had accompanied her, noticed the lack of response from the other side. Despite using his blood power and soul sense to detect any signs of life, he couldn't help but express his curiosity, "Your father is not currently in the Origin Realm. If the King of the Desolate Realm were to make an unexpected appearance, who do you think could withstand him?"

"Don't I have you?" Andrea replied, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Before Yu Yuan could respond, she continued, "If it comes to it, we'll just let the Abyss Gate shatter. You can harness the integrated bloodline secrets from the titanic beasts and manifest in the ultimate form of the Titan Spinosaurus. In such a state, you would be instantly elevated to the Eleventh Level, equal to the King of the Desolate Realm."

"We are in the Origin Realm, our territory. Why should we fear him?"

Andrea declared with unwavering conviction.


She suddenly threw her arms up in a cheer, pointing to the silent expanse between the two realms. Watching the aurora-like lights begin to shimmer, she exclaimed with glee, "All my efforts haven't been in vain. Look, there's indeed a reaction from the other side!"

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and observed a towering beastly silhouette slowly taking shape within the barrier separating the realms.

"Let's hope it's the second wave."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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