Unmatched Dominance/C1961 You will Guide Me
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Unmatched Dominance/C1961 You will Guide Me
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C1961 You will Guide Me

If Xuanli were to become one of the Divine Kings, it would signify a complete integration of the Ghost Wizard Sect with the Divine Soul Sect—a clear-cut case of annexation. Upon hearing this, Xuanli was visibly taken aback, while Luo Yue, of the Ghost King Realm, stayed silent, wisely recognizing her place in the conversation.

"One of the Divine Kings," Xuanli murmured, his expression a mix of confusion and contemplation.

The Ghost Wizard Sect, with Youyu and now Xuanli's ascension to a supreme being, was destined to remain a formidable force. Looking ahead, the sect was set to secure its influence in both the Gray Domain and on Tia Main Planet, surpassing the might of the Silver Moon Sect, Ancient Desolate Sect, and even the Chamber of Commerce and Artifact Sect.

Xuanli's journey here wasn't urgent; he primarily sought Yu Yuan's stance, to inquire about Youyu's condition, and to uncover the truth behind the upheavals in the Vast Ocean. His rush to reach the pinnacle of power wasn't immediate, especially since he sensed an issue with the essence of Hao Yu.

Yet now, Andrea's proposition—to join the Divine Soul Sect as a Divine King, aiding his rapid rise to supremacy—left him wrestling with indecision.

"Hehe," Andrea laughed softly, leisurely enjoying an exotic fruit. "What's there to ponder? Your Ghost Wizard Sect's spells, esoteric knowledge, and reincarnation arrays largely stem from the Yin Meridian source. And now, that very source from Hao Yu has become part of Yin God Yu Yuan."

This revelation sent a jolt through both Xuanli and Luo Yue.

"Teacher, that sensation I've been having... could it be true?" Luo Yue asked, her voice laced with alarm. Every time she gazed upon Yu Yuan, she felt as though she was looking at the source of the Yin Meridians, which instinctively filled her with dread.

"The source of Hao Yu's Yin Meridians, known as the Undead Ruler in the Demon Area, is considered an independent will forged by the Demon Area itself. My Yin God has ascended to a ghostly status there, akin to Youyu. The distinction lies in the fact that a mysterious entity within the Demon Area has infused the Yin Meridian source into my Yin God."

"So, your intuition is probably right."

Yu Yuan explained candidly.

After hearing him out, Luo Yue's expression grew complex, and she fell silent.

"What about Youyu? Where does he stand?" Xuanli demanded.

"Don't you remember? He has always sided with me. My stance has always been his," Yu Yuan responded with a smile.

Xuanli grew quiet.

After a moment of deep thought, he fixed his gaze on Andrea and asked, "Why didn't you give the supreme Soul Essence to Yu Yuan? His main soul is just one step from ascending. Once he reverts to his Primordial Spirit, all his memories will resurface. Wouldn't that be more significant than my own advancement?"

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

He had not considered this issue.

"Yu Yuan doesn't need the Soul Essence, and he doesn't even need the original source," Andrea said, shaking her head and gazing at Yu Yuan with a distant look. She gestured for Xuanli and Luo Yue to depart.

"Think it over carefully. We won't pressure you into making this decision."

Before Xuanli could respond, Andrea's magic coalesced into two greenish-black streams of demonic energy, whisking Xuanli and Luo Yue away.

Only the two of them remained in the hall.

"Senior Brother..."

A captivating brilliance burst forth from Andrea's eyes as she spoke with gravity, "It may be up to you to lead us from here on out."

Yu Yuan was taken aback.

"I sense that you can return to the Primordial Spirit without the need for the Origin or the Mortal Soul. The memories you've suppressed for tens of thousands of years need to be unlocked before we venture into the Vast Expanse. I believe that once you lift the seal on yourself, you'll be able to refine your Primordial Spirit without any external aids."

"Father has been reluctant to return from the abyss, so in the upcoming battle to conquer the Vast Expanse, we'll need your leadership."

"My reputation and abilities are insufficient."

For the first time, the Soul Divine King, shrouded in an aura of mystery, showed vulnerability. Despite her faith in Beilstein, there was still a hint of concern in her heart.

On one side stood the King of Desolate Realm, and on the other, the unfathomable abyss.

And in the Vast Expanse, the nature of the abyssal entity that had tainted the Origin Soul and shackled all the supreme beings remained a mystery, even to her father.

She naturally didn't understand.

The appointed day between Taishi and Han Miaoyuan was fast approaching, and with the future of the Origin Realm so unpredictable, she hoped that Yu Yuan would recover his tightly sealed memories at this pivotal moment.

Then, in his most complete form, he would lead everyone back to the Vast Expanse.

He would settle the score with Han Miaoyuan, shatter the entirety of the Vast Expanse, cross the Extreme Flame, and see for himself what the Origin Soul had become.

"Okay, I've got it."


The Vast Expanse.

"Only Cao Ji has made it. Geng Tianhao and Xu Mingze have been utterly destroyed."

Lin Yu from the Profound Sky Sect was on the deserted Babel Island, reporting to Han Miaoyuan.

"Who would have thought that with such an abundance of Origin, those ancient creatures who've been howling for millennia would falter."

Lin Yu shook his head, "Cao Ji, formerly known as Daoist Qingmu, followed the Great Dao of flora. With Grandmaster Ji's passing, his path was clear, and he actually made it. But Geng Tianhao and Xu Mingze, always so full of themselves, were finally given their chance."

"And they proved to be incompetent!"

With Han Miaoyuan's tacit approval, out of the three aspirants aiming for the Supreme Realm, only Cao Ji succeeded.

Geng Tianhao and Xu Mingze, in their attempt to merge with the Origin, perished completely, both body and soul.

"It's all been quite unexpected."

Standing on Babel Island, Han Miaoyuan huffed, "I've said it before—if I hadn't intervened, they would have perished millennia ago. Did they really think that reaching the Late Unrestrained Stage meant they could ascend to the Supreme Realm with the Origin? Without my years of interference, countless Unrestrained Stage cultivators would have perished in their own investigations."

After a moment of reflection, Han Miaoyuan abruptly inquired, "And how is Cao doing?"

"He's close."

Lin Yu's lips curled into a smile at the mention of Cao Jiaze. "That young man has always been reliable, never disappointing us."

"My greatest hope," Han Miaoyuan declared, "is for Cao to ascend to the Utmost Being before the Divine Soul Sect arrives."

"Is he that crucial?" Lin Yu asked, looking astonished.

"Extremely crucial!"


Above the moon.

Mo Baichuan, who had been concealed within the Hellfire Mountain range for some time, suddenly revealed himself.

His appearance took the various venerable beings guarding the area by surprise.

After all, Han Miaoyuan had issued a strict prohibition.

"Mr. Mo, Sect Master Han has decreed that a supreme being such as yourself should not leave the Vast Ocean at this time!"

Su Qingmo, the Green Flower Sword of the Sword Sect, transformed into a streak of sword light and swiftly approached as soon as Mo Baichuan materialized.

She spoke with a tone and demeanor that maintained the utmost courtesy, earnestly stating, "You must be aware of the current circumstances."

Mo Baichuan, having ascended to the status of a supreme being through the power of the Geocentric Fire and forged a new divine path, had earned the respect of all.

The Sword Sect had always acknowledged the might of someone like Mo Baichuan, yet Su Qingmo had a duty to fulfill, and her message had to be conveyed.

"My departure is at the behest of someone with authority surpassing that of Sect Master Han. I do not require his consent."

With those words, Mo Baichuan drifted away.

No one could fathom why Mo Baichuan had so abruptly left the Hellfire Mountain range, nor why he would flout Han Miaoyuan's edict and depart on his own.

Watching his retreating figure, Su Qingmo, the Green Flower Sword, promptly returned to the Vast Ocean to report the incident with complete accuracy.


"Could this fellow be intending to visit the Divine Soul Sect and seek out Yu Yuan once more?"

Zu Ann, upon hearing the news, wore an expression of incredulity, shaking his head with a wry smile. "Yu Yuan has already made his refusal clear. He won't allow his Yang God to return to the Vast Ocean and delve into the earth's core."

"Ji Zi is unraveling the Origin Soul at the entrance to the Gray Domain, along with Shehun, Youyu, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie... Sigh."

"This battle is simply unavoidable."

Zu Ann had assumed that Mo Baichuan was preparing to exert his formidable power in one final effort.

His aim was to defuse the escalating tensions between the Divine Soul Sect and the supreme entities of the Vast Ocean.


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