Unmatched Dominance/C1965 The Rare Raw Materials
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Unmatched Dominance/C1965 The Rare Raw Materials
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C1965 The Rare Raw Materials


Old Ape clutched his chest with one hand while placing the other at his brow, creating a conduit between his beast soul and beast heart.

Rip! Rip!

Brilliant tendrils of blood light coursed through his arms like a dazzling river of stars, each one carrying the innate skills and divine powers of other Beast Gods from the Desolate Realm. This confluence of blood furiously amplified his strength.

The Life Keychain, woven from his beast heart, shone with an otherworldly light, a gift from the King of Desolate Realm's blood, which heightened his perception even further.

His acute sensitivity to the essence of blood and flesh, to the soul itself, had ascended to a level far surpassing his own lineage.

He was second only to the King of Desolate Realm!

Old Ape's head erupted in a deep red glow as if a lantern burned within his beast heart, unleashing a formidable power that commanded awe and reverence from all the Beast Gods present.

"The aura of the King!"

"My King!"

The Beast Gods, still in their primal forms, gazed at Old Ape with a newfound mixture of trepidation and envy.

They suddenly realized that Old Ape was among the rare few blessed by the King of Desolate Realm with the gift of immortality.

Out of the hundreds of Beast Gods in the Desolate Realm, only a handful could claim eternal life, and Old Ape was among this elite.

Born in the vastness, Old Ape shared the same lineage as their King, allowing him to resonate more profoundly with their King's power.

"Even within the Desolate Realm, his strength now ranks within the top ten."

White Python, standing beside Old Ape, addressed the reverent Beast Gods, "Remember, though he hails from the Vast Ocean, the blood that courses through his veins is one and the same with that of our King!"

"It's Yu Yuan!"

A delicate, crystalline thread of blood light emerged on the regenerating leg of Desolate God, intertwining indistinguishably with the blood vessels in Old Ape's leg.

"Skyshatter Hammer!"

A silver hammer burst forth from beneath Old Ape's tongue, expanding before settling into his palm.

With a mighty swing, he brought the hammer down upon the blood light on his leg.

The silver hammer, now teeming with countless tiny blood crystals, struck the blood light with the precision and force of a smith shaping iron.

With a resounding boom, the blood light burst apart, and tendrils of blood energy vanished into thin air.

Yet, Old Ape's leg broke once more.

Gritting his teeth, he rose to his feet, supporting himself with one leg and the Skyshatter Hammer, and called out to the white python, "We need to split up and leave, now!"

Having witnessed Yu Yuan's formidable power, the white python wasted no time in triggering the Shrouded Tower's secrets.

"The three Shrouded Towers must move separately! As pioneers, we must stay true to our mission and avoid a futile battle with the supreme entities of this world!" the white python solemnly advised the Beast Gods.

Affected by the urgency of Old Ape and the white python, the Beast Gods each entered different Shrouded Towers and vanished from the Dead Silence Stars using the teleportation abilities of the towers.

"To think that even this could be perceived."

Yang God Yu Yuan awoke abruptly from his contemplative state atop the Abyss Gate.

He shook his head, marveling at the improbability.

Yu Yuan had a clear view of the Beast Gods' arrival, their dialogue, and their frantic departure.

The Old Ape, sensing something amiss, had not relied on his own strength but rather on the hidden power within the Life Keychain in his heart— the power of the King of Desolate Realm.

The Tenth Level Raymon Beast God had ventured to the Starry Forbidden Ground, perpetually obscured by Beilstein, in search of the essence of lightning and thunder, only to return empty-handed.

Meanwhile, the Desolate God bore a certain mission, seeking to shatter the Abyss Gate and to amalgamate the blood energy of the Starry Behemoth that had eluded fusion with him.

It was likely another of his kin, the King of Ten Thousand Beasts, who had compelled the Desolate God to act. This king sought not only to break the Abyss Gate but also to uncover the ancient secrets of the giant beasts left by the spinosaurus.

"How's it looking?"

Zhong Chichen eagerly rubbed his hands together, anticipating Yu Yuan's provision of the exact coordinates so he could connect to that world and lead the formidable forces in a strategic assault.

Once the details were confirmed, Yu Yuan in the Perish Starfield would summon a host of the mightiest to descend.

The Beast Gods were bound to suffer a devastating blow.

The Beast Gods have all scattered. Moreover, I am bound to the Abyss Gate, as the Beast Gods from other realms have their designs on it as well."

Zhong Chichen and Yu Yuan exchanged a few words.

Upon learning that so many Beast Gods were converging in that secret area and that Lvliu had regained his status as a Tenth Level Demon God after losing his original source, Zhong Chichen was astonished. "Is everyone now bold enough to strip away their original source?"

"Lvliu has only reclaimed his Tenth Level status through his bloodline; he lacks the power of immortality," Yu Yuan clarified.

"Why can the Desolate God live forever, but not Lvliu?" Zhong Chichen wondered.

He, along with Loong Jie and the Violent Bear, had all attained eternal life upon reaching the Tenth Level due to the presence of the Life Keychain.

He had assumed that the Desolate God, Lvliu, and the three of them were in the same situation.

"Lvliu's bloodline was already at the Tenth Level. His fall from grace was due to the loss of his vast original source, and what he faces now is merely a partial bloodline seal. With the strength of the King of Desolate Realm, lifting such a seal is relatively simple. However, bestowing upon Lvliu a Life Keychain that grants eternal life would require the assimilation of a portion of Life Stoste," Yu Yuan continued.

He paused before adding, "Yet, Life Stoste is exceedingly rare and not something that can be easily condensed."

When his true self, along with Loong Jie, Zhong Chichen, and the Cold Domain Bear, established their Life Keychains, it was also done using the Life Stoste of the Yang God.

Utilizing three portions of Life Stoste to forge the Life Keychain within their hearts had exhausted the Yang God significantly, depleting his blood energy reserves considerably.

He still hadn't fully recuperated.

Even after refining the source of the Yang Meridian and maintaining resonance with the Origin Blood, the process of condensing the three Life Stoste had taken a toll on his vitality.

It was then that he realized the similarities between the Life Keychain and the Soul Essence that Andrea had spoken of.

The Soul Essence enables the mighty of the Boundless Human Race to transcend their original source and evolve their main souls into a Primordial Spirit.

His Life Keychain had the power to grant eternal life to beings like Loong Jie.

The Soul Essence it required was sourced from the purest soul energy, such as that of the Starry Behemoth and the Tenth Level Beast God.

The Life Keychain he refined drew upon the Life Essence inherent in his own Yang God form. Yet, his Life Essence was finite.

Feeling somewhat weakened, he attempted to connect with the Origin Blood in the Dim Starfield, seeking to replenish what he had lost.


Two streams of pure Life Essence, defying the vast distances of space, surged from the depths of the Dim Starfield and infused his Yang God body in an instant.

The Life Essence he had expended was swiftly restored, revitalizing his spirit and significantly bolstering his strength.

Still, it wasn't quite enough to achieve perfection.

At that moment, a consciousness from the Origin Blood, perceptible only to him, reached out.

Its message was straightforward and crystal clear.

Through Nors's belt, he had acquired Life Seeds from other races within the Desolate Realm, which had also imprinted upon the Origin Blood.

Pleased with this, the Origin Blood responded to his request by sending two vials of Life Essence.

But that was all it could afford to give.

Even for the Origin Blood, refining Life Essence was a taxing process.

The Origin Blood further revealed that the essence needed to create the Life Keychain could also be extracted from the flesh of a Tenth Level Beast God.

However, he would need the remains of at least five Beast Gods from the Desolate Realm to distill a single strand of the vital essence required for the Life Keychain.

Naturally, if he could vanquish more intelligent beings from the Desolate Realm and harvest their Life Seeds, the Origin Blood would autonomously determine and provide an appropriate amount of Life Essence in return.

This was the nature of their exchange.

Thus, he could not endlessly bestow the gift of eternal life upon all Tenth Level alien beasts, nor upon individuals like Zhong Chichen and Loong Jie.

The creation of Life Essence was no simple feat; this miraculous substance was akin to the very blood essence of his Yang God form.

To produce a single strand of Life Essence for the Life Keychain, his Yang God had to expend a vast amount of energy from flesh and blood.

The total required was astronomical.

Each time he refined a strand of Life Essence, he would feel drained, and his combat prowess would diminish.

He swiftly grasped the underlying principle.

Moving forward, if he wished to grant others eternal life by forming a Life Keychain within them, he would need to slay more Beast Gods from the Desolate Realm, harnessing their mighty blood energy for the refining process.

Alternatively, they could gather the blood of the intelligent races that crossed over from the Desolate Realm, obtaining it from the belt of the collector Nors—a type of blood not found in the Origin Realm.

Subsequently, they could trade these exotic Life Seeds directly for Life Stoste.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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