Unmatched Dominance/C1972 The Great Courage
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Unmatched Dominance/C1972 The Great Courage
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C1972 The Great Courage

Barol donned a cape that twinkled with stars, using his bloodline to conjure a nebula that enveloped Canli's form. He had come to personally ensure her safe return to the Gray Domain, the esteemed daughter of the Bright Clan. In confidence, Barol had instructed Canli not to venture back to any Bright Clan Starfield until she had ascended to the Tenth Level, as he could no longer predict Cadorath's intentions.

He had keenly sensed a shift in Cadorath after witnessing Zhong Chichen and Loong Jie achieve immortality. Her glances at Canli were fraught with an internal battle. Barol was certain that Yu Yuan's words were not without merit.

Cadorath, now with the prospect of eternal life within reach, was reassessing her stance towards this rising star of the Bright Clan, likely deliberating over the nature of her relationship with Canli.

With the cold jade box, the vessel for the key to immortality, now in her possession, and the knowledge that the Light Origin Spirit resided within the Desolate Realm—information gleaned from the black goat—Barol was unwilling to gamble. His sole wish was for Canli to remain indefinitely within the Gray Domain, far from Cadorath's gaze.

In a world so vast, it seemed that only the Gray Domain and the Vast Expanse could offer Canli sanctuary.

"Barol," Cadorath called out abruptly.

Canli, Chen Liangquan, Tianqi, and Brie all braced themselves. Yu Yuan's demeanor was icy, his gaze sharp as a blade upon Cadorath, ready for any confrontation.

The black goat, with a smirk that was neither here nor there, stretched its soul beast form languidly, as though anticipating some unfolding drama.

Standing at the Galaxy Crossing, leading Canli to the central continent, Barol's posture betrayed a hint of rigidity.

"I hope you... proceed with caution," Barol declared, his back to the assembly.

"I must confront the truths within me," Cadorath confessed with a rueful shake of her head. "Yu Yuan's words have been echoing in my mind, indelible and persistent."

"The allure of the Light Origin Spirit is indeed hard to resist, not to mention this key to everlasting life!" She glanced at the black goat, her inner turmoil evident. After a deep breath, she voiced her disdain sharply, "I truly despise that smug smile of yours!"

The black goat's eyes gradually lost their mirth.

It sensed trouble and called out, "Harry!"


Harry of the Fire Lizard Tribe responded instinctively, and then the Tenth Level warrior erupted in dazzling light.

Dozens of light laws seemed to forge blades capable of cleaving the heavens and shattering the earth, piercing through his flesh and blood.

With a mere grunt, Harry's flesh, bones, and organs, particularly his heart, shattered into tiny luminescent fragments.

There was no blood, no smoke.

Harry's death was absolute, leaving no trace behind, as if he had never existed.

"That smug smile of yours reminds me uncomfortably of your king."

Cadorath's eyes narrowed, with fine lines of electrical laws crisscrossing within them.

Ferris shuddered, his skeletal frame trembling as fear flooded his gaze, growing increasingly intense.

Death was in the air.


The black goat's spirit, perched on his chest, became translucent and insubstantial, melting away under the bright light like snow.

It was baffled.

"I respect you. I believed someone of your stature would honor their word."

Its dark eyes fixed on the cold jade box in Cadorath's hands, it demanded sharply, "You accepted our gift. You were supposed to stay neutral, as you promised."

"I've changed my mind. I no longer intend to use the contents of this box to seek my eternal life."

Each word from Cadorath seemed more difficult than the act of killing Harry or striking Ferris.

For her, the true challenge was never in taking lives, but in making choices.

"Immortality! Yu Yuan might offer you eternal life, but he cannot grant you the Light Origin Spirit! Without it, your so-called immortality will eventually be consumed by darkness! Tan Xiaotian will find you and end your life!"

"It's the destiny that binds light and darkness!"

The black goat's cry pierced the air.

"Who can predict the future with certainty? Yet, I find that rejecting the eternal blood within this box, spurning the seduction of your king, brings me peace and tranquility."

"You and your king have truly opened my eyes."

"You are far from mere beasts. Your remarkable intelligence and crafty, devious ways are impressive. I hope you can visit our Origin Realm soon. I'd like to meet you in person."

Cadorath's Scepter of Light was directed at Ferris.

Infinite holy radiance and divine light engulfed the Tenth Level Demon Spirit, purifying his skeletal remains and the soul of the black goat most thoroughly.

Ferris and the black goat were reduced to dust.

The three Tenth Level warriors who had burst in, intent on causing chaos, thought they could persuade Cadorath with the black goat's beast soul.

They were wrong.


At the barrier between the two worlds, a dazzling, mirage-like light flashed momentarily.

The black goat from the Desolate Realm, unwilling to give up, cast its enormous shadow over Cadorath from across the two worlds, emitting a piercing screech.


It couldn't come to terms with its fate.

"Why? I don't have the answer either."

Cadorath hung her head, avoiding eye contact with everyone, and murmured with a hint of emotion, "I was nearly swayed myself. The promise of eternal life, the Light Origin Spirit—it's incredibly tempting."

"It takes a great deal of courage for me as well."


Canli was already at the Galaxy Crossing, gazing blankly in her direction from across the lands.

Barol turned, his eyes brimming with satisfaction and delight, "What hasn't happened simply doesn't exist. It's natural for intelligent beings to harbor dark and selfish thoughts. The real power lies in confronting that darkness and eradicating it."

Barol inclined his head respectfully and added, "You are still the Cadorath I know."

"Starting today, I pass the leadership of the Bright Clan to Canli. Once Canli's bloodline ascends to the Tenth Level and she can wield the power of the Scepter of Light, I will entrust it to her as well!"

With those words, Cadorath flicked a platinum crown studded with jewels from her sleeve, tossing it to Canli.

The members of the Bright Clan watched the crown soar towards Canli and settle atop her head, gasping in awe.

Chen Liangquan looked on with deep respect.

His reverence was not directed at Canli, but at Cadorath. He bowed deeply and said with gravity, "The Bright Clan owes its current grandeur to your presence."

"Moving forward, I will serve as the High Priest of the Bright Clan, and Canli will be our chief. Please, offer her your full support."

With those words, Cadorath transformed into a dazzling light and shot off into the depths of the Perish Starfield, seemingly unwilling to make her home in this bastion against the Beast God of the Desolate Realm.

Yu Yuan paused to consider, then, holding the Dragon Slash Platform, followed suit.


Shortly thereafter, atop a massive slab of dark green stone.

"This is indeed a tough decision."

Cadorath clutched the chilly box in her hands, gazing at the drop of mysterious blood within, and spoke with a weighty tone, "I sense that this blood belongs to the King of the Desolate Realm."

She suddenly looked up, locking eyes with Yu Yuan, "Can you tell me what connection I'll have with the King of the Desolate Realm after I've assimilated this blood?"

Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and the Cold Domain Bear had been granted eternal life through Yu Yuan, their hearts containing the Life Keychain.

The bond Yu Yuan felt with these three was likely akin to the King of the Desolate Realm's connection to those who had received eternal life through his blood.

"In our world, unless they venture into unique realms like the Demon Spirit's territory, I can track their every move."

Yu Yuan pondered, aware of Zhong Chichen and the others' presence. "I can even convey my will to them, enlisting their help for certain tasks. Should I ascend to the Eleventh Level, I might gain a measure of influence over their actions."

"As for other powers, they elude me at present."

Yu Yuan spoke candidly.

"It's yours now."

With a look of reluctance, Cadorath handed the cold jade box to Yu Yuan, "Whatever you do, ensure it's dealt with cleanly and kept out of others' hands."

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