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C1977 Trash

"Mo Baichuan was killed by the Demon Phoenix," Han Miaoyuan stated, his expression grim.

The Cold Abyss Entrances at the bottom of the Nether Abyss, gateways to the frigid worlds beyond, had long been sealed. Not even Zhong Chichen could hope to step through them.

Yet, the essence of two Origins had made its way through one of these entrances, one of them tinged with demonic energy.

The presence of demonic energy was unmistakable, leading Han Miaoyuan to immediately recognize the involvement of the Demon Phoenix. He also discerned that one of the Origins belonged to Mo Baichuan, who had failed to return since his death.

The Origin nurtured by the Will of the Vast Ocean Core could defy the seals on the Cold Abyss Entrances, probing the Vast Ocean as if through a pair of watchful eyes.

"Has the Demon Phoenix ensnared two Origins?" Tan Xiaotian inquired, his voice laced with astonishment. "The Origins that elevate us to the highest level usually return without issue. Only the Great Demon God Beilstein possesses the might to obliterate an Origin. Does the Demon Phoenix now wield such power?"

"She's quite unique and has been distancing herself from us in recent years. Her efforts to unite the alien beasts from beyond are a clear sign of her diverging path," Han Miaoyuan reflected, his tone laced with uncertainty. "Those Cold Abyss Entrances..."

He had only sealed the entrances temporarily, clinging to a sliver of hope.

He harbored the fantasy that the upcoming battle with the Divine Soul Sect might spare the Vast Ocean.

As long as the Vast Ocean remained intact, the Cold Abyss Entrances that linked to the frigid Starfields could be reopened and restored to their former function.

They could continue to harness the cold energies from the major frigid Starfields to counterbalance the Geocentric Fire, revitalizing the Vast Ocean as before.

Little did he expect that the Demon Phoenix would peer into the state of the Vast Ocean through the eyes of an Origin via a Cold Abyss Entrance.

Tragically, the two Origins, yearning to return, found themselves ensnared by the Demon Phoenix's constraints.

"Why would the Demon Phoenix want to kill Mo Baichuan?"

Upon learning of Mo Baichuan's demise, Qin Luo of the Red Devil Sect had discreetly commanded those who practiced the path of earth fire to intensify their efforts.

His aim was for the Red Devil Sect to claim this divine path and curry favor with the Geocentric Fire.

Since Mo Baichuan has passed away, the viable path of Geocentric Fire has been paved. Practitioners from the Red Devil Sect who follow this path now have the opportunity to test their mettle.

The ideal candidate in his mind was actually Yuan Lianyao, but due to Yu Yuan's involvement, he was hesitant to express this.

Han Miaoyuan furrowed his brow, choosing not to respond to the question posed. Instead, he voiced his own concerns, "I've got a bad feeling. I suspect... the Demon Phoenix might be planning to intervene in that battle."

His words cast a shadow over the room; everyone's expression grew grave, except for Lin Daoke.

What would the outcome be if the Demon Palace and the Divine Soul Sect allied and descended upon Hao Ran together?

The formidable Demon Phoenix was a force to be reckoned with, one that required the joint effort of Lin Daoke and Tan Xiaotian to handle.

Furthermore, the Demon Palace had the Sky Tiger and Yu Zhu in their ranks.

This dominant power, which had stood unchallenged for years, would undoubtedly overwhelm those already struggling if it were to ally with the resurgent Divine Soul Sect.

"Could it really happen?"

Tan Xiaotian inhaled sharply and massaged his temples, saying, "The Great Yin remains a myth to me; I've never witnessed its full might. But that arrogant Purple Phoenix..."

"She now wields power greater than before she left the vast expanse. Jiuhui and I saw with our own eyes that she had several Tenth Level alien beasts in her entourage."

Tan Xiaotian felt a headache brewing.

"The Demon Phoenix and that guy had a murky history. But now..." Han Miaoyuan's mood took a nosedive, "Her direct involvement in the downfall of the Divine Soul Sect and his death... No, it's still too risky. I need to devise a plan to make the Divine Soul Sect and the Demon Phoenix clash first!"

Lin Daoke's eyes snapped open, giving Han Miaoyuan a peculiar look.

Unfazed, Han Miaoyuan turned to Tan Xiaotian and instructed, "Head to the Nether Abyss and shroud the Cold Abyss Entrance in darkness. We can't let the Demon Phoenix keep watching."

"And one more thing!"

After a moment's thought, he added, "If isolation isn't possible, then shatter that gateway to the heavens and destroy it!"

"Are you sure you've thought this through?" Tan Xiaotian asked, taken aback.

"I've thought it through. Now that we possess Extreme Intelligence, even if the Cold Abyss Entrance shatters, there's hope to rebuild it in the future!"

Han Miaoyuan's face was grave as he continued, "Regardless of the Demon Phoenix's intentions, we must do everything in our power to thwart it. Extreme Intelligence is expected to return before the onset of the great battle. Upon his return, his combat prowess will soar to a terrifyingly high level."

Tan Xiaotian rose gracefully and set off toward the Nether Abyss, leaving a parting remark.

"Actually, if I could venture into the Abyss myself, I could resolve any issue."


At the Abyss Gate.

Yu Yuan finally opened the cold jade box containing a drop of the King of Desolate Realm's blood essence. He squinted at the crystallized blood and observed countless tiny strands of lightning intertwined within.

Each strand represented the true essence of a bloodline from a Desolate Realm creature, embodying the Law of Blood as comprehended by the King of Desolate Realm.

"So this is what the Life Stoste looks like when refined from its original form," Yu Yuan murmured to himself.

This solid blood crystal was a Life Stoste from the King of Desolate Realm, the essential material for creating a Life Keychain.

For him, and for the King of Desolate Realm, each Life Stoste was incredibly precious, concealing the mysteries of their own bloodline.

The Life Stoste that Cadorath had entrusted to him was so coveted that even in the Desolate Realm, many Beast Gods would desperately vie for it.

Because merging with it to form a "Life Keychain" would grant a Beast God immortality.

"I'm curious to see if I can refine this Life Stoste and integrate it into myself!"

He reached out with a finger to touch the Life Stoste, and suddenly, countless fine beams of bloodline light transformed into myriad splendid lightning bolts, coursing through his finger and into his body.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The Bloodline Crystal Chains within his Yang God's body ignited with brilliance.

His Yang God form, structured like a human, suddenly morphed into a cascade of hanging prisma. The blood laws he had discerned, marked by the essence of life in the original blood, now blazed as countless dazzling lightning bolts, clashing with the lightning of the Life Stoste.

An unspeakable agony erupted from every "battlefield" within his Yang God physique, a pain so intense he almost wished for death.

He was unable to directly absorb the Life Stoste!

It seemed that he had to first unravel the essence of all the bloodlines the King of Desolate Realm had infused into the Life Stoste before he could assimilate it.

Countless bloodline beams densely intertwined, melding together like the most intricate lock in the cosmos.

Without fully grasping the interwoven bloodline truths, he couldn't unlock this mechanism and therefore couldn't absorb and refine the Life Stoste.

Only a handful of these bloodline beams made sense to him.

Upon reflection, he realized that these were related to some Life Seeds he had acquired from a belt taken from the Rat God, Nors.

Yet, these accounted for only a minuscule fraction of the Life Stoste.

Moreover, he couldn't directly employ the Life Stoste to unravel and separate the mysteries of the bloodline beams; it would take considerable time to intuit each one individually.

This Life Stoste originated from the King of Desolate Realm, a being of equal standing to his own Yang God, and currently even slightly surpassing him in power.

There appeared to be a fundamental principle at play, preventing him from absorbing the bloodline essence of other races as easily as he might with a mere drop of their blood.

To assimilate this Life Stoste, he had to painstakingly gather the blood of all life forms within the Desolate Realm, drop by drop.

Only by refining and merging it with his Yang God, achieving complete enlightenment, could he possibly unlock "this lock" and take in the Life Stoste of the King of Desolate Realm.

After much effort, Yu Yuan had no choice but to forcibly eject the Life Stoste from his Yang God.

He then watched as all the bloodline beams reverted to their interwoven state of fine lightning, solidifying once again into a blood crystal.

"So, it's essentially worthless."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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