Unmatched Dominance/C1997 Looking Forward to the Prosperity of the Human Race!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1997 Looking Forward to the Prosperity of the Human Race!!
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C1997 Looking Forward to the Prosperity of the Human Race!!

Yu Yuan's unoccupied hand faced Yuen Bu as he declared, "Eleventh Level."

A dense, crimson beam of light burst forth from his limbs, his Yang God physique radiating energy that converged in his palm.

His palm transformed into a dazzling microcosm, the radiant flow of light weaving together, seemingly evolving the essence of life's blood. Sparkling fragments of the Bloodline Crystal Chain erupted from within.

In that moment, within the bloody world of his own making, he appeared to command the fate of countless beings.


Within the depths of his palm, a whirlwind raged, carrying with it icy hail, while lightning crackled and thunder boomed amidst the forming storm.

The storm, hail, and lightning, each with their unique energies, were imbued with distinct laws. The lightning merged with the hail, propelled by the whirlwind, gaining formidable strength.

The crystalline, azure, and fiery energies seamlessly fused, with the Crystal Chains, shaped by these laws, intertwining and reinforcing one another.

As they rapidly fermented and grew in strength, the storm's might multiplied, surging towards Yuen Bu's skeletal form, crafted from the Shrouded Tower.

Yuen Bu's eyes widened in surprise. As he prepared to swing the Skyshatter Hammer, a frown creased his brow.

The bloody veil enveloping this microcosm burst into a kaleidoscope of colors, as the streams of light and the forces of time intertwined harmoniously.

Additionally, a chilling art of ice added its freezing touch.

Time, space, and ice, three distinct cosmic laws, transformed the bloody veil into a mysterious and absolute seal.

Yuen Bu's fingers, gripping the Skyshatter Hammer, were immobilized. Even the consciousness within his Demon Soul experienced a fleeting stasis.

Hailstones, amidst the cataclysmic thunder, plummeted towards his body, stationed beneath the skeletal abdomen.

Boom! Thunderous roars echoed!

In an instant, Yuen Bu, inhabited by the Desolate God, was a blur of blood and flesh!

With that single strike, the formidable Demon Body of the Desolate God, feared and revered by all, suffered grievous wounds.

Moreover, the Old Ape's astonishing regenerative power failed to activate immediately, leaving the gaping wounds unhealed.

Just as the Old Ape had once wielded the Skyshatter Hammer to subdue Loong Jie's Golden Dragon bloodline, Yu Yuan's seal, wrought from time, space, and ice, now constrained the bloodline within his Demon Heart.

Yu Yuan's mouth curled into a pleased smile as he exclaimed, "So it can be done this way!"

Though he hadn't fully stabilized his Eleventh Level status and had yet to unravel more sophisticated techniques, he had certainly discovered some key insights.

First and foremost was the intricate fusion and integration of bloodlines.

His Yang God Body encompassed the bloodline talents of all known flesh-and-blood creatures in this world.

The bloodline mysteries of extinct colossal beasts, once more formidable than now-vanished alien races, as well as those of the Bright Clan, Dark Elfkind, Star Race, Demon Girls, and Rock Clan, had all been assimilated within him, revealing the potential for combining and amplifying their powers.

Prior to reaching the Eleventh Level, he could only utilize one bloodline law that he had mastered at a time.

But upon ascending to the Eleventh Level, he could ingeniously meld the secret arts of various bloodlines, fusing them into a singular force for use.

The resulting power was not merely additive but multiplied exponentially!

This was the method of power transmission and display at the Eleventh Level that he had awakened to, and it had proven remarkably effective when tested on Yuen Bu.

Yuen Bu, too, was at the Eleventh Level, but with his true form absent, his abilities were somewhat constrained.

Yu Yuan saw this as an opportunity to solidify his Eleventh Level foundation and pondered whether he could discern additional methods of wielding Eleventh Level power through Yuen Bu.

"Alas, I'm still constrained by the absence of my physical form," Yuen Bu muttered to himself.

Despite being of the same race as the Desolate God and capable of channeling his power, he could also invoke the Bloodline Secret Techniques he had learned through the Demon Heart of the Old Ape.

Yet, the Desolate God was not his true form.

His real body, imbued with the life essence granted by the Desolate Realm's primal blood, contained every secret of the realm's myriad creatures within each vein and drop of blood.

Much like Yu Yuan's Yang God.

If his true form were standing beneath the skeletal figure at this moment, Yu Yuan's storm of lightning, hail, and hurricane might not even breach the defenses of his true body.

And should he sustain an injury, his formidable regenerative ability would allow him to recover in the blink of an eye.

Moreover, the seals forged by the combined laws of time, space, and ice might not be enough to contain him; he could retaliate against Yu Yuan's attacks with his own.

"I'm aware that you're grappling with the power of the Eleventh Level. You've barely begun to grasp the basics."

As Yuan Li's consciousness returned to its natural state, he connected with his distant self. The mountain encircled by stars reemerged within his furry chest.

The Holy Mountain acted like an external heart for him. As soon as it materialized, the seal imposed by Yu Yuan vanished.

Thanks to the Old Ape's innate healing abilities, coupled with Yuan Li's assistance, the bloodied beastly body was restored in an instant, the wounds healing so rapidly they didn't even form scabs.

"Beast Armor."

Yuan Li wiped his face, and the colossal skeletal form underwent a transformation.

The Shrouded Tower morphed into a body, its organs diminishing in size and retreating toward the ribcage, leaving the chest and abdominal cavity hollow.

It resembled a piece of enigmatic armor, seemingly designed to be worn.

Beneath the skeleton, Yuan Li had been in human form, but due to the skeleton's dramatic change, he suddenly expanded.

He filled the skeletal form with the ancient and primal body of the Demon God.

The Old Ape's head emerged from the neck of the skeleton, its limbs sliding into the arms and legs of the skeletal form as if donning a garment.

And then there was the tail of the skeleton.

The ape had a tail, and so did the skeletal form of the Shrouded Tower, perfectly enveloping the ape's entire body.

Clearly, each Shrouded Tower was crafted specifically for him, custom-fitted to his form.

Yu Yuan watched in astonishment.

He hadn't anticipated that the three Shrouded Towers from the Desolate Realm would hold such wonders.

Previously, in the hands of Nors and the Eagle God, the Shrouded Towers had only displayed their space-sealing capabilities.

But in Yuan Li's hands, they transformed into a skeleton and then into armor.

"I must concede that without my true body present, I indeed cannot kill you."

Once clad in the armor that the skeleton had become, the Skyshatter Hammer reappeared in his palm. The chest of the hammer, dark as iron, shone with divine light, and the surrounding stars became incredibly luminous, as though each harbored an immense and boundless power within.

"You've got your hands full with troubles to address. With the abyss opening, well..."

Mid-sentence, Yuan Li paused as the other two Shrouded Towers, now sunken into the abyss, seemed to detect something, prompting a moment of surprise. "Besides the Light Origin Spirit, the Origins of Thunder and Darkness have also descended into the abyss! With the two realms now connected, we might see the emergence of new Eleventh Levels. Things are certainly heating up."

"However, aside from you, me, and Beilstein, the other Eleventh Levels are somewhat weaker."

Clad in armor and wielding the Skyshatter Hammer, with a chest aglow with a constellation of stars, Yuen Bu watched Yu Yuan take a step back.

His back, towering tens of thousands of feet high, seemed to have been suddenly imbued with the power of the Holy Mountain itself, striking with the force of a deity against the bloody canopy that shrouded the heavens.


The bloody world Yu Yuan had crafted was utterly demolished by Yuen Bu's assault, not merely punctured but obliterated.

Amidst the fragmented blood clouds, the mountainous figure of Yuen Bu flashed a grin at Yu Yuan and said, "I, too, am curious about the secrets that lie hidden in the depths of your expansive domain."

With a resounding crack, he vanished, accompanied by the sound of the void splintering.

Taishi and the Devaputra Pontiff, Reid, standing on the massive landmass, were unable to respond to his parting words.

The shattered blood clouds re-entered Yu Yuan's Yang God form, transforming into his pure lifeblood energy.

His Yang God and his physical form scoured the starry expanse, attempting to pinpoint Yuen Bu once more and locate the sovereign of the Desolate Realm.

Alas, he was nowhere to be found.

Yu Yuan couldn't even determine whether Yuen Bu had ventured into the Abyss or remained active in this realm.

With the Abyss Gate no longer a hindrance, Yuen Bu might have been able to use the Shrouded Tower to directly reach the other two Shrouded Towers that had already settled in the Abyss.

Moreover, it seemed that those two sunken Shrouded Towers had made some discoveries.

"Extreme Wisdom, why has this land ceased its ascent? Why not enter the Origin Realm?"

Reid, the High Priest of the Devaputra Race, withdrew his gaze from the spot where Yuen Bu had vanished, his thoughts heavy as he attempted a cautious descent.

A violent and chaotic energy surged from the thin barrier enveloping the continent, causing the body and Devil Soul of the Devaputra Pontiff to feel as though they were on the verge of being torn asunder.

Reid recoiled in horror, crying out, "How could this happen?"

When Cadorath sank, the light, delicate barrier offered no resistance, as if it were nonexistent.

Tan Xiaotian departed swiftly, and as he flew past the barrier, it seemed as effortless as slicing through air.

This led Reid to mistakenly believe that the barrier covering the land below was merely ornamental, devoid of any real significance.

However, when he actually descended, he discovered that reality was quite different! The resistance generated by the barrier was imbued with a force far more complex and wondrous than that of the barrier encircling the Boundless Great World.

Even as a Tenth Level Great Demon God, he risked his very soul attempting to force his way through the continent's barrier.

Cadorath and Tan Xiaotian, the Demon Lord, had managed to enter and exit the continent with ease, likely due to Extreme Wisdom selectively granting them passage, allowing these two high-level powerhouses to traverse freely.

"I didn't invite you, and without my nod of approval, you have no business coming down here."

Extreme Wisdom offered a slight smile, his tone dripping with arrogance. "I merely allowed you to glimpse this world so that you could convey to the foreign races that the cradle of our human race lies deep within the abyss. This world isn't yours to claim. Without my consent, you shall not pass."

He paused briefly, his expression turning stern as he let out a cold huff, "Without reaching the Eleventh Level, not even the Demon Phoenix of the Boundless Great World dares to set foot in this realm!"

His implication was clear: without his permission, only Beilstein, the Great Demon God, Yu Yuan's Yang God, and Yuen Bu, the King of the Desolate Realm—known Eleventh Level beings—could enter.

His statement caused Reid's face to flush with embarrassment, yet the High Priest refrained from making another attempt.

"As for your question..."

Extreme Wisdom addressed the young humans clustered around him, "We are the Protoss from the Abyss, the bringers of light to the six levels of the Abyss World. This land, the beacon of light, if separated from the abyss, would plunge all the Abyss's races into darkness once more."

"They were accustomed to living in the shadows, but having been exposed to the light, they've grown used to a world illuminated from above, and we have no intention of stripping that away from them."

"After all, they are our subjects, who have always followed our lead."

"And..." Extreme Wisdom's eyes held a profound depth, "Our foundation is in the abyss. It stands to reason that more human race experts from the Boundless Great World should make this continent their foothold, penetrating into the six levels of the Abyss."

"This is the homeland of all humanity, and I hope that those still below will ascend more swiftly."

He had already disseminated the methods of cultivation, and many had been awakened by his teachings.

Those individuals should adhere to the rules of the Abyss and its most ancient traditions. They must defeat the formidable beings of the Abyss, one layer at a time, continually advancing toward the higher realms until they reach the pinnacle of this world.

Such individuals would earn his recognition, and he would open his doors to welcome them.

For it was the humans of ancient times who, starting from the very depths of the Abyss, ascended step by step, until they stood at its summit, revered as gods and leaders by all the creatures within.

In the Origin Realm, those who had acquired a portion of the Origin, as well as those born in the Boundless Great World with traces of the Origin, could also benefit from the trials of the Abyss, growing stronger through its power.

It is foreseeable that in the near future, both the continent above and the Abyss below will be teeming with human activity.

The golden era of humanity is destined to be revived on this continent, with the human race poised to reign supreme over both the Abyss and the Origin Realm.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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