Unmatched Dominance/C1999 Please Don't Block the Way!
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Unmatched Dominance/C1999 Please Don't Block the Way!
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C1999 Please Don't Block the Way!

In the deepest darkness, Yu Yuan's eyes shone like beacons, illuminating everything below with crystal clarity.

Descending beyond the seventh floor was a realm forbidden to most abyssal creatures, accessible only to those who had ascended to become Evil Gods. They alone could withstand the oppressive darkness and discern objects at close range.

For any creature other than an Evil God to venture here would mean the loss of both sight and perception.

Yet as Yu Yuan made his gradual descent, his gaze swept the surroundings with the same clarity he would have in the Boundless Great World. He could make out mountains, lakes, the domains of various human nations, and the sects of practitioners.

His vision remained sharp, and his soul's consciousness seemed to stretch infinitely, reaching out in every direction within the Darkness World—a feat not even the Abyss Evil Gods could achieve.

Moreover, upon his arrival from the seventh floor into this pitch-black expanse, Yu Yuan found himself increasingly at ease.

His soul experienced a profound tranquility, akin to a wanderer who, after eons abroad, had at last returned to his birthplace.

It was the unmistakable sensation of coming home.

In the depths of this endless darkness, his corporeal form was spared the onslaught of the abyss's wild and tumultuous energies.

This realm of obscurity seemed devoid of the forces that birthed abyssal life; no power surged into him to further temper his organs and sinews.

However, the soul power within his sea of consciousness thrived, nourished by the darkness's soul energy.

His main soul, in its ethereal form, transformed into a green-black wisp, taking natural breaths deep within his consciousness.

Inhaling the soul energy from the darkness, he felt a sense of expansive well-being, and his main soul appeared to grow incrementally stronger.


Yu Yuan was suddenly jolted by an astonishing realization.

The volatile and chaotic energy of the seventh layer intensified the higher one climbed.

This energy was potent enough to fortify the flesh and blood, endowing the humans who once dwelled on the continent's highest reaches with innate, divine strength—strength enough to rend the heavens and cleave rivers through mountains.

This was the legacy of those early humans, who harnessed such power before the abyss's treasures were lost.

Yet as one descended from the first to the seventh layer, the tumultuous abyssal energy waned, while a force that nurtured the soul grew stronger.

Even upon his arrival at the seventh layer, he had detected his main soul drawing in this peculiar energy.

It was an exceedingly rare force of the soul, one his spirit could perceive and absorb, though it was not yet concentrated.

In the profound darkness, there was no energy to temper flesh and blood, yet a power that nourished the soul was palpable, filling him with a sense of ease and delight. It became clear that the nurturing energy emanating from the seventh layer originated from the very depths of darkness where Yu Yuan now found himself. The abyss was truly wondrous!

Starting from the lowest level, there existed a power that sustained the soul, becoming increasingly rarefied as it ascended. This was in stark contrast to the wild and chaotic force that fortified flesh and bones.

Yu Yuan, having descended in his true form, was capable of absorbing and utilizing both types of energy, whether it was for his physical body or his soul.

"Perhaps the Supreme Wisdom is correct. The Human Race may indeed be the favored children of the Abyss, the true sovereigns of this realm," he mused before continuing his descent.

Suddenly, he beheld a land far more expansive than the highest layer that concealed the Light Origin Spirit, situated in the endless darkness below. This grayish-white expanse was shrouded in utter darkness, with a colossal palace standing at its heart. Numerous mountains dotted the landscape, yet there were no signs of civilization—no cities, castles, or streets—only the towering palace that dwarfed all the mountains.

The palace, set amidst the vast wilderness, radiated a sense of solemnity and grandeur, as if it had stood for eons. Constructed from massive bones, it resembled the divine abode of a deity.

Creation Land. Evil God Temple. These terms surfaced in Yu Yuan's soul without a moment's hesitation, revealing to him the name of the continent and the storied past of the Evil God Temple.

Evil Gods born in the Abyss, once fallen in battle, would have their flesh and organs consumed by foes, their skeletal remains cast downward. The bones of each deceased Evil God would descend upon Creation Land, contributing to the structure of the Evil God Temple.

Over millennia, countless new Evil Gods emerged, perishing in the upper seven layers of the abyss, adhering to an ancient tradition of casting down their bones. These nascent Evil Gods would undergo a rite of passage within this temple, and upon their demise, they would return to this sacred ground.

In life and in death, they were all destined to traverse this land.


Yu Yuan plummeted from the heavens, landing squarely before the grand Evil God Temple, his feet firmly planted on Creation Land.

As his feet touched the ground, his brows quivered, and he instinctively glanced beneath him.

He was absolutely certain that the Darkness Origin Spirit, the very entity Tan Xiaotian coveted in his dreams, lay deep within this land.

For reasons unknown, as soon as he stood upon Creation Land, the main soul within the recesses of his mind conjured an image of an intense darkness swirling in the land's deepest reaches.

It was akin to the Origin Soul in the boundless sea, the Origin Blood on the land named for it, and the Light Origin Spirit at the pinnacle of the abyss.

These peculiar Origin Spirits appeared to prefer nesting at the heart of a star land, much like the heart of the world itself.

Yet, he could see it so clearly.

Not with his eyes, but with his soul!

His sea of consciousness's main soul glimpsed the profound darkness because he had descended upon Creation Land and felt the cool stones beneath his feet.

This ultimate darkness seemed to sense him as well, as if... it was even welcoming his arrival.

"Why should it welcome me? Shouldn't it be Tan Xiaotian?"

Yu Yuan was dumbfounded.

The pulsating darkness seemed woven from billions of pitch-black lightning bolts, each one a dark law of nature.

It unleashed an infinite darkness from the base of the seven-layered Abyss World.

To Yu Yuan, it felt mightier than the Light Origin Spirit, as if it and the miraculous land itself were upholding the entire Abyss World, much like the roots of the abyss.

Yu Yuan even believed that the land housing the Light Origin Spirit, including the Light Origin Spirit itself, was held in the abyss by its power, eternally illuminating the seven layers of the Abyss World.

In the clash of light and dark, it was evidently the victor.

"Why have you come?"

This thought barely formed when he suddenly heard Tan Xiaotian's voice.

Tan Xiaotian, who had descended into the Abyss ahead of him, had not sought an audience with the Dark Lord as previously mentioned. Instead, he had headed directly for the source of darkness he had detected.

Tan Xiaotian was hidden behind the Evil God Temple, having earlier consciously concealed his presence, reducing himself to a mere dark particle.

Thus, when Yu Yuan arrived, he failed to notice him.

Upon his descent, Tan Xiaotian beheld the Evil God Temple and felt a moment's hesitation, for the temple's enigmatic doors were sealed shut, sparking a surge of intense curiosity within him.

He pondered whether the hall was connected to the Darkness Origin Spirit below.

Should he enter or first reach out to the Darkness Origin Spirit underground?

While he hesitated, Yu Yuan descended from the sky, seemingly very familiar with the darkness.

Yu Yuan's demeanor and gestures exuded an ease as if he had visited this place countless times before, which left Tan Xiaotian astounded as he covertly watched for some time.


A skeleton that formed part of the Evil God Temple began to glow with numerous runes, and a slender human-like soul shadow emerged from within it.

"Origin Realm God? No, it's Arthurs!"

Yu Yuan exclaimed.

Knowing that the Abyss World and Desolate Realm both referred to his home as the Origin Realm, Yu Yuan realized that Arthurs's claim to command the Origin Realm God was nothing more than a delusion.

If the Origin Realm truly had a deity, it would be the Great Demon God Beilstein, not Arthurs.

Arthurs's self-proclaimed title of Origin Realm God was merely a facade.

"Surprising to find you still alive," Yu Yuan remarked, noticing that Arthurs was only a soul without a physical form. "You... could it be that you've died?"

Beilstein had come through the Chaos Abyss from the Gray Domain with the intent to eliminate Arthurs.

Since then, Arthurs had not been seen, and Extreme Intelligence had taken his place.

Yu Yuan had assumed that the Great Demon God had obliterated him in the Abyss, prompting Extreme Intelligence to emerge and rally the Evil Gods under the banner of the new Abyss leader.

"My soul has not perished."

As Arthurs spoke, Tan Xiaotian also glided over to join them.

He stood next to Yu Yuan, gazing at the one who had wreaked havoc in their world and established the Origin Realm.

"I'm curious, Yu Yuan, why you..."

Before Arthurs could finish, his voice was abruptly silenced.

His soul shadow appeared to be pressed into the bone, ushered directly into the interior of the hall.

In the instant Arthurs vanished, the massive bone doors of the Evil God Temple shimmered with a dark jade sheen.

It was as if eyes filled with profound emotion silently observed.

They were not looking at Tan Xiaotian, but at Yu Yuan.

"Please enter."

A voice echoed, and the towering doors made of bone slowly swung open as if to greet his arrival.


Tan Xiaotian dashed straight for the bone door.

With a resounding thud, the figure of Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian slammed into a green-black barrier and was repelled, unable to slip through in a flash.

"Didn't you invite me in?"

Tan Xiaotian eyed the bone door with dissatisfaction and declared, "I have traveled from the Origin Realm to assimilate the Darkness Origin Spirit and, as the Dark Lord, to reign supreme over all the Abyss Evil Gods!"

"I wasn't inviting you."

The voice returned, unapologetically cold, "You belong underground, not above."

Tan Xiaotian's expression hardened, and he huffed, "I intend to explore this hall."

He believed that by setting foot in the abyss and securing the Darkness Origin Spirit, as promised by Supreme Wisdom, he could ascend to the Eleventh Level and become a Dark Lord like the Titan Spinosaurus and the Great Demon God Beilstein.

The abyss respects the powerful. By becoming an Eleventh Level Dark Lord, would he not be the Abyss Lord?

Shouldn't the entity within the Evil God Temple show him deference?

With this conviction, the Demon Lord attempted another assault on the Evil God Temple, aiming to penetrate the open bone gate, but... he was thwarted by the green-black barrier once more.

And once again, he was repelled.

"Listen, your Path of Darkness awaits you below. Don't delay any longer; go and embrace its favor."

"I am the guardian of this temple. Once you've mastered all the dark laws it has to offer, and you've furthered your power, we can have a longer conversation."

"But for now, please don't obstruct the path."


The ground beneath Tan Xiaotian's feet suddenly split open, as if the earth itself had opened its maw to swallow the Demon Lord.

In a moment, amidst the swirling extreme darkness, the silhouette of Tan Xiaotian emerged.

He had become a mere speck, a tiny black dot amidst the intertwining pitch-black lightning, his physique assaulted by the sizzling currents, while his soul was etched with the fundamental truths of darkness.

Libre Baskerville
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