Unmatched Dominance/C2005 Hao Yun Was Breathing!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2005 Hao Yun Was Breathing!
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C2005 Hao Yun Was Breathing!

Andrea appeared rather helpless.

Few knew that she had always lived in the shadow of Yu Yuan. Since her earliest memories, she had been by the side of Beilstein, the Great Demon God.

Beilstein had imparted to her numerous secret arts concerning the soul and had taken her on journeys across the vast Starfields of this world. He often spoke of Yu Yuan's first life—the Dragon Slayer.

From a young age, Andrea understood that her father, Beilstein, was an unparalleled presence in her world.

Yet, whenever he mentioned the Dragon Slayer of the Boundless Human Race, Beilstein would speak with admiration. As his daughter, she was privy to secrets unknown to others.

She was acutely aware that the leader of the Boundless Human Race, who had forged the Primordial Spirit and established a cultivation system for humanity, was greatly influenced by her father.

Her father was, in fact, the guide and mentor to this leader.

But in Beilstein's eyes, he regarded that individual as... a fellow traveler.

A comrade in the quest for a loftier path!

Andrea could never grasp why, in her father's view, the Dragon Slayer of the Boundless Human Race deserved to walk beside him. What made him worthy of such comparison?

Even Andrea herself had been inducted into the Divine Soul Sect as part of her father's plans.

The Divine Soul Sect, thriving in the Perish Starfield and producing numerous Divine Kings, owed much to her father's clandestine efforts.

It wasn't so much a favoritism towards the Divine Soul Sect as it was a preference for the Dragon Slayer.

This bias and esteem made Andrea, his daughter, envious.

Moreover, the execution of the "New Boundless" initiative and many practices of the Divine Soul Sect were also in accordance with the policies and strategies left by the Dragon Slayer.

As a subsequent Divine King with a lofty status within the Divine Soul Sect, Andrea found herself merely carrying out the legacy of the Dragon Slayer.

She, who had always considered herself exceptionally intelligent, with the soul of a Devaputra and the body of a human, believed that in terms of cultivation level, knowledge of the Origin Realm, and mastery of arcane arts, she had long surpassed the original Dragon Slayer.

Why should she have to adhere to his principles even after his passing?

Andrea had always been determined to step out from under Yu Yuan's shadow.

Upon the startling revelation that Yu Yuan was the reincarnation and new life of the Dragon Slayer, she harbored a secret rivalry.

She was eager to discover what made her senior brother so exceptional, someone her father had esteemed so highly!

Why did her father bring him up time and again, going so far as to proactively carry out the Divine Soul Sect's initiatives after the Dragon Slayer's demise?

Deep down, Andrea was fiercely competitive, convinced of her own superiority.

Yet now, with her father's Devil Soul plunged into the Creation Land and besieged by Evil Gods within the Sacred Hall, his final telepathic message struggled through.

It was a directive for her to follow Yu Yuan, to endorse every decision he made.

Naturally, Andrea was less than pleased.

"Please don't let him down."

Having made her stance clear, Andrea added with a nonchalant air, "When your true form arrives at the Dragon Slash Platform, I'll make my way across the Galaxy Crossing."

Then, her tall and striking silhouette vanished from the spot.

She retreated to her own domain, to her palace, and shut herself away.

"The alliance between the Silver Scale Clan and the Divine Soul Sect remains unchanged."

After Andrea's declaration, the old lizard, now in the guise of an elderly Silver Scale Clan member, also determined the future of his people.

Jessica, of the Tenth Level bloodline, along with several Ninth Level members of the Silver Scale Clan, raised no objections.

When the Beast God descended upon the Silver Starfield, the Silver Scale Clan was nearly annihilated, and the Deep Sea Basilisk, carrying the old lizard's lineage, suffered at the hands of the Beast God.

It was Yu Yuan who, alongside the old lizard and the Chaos Roc, ventured to the Silver Starfield to rescue his remaining offspring.

For this reason, regardless of whether the human origins lay in the abyss, the old lizard steadfastly sided with Yu Yuan.

"Barol, Andrea's words reflect the will of Lord Beilstein," Reid informed the Star Race chieftain, Rebecca of the Banshee Clan, and the other alien race leaders.

"If it's Lord Beilstein's will," Rebecca, who revered the Great Demon God Beilstein to her core, affirmed, "the Banshee Clan will keep to the status quo."

"The Star Race currently has no plans for change. I'll accompany them to the Boundless Expanse to see for myself," Barol declared.

The Dark Elfkind, Star Race, Banshee Clan, Silver Scale Clan, Winged Race, and the Secular Bird Queen were all formidable entities with the power to influence the fate of the cosmos. Each had made their stance clear.

The shattering of the Abyss Gate had, for the moment, quelled the immense turmoil and controversy stirred by the emergence of the Human Race from the abyss.

The various extraterrestrial races had not yet severed ties with the Divine Soul Sect, opting instead to uphold a tenuous alliance. They decided to watch and wait, curious to see what conflicts might arise between the Divine Soul Sect's Divine Kings and the forces led by Han Miaoyuan in the boundless realms.

"Sir, we will undoubtedly stand firmly by your side," Tai Xu declared, bowing his head.

Tianqi placed a fist over his heart and saluted Yu Yuan, his gesture signaling unwavering loyalty.

Ann Ziqing, Grec, and all the Ninth Level Demon Gods of the Blood Devil Clan, deeply bound by blood to Yu Yuan, were unequivocally supportive.

The only ones left undecided were from the Babel Chamber of Commerce, Silver Moon Sect, and Ancient Desolate Sect, who had previously allied with the Divine Soul Sect.

"We wish to return and see for ourselves," stated Duan Yisheng of the Silver Moon Sect.

Shi Jing'er paused before adding, "We need to ascertain the truth first, then decide."

Zhongli shared the sentiment.

"That is wise," Yu Yuan agreed.

Later, in his palace, Yu Yuan met privately with the Demon God Lvliu.

"I have not regressed," Lvliu began, pointing to his heart in the dimly lit hall. "Using the method Sanya taught me, I ascended from the Ninth Level to the Tenth Level after stripping away my origin. I killed Sanya, expecting Yuan Li's power to suppress my Demon God bloodline."

"But it did not."

Lvliu was perplexed.

"Let me have a look," Yu Yuan offered.

His fingertip touched Lvliu's heart, his consciousness and strands of bloodlight penetrating and illuminating it. Bloodline Crystal Chains, weaving like a celestial galaxy, and laws and secret arts related to water continuously emerged within Lvliu's heart, evolving into myriad marvels.

Yu Yuan's blood soul awareness, immersed in the heart of Lvliu, was akin to being deep within the Milky Way, where he could vividly perceive the powers Lvliu had mastered.

"There's no need to look any further."

Yu Yuan's bloodlust and awareness swiftly receded.

"You're completely fine, with no trace of Yuen Bu's mark on you. The method he shared with you for breaking through to become a Demon God is just the standard path often taken in the Desolate Realm—there's nothing particularly special about it."

Yu Yuan understood his concerns and sought to reassure him, "Yuen Bu can't possess you from afar like he does with the Desolate Gods, take over your demon form, or erase your bloodline mark."

"But after I lost my origin, I clearly regressed!" Lvliu exclaimed.

"The reason is that your original ascension to Demon God status was propelled by the vast source of the Boundless Land, enabling you to shatter the ultimate blood seal imposed on all alien beasts and Demon Gods. The power of the Boundless Land's source was sufficient to break those bonds, which you couldn't have done on your own."

"However, once Yu Zhu fell and later reascended to Demon God status, the blood seal on alien beasts and Demon Gods shattered."

"Your fall was due to the shortcut you took during your initial rise to Demon God. Your second ascent was simply a normal progression since the blood seal no longer existed."

"Therefore, Yuen Bu hasn't actually assisted you, and you owe him nothing."


Beyond the Boundless Land.


The gleaming Dragon Slash Platform, like a shooting star, sliced through the dark expanse of space before coming to rest on a nondescript meteorite.

From his vantage point, Yu Yuan could see the blue sphere of the Boundless Land, as well as the nearby sun and moon. With careful focus, he could even discern the structures of various sects stationed on the moon.

The Boundless Land had indeed lost its protective barrier, exposing it to dozens of types of galactic debris, each carrying the power of different attributes, which now freely flowed into the land.

Many of the original plants had perished, unable to withstand the harsh conditions without the barrier.

Yet, amidst this, new and formidable plants emerged, breaking through the crust with resilience, reaching for the sky.

In the presence of the complex and formidable energies of the galaxy, these nascent plants thrived and transformed.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The fissures in the earth's surface were intermittently filled with the energies of the cosmos, which would then erupt forth once more.

Yu Yuan, after silently observing the expanse of the Outland Starry Sky for some time, sensed that the Boundless Ocean seemed to be breathing.

It drew in the exotic energies of the starry sky, and the power it released was surprisingly... tinged with ferocity and disorder.

It even carried a faint scent of the abyss.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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