Unmatched Dominance/C2010 The Extreme Flame Was Eating!(2)
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Unmatched Dominance/C2010 The Extreme Flame Was Eating!(2)
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C2010 The Extreme Flame Was Eating!(2)

Yu Yuan scoffed inwardly.

The will of the Geocentric Fire, having awakened, discerned his close relationship with Yuan Lianyao and extended an offer to her.

Regardless of Lianyao's talent or her potential to further develop the Earth Fire Path, it was intent on elevating her to the status of a supreme Primordial Spirit.

What was this if not manipulation?

To use Lianyao as a pawn, offering her ascension in exchange for a precious dose of Life Stoste to be infused into Mo Baichuan, aiding him in the creation of an entirely new race?

In Yu Yuan's eyes, what was Lianyao's true worth?

He didn't truly favor her, nor did he see her as a successor. To him, Lianyao was merely a disposable resource.

And he might discard her without a second thought.

"Yu Yuan!"

Yue Mu and Zhou Cangmin called out urgently.

They stared at the ever-expanding sun, sensing that the Geocentric Fire was undergoing an extraordinary transformation.

Only Yu Yuan had the answers they sought!

"It is feeding, consuming in its own unique manner," Yu Yuan explained amidst their shouts. "It's not just the sun aligned with Qin Luo, but also the fiery energies of the Starry Sky and any other flame forces it can detect and capture—it might claim them all."

For the Extreme Flame, the creation of a new species was of monumental significance. This scheme had likely been in the works for quite some time.

Lianyao's ascension to divinity was merely a minor episode, trivial in comparison to its grand plan of birthing a new race.

Yu Yuan was certain there was more to come.

Its awakening and subsequent attempt to forge new life had clearly been sanctioned by another will within the earth's core.

Perhaps, this was even a stipulation of its alliance with that entity.

It required a fearsome amount of flame energy; the sun merged with by Qin Luo was nowhere near sufficient!

"Wait and see, the real spectacle is yet to unfold," Yu Yuan remarked coolly.

With a tearing sound, a dazzling array of spatial light beams began to weave together at the center of a volcano, seemingly driven by the profound laws at the core's foundation, conjuring a portal.

It was a gateway that could bridge the outside world, summoning the wonders of the cosmos!

A massive frog materialized within the blinding portal, its gaze darting around in confusion before it let out a shrill cry in the ancient tongue of the demon race.

"Hao Yang!"

The frog, sensing imminent danger, frantically attempted to squeeze back through the portal, eager to flee.

Yet, its green form began to swell uncontrollably.

Within moments, the bloated frog filled the entire mountaintop, trapped within a dark red temporal prison.

This frog, hailing from the Dark Wing Starfield, had heedlessly followed a mysterious summons and stumbled into this place.

Engulfed by spatial ripples, it arrived here in a daze.

Upon arrival, it recognized the peril it was in and desperately called for help from the Demon Phoenix.

But the Demon Phoenix seemed deaf to its pleas.

The frog's cries quickly turned into violent coughs.

In this unknown dimension, with each cough, it expelled one of the suns it had digested in its belly.

Soon, all seven suns it had painstakingly gathered and refined over countless years in the Desolate Realm were coughed out.

It was left feeling utterly drained.

Each sun it had refined was infused with its vital blood, considered an integral part of itself, as precious as its own heart.

Now, seven suns—its seven hearts—were being ripped out alive.


Amidst its tears, it saw a familiar silhouette emerge through the portal it had tried to escape through.

The leader of the Phoenix Tribe from the Desolate Realm, none other than the fire phoenix herself!

The fire phoenix, who had vanished with her master from the Dark Wing Starfield to an unknown destination, now appeared as if someone had forcibly dragged her here by the neck.

Her entire being radiated with a fiery aura.

This aura was the culmination of her millennia of cultivation, a blend of intense fire energy, encompassing the sun, celestial flames, the Earth's core fire, and the bloodlines of alien beasts, among other fiery elements of the Desolate Realm.

Her understanding of these forces was deeper and far more mystical than the frog's.

"Yu Yuan, save me!"

The fire phoenix, who had come to regard the Demon Phoenix Zhiya as a sister after parting ways with Alex, seemed aware of the dire situation she was about to face and cried out to Yu Yuan from the volcano's brink.

The fire that streamed from her body was the result of her flesh and animal bones melting within her. She was in a state of utter terror.

En route to the Dark Wing Starfield, she detected a disturbance in her Flame Soul. She came to the realization that the mighty Extreme Flame of Hao Ran was using her Flame Soul to decipher the fire laws she had grasped in the Desolate Realm.

She was utterly incapable of resistance, unable to fend it off, forced to submit to the whims of the Extreme Flame.

She clung to a faint hope that the Extreme Flame might recognize her innate talent and superior quality, perhaps even bestowing upon her its most profound secrets of flame, far surpassing Mo Baichuan.

But she quickly sensed that something was amiss.

Slowly, she came to understand that Hao Ran's Extreme Flame had long since chosen its vessel.

The Extreme Flame aspired to create an entirely new race, one that would carry forth its doctrine of Extreme Flame, with no regard for her.

By the time she recognized the error, the fire phoenix sought to break free, only to find she was utterly powerless.

Then, inexplicably, she swooned and found herself within a mysterious void tunnel, emerging at the mouth of Hao Ran's volcano without any understanding of how she got there.

In that instant, the fire phoenix was overwhelmed by despair and helplessness.

Confronted by the primal spirit of the flame, her own understanding of the fire's mysteries seemed pitifully inadequate.

The notion of consuming and refining the Extreme Flame to achieve the Eleventh Level now seemed laughable.

She had an inkling of the Extreme Flame's intentions, but now, stranded in Hao Ran, she was unable to communicate with her sister, and her cries for help fell on deaf ears.

Suddenly, she caught sight of Yu Yuan and pinned her desperate hopes on him.

She longed for Yu Yuan to extend a helping hand, to save her, to let her live.

But Yu Yuan simply shook his head with indifference.

Subsequently, more flame alien beasts emerged at other volcanic vents, howling in helplessness just like the frog and the fire phoenix.

The Geocentric Fire continued to amass its power relentlessly.

Determined to forge a formidable being in perfect harmony with itself, it had been preparing for countless years.

To fulfill this ambition, it would spare no effort and tolerate no interference.

Libre Baskerville
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