Unmatched Dominance/C2033 The End of the Sword Is Me Lin Daoke!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2033 The End of the Sword Is Me Lin Daoke!
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C2033 The End of the Sword Is Me Lin Daoke!

As soon as Yu Yuan spoke, Lin Daoke's attention swiftly shifted from Chen Qinghuang and he clasped the Primordial Spirit Sword with a firm grip. The blade and tip began to glow with a brilliant sword light that was impossible to ignore.

In that instant, every powerful being in the Gray Domain with a sufficiently strong realm and lineage found themselves captivated by the sight of Lin Daoke. Even Yu Yuan couldn't help but notice that Lin Daoke, along with his sword, was beginning to radiate light, becoming exceptionally luminous.

Lin Daoke was the picture of concentration, his gaze fixed as if Yu Yuan were the only person left in his world. Chen Qinghuang, Taishi, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and all the other formidable figures of the Gray Domain faded into insignificance, like mist dissipating into thin air.

The initial surprise Lin Daoke had felt upon witnessing Chen Qinghuang's dual forms was now vanquished by the sword manifested from his Yin God essence. All irrelevant thoughts and emotions were deemed inconsequential and erased the moment they surfaced in his consciousness.

He wielded the sword within his mind, cutting through the uncontrollable thoughts lurking in the recesses of his heart. Ultimately, Yu Yuan's image was all that occupied his vision and his innermost being. Beyond that, nothing else existed.

Lin Daoke became one with the sword: his body, his will, his gaze, and his very soul all transformed into extensions of the blade. He and the Primordial Spirit Sword in his hand seemed to fuse completely, his entire being following the lead of the sword rather than commanding it.

An ineffable edge emanated from Lin Daoke, causing the very fabric of the Gray Domain to crackle and hiss. Bright streams of light tore through the air, creating spatial rifts in the wake of Lin Daoke's presence. Even before his sword moved, the void struggled to contain the overwhelming sword intent.

Lin Daoke shone with an intense light, each ray a slender thread of sword light, embodying the most refined sword intent ever comprehended by a Sword Immortal. This was the unique sword path that belonged solely to Lin Daoke.

"Lin Daoke!" they exclaimed in awe.

"Such formidable sword intent!"

Taishi, Tianqi, the Abyss Goanna, the Chaos Roc, and even the fully-grown spinosaurus were utterly astounded by the sword intent that Lin Daoke had been brewing.

"Lin, go ahead."

Han Miaoyuan, draped in the Profound Dao Flag, waved his hand with an air of exuberance. His palm was a nexus of pure spiritual energy from heaven and earth, primed to channel this power to Lin Daoke.

He alone understood the full extent of Lin Daoke's newfound terror, honed through his sword enlightenment in the abyss.

Lin Daoke had shattered the haze that once clouded his heart, ascending to even greater heights.

"The Sword Sect truly commands respect."

"He is indeed the preeminent figure of the Boundless Human Race!"

Cultivators from the Silver Moon Sect and Ancient Desolate Sect, along with Bloodline Warriors from foreign realms, sensed the overwhelming presence of Lin Daoke's sword and instinctively kept their distance.

Those who had initially gathered to witness the battle also retreated in haste.

Chen Qinghuang, with the visage of a green bird and the stature of a human, reflected surprise in her piercing eyes and softly cautioned, "Be careful."

She refrained from further resistance. After Yu Yuan spoke, she yielded her place to Lin Daoke.

She was reluctant to defy Yu Yuan publicly.

"Senior, I welcome your guidance."

With a breath, Lin Daoke unleashed his sword.

The sword light, sharper than Loong Jie's inherent edge, sliced through the fabric of the Gray Domain as the Primordial Spirit Sword moved. The very laws of the Gray Domain splintered under the might of Lin Daoke's strike.

Yu Yuan, with a grave expression, watched the sword light approach. His Eleventh Level Yang God form executed a swift maneuver.

Suddenly, the cosmos around Lin Daoke and his sword whirled.

Lin Daoke and his blade experienced a surreal inversion of space and time, the cosmos and the river of stars flipping majestically.

His sword's path reversed, and Yu Yuan's domineering aura, which nearly shattered the Gray Domain, expanded infinitely.

Every thread of his sword intent, his physical form, his meridians, his organs, and his sea of consciousness now bore the imprint of Yu Yuan, who seemed to be omnipresent.

Countless incarnations of Yu Yuan emerged, each manifesting in different life forms within Lin Daoke's perception.

Some were colossal beasts soaring through the ancient cosmos, others were Demon Gods reigning supreme over all, some were Golden Asuras, while others were Tenth Level warriors of the Bright Clan.

Lin Daoke was aware that the Origin Realm had once harbored mysterious creatures, some of which had never manifested within it. These beings were now being forged from Yu Yuan's blood and soul.

Countless incarnations of Yu Yuan began to slowly emerge within each strand of Lin Daoke's sword intent, taking residence in his bones, rooting deep within his flesh, and meandering through his sea of consciousness.

Lin Daoke's sword heart, once the epitome of purity, was now shrouded in a myriad of bloody lights, losing its pristine clarity.

Yu Yuan, meanwhile, brought his hands together slowly. As he did, everyone experienced a discomfort as if their very flesh and souls were being compressed. It was as though many unseen worlds, clamped between his hands, were being forcibly merged.

The sword light from Lin Daoke, which had once torn through the Gray Domain and shattered the laws of the void, was now ensnared by a blood-red cosmos.

"So that's how it is," realized Yu Yuan, who had intercepted the sword. As the ruler of the Gray Domain, he witnessed an extraordinary vision.

Supreme beings like Han Miaoyuan, Zu Ann, Qin Luo, Lu Hongpeng, and Wu Rann, having departed from the Heaven Opening Flare Star, were now dispersed throughout the Gray Domain. These beings, having merged with a fundamental source, remained motionless in the cosmos, yet their presence sent out ripples of black and green.

To the supreme beings of the Boundless Human Race, when observed through a different lens, they appeared as clusters of black ink.

The Gray Domain resembled a murky lake. At its bed lay a variety of dazzling laws, scattered like pebbles. The turbid waters were the pervasive powers of the cosmos.

The origins merged by the supreme beings sent out greenish-black ripples that spread like ink, slowly contaminating the Gray Domain.

The fundamental laws, hidden at the bottom of the Gray Domain and once solely under his command, were now thrown into disarray by the presence of these greenish-black origins.

The arrival of these supreme beings and their prolonged presence threatened his dominion over the Gray Domain. He was at risk of gradually losing his grip on control.

The Gray Domain, once a renowned Starry Forbidden Ground, was in danger of being so thoroughly invaded that it might lose all semblance of borders and barriers.

The Primordial Spirit, fused by the supreme beings, possesses the power to infect the Starfield!

Moreover, with the acceleration of the vast star map and the accumulation of the Heavenly Flame, it will face no resistance and will effortlessly descend upon the Gray Domain.

At that time, the Gray Domain will have no entrances or exits, no barriers left.

Both Ji Hui and Han Miaoyuan were well aware of this, which is why Han Miaoyuan did not intervene when Lin Daoke made his move.

Han Miaoyuan was aware that as the current ruler of the Gray Domain, he would gradually lose his grip on its control.

It wouldn't be long before he could no longer leverage the power of the Gray Domain's master to suppress Lin Daoke.

Hiss! Hiss!

Between Yu Yuan's hands, as clear as precious gems, an unrivaled sword intent surged, carrying the force to shatter the boundless heavens and earth, attempting to break free through his palms.

This sharpness was unlike Loong Jie's "Ultimate Golden Body" and distinct from the purple-golden power of the ancient spinosaurus.

It was the very essence, spirit, and soul of Lin Daoke, embodying his spiritual aspirations and the sword path he cultivated.


The sword light burst forth from his palms, piercing through the many realms he had closed together, leaving his palms etched with fine, intricate cracks.

It infused Lin Daoke's body, soul, and the blood and soul within his acupoints with its intent, causing them to rupture.

Yu Yuan paused, momentarily taken aback, then chuckled and expressed his admiration wholeheartedly, "Impressive."

No sooner had he spoken than the cuts in his palms, wrought by the sword light, healed instantaneously.

"Please summon the Dragon Slash Platform."

Lin Daoke bowed respectfully, his request earnest, "I wish to witness the legendary invincible grace of the Dragon Slash Platform in the hands of the Senior."

The supreme beings who accompanied Han Miaoyuan, along with the mightiest of the Gray Domain, fell silent in the wake of Lin Daoke's sword intent.

"There's no need."

Yu Yuan shook his head, his demeanor free from arrogance, as he earnestly clarified, "In the present Origin Realm, I stand unrivaled. Yuen Bu, Zhiya, you, and even Tan Xiaotian, who is on the cusp of reaching the Eleventh Level, none would be a match for me in the Origin Realm."

"I don't believe it," Lin Daoke declared softly.

"The Abyss, Origin Realm, and Desolate Realm initially had no presence of a sword," Chen Qinghuang interjected with a cold voice. "Without the Sword Origin Spirit, you cannot ascend to the Eleventh Level. No matter the purity of your Sword Dao or the strength of your Sword Intent, without breaking through this cosmic boundary, you lack the qualifications to challenge him to exert his full strength."

In the Secular Bird Queen's view, Yu Yuan is currently the foremost individual in the Origin Realm.

Perhaps even the preeminent figure across the Three Realms.

Only if Lin Daoke could somehow shatter all established laws and step into the Eleventh Level, as Yu Yuan had alluded to, would he be worthy of pushing Yu Yuan to his limits.

Regrettably, the world has not nurtured a Sword Origin Spirit.

Upon hearing these words, many had an epiphany and felt a sense of pity for Lin Daoke.

Indeed, the sword is an acquired object, unlike the Origin Soul, Origin Blood, or Light Origin Spirit, which are innate and extraordinary.

Without the care of an innate, extraordinary Origin Spirit, Lin Daoke, relying solely on his understanding of the Sword Dao, would likely never have the chance to reach the Eleventh Level, let alone contend with Yu Yuan.

"I grasp the implications of your words."

Lin Daoke didn't object, his expression impassive as he nodded slightly, "This is the dust that plagues and veils my sword heart. Upon learning of the Origin Soul and the path to the Eleventh Level, I was disheartened by the absence of the Sword Origin Spirit. Even before venturing into the abyss, I pondered this matter."

"If I have reached the culmination of the Sword Dao, and there is no Sword Origin Spirit ahead of me,"

"Then my Primordial Spirit Sword shall become the Sword Origin Spirit of this universe."

"If there is no path ahead, and if there never was one, then I must carve out my own."

With these words, Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword began its transcendence.

All the sword cultivators in the Gray Domain, Lu Hongpeng, Van Heqing, and others like Jun Chen who practiced the sword, experienced a profound epiphany.

Their sword spells, the sword intent they had been diligently comprehending, and the true essence of the sword path they sought seemed to resonate with Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword.

At the culmination of the sword path, should an innate Sword Origin Spirit fail to manifest, then it shall be I, Lin Daoke, who prevails!

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