Unmatched Dominance/C2043 Where Is It?
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Unmatched Dominance/C2043 Where Is It?
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C2043 Where Is It?

"Master," Yu Yiyi called out softly before she gently set the Evil Cauldron on the ground beneath her feet.

In an instant, Taishi, Tianqi, Taixu, and Xuanli, each a Divine King fused with a source of origin, emerged from the cauldron and encircled the Space-time Gate.

These four Divine Kings integrated with their source much more swiftly than Yu Yiyi had.

Already masters of their Primordial Spirit and occupying the highest echelons, they had all, except for Tianqi, previously experienced such a fusion.

Taishi, Taixu, and Xuanli had been supreme beings with a source of origin during the time when the Human Race overthrew the Nagas.

For them, this was merely a return.

Together with Ji Hui and the sinister stone statue, these Divine Kings who had acquired a source of origin stood guard over the Space-time Gate, warding off any external interference.

They faced the Gate, their backs to the onlookers, emitting an aura tinged with the scent of the abyss.

"My old friends, it is a pleasure to witness your return," Ji Hui said, his face beaming with delight.

The scene left the Ninth Level Giant Dragons of the Nagas and the alien beasts utterly awestruck.

Ann Ziqing, Zhongli, and Shi Jing'er, all giants of the Unrestrained Stage, watched the backs of the Divine Kings with somber expressions, uncertain of their next move.

Meanwhile, in the outside world, the Abyss Goanna was undergoing its metamorphosis. The Chaos Roc, intent on acting, paused when it noticed the Sword Sect Lord's gaze.

With a bitter expression, the Chaos Roc turned its attention to Yu Yuan, who sat in meditation on the Dragon Slash Platform within the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area.

"Who are you, truly?" it pondered silently.

With a whoosh, the Secular Bird Queen revealed her majestic form with three heads and six arms, a green Divine Bird spreading its wings behind her. She abandoned the Hannya Divine Tree and gracefully approached the Fallen Moon.

"Yu Yuan!"

Her thunderous cry reverberated through heaven and earth as clouds laden with death's energy and flames of annihilation descended upon the land of the Fallen Moon.

The immense divine power and blood energy stirred the concealed laws of truth, halting the swift passage of the Fallen Moon.

Cao Jiaze cast a glance at Lin Daoke.

Atop the sword cave, Lin Daoke, sensing her intent, gave a subtle nod.

In the next instant, a symphony of swords filled the air.

Spiritual Swords and Divine Swords burst forth from the sword cave, no longer bound to the Fallen Moon. They morphed into dazzling rivers of sword light, swiftly intertwining with one another.

Chen Qinghuang's mysterious manifestation, along with the colossal form of the Starry Behemoth crafted by the Yang God, were ensnared within the radiant sword light.

Previously, the Secular Bird Queen had used her six wings to confine Lin Daoke in a microcosm where death and destruction coexisted.

Now, he employed the myriad Spiritual Swords and Divine Swords from the sword cave, orchestrating a resplendent sword formation to encase Chen Qinghuang.

This was a different manifestation of the Sky Opening Array!

Lin Daoke didn't need to divide his attention or control the multitude of sword intents alone. He merely had to hold the concept of "Sky Opening" in his mind, and the Divine Swords and Spiritual Swords would autonomously configure into an array.

It was the sword spirits within the cave that were actively heeding his call, acting upon his will.

His Primordial Spirit Sword influenced the Spiritual Swords and Divine Swords.

Meanwhile, he remained vigilant against the Chaos Roc, High Priest Reid, Great Demon God Yuv Qian, Grec, and the Tenth Level Bloodline warriors, including Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and the mature spinosaurus.

"The mutation of the old lizard was due to Yu Yuan's Yang God sinking deep into the earth. Through Yu Yuan's Eleventh Level Yang God, the entity within the Boundless Underground discerned the essence of the bloodline. The source blood that empowered Yu Yuan is likely unraveling the mystery, thereby tainting the old lizard."

The Chaos Roc looked on forlornly, alongside the spinosaurus, ground beetle, and Monolith Tortoise, forming a small coalition.

They watched as Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword, directing the thousands of swords from the cave, besieged the Secular Bird Queen, uncertain whether to extend a helping hand.

Regardless, the Secular Bird Queen was part of the Starry Behemoth, and these behemoths understood the concept of interdependence.


The young spinosaurus, crowned with a purple-gold dragon horn, clad in a resplendent purple-gold dragon robe, exuding an imperious aura, gazed at Yu Yuan's body seated on the Dragon Slash Platform and murmured, "If you just let the humans from the Boundless Underground massacre the beings of the Gray Domain, it would be better if you awoke from your slumber."

"Waking up will at least let us know what happened."

"He, he!"

Grec from the Blood Devil Clan suddenly jolted, pointing at Yu Yuan's true form seated atop the Dragon Slash Platform.

Yu Yuan, who had been keeping his head down, concealing his face from everyone, began to stir.

His hand plunged into the depths of his forehead as if he were struggling to extract something from within.

The skin on his forehead split, and his hand dug deeper, as if reaching into his very soul. His face contorted with pain, as if mustering all his strength.


A mass of greenish-black energy finally emerged from his forehead and his sea of consciousness.

It was an immense primal source!

It was unclear when this immense source had invaded his sea of consciousness, forcibly driving him to ascend to the highest level and complete the final step of his transformation.

It awakened all his memories.

Cao Jiaze's silence had provided him with ample time for his main soul and primal source to merge, allowing him to once again refine a Primordial Spirit.

For Cao Jiaze, Yu Yuan's Primordial Spirit was the ideal vessel.

Cao Jiaze was merely a temporary convenience.

It was because of that primal source that his two bodies had become stiff and lifeless after emerging from the sea of fire.

Once the Origin was released, Yu Yuan's true form immediately regained its freedom.

His Yang God body and his ghostly divine form also regained their self-awareness.

At that moment, his true form on the Dragon Slash Platform looked down at his feet.


The earth beneath him silently fissured, revealing a passage to the deep underground, as if beckoning him forward.

Cao Jiaze floated over, joining him and gesturing towards the opening.

Like a gracious host, he had flung open the doors to welcome an esteemed guest.

Cao Jiaze silently watched him, signaling that he could descend.

Yu Yuan gave a slight nod and vanished into the Dragon Slash Platform with a flash.

As soon as he departed, the opening sealed itself, preventing anyone else from following.

Without the encirclement of the Extreme Flame or any unforeseen events, Yu Yuan's true form, through the enigmatic void of the Dragon Slash Platform and the resonance with the Yang God, reached the Yang God's presence.

Deep within the boundless earth lay a Flame Crystal, its crimson hue forming a bubbling pool of lava.

The most intense flame in existence seemed to dwell within this fiery basin, its power consciously subdued. In its awakened state, it could achieve this level of control.

Beneath the surface of the fiery pool, something lay hidden, shrouded by the Extreme Flame, yet not revealed.

Yu Yuan, with his Eleventh Level Yang God and his true form, stood adjacent to the pool of lava.

He surveyed his surroundings and saw that both his Yang God and his main body were encased within a massive, translucent crystal sphere.

The sphere radiated a spectrum of divine light.

Each beam of light was a manifestation of a mystical Great Dao Law: earth, lightning, vegetation, ice, metal, water, space, darkness, poison, and stars.

Every law and truth known to Yu Yuan, as well as those unknown, were etched within the crystal sphere.


The flames that blanketed the pool receded slowly, unveiling the pond's depths.

Numerous greenish-black oddities at the bottom seemed to be coalescing gradually.

These greenish-black entities had emerged due to Hao Ran's presence, tainted by the Great Dao Laws of Hao Ran, which had permeated the Gray Domain, capturing more of its enigmatic secrets and giving rise to new forms.

This was the origin.

With Hao Ran's successful descent into the Gray Domain, a substantial amount of original source was being generated!

It was evident that before long, this original source would forge numerous supreme Primordial Spirits.

"Where is it?"

Both Yu Yuans inquired simultaneously.

The enigmatic crystal sphere, akin to Hao Ran's heart, and the intense flames within the lava pond were likely the Extreme Flame.

Yet, the Origin Soul from the abyss was nowhere to be seen, which he found peculiar.


Yuan Lianyao, clad in the divine armor created by the Heaven and Earth Furnace, stepped through the flames and approached. She stood there, poised.

The spiritual consciousness of the Extreme Flame instantly entered Yuan Lianyao's body, taking action through her.

"It has always been within your main soul."

Extreme Flame spoke through Yuan Lianyao's lips.

The revelation from Extreme Flame sent shockwaves through the three Yu Yuans, each in different locations.

The Origin Soul, emerging from the abyssal depths, had always been confined within his primary soul, where he kept it suppressed.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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