Unmatched Dominance/C2059 The Soul Altar
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Unmatched Dominance/C2059 The Soul Altar
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C2059 The Soul Altar

The Gray Domain, riddled with fissures, was no longer the impenetrable Starry Forbidden Ground of the Origin Realm. Entry and exit were now unrestricted.

Invited by the Divine Soul Sect, various outsiders who had migrated there quickly realized the peril of their situation. Without so much as a goodbye, they fled posthaste.

Yu Yuan, with his colossal Eleventh Level Yang God stature, had left all beings in awe. Yet, the thought of the most powerful Origin Spirit lurking in the Boundless Underground cast a pall over everyone's spirits.

At that moment, Yu Yuan's Ghost God Body once again became the center of attention. The Grim River encircling his form had abruptly disengaged, halting his progression. But once his primary form intervened, the course of events realigned.

A gray-white light writhed, desperately trying to drag the Grim River and the Path of the Undead away from Yu Yuan's Ghost God Body. This light was the sentient soul of the Gray Domain's Origin Spirit.

With the intervention of Yu Yuan's true form, the blood-yellow Grim River and the Paths of the Undead clung to him like iron filings to a magnet, unable to break free despite their struggles.

"He has the power to resist the Origin Soul that forged him!"

Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, a diminutive spinosaurus, the Chaos Roc, the ground beetle, and the Monolith Tortoise convened beside the Secular Bird Queen, Chen Qinghuang. Zhong Chichen, visibly moved, gazed at the transformation of Yu Yuan's body and exclaimed, "Incredible!"

The conflict around the Space-time Gate had lost its purpose after the Heaven Opening Flare Star cleaved numerous gaps into the Gray Domain. The focus had shifted to the still-quaking Evil God Temple and the actions of key figures such as Yu Yuan, Cao Jiaze, and others.

Cao Jiaze's deep purple eyes, a sign of the Origin Soul's temporary liberation from corruption, reflected his newfound sentience and wisdom. He gazed intently at the anomaly between Yu Yuan's brows, his interest piqued. After a brief pause, he nodded and made his descent toward the vast expanse below.

It descended into the Fallen Moon Forbidden Area, before the vast and magnificent temple, where a narrow, elongated chasm led deep into the bowels of the earth.

Its true power resided within the heart of the boundless, struggling against the Origin Soul amidst a pool of surging flames.

"I hope you can succeed."

This thought only emerged in Yu Yuan's mind upon its landing.


Deep within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness, an octagonal green jade Soul Altar floated, drawing the soul energy from humanity's mightiest.

Within the translucent green jade Soul Body, myriad soul lightnings flickered, each signifying different arcane laws. The tremendous soul energy within underwent continuous cycles of purification and elevation.


The green jade Soul Altar gently rotated, casting out soul light that was enigmatic and profound.

It bore a striking resemblance to the Soul Altar formed by the Origin Soul in the heart of the boundless, except it lacked the burning flames and the refinement of a dark essence.

This was a novel "Soul Altar," transformed from his Primordial Spirit.

His main soul's metamorphosis into an advancement of the Primordial Spirit had manifested as this green jade Soul Altar.

Absent the integration with the Origin, a crystalline green jade Soul Altar emerged. This was the present state of his Primordial Spirit, tangible and not mere illusion.

The "Soul Altar" existed in reality; it was materialized and could detach from the sea of consciousness.

Humans born within the Boundless required the fusion of their Primordial Spirit with the Origin to become corporeal.

The Soul Pillar in Cao Jiaze's mind, Lin Daoke's Primordial Spirit Sword, Tan Xiaotian's Dark Throne, and Jee Ningshuang's crystalline mountains and rivers.

Only by integrating with the Origin could the Primordial Spirits of these human paragons transform from ethereal to real.

The Great Demon Gods of the Outland Devaputra, like Reid, Yuv Qian, and even Beilstein, possessed Devil Souls that were merely spiritual entities, incapable of materialization.

Before receiving the blessing of the Origin, the souls of Taishi, Tianqi, and Xuanli were also intangible.

Yu Yuan shattered the existing paradigm!

At the inception of his Primordial Spirit, it voraciously absorbed soul energy from all quarters, astonishingly evolving into a tangible "Soul Altar."

The Soul Altar still had room for growth.

Thanks to the Soul Altar and the interplay of souls, his ghostly divine form could withstand the Origin Soul of the Demon Realm.


Beneath the azure Soul Altar, crystalline white jade began to condense.

This white jade bore the imprints of the Origin Soul's laws, encapsulating the collective mysteries he had discerned through his ghostly divine form.


Numerous slender paths of the undead and arcane secrets related to the Undead Ruler transformed into ghostly lightning within the white jade.

His true form, his Primordial Spirit shaped like the Soul Altar, replicated the might wielded by his ghostly divine form, creating a new stratum within his sea of consciousness.

The wondrous Soul Altar, which had been a single tier, now unfurled into two, with the bottom tier taking on the appearance of a white jade platform.


Beneath this platform, crimson crystal shards emerged, translucent as rubies.

These ruby-like crystals formed the foundation of the Soul Altar, with strands of crimson lightning vividly etched below.

In an instant, the Soul Altar, forged from his Primordial Spirit, expanded by two additional tiers.

The Soul Altar evolved from one layer to three.

Upon witnessing the third tier, Yu Yuan instantly recognized it as the cultivation technique he had mastered as the Abyss Lord.

He had imprinted other Origin Souls' laws using his Primordial Spirit as a template for the Soul Altar.

As long as he could acquire the complete essence of the laws from various Origin Souls throughout the cosmos, he could extend another layer beneath his Soul Altar.

He slowly remembered that during his reign as the Abyss Lord, his Soul Altar had layers composed of lightning, darkness, plant spirits, and the Light Origin Spirit.

The Origin Souls of the Abyss—lightning, darkness, the Light Origin Spirit, and plant spirits—had all been compelled to surrender their profound insights to the Origin Soul.

The Tree of Life housed a plant Origin Spirit.

Aligned with the power laws of the Four Great Origin Spirits, the layers beneath his Soul Altar had once formed a platform to bolster his Primordial Spirit.

His Soul Altar had once soared to the height of five tiers!

The levels of light, thunder, darkness, and the Origin Spirits of flora were not as potent as the vast expanse's Origin Blood and Origin Soul.

Now, with the vast Origin Blood and Origin Soul, he had laid out a new stage. Though it consisted of merely three levels, it filled him with immense joy and satisfaction. He knew that when his Soul Altar had five levels, such aspirations seemed beyond his wildest dreams. If all went well, he would undoubtedly surpass his past self!

A new memory emerged, and a knowing smile played at the corners of his mouth. Once the scarlet and white jade stages formed beneath the green jade stage, his Yang God and Ghost God bodies would reunite with his true form. Their previous inability to merge was due to the weakness of his true body, which couldn't withstand the power of the Yang God and Ghost God.

Moreover, his mind had yet to form the Soul Altar or imprint the mysteries of the laws. Now, the Soul Altar, like the heart of the Boundless Underground, had branded the laws controlled by the Yang God and Ghost God bodies, turning them into bloodline secret techniques and arcane arts he could wield in the future.

Soon, his Yang God body would descend into the small world of blood and Qi, and his Ghost God body would integrate with his true form. The strength of both avatars would then be harnessed continuously. The Yang God and Ghost God bodies could operate independently or merge with the true form, endowing it with power beyond imagination and unleashing combat prowess that exceeded the Eleventh Level.

This was his grand vision to combat the Abyss Origin Soul and hunt the extraordinary origin spirits across the Three Realms. The creation of this Soul Altar was designed to confront not just the Abyss Origin Soul but all known origin spirits!

"So this is how I cultivated in the Abyss back then, using such power to contend with the Origin Soul," Yu Yuan reflected with emotion. Even as the Soul Altar was still being forged, he could resist the will of the Origin Blood and Origin Soul, battling these transcendent beings.

His name was Yu Yuan, and as the Abyss Lord, he had once wielded incredible might. With a five-level Soul Altar, not even the Titan spinosaurus should have been his equal. In his prime, the Abyss Origin Soul couldn't hope to possess or refine him.

He fell from the grasp of the Abyss Lord, his soul obliterated because the Abyss Origin Soul emerged from the shadows of Creation Land while he was hunting the Titan Spinosaurus, and its will and essence abruptly descended upon him.

It was the Abyss Origin Soul that seized the opportunity to strike at him.

In truth, his downfall was the result of the combined forces of the Abyss Origin Soul and the Titan Spinosaurus.

Alone, he could have withstood either the Titan Spinosaurus or the Origin Soul.

As he perished, the five tiers of the Soul Altar crumbled, and the secrets tied to thunder, light, flora, and darkness were erased by the Origin Soul.

Only the mysteries connected to the Origin Soul itself were preserved.

The more levels of the altar he had mastered, the greater his power became, enhancing his ability to defy the vast Origin Soul.

Only the topmost, yet fractured, "Jade Soul Altar" remained, because the Origin Soul intended to maintain control over him, to keep his power constrained, ensuring he remained a servant to the Origin Soul.

As a Divine King, he began to awaken to his true self, yearning to understand his own identity.

"Supreme Wisdom."

Yu Yuan called out gently.

After a moment's hesitation, Supreme Wisdom flew out from Tia Main Planet and came to a halt before his true form, "My Lord, what commands do you have for me?"

"You must choose where your loyalty lies, with me or with it."

Yu Yuan's expression was grave as he fixed his intense, icy gaze on the unsettled Supreme Wisdom, declaring, "I am awake. I know who I am and what I've done. You, on the other hand, are unaware. You believe that I am one with it, but that is not the case."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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