Unmatched Dominance/C2063 The Requirements of the Three Great Source Spirits
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Unmatched Dominance/C2063 The Requirements of the Three Great Source Spirits
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C2063 The Requirements of the Three Great Source Spirits

"Yu Yuan, save me!"

The Chaos Roc, suddenly compelled to reveal its colossal beastly form, cried out to Yu Yuan for help within its own watery realm.

Transformed into a massive green fish, the Chaos Roc was ensnared by rings of blood-colored halos. Vast torrents of blood energy, laced with the will of the Origin Blood Continent, surged into its heart.

The lifeblood lines he had once understood and mastered within his heart now blazed like crimson lightning.

This lightning wove together, radiating a potent vitality, still engaged in the transmission of consciousness.

Having uncovered secrets of eternal life on the Origin Blood Continent, he, as an undying Starry Behemoth, hadn't given it much thought.

Yet, the essence of these bloodlines had been etched into his heart, each corresponding to a truth of life, forming a conduit for the descent of the Origin Blood Will.

Aware of Grec's grim fate, he sensed trouble and promptly sought Yu Yuan's aid.

But by the time Yu Yuan perceived the blood's encroachment upon his water domain, he realized it was already too late.

The beast soul of the Chaos Roc, too, was submerged by the Origin Blood's crimson tide, beginning to resonate with it.

Unable to claim the Chaos Roc as a vessel or a display of power, the Origin Blood settled for Grec of the Blood Devil Clan. After draining Grec's life, it set its sights on the Chaos Roc.

Both Grec and the Chaos Roc shared a trait: within them lay fragments of the true essence of life.

They weren't the ideal hosts for the Origin Blood, but in the absence of better options, they had to settle for the best among the lesser choices.

With only a scant portion of the True Meaning of Life, the Origin Blood Will, upon its arrival, quickly depleted Grec.

It seemed the Chaos Roc might not escape a similar fate.

"What exactly are you planning?"

Using the resonance of the blood source, he gazed into the Dim Starfield, visions flashing through his mind.

He witnessed the crimson star, once the Origin Blood Continent, begin to stir within the Dim Starfield, consuming all its power.

It mirrored the mountain that had crossed realms!

With a thunderous boom, the Divine King, lurking in the shadows, manifested at the realm's barrier beneath the Tia Main Planet.

The Great Demon God of the Blood Devil Clan, who possessed a Later Heaven Life Altar within his body, also bore a portion of the profound secrets of life.

Caught off guard, he glanced at Yu Yuan, his consciousness blurring momentarily.

It was only after the Origin departed from his mind that he regained clarity. Yet, he soon found himself prey to the Origin Blood, which devoured his mind through the Life Altar within him.

Not just him and the Chaos Roc, but also Ann Ziqing, who had ascended via this route, couldn't escape the fate of being eroded by the Origin Blood.

"Yu Yuan!"

Ann Ziqing's cry echoed, only to be engulfed by a dense, blood-red mass, transforming her into a floating orb of blood in the void.

The will of the Origin Blood, having abandoned Yu Yuan, intensified its onslaught.

The Chaos Roc, Ann Ziqing, and the Great Demon God were all subject to its invasive will.

The Origin Spirit, the primordial entity, wouldn't hesitate to act when sensing danger or necessity.

To it, the Chaos Roc, Ann Ziqing, Grec, and the Great Demon God were mere instruments.

Cao Jiaze was no more than an instrument to the Origin Soul.

Beilstein, Yu Yuan, and Yuen Bu—all were but tools in the eyes of the Origin Spirits.

When needed, the Origin Spirits would firmly grasp these instruments, wielding them in battle according to their will.

With the awakening of his core memories, Yu Yuan understood this harsh reality all too well.

Beings like the Origin Spirits, devoid of mortal emotions, never regarded the life they spawned as their children.

They were merely tools, serving their creators' needs, disposable at their whim.


The Grim River encircling Yu Yuan's ghostly form, and the "Paths of the Dead" threading through it, came to an abrupt halt.

A grey and ghostly Dark Mountain floated in the depths of the Starfield.

Atop the Dark Mountain, an ancient vine thrashed wildly, eagerly absorbing an infusion of spirit.


Youyu, in pursuit of Han Qi, was beckoned back by the ancient vine and materialized above it.

The spiritual essence from the Realm of Demons coursed into Youyu through the vine.

For a moment, the specter Youyu became the spiritual vessel for the Origin Soul.

At that moment, Yu Yuan clearly understood that without reaching the Eleventh Level and being unsuitable, one simply couldn't endure the incursion of the Origin Soul's will.

Grec was a grisly example of this.

Yuan Lianyao was nearly reduced to ashes by the possession of the Extreme Flame Spirit. Had she not undergone a transformation later, Yuan Lianyao would surely have perished.

Cao Jiaze, though the Origin Soul used him in a comparatively gentle manner, could not avoid a grim fate.

Chaos Roc, Ann Ziqing, the Great Void, and the ghostly Youyu had each become vessels for the Origin Soul.

Whenever the Origin Soul manifested its power through them, it ravaged their bodies and souls, leading to their deaths.

"You, and you, what are you planning to do?"

Yu Yuan's Yang God, along with his ghostly form, focused on Youyu and the Great Void, aware that the spiritual essences of the Origin Blood and Origin Soul were merging.

He couldn't bear to watch these individuals become sacrifices to the Origin Soul, suffering a fate as harrowing as Grec's.

"Yuen Bu?"

The first definitive signal from the three Origin Spirits of this realm was a directive to eliminate Yuen Bu.

Accompanied by a mountain from the Desolate Realm and a host of Beast Gods, Yuen Bu was deemed an immediate threat by the Origin Blood, Origin Soul, and Origin Spirit of this realm.

Surprisingly, the Origin Soul from the depths of the earth was a secondary concern to Yuen Bu.

Yuen Bu's arrival, along with the mountain's unchecked destruction, was devastating the Origin Realm, their source of existence, pushing the nurturing Origin Realm towards desolation.

Should the Origin Realm perish, life would cease, star energy would be drained, and they too would weaken.

Yuen Bu's actions across the Starfields of the Gray Domain had incensed the three mighty Origin Spirits of this world.

The most powerful Origin Spirit, associated with the Spinosaurus, aimed to conquer the Origin Realm, wanting humanity to establish deep roots there and demanding the submission of the three Origin Spirits, like the Extreme Flame and Light Origin Spirit.

Yet Yuen Bu, and the force behind him, sought to obliterate the Origin Realm.

"If Yuen Bu must die..."

Yu Yuan nodded subtly.

In an instant, he struck a deal with the three great Origin Spirits of this realm. His immense Yang God presence within the Gray Domain, wielding the Dragon Slash Platform, abruptly rent a rift in the fabric of space.

"Tan Xiaotian, have you come seeking your demise?"

At the summit of a mountain encircled by stars, Yu Yuan, in human form, stood before the Beast Temple. He shook his head at the obstructing Demon Master, Tan Xiaotian, and cautioned, "You should think this through. You're facing my actual form, not merely a blood shadow."

Yu Yuan was clad in resplendent garments, his vast and menacing aura blending seamlessly with the celestial bodies around him, as if every Beast God was in sync with his breath.

Above the stars, colossal Beast Gods leered at Tan Xiaotian with malicious grins.

Having departed from the Dark Domain and originally intending to visit the Gray Domain, Tan Xiaotian had detected the mountain's violent acts and changed his course. He now stood defiantly before it, determined to halt its reckless advance.

Tan Xiaotian witnessed the starry expanse the mountain traversed, now reduced to a void of silence akin to the Deep Starfield, its creatures consumed and refined by the Beast Gods, its cosmic energy swallowed by the mountain.

He was not Zhiya; he bore no grudge against Yu Yuan or the Beast Gods. In fact, his past dealings with the Old Ape had been quite amicable.

Yet, Yu Yuan's actions and the mountain's tyranny irked him, prompting his intervention.

In the expansive Origin Realm, very few possessed the power to confront the mountain and the King of the Desolate Realm, Yu Yuan. And those who did were presently incapacitated in the Gray Domain.

Thus, Tan Xiaotian took it upon himself to act.

"You do prattle on," Tan Xiaotian retorted with a cold laugh, as the darkness behind him began to spread endlessly outward.

Libre Baskerville
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