Unmatched Dominance/C2068 The Earth Bear(1)
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Unmatched Dominance/C2068 The Earth Bear(1)
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C2068 The Earth Bear(1)

Behind Yuen Bu, the hall, though not as majestic as the Evil God Temple, continued to tremble subtly.

Tan Xiaotian, employing arcane insights, attempted to discern the events within the hall, yet the interior eluded his vision.

Nevertheless, the resurrection of a deceased Beast God, boasting a Tenth Level bloodline, truly astounded him.

If so, would all the Beast Gods devoted to Yuen Bu indeed possess immortality?

Should they fall in battle beyond the heavens, they would be resurrected by a single drop of remaining blood. Retaining their Tenth Level bloodline and all memories intact, every Beast God of the Desolate Realm would dare to lay down their lives for Yuen Bu.

Could this be the source of Yuen Bu's confidence, the wonder of the Beast Temple?

Tan Xiaotian's gaze grew deep as he indulged in his own reverie. He aspired to transform the Dark Domain into a dominion of shadows, inviting the Darkness Origin Spirit to dwell and nurture beings of darkness.

Once the prerequisites were met, he would forge his Darkness Temple, evolving those born of shadow into Gods of Darkness.

The Darkness Origin Spirit, thus liberated from the shackles of the Abyss Origin Soul, would attain freedom and release.

And he, Tan Xiaotian, would ascend as the sovereign of all deities within the Darkness World, carving out his realm from his exclusive domain.

"A hall of special significance, if the Demon Phoenix dares to construct it, then naturally, so can I!"

As Tan Xiaotian sneered inwardly, he couldn't help but admire the Demon Phoenix's ambition. The deeper his understanding of this formidable adversary from ancient times, the more he felt a chill of apprehension.

Even before Zhiya ascended to the Eleventh Level, she had been meticulously preparing, scouring both the vast expanses and the heavens for precious materials to erect her Phoenix Shrine.

Zhiya must have harbored immense confidence in her eventual rise to the Eleventh Level, hence her early preparations and her journey to the Desolate Realm to gather followers.

The frog, the fire phoenix, and the iron-wing bird, all Beast Gods from the Desolate Realm, had become her trusted lieutenants.

What then, became of the Bright Clan chieftain who ventured into the Desolate Realm in search of a light source?

The Demon Phoenix not only emerged unscathed but also reaped considerable rewards, which clearly demonstrated her superior strength compared to Cadorath. Indeed, she was rightfully acknowledged as the second most powerful being beneath Beilstein.

"Demon Phoenix..."

As Tan Xiaotian pondered this, his gaze settled on Yu Yuan's Eleventh Level Yang God.

"Rumors suggest that the Demon Phoenix has been a formidable backer behind the rise of the Human Race. There appears to be a profound bond between her and him, yet it's curious why they seem to be at odds, like oil and water."

"Secular Bird Queen?"

Tan Xiaotian stroked his chin, his expression turning curious.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Brilliant rivers of crimson light were abruptly intercepted by swirling demonic clouds.

"Wait a moment," Yu Yuan stated with composure.

The Beast Temple behind him was still quivering gently, as if it was in the process of nurturing something.

Soon after, the deceased Eagle God Soderis, the Tenth Level Flamingo, the Blood Cloud Beast God, the Earth Rift Beast God, and the Celestial Star Beast God emerged from the Beast Temple one by one.

Before their emergence, a pebble broke away from the mountain and swelled rapidly, undergoing an extraordinary metamorphosis by harnessing the starry abilities stolen from the mountain.

With the creation of each new star, a Beast God was revived and immediately exited the Beast Temple.

The mountain in the Desolate Realm, harboring the Origin Blood and the lifeblood of the Beast Gods displayed within the Beast Temple, facilitated their resurrection in the Origin Realm.

After some time, the mountain ceased its wondrous activity, and no further Beast Gods appeared.

Numerous Beast Gods had perished, yet only a select few had been resurrected by Yuan Li.

It seemed that the mountain's dominance in the Origin Realm and the energy it had consumed from the various Starfields were only sufficient to forge so many stars and bring back that many Beast Gods.

The remaining Beast Gods, such as the Raymon Beast, the Red Scaled Beast God, and the Qilin, required the mountain, which had crossed realms, to continue harvesting the power of the Origin Realm.

As the Starfields of the Origin Realm were drained, transforming into barren wastelands, the mountain was able to amass more energy to accomplish this feat.

"It's still not enough. We lack the necessary power and must continue to collect energy from this realm."

Yuen Bu apologized to the resurrected Beast Gods, "Please, take your seats. The Beast Gods who fought with you in this realm will manifest after you. The Origin Realm is vast, with numerous Starfields rich in energy. We have ample time to gather the strength needed for their revival."

"My King, we are grateful for your grace."

"We are all aware that we can be resurrected after falling in battle."

"There's no need to rush."

The first batch of Beast Gods to be revived responded in either the human tongue or the ancient Demon language.

Following Yuen Bu's gesture, the resurrected Beast Gods then soared down to occupy the new stars.

"So that's how it works."

Yu Yuan whispered to himself, as a flood of related memories surged from his original body, which was diligently constructing the Soul Altar in the Gray Domain.

He instantly grasped the truth and the intricacies involved.

The reason why Yuen Bu, the King of the Desolate Realm, had not resurrected the fallen Beast Gods there was to utilize the resources and power of the Origin Realm after his arrival.

Places like the Abyss, Origin Realm, and Desolate Realm all have a fixed limit at the Tenth Level.

In the Desolate Realm, the total number of Beast Gods that could emerge was just over a hundred.

Similarly, the mountain encircled by stars held a maximum of just over a hundred stars at its peak.

When the hearts of the Beast Gods battling in the Origin Realm shattered, confirming their demise, their corresponding stars would explode beside the mountain.

Each exploding star signified the fall of a Beast God.

Conversely, each new star signified the birth of a Beast God from the Desolate Realm.

These additional stars could represent either newly born or resurrected Beast Gods.

The limit of just over a hundred is tied to the fundamental laws of a world and is exceedingly difficult to break.

Of course, there are ways to shatter this rule. The most direct approach is to invade other worlds, plundering their resources to surpass this threshold.

Yuen Bu seized the opportunity right after the fierce battle between the Great Demon God Beilstein and the exalted Titan Spinosaurus, making his first incursion into the Origin Realm a bountiful one.

He harnessed the immense energy of the Origin Realm, which led to the birth of additional Beast Gods in the Desolate Realm and also increased his own strength.

During the Spinosaurus's campaign against the Abyss, it appeared to have been a boon for the Origin Realm, paving the way for the emergence of more beings at the Tenth Level.

Each world is unique, with varying numbers of species, novel laws, and other differences based on the total starry sky energy it contains. Consequently, the number of powerful beings each world can produce varies.

Yuen Bu rampaged through this realm, harvesting the Life Seeds of numerous races. By using this mountain to dismantle the Starfield's converging power, he could bestow a boon upon the Desolate Realm, enhancing its overall might.

Libre Baskerville
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