Unmatched Dominance/C2070 The Seed
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Unmatched Dominance/C2070 The Seed
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C2070 The Seed

"Earth Bear."

Yu Yuan's attention sharpened as he scrutinized the creature before him. He perceived that the Earth Bear named Sekou was on the cusp of reaching the Eleventh Level.

The blood energy within the bear's body was immense, rivaling oceans and mountains. Among the many Beast Gods, Sekou's strength was surpassed only by Yuan Li.

Although the black goat ranked higher, Yu Yuan sensed that Sekou might actually be the more formidable of the two.

Moreover, Sekou's presence resonated with the mountain encircled by stars.

This enigmatic mountain in the Desolate Realm appeared to be the wellspring of Sekou's power. When the Earth Bear required it, the mountain could surge with energy, replenishing Sekou's strength.

"This bear is extraordinary."

Tan Xiaotian also sensed the oddity, surprised that Sekou, despite ranking below the black goat, could neutralize Yu Yuan's strike, rendering his offensive efforts ineffective.

"To encounter such a bear on our first incursion into the Desolate Realm?"

The black goat's remark prompted Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian to cast another glance at the massive bear.

The bear lay there, languid on his star, his corpulent form suggesting a life devoid of ambition and untouched by battle for many years.

The Earth Bear grumbled in the tongue of beasts, eyeing Tan Xiaotian with a hint of disdain.

Even Tan Xiaotian, who had ascended to the Eleventh Level and mastered the complete Dark Mystery, seemed insignificant to him.

Neither Yuan Li, the black goat, nor the other Beast Gods of this realm found his arrogance surprising; they seemed accustomed to it, acknowledging his capacity to look down upon Tan Xiaotian's combat prowess.

They all knew he had grown accustomed to luxury and idleness over the years, which had led to his current state.

Yet, in the Desolate Realm, he was ranked only behind Yuan Li and the black goat.

The black goat's precedence was due to its unique significance to the Origin Realm – a mastery of soul power.


The woman in the black dress, incensed by his disregard, fixed him with a furious glare and bellowed.

She exuded the frustration of one who resents the wasted potential before her.

The Earth Bear remained nonchalant, not even sparing a glance for the black goat.

In its heart, the black goat was no match, merely a junior.

To the Earth Bear, the black goat's clamor was nothing but disrespect, but it was too indifferent to bother with such trivialities, finding them pointless.

It knew it couldn't surpass Yuen Bu, and the Beast Gods beneath him were no challenge either.


In the heart of this mountain, the origin spirit bound eternally to the Desolate Realm's origin blood was the very Earth Spirit that had forged Sekou.

By that fact alone, he was united with Yuen Bu.

As an Earth Spirit allied with the origin blood, being only a primary origin spirit, Sekou couldn't ascend to the Eleventh Level, even if he mastered all its secrets.

This was akin to Cadorath's predicament. Even if she discovered a fragment of the missing light source in the Desolate Realm, the Light Origin Spirit's primary nature meant her chances of reaching the Eleventh Level were faint.

If Sekou wished to level up, he'd have to refine the Earth Spirit, integrating it into his being.

On one hand, Sekou was a grateful Beast God, incapable of such an act.

On the other, with Yuen Bu and the Origin Blood present, such an attempt was futile, so he abandoned the pursuit.

This was the root of the Earth Bear's passivity.

"Sekou, if you remain in the Desolate Realm, you'll be capped at the Tenth Level, but now we're in the Origin Realm!" Yuen Bu declared sternly.

The massive bear grumbled in the ancient tongue of the Beast Gods, a language Yu Yuan understood.

Sekou had visited the Origin Realm before, seeing nothing that could elevate the mountain's Earth Spirit, allowing him to effortlessly reach the Eleventh Level.

"The Origin Realm may lack what we need," Yuen Bu acknowledged, nodding without denial. His voice grew louder as he continued, "But in the abyss, in the endless dark depths below, I've detected something that could evolve the Earth Spirit. And through its metamorphosis, you too could gain the strength of the Eleventh Level, just like me!"

Yuen Bu held a special fondness for the Earth Bear, treating it with an exceptionally kind demeanor. This bond stemmed from the time before Yuen Bu ascended as the King of the Desolate Realm when the colossal bear had already been his steadfast companion. The Origin Blood that flowed within Yuen Bu and the Founder of the Earth Bear were eternal allies, laying the foundation for their deep-seated camaraderie.

"Is that so?" The Earth Bear bellowed in the ancient language of the Beast Gods, its voice tinged with excitement. "Yuen Bu, you're not deceiving me, are you?" Unlike other Beast Gods, he addressed Yuen Bu by his name rather than his title. It might have seemed less respectful, but their closeness rendered such formalities unnecessary.

Yuen Bu nodded emphatically, his voice grave, "You know I would never deceive you."

Sekou, hearing this, mirrored Yuen Bu's gesture, his spirits visibly lifted as he grumbled in the Beast language, "Yuen Bu, you once promised to help me reach the Eleventh Level, just as you have."

"I haven't forgotten and have been striving toward that goal. My efforts were previously hindered by the constraints of the Desolate Realm, preventing me from fulfilling that promise," Yuen Bu responded earnestly.

"Very well, then I shall continue to exert my strength on your behalf!"

Convinced at last, Sekou, the Earth Bear, felt his spirit reignited after tens of thousands of years in the fresh expanse of the Origin Realm. "But I still can't best someone like you. However, that dark fellow shouldn't pose much of a problem."

His words implied that even at full strength, he couldn't overcome Yu Yuan. Yet, he believed he stood a chance against the Dark Supreme, Tan Xiaotian.

"Having such a mindset is excellent," Yuen Bu said, his smile reflecting his satisfaction.

Tan Xiaotian let out a contemptuous snort. Despite his disdain, he couldn't help but become more vigilant towards the Earth Bear. Favored by the Light Origin Spirit much like Cadorath had been, and for a far longer time, the Earth Bear had an advantage that far surpassed Cadorath's. It was no surprise then that the Earth Bear had managed to withstand Yu Yuan's initial onslaught.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan felt a tremor within himself, a curious expression crossing his face as a significant message emerged from his true form.

The Abyss consists of seven levels. The first level contains a single continent, the second has two, the third four, the fourth eight, the fifth sixteen, the sixth thirty-two, and the seventh level boasts sixty-four continents.

The total count of continents across all levels of the Abyss is one hundred and twenty-seven, which is also the maximum number of Abyss Evil Gods that can exist.

Once the tally of Evil Gods hits one hundred and twenty-seven, no new Evil Gods will emerge unless an existing one perishes or additional continents emerge to shatter this cap.

In every world, the Light Origin Spirit and the pinnacle of power are governed by immutable rules and principles, making significant changes a rarity.

Any alteration signifies the onset of a monumental event.

Take, for instance, Yuen Bu, who, along with numerous Beast Gods, invaded the Origin Realm and shattered the Beast God limit in the Desolate Realm.

Yuen Bu reaped the benefits of his actions.

Similarly, the almighty Titan Spinosaurus, upon its invasion of the Abyss, engaged in unrestrained plundering, thereby facilitating a breakthrough in the total number of supreme beings in the Origin Realm.

The seven levels of the Abyss, with their one hundred and twenty-seven continents, perpetually float in darkness, yet this is not the full extent of the Abyss.

The Abyss is far more expansive than he could ever imagine!


In his home within the Stars World, the Earth Bear Sekou unleashed a roar that echoed through the cosmos.

The star-encircled mountain, as if in response to Sekou, quivered ever so slightly.


Rings of spatial ripples emanated from the earth beneath Sekou's feet, swiftly tearing through the void and forging a passageway for traversal.

The next instant, Taishi materialized before Sekou.

Looking up at the colossal bear, still seated like a towering mountain, Taishi felt an affinity with its presence, though he was somewhat bewildered.

Taishi's mind was still foggy, struggling to regain clarity.

"Yu Yuan!"

"Tan Xiaotian!"

It didn't take long for Taishi to recognize Yu Yuan, the Eleventh Level Yang God, escorted to the Abyss by the exceedingly wise Tan Xiaotian.

He then laid eyes on Yuen Bu and the Beast Gods from the Desolate Realm.

Even Taishi, known for his shrewd intellect, was momentarily perplexed, unsure why the giant bear, to which he felt such kinship, possessed the power to transport him from the crumbling Gray Domain's realm wall.

Taishi found it peculiar that within the mountain, a force was beckoning to him.

Yu Yuan, poised to strike with the Dragon Slash Platform transformed into a dazzling purple-golden blade, was suddenly compelled to halt.

The Earth Bear, a being of greater strength on Taishi's divine path, and the Earth Spirit within the mountain, represented the ultimate incarnation of Taishi's Dao of the Earth.

This was reminiscent of how Taishi, even when he was beyond the heavens, could influence Gu Xingkui.

Sekou, and the Earth Spirit that gave rise to him, could similarly affect Taishi.

Should the Earth Spirit wish to slay Taishi, it would be akin to how the Extreme Flame dealt with the fire phoenix—Taishi would stand no chance of resistance.

The incarnation of the Earth Law, the Light Origin Spirit, naturally possessed such power, for it was within its realm of authority.

Sizzle sizzle!

Upon landing, Taishi sensed a force stirring deep within his mind and coursing through his flesh, imprinting the earth's power he wielded.

"You're right; this individual has taken an interest in the earth's power," Sekou remarked, scratching his head and speaking awkwardly in the human tongue. "Isn't he a being from the Origin Realm? Why didn't we encounter such an entity during our last visit? I was certain there was nothing like him in the Origin Realm."

Sekou was baffled.

The Earth Law mastered by Taishi contained elements even the Earth Spirit, his creator, did not possess—so innovative and magical that it sparked a glimmer of hope in Sekou.

Yet, on his previous journey to the Origin Realm, he had searched but found no Earth Law that astounded him.

To Sekou, Taishi was an unexpected delight.

"You seem indifferent to our endeavors," Yuen Bu said with a slight smile, explaining, "His name is Taishi, a human from the Vast Expanse, and the human race originated from the abyss. The Origin Spirit that forged humanity is immensely formidable, having dwelled in the abyss's darkness for countless years. It must have discerned other powers tied to the earth."

"And Taishi, he is both a seed and a testament!"

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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