Unmatched Dominance/C2080 Devaputra Sky Reversal!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2080 Devaputra Sky Reversal!
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C2080 Devaputra Sky Reversal!

The depths of the burning pool were devoid of any purple hue, stripped of the presence of the Origin Soul that once permeated this realm.

Cao Jiaze, now possessed, had eyes of greenish-black, a color that would never revert to purple again.

The Origin Soul of this realm had been devoured by the Abyss Origin Soul, not merely tainted but completely assimilated.

The two had become one.

Henceforth, across the Abyss, Origin Realm, and Desolate Realm, there remained only a singular Origin Soul.

"Well done."

The entity that had taken over Cao Jiaze spoke with a detached tone.

Speaking as if to an old friend, it murmured, "It's finished. You've lived up to my expectations. Indeed, only you possess the capability to aid me in this unification." Its speech and facial expressions conveyed genuine appreciation.

For years, it had been confined alongside Yu Yuan's primary soul within his sea of consciousness.

This entity was the root of all beings from the Abyss and the Founder of humanity. Yu Yuan was the embodiment of its intellect, the most satisfactory representative of its will.

Yu Yuan, an Eleventh Level Yang God, had, after his last descent, restored the control of Origin Blood and replenished the missing elements related to the Starry Behemoth within the Heart of Vast Waters.

Though Yu Yuan had managed to free himself, the entity had grown stronger.

Now, Yu Yuan, newly anointed as the Undead Sovereign, descended with a sense of curiosity.

He gazed intently at Yu Yuan.

Upon reaching the Eleventh Level, Yu Yuan's meridians, which mirrored the "Path of the Undead," concealed arcane knowledge of the soul that the entity now extracted, vanishing into the depths of its gaze.

Suddenly, beneath the greenish-black sea of souls, gray-white lines emerged within the deep pool.

Each line represented a law governed by the Origin Soul, long coveted by the entity but never before acquired.

Through the source of the Yin Meridians, it had only grasped a third of the arcane wisdom comprehended by the Origin Soul.

Yu Yuan's ascension in his ghostly form had inadvertently brought a generous gift.

The entity accepted it with unreserved glee.

Under the entity's piercing greenish-black gaze, Yu Yuan, transformed into a Yin God, felt an overwhelming force, as if his very soul essence was being pinned down.

At the heart of the vast expanse, Yu Yuan, in his newly ascended form as the Undead Sovereign, seemed to be frozen in place.

With a tearing sound, Cao Jiaze, now possessed, felt the intertwining of bloodlight deep within his heart. The profound truths of the bloodlines from Yang God Yu were imprinted within Cao Jiaze's body.

Using the Heart of Vast Water, Cao Jiaze's body became a conduit for a tremendous surge of energy.

However, Cao Jiaze's physique was too frail, and he would need to utilize this body for an extended period to manifest his power, necessitating some minor modifications.

The current Cao Jiaze was not the ideal vessel for showcasing his power after possession. Yet, his survival was essential.

He couldn't afford for Cao Jiaze to be overwhelmed by the descent of his will, leading to a shattered body and a fractured soul pillar.

"From now on, all beings of the Abyss, humans, and the Devaputras of this realm will be one family," he declared to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan, grasping the gravity of these words, felt a chill spread through him, sensing the impending calamity.


The once tumultuous flames on the ocean's surface subsided.

Those remaining in the Gray Domain, like High Priest Reid, Yuv Qian, the spinosaurus-like beings, stared at the ocean, puzzled by the sudden extinguishing of the flames after Yu Yuan's entry.

Soon after, they noticed that the tremors in the Evil God Temple had ceased as well.

An eerie aura permeated the ocean.

Within the Evil God Temple, the colossal remains of Evil Gods were scattered throughout.

Beilstein, the Great Demon God encased in iron armor, wielded his Devil Soul to manipulate numerous Soul Arts, battling the surviving Evil Gods.

With a hissing sound, the essence of Beilstein's Soul Arts permeated the Evil God Temple, leaving profound marks on the walls, columns, and the countless bones of Evil Gods.

The weaker Evil Gods were effortlessly extinguished by his Soul Light.

Against the formidable Evil Gods, he deployed his mastery of arcane magic, morphing it into various novel forms to vanquish them.

A massive wheel, crafted from Beilstein's Soul Arts, rolled like a deep purple iron stone through the hall, crushing several Evil Gods before flattening them into a pulp.

Clusters of sinister purple flowers, refined from Beilstein's Soul Arts, devoured an Evil God. These demonic eyes, crafted from Beilstein's arcane power, spun like millstones, exuding a deadly force.

The Devourer, resembling a vast green leaf, had perpetrated a massacre in the Deep Starfield. Now, he was consumed by the demonic gaze.

Within the bloody realm of the Demon Eye, the millstones turned slowly, grinding the once top-ranked and ferocious Devourer of the Abyss into oblivion.

This Devourer, who had once assumed the form of a gaunt Dark Elfkind man, had also played a role in the creation of the Abyss Wood.

He was the one who seduced Diggs into erecting the Evil Altar, offering countless souls in sacrifice to amplify his power within the illusory Origin Realm.

Yet now, this same Devourer had fallen, becoming one of Beilstein's minions, a lost soul among many.

Beilstein, with his main soul housed within his armor, had taken on a demonic form. The souls he had dispatched had already claimed the lives of over a dozen Evil Gods.

This demonic form, born from the armor, wreaked havoc in the hall, smashing through the bodies of several Evil Gods.

The surviving Evil Gods regarded Beilstein with eyes filled with dread.

Even the guardian's confidence waned, overawed by Beilstein's might.

Suddenly, the purple Devil Soul within Beilstein's armor began to be enveloped by strands of green-black soul light.

This green-black soul light rapidly spread, transforming Beilstein's Devil Soul into a dark hue.

The guardian was invigorated.

With a series of whooshes, the Devil Souls Beilstein had released returned, merging with the main soul within his armor, also adopting the green-black color.

Beilstein ceased his assault on the Evil Gods. His possessed armor stood still, as if deep in thought or passively enduring something.

Observing his sudden, seemingly foolish stillness, the Evil Gods mustered their courage, ready to strike.

"Stop," the guardian commanded in a grave tone.

The Evil Gods were perplexed.

"He is now one of our own."

The guardian lamented, "The Origin Soul that birthed the Outland Devaputra has been consumed. Beilstein, who once resisted our melting in the dark depths of the abyss, has begun to succumb to its depths. Henceforth, all Outland Devaputras will trace their lineage back to him."

The Evil Gods trapped within the hall were left dumbfounded by the Guardian's words.

They swiftly unraveled the mystery of what had occurred.

The Origin Soul from the Origin Realm had been devoured by the Abyss Origin Soul, leading to a profound connection with all the Outland Devaputras.

Even Beilstein's soul color had shifted. What chance did the other Devaputras have?


The purple flames within the deep eye sockets of the two Great Demon Gods, Reid and Yuv Qian, subtly shifted in hue, turning a dark blue-black.

The primal soul imprints within the Devil Souls of these Great Demon Gods appeared to have undergone a radical metamorphosis.

Their creator, the ultimate destination revered by all Outland Devaputras in this realm, had ceased to exist.

"High Priest!"

"Yuv Qian!"

Both Great Demon Gods were startled by the aberration in each other's Devil Soul, and they instantly realized they were affected as well.

Simultaneously, across the Gray Domain's Starfield, and throughout the skies where devils roamed in the Serene Starfield, changes were unfolding.

Even the lowest of the devils, the little devils, underwent a transformation in their Devil Soul.

"How can this be?"

Andrea, in a state of shock, sensed the transformation within her Devil Soul. She watched as it turned a dark blue-black, suddenly finding herself lost, without direction or purpose.

She even noticed that as her Devil Soul changed, her power seemed to amplify.

The surge in power was due to the new source she was connected to, which was now far more potent.

Yet, it was not the same as before.

She, her father, and all the other devils could no longer achieve what they had strived for.

The Founder of the devils, the Origin Soul of this world, had been assimilated and refined by their archenemy.

Their origin had become what they most despised and had always sought to destroy.

The most distressing and horrifying aspect was that, due to the alteration of their roots, their aversion to the abyss's malevolence was fading, replaced by an innate sense of affinity.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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