Unmatched Dominance/C2108 The Dark Assistance of Thunder
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Unmatched Dominance/C2108 The Dark Assistance of Thunder
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C2108 The Dark Assistance of Thunder

Yu Yuan's breaths came in rapid gasps, his blood sluggishly coursing through his veins. His eyes, devoid of life, drifted aimlessly.

He slowly came to the realization that the source of his agitation was the Creation Pool, emerging from the profound darkness.

And there were the remains of colossal beings, long dead and buried in the darkest depths, invisible to him.

Beneath the Origin Soul's feet, the enigmatic Creation Pool writhed in a frenzy.

Innumerable massive Life Seeds within it brimmed with overwhelming malice, destruction, and sinister energy.

It seemed as though they were assaulting his heart, warping the essence of all powerful life forms, dragging them into decline.

A sudden, inexplicable sorrow washed over him.

He couldn't pinpoint the source of his grief, yet he felt that these ancient leviathans, seemingly visible to him, deserved more than this grim fate.

Moreover, the world now overrun by the Origin Soul and the darkness, this Creation Land, should be more than a graveyard of bones.

A world had perished, and that lost world appeared to be his homeland.

His true homeland.

"Did you destroy my world?"

Yu Yuan's gaze shifted to the Origin Soul inhabiting his body and to the darkness manifesting behind it as Tan Xiaotian. His expression contorted with rage. "Was it you two?!"

His voice was fierce as he bellowed, "Was it you who laid waste to my former realm? Did you resurrect me only to use me in spreading your poison across more worlds?"

He felt on the verge of madness, teetering on the brink of destruction, with an ominous sense that he was about to be utterly dominated.

He had lost all sense of reason.

The Origin Soul and Darkness Origin Spirit, the subjects of his accusations, merely observed him in silence, offering no reply.


Above, in the dark firmament, a colossal sphere of lightning, crackling with energy, burst forth.


The earth-shaking peal of thunder cleared the frenzy from Yu Yuan's heart, bringing him back to a sudden stillness.

Within his sea of consciousness, the Origin Soul, Origin Spirit, and Origin Blood, along with the light, shone from crystalline tiers, casting divine glows that steadied his mind.

He then saw, to his horror, that his six-tiered Soul Altar seemed on the verge of splitting apart.

The towering altar appeared ready to fracture, potentially unfolding into six distinct levels.

A wave of anxiety gripped him as he realized he had nearly succumbed to the Origin Soul's influence, narrowly avoiding a fall from grace.

Then his eyes fell upon Qi Yunhong and the Thunder Divine Pool, once refined by Wei Zhuo and now belonging to Qi Yunhong.

Qi Yunhong's unexpected arrival turned out to be a boon, snapping Yu Yuan into a state of clarity.

He found himself gazing at the divine tree, Jianmu, peering through its scales and bark to behold the Thunder Origin Spirit nestled within.

Yu Yuan had a hunch that the Origin Soul, with which he had not yet communicated, had covertly lent him a hand.

At present, he couldn't be certain and it wasn't the right time to seek confirmation.

"Yu Yuan."

Qi Yunhong greeted him with a nod, his demeanor icy and distant, as if he were a stranger.

Transformed by Samantha's emergence and her role as the emissary of the Thunder Origin Spirit, Qi Yunhong, now returned to the Starry Forbidden Ground by Andrea, seemed like a changed man.

"So that's it."

Yu Yuan's understanding deepened with a careful glance, realizing that Qi Yunhong had achieved a breakthrough.

Before his arrival, Qi Yunhong had ascended to the supreme level by harnessing his own origin.

His Primordial Spirit fused with a black and green Origin Soul, forming a sphere of black and green lightning, within which the secrets of thunder danced.

This headstrong scion of the Qi family, seemingly in tow with Andrea, had not interfered with the fleeing lands, choosing instead to await news from above.

He was aware that his destination was not the seven-layered abyss above, but rather the darkness below.

Like Tan Xiaotian and Hao Ran, he had been touched by that entity's power and had become a devotee.

Yet, the timing of his arrival was exquisitely delicate.

Only the Origin Soul within the divine tree could reach out to him, subtly altering his thoughts and actions.

With a cool expression, he first surveyed the divine tree before giving a slight nod, saying, "Proceed."

He was aware that Qi Yunhong's descent was prompted either by his own command or the divine tree's summons.

Qi Yunhong, docile and compliant, soared alongside the Thunder Divine Pool towards the branches of the divine tree in search of the Thunder Origin Spirit.

Within the Thunder Divine Pool lay a Life Seed sown by the Thunder Origin Spirit, tasked with gathering all the thunder-related mysteries and laws within the Origin Realm.

This Life Seed, akin to the Hannya Divine Tree fashioned by the divine tree, the Muddy Divine Soil split from Mother Earth, and the source blood's Yang meridian in the Desolate Realm, was crafted by the Origin Spirit, imbued with a unique purpose for the world it inhabited.

If the Origin Spirit perished, the Life Seed stood a certain chance of resurrecting it, akin to the Muddy Divine Soil.

Most Life Seeds, in realms inaccessible to the Origin Spirit, would consciously seek out and assimilate related powers to themselves.

One such Life Seed of the Thunder Source Spirit was sealed by the Great Demon God Beilstein within a forbidden territory.

Trapped deep within the abyss and too fearful to leave, the Thunder Source Spirit cast out a Life Seed before the Abyss Gate materialized.

This Life Seed, in the Origin Realm, had gathered numerous thunder-related secrets and possessed a fragment of the Thunder Source Spirit's essence.

Upon its return and fusion with the Thunder Source Spirit, the Life Seed could enhance the spirit's integrity and facilitate its transcendence.

"After you merge with the Life Seed, bestow upon him both the new insights and the ancient verities of thunder you've mastered."

"He will succeed Samantha. As you advance, he too will ascend to the Eleventh Level. Eventually, he will become your vessel."

The Origin Soul, standing by the Creation Pool, seemed oblivious to the Secular Bird Queen, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, and the Starry Behemoths in the Dark Domain, all drawn by the pulsating aura of living flesh and desperate to approach.

Its sole purpose was to convey the message to the Thunder Source Spirit.


The Thunder Source Spirit felt a mix of excitement and apprehension but had no choice but to comply.

Upon the arrival of Qi Yunhong and the Thunder Divine Pool, the divine tree's trunk split open, forming a portal that welcomed them and transported them to the Thunder Source Spirit's location.

The excitement stemmed from finally reclaiming the Life Seed it had released, with the prospect of evolving into a Mid-Level Origin Spirit.

The fear arose because Qi Yunhong was the chosen one of the Origin Soul, not Samantha, whom it had crafted with the divine tree.

Qi Yunhong, a human who had merged with the essence of the Origin, would undoubtedly follow the Origin Soul's commands.

What did this imply?

Qi Yunhong was a devout follower of the Origin Soul, bearing its deepest soul mark!

Even if the Thunder Source Spirit had created Qi Yunhong and enabled his breakthrough to the Eleventh Level, it would likely still need to act in accordance with the Origin Soul's wishes upon his arrival.

The Origin Soul had the power to shatter Qi Yunhong's soul in an instant, allowing him to commit suicide to escape its grasp. It could also leverage Qi Yunhong's soul to counter its own possession. This was the Abyss Origin Soul, a thorn in its side that it was forced to accept, even having to bestow Qi Yunhong with the Thunderbolt Laws. It was well aware of the dire consequences of refusal.

"You've finally acquired the Life Seed that has always eluded you, and you possess a vessel superior to Samantha's. You should be pleased," it stated impassively.

"Yes, I am quite pleased," the Thunder Primordial Spirit responded, retrieving the seed it had released into the Thunder Divine Pool and infusing Qi Yunhong's Primordial Spirit with the true essence of thunder it had discerned.

Within the greenish-black orb of the Primordial Spirit, marked deeply by the Origin Soul, every thunder law it had imprinted was fully embraced. It accepted this as its destiny, powerless to resist, resigned to obedience.

Yu Yuan felt a slight shudder through his form.

Abruptly, within this sealed realm, he became aware of the Dark Domain bordering this world and the Ice Crystal Wall that was on the verge of healing. Beyond the wall were his Yang God, the Secular Bird Queen, Zhong Chichen, Loong Jie, Chaos Roc, and Ann Ziqing.

His Eleventh Level Yang God was currently sealing a breach, transformed into an imposing blood-red Holy Mountain, using its back to shore up the still-fluid fissure.

Those mighty beings drawn to the Dark Domain by his presence were now assaulting him. Each of the supreme entities sought passage through the breach into the darkness, yearning to assimilate with the Creation Pool and become part of the undulating mass of flesh.

Yu Yuan approached the Creation Pool, his gaze fixed on the shimmering Origin Soul within. This was no ordinary pool; it was a sacred place within the Creation Land, where Life Seeds were nurtured into existence.

Tan Xiaotian, wielding the power of the Darkness Origin Spirit, stood before the Soul Altar. His presence was a stark contrast to the purity of the altar.

Wai Zhuo, a member of the Thunder Sect, had just emerged from the Thunder Divine Pool. His strength had increased significantly, a testament to the pool's formidable power.

Qi Yunhong, the head of the Qi family, was deep in meditation near the Muddy Divine Soil. His Primordial Spirit was in a delicate state of transformation.

Samantha found herself in the Starry Forbidden Ground, a place few dared to tread. She was seeking the wisdom of Andrea, whose knowledge of the Origin Realm was unparalleled.

Beilstein, known as the Great Demon God, had opened the Abyss Gate, unleashing forces that threatened to engulf the world. His power was feared even by the mightiest warriors.

And in the shadows, the Devaputra watched, their intentions as mysterious as the night itself.

Libre Baskerville
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