Unmatched Dominance/C2116 The Destruction of the World
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Unmatched Dominance/C2116 The Destruction of the World
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C2116 The Destruction of the World

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

In the chest of Yang God Yu, around the region of the heart, a cluster of immense blood shadows emerged.

These blood shadows held no power, nor did they reveal any mysterious secrets of the bloodline; they seemed to be mere projections of blood.

Yu Yuan gazed down at his chest, filled with curiosity.

The Yang God's body was in harmony with the blood-colored altar within his Soul Altar, activated by certain Life Seeds that had suddenly stirred, seemingly triggering something.

As a result, projections of these Life Seeds materialized in the chest of his Yang God.

Yu Yuan was struck by an insight.

He aspired to decipher the essence of these few Life Seeds. To achieve this more swiftly, his Soul Altar required the power of his Yang God.

The appearance of the blood shadows in his chest was a call to harness the Yang God's power to quickly grasp the essence of blood.

In that moment.

His physical form, through the Soul Altar, beheld the world beneath the abyss, and the Yang God witnessed it concurrently.

Countless colossal remains, beyond his wildest imagination, had fused with the fragments of stars and the cosmos, resting in silence within the so-called true abyss.

Time flowed inexorably, indifferent to all.

After tens of thousands of years, the remains, now one with the star fragments, had transformed into a barren expanse.

The traces of blood were concealed by massive stones and earth. Bones intermingled with soil, and the vast skeletal remains, adrift in this shattered world, were left forgotten.

Unbeknownst to anyone.

A civilization once thriving beyond measure, a realm that stood shoulder to shoulder with the Origin Realm and the Desolate Realm, perhaps even surpassing them, had faded into oblivion, leaving only this desolate state.

The World Tree was gradually descending, revealing itself within that enigmatic realm.

The once lifeless and silent world was no longer shrouded in darkness, no longer drowned in perpetual shadow.

Neither Yu Yuan's physical form nor the Yang God could detect any special energies within that space; their consciousness could not permeate it.

Yet, he could see.

He saw the source of light. Countless fragments of suns and moons, like gemstone crystals, illuminated the somber realm.

Divine radiance adorned the heavens, and magnificent, eternal rainbows stood still, as if harboring a mysterious force capable of stirring both heaven and earth.

The seemingly infinite darkness had not engulfed this silent world, nor had it reached its deepest depths.

The forgotten world was revealed to both Yu Yuan and his Yang God, allowing him to witness a landscape where skeletons and star fragments merged. There once stood magnificent palaces and castles amidst the ruins of ancient nations.

Clearly, this world had nurtured an advanced civilization, home to intelligent races.

Sadly, they had all perished.

Suddenly, Yu Yuan noticed that the World Tree had significantly diminished in size after arriving in this realm.

The World Tree, a towering ancient with lush, vibrant foliage, now seemed less prominent compared to the colossal beings that had fused with the stars and the remnants of the cosmos, leaving behind nothing but bones and skin.

The World Tree had ceased to be immense.

"Creation Land!"

Both of Yu Yuan's minds were jolted by the thought of Creation Land.

The Creation Land that had emerged from the true abyss might belong to the same species as those merged with the corpses and the fabric of the universe.

The Creation Land was a titanic beast, its skeletal remains blanketed by the shattered cosmos.

The peculiar sensation Yu Yuan felt upon first departing the darkness was indeed genuine.

The Creation Land had once been a vast, living entity with flesh and blood, unmatched in strength, now simply deceased.

What about the Creation Pool?

This thought sent Yu Yuan's mind into a haze.

He could gaze upon the "eye" below, yet his insight into the depths below him suddenly vanished.

The entity that had taken over his ghostly form stood at the edge of the "Creation Pool," looking at him with an ambiguous smile.

"Just one glance is enough. If you see too much, you'll recall even more," said the Origin Soul, intervening from the abyss to halt his scrutiny, preventing any further investigation.


Within his sea of consciousness, the Soul Altar beneath the blood-red prisma was enveloped in the Ice Law, transforming into strands of frigid lightning encased within the ice.

The blood shadows of the Life Seeds within his Yang God's body seemed to detect the birth of a new world.

These blood shadows moved from his chest towards the icy microcosm at his back.

The blood shadows sensed that a new world was on the brink of formation and began to stir autonomously. They had not yet grasped the subtleties of Yu Yuan's Yang God, nor did they understand the deeper meanings behind their own existence. Suddenly, they exuded a frenzied, warped, chaotic, and violent aura, desperately converging on the nascent realm taking shape.

It was as if they sought to resurrect themselves, to assert their presence and regenerate their forms.


One blood shadow, drawing upon the blood energy of Yu Yuan's Yang God, rapidly swelled in strength. It darted through his Yang God form and was the first to reach the ice crystal realm forming at Yu Yuan's back.

Upon entering, there was a sharp crack.

The fledgling ice crystal world could not sustain its presence, lacking the power to nurture its growth, and was brutally burst asunder by the blood shadow. The amassed blood energy, like a ruptured blood-filled orb, dispersed once again within Yu Yuan's body.

The impact sent Yu Yuan's Yang God, still sealing the breach, lurching forward. With that surge, he broke free from the Dark Domain, half of his body thrust into the void.

Although the gap remained slightly open, not yet fully healed, he called out. His Yang God, unsteady, pressed back against the breach.

"Dragon Slash Platform!"

In response to his summons, the Dragon Slash Platform, which had transported everyone to the Origin Blood Continent, appeared at the spot he had vacated, using the power of spatial translocation. It preemptively sealed the last slender fissure, keeping the darkness at bay.

Crack! Crack!

Chunks of ice burst from the small world behind Yu Yuan. The extreme cold law, already imprinted there, had transferred a copy to Yu Yuan's Soul Altar. The dislodged ice, as if scorched by intense flames, evaporated into a vast white fog that vanished without a trace.

Yet within Yu Yuan's true form, within the sea of his consciousness, a cold mist emerged, and a surge of frigid energy flowed toward the Soul Altar, aiding in the formation of an icy platform.

Yu Yuan cast a glance at the force behind this transformation. The ice had shattered, turning into an easily absorbable mist, all because of His power. For He governed this world, wielding His omnipresent soul force to pulverize every shard of ice.

The cold mist, too, was a gift from Him, sent for me to integrate and refine.

"You don't need to thank me. As I've said, we are one and the same."

"An additional layer of extreme cold will form on the surface of your sea of consciousness. It will be a powerful asset for me in the future."

His tone was serene, almost detached, as he laid bare his intention to take possession of Yu Yuan.

It seemed an immutable fact, a law of iron that no one could prevent from coming to pass.

"The time is nearly upon us."

He bowed his head once more.

The Creation Pool he stood upon began its descent into the vast Creation Land from the void of darkness.

The direction of its fall was precisely where the Evil God Temple's massive pit had been!

That pit appeared to be the heart of a being that had merged with the cosmos, its skeletal frame entirely enshrouded!

The Evil God Temple had once been perched above this pit.

Now vacated by the Evil God Temple, it lay empty.

As the Creation Pool gently lowered, Yu Yuan sensed that it was meant to rest there all along. It was the missing piece.

It was the heart of the immense entity!

With its descent, Yu Yuan became increasingly convinced that the Creation Pool and the vast pit that had housed the Evil God Temple were perfectly aligned.

It was destined to rest above, the pit existing solely for it, awaiting its return.

"You've removed the Life Seeds, and that is excellent, truly excellent. You continually astonish me with your accomplishments."

"The disordered, chaotic life laws within the Life Seeds would render this mass of flesh ineffective."

"But now it's different."

"Once it entered, it became nothing more than a mass of flesh and blood energy, devoid of any chaotic impulses and struggling spirits."

"It is now flawlessly complete."

His expression was one of utter contentment.


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