Unmatched Dominance/C2119 The Unchanging Original Intention
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Unmatched Dominance/C2119 The Unchanging Original Intention
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C2119 The Unchanging Original Intention

Beneath the Yang God Yu, at the heart of the blood-red expanse, lay the Artifact known as the Dragon Slash Platform.

The breach between the Darkness World and the Dark Domain sealed itself in an instant as the Origin Blood, with its sentient consciousness, passed through the Dragon Slash Platform.

A crystalline barrier, icy and pure, once again isolated the two realms, impervious to the encroaching darkness.

At this moment, Yu Yuan experienced an indescribable profundity.

The conscious essence of the Origin Blood diffused through his limbs and bones, seemingly integrating with his very being.

Each law of life, every Life Seed, and all the bloodline Dao Laws within him appeared to burst into life, invigorated by the consciousness of the Origin Blood.

This "life" was an endless vitality, the ultimate expression of life's laws, capable of manifesting divine powers at will.

He felt as though he were the creator of the Origin Realm, the progenitor of all beings, the arbiter of life's ordinances.

He was the manifestation of the Dao, the sovereign of life's heavenly order, the patriarch of blood for all beings in the Origin Realm.

His personal consciousness, the essence of Yu Yuan, remained firmly in control of his body, unshaken by the descent of the Origin Blood, untouched and unblemished.


In the domain of Yang God Yu's mind, concentric waves of blood-colored ripples emanated, his consciousness shining omnipresent.

Within these ripples lay the projection of a blood-colored prismatic crystal, the Soul Altar, resonating with the Origin Blood.

This connection, etched with the profound truths of life governed by the Origin Blood, cast its reflection upon the Yang God.

It served as a constant reminder that he was Yu Yuan, distinct from the Origin Blood.

Thanks to the Soul Altar and the enigmatic, powerful Life Seeds within the prismatic crystal, he stood as an equal to the Origin Blood.

They were peers.


Within his body, his crimson meridians expanded a thousandfold, cascading into a majestic blood-red waterfall.

This was the distilled essence of life's laws.

Magnified a million times, his organs resembled towering mountains of blood crystals, shrouded in thick mists of sanguine vapor. Within these mountains lurked colossal beasts that once reigned supreme in the Origin Realm, alongside the resurrected forms of the mightiest beings from various races.

Deep within his acupoints lay innumerable blood-colored worlds, brimming with boundless blood energy.

These worlds echoed the resonance of the Origin Blood Continent within the Dark Domain, as well as with his Soul Altar, granting him access to an inexhaustible supply of blood energy.

The embodiment of the Origin Blood's Spiritual Will ensured that the Yang God and the deepest reaches of the Origin Blood Continent, the blood-colored heavens and earth within the planet's core, remained in close communion.

He was able to harness the immeasurable blood energy that had accumulated over countless years within the Origin Blood Continent.

The realm's icy-white barrier only served to isolate the darkness and the soul power contaminated by dark energy.

For the Yang God and the Origin Soul, this naturally opened a gateway of convenience.

Thunderous roars echoed as the frenzied blood energy detonated along the edge of the blood-colored curtain, unleashing a storm capable of obliterating worlds.

Blood-colored mushroom clouds erupted, scattering the dark energy and causing the laws and lightning to rip through the fabric of the void.

The activation of the Origin Soul's power shattered the finely honed blades of pure soul power against the onslaught of blood energy.

In the unseen darkness, countless laws and lightning clashed and annihilated each other.

As the old lightning vanished, new bolts emerged, relentlessly striking the edge of the blood-colored curtain.

With a resounding boom, each blood-colored streamer holding up the Creation Pool was replaced as soon as it shattered, steadfastly preventing the Creation Pool from descending.

Two figures of Yu Yuan existed simultaneously—one in the heavens and the other within the blood-colored curtain.

One looked down while the other gazed upward, both watching over Him, ready to recount the unfolding events.

He remained silent, but then, a sudden realization dawned upon Him.

After millions of years, the Yu Yuan He had crafted with His own hands had at last brought His vision and ideas to fruition.

He wielded control over the Origin Soul, transforming it into His own power and forging it into His "Great Dao Artifact" to aid in His battles.

Yu Yuan had asserted His will and dominion, elevating it above the attached Origin Soul!

In His prime, Yu Yuan had constructed the Soul Altar with the audacious goal of annexing the authority of the Origin Soul.

Yu Yuan's initial purpose was to use the Soul Altar to bind the Origin Soul, making it serve His ends.

However, Yu Yuan did not succeed in binding it, resulting in a relationship of equals, mutually beneficial to both parties.

Years later, as the consciousness and spirituality of the Desolate Realm's source blood descended, Yu Yuan's Soul Altar began to take shape. The proliferation of Life Seeds within the blood-colored prismatic layer sparked yet another transformation in Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan was able to use his true form and Soul Altar to maintain a firm grip on his Yang God. Consequently, he also controlled the source blood.

"First, return to the Dark Domain."

A majestic and ethereal divine voice echoed in Chen Qinghuang's mind, as though an oracle had been delivered by a supreme deity. The sound of the Great Dao vibrated ceaselessly.

The remnants of dark power in Chen Qinghuang's mind were shattered.

She was utterly liberated, having achieved true freedom. Her own power, along with the blood energy Yu Yuan had infused into her, erupted within her, filling her with boundless vitality and vigor.

She was somewhat astonished, yet she also experienced a sudden epiphany.

With the consciousness and spirituality of the source blood, Yu Yuan's Yang God form could now utilize the flesh and blood that had been stockpiled for countless years.

Previously, Yu Yuan had to appease the source blood, collecting Life Seeds from various races and tirelessly serving its needs.

Only after such service would he be granted Life Stoste and a powerful surge of life essence.

Now, with the consciousness of the Origin Blood infused within him, Yu Yuan no longer needed the source blood's consent to access that part of the life blood energy.

He had given a portion to her.

Chen Qinghuang felt moved, her gaze locking onto him as she inquired in her thoughts, "And you?"

"I'm alright. I'll manage to escape unscathed. Whether you're in the Dark Domain or any other realm, you'll now have the strength to confront Tan Xiaotian, even if he's overtaken by darkness."

"But not here. Here, you would... distract me."

Yu Yuan clarified.

Chen Qinghuang grasped his meaning.

If she remained in this Darkness World, under the control of the enemy, both the Darkness Origin Spirit and the Abyss's Origin Soul could easily target her.

Elsewhere, even if darkness took hold of Tan Xiaotian, her full display of power could still exert a restraining influence.

"But the barrier between realms has already been established."

She murmured in her mind.

"I am the one who solidified that barrier."

Yu Yuan's voice resonated within her once more.

Suddenly, a blood light brimming with the secrets of the void transformed into a divine bridge, unfolding beneath Chen Qinghuang's feet.


The Divine Bridge stretched endlessly toward the Dark Domain, seamlessly crossing through space and teleporting repeatedly. Constructed from a luminescent blood essence, it effortlessly penetrated the crystalline barrier of the realm without any resistance.

Yu Yuan effortlessly returned Chen Qinghuang to the Dark Domain. The Origin Blood, allied with the eternal alliance of extreme cold, allowed the barrier woven from the powers and laws of extreme cold to safeguard the luminous Divine Bridge, which bore the traits of the Origin Blood.

In a mere moment, Chen Qinghuang had returned from the boundless Darkness World. The Dark Domain, previously cloaked in shadows and torn asunder by Yu Yuan's radiant energy, began to brighten once more. From that moment on, the Dark Domain was transformed into the Cold Domain.

"Your Majesty!"

"What has transpired over there?"

"What did you witness?"

Once the breach was sealed, the inhabitants of the Cold Domain could no longer sense the terrifying pull of the bloodline force.

Zhong Chichen, the Little Spinosaurus, and others bravely ventured forth from the Origin Blood Continent, gazing at Chen Qinghuang from a distance. Their thoughts and voices, propelled by Zhong Chichen's spatial powers, reached her.

Zhong Chichen's eyes, shimmering with a spectrum of colors, locked onto Chen Qinghuang as he marveled, "Such potent life essence energy! It's capable of forming a Life Keychain, bestowing immortality!"

The Secular Bird Queen, a member of the Starry Behemoth race, was inherently immortal. She had no need to forge a Life Keychain. Presented with the life essence energy from Yu Yuan, she pondered briefly before deciding against integrating it with the Yang God. Instead, she allowed it to descend into her chest, into a microcosm of Qi and blood known as the Mystical Gate, to fortify her true form.

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