Unmatched Dominance/C2120 The Usage of the Life Altar
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Unmatched Dominance/C2120 The Usage of the Life Altar
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C2120 The Usage of the Life Altar

In the microcosm of Chen Qinghuang's world, a blood-colored sun seemed to ascend slowly.

The life essence radiating blood-hued light created numerous ponds capable of holding Qi and blood within this miniature realm. Additionally, there were long, blood-red rivers suspended in the sky, their contents shimmering like crystals.

A surge of life essence emerged within her acupoints, giving rise to a multitude of wondrous sights.

Threads of life force emanated from her acupoints, aiding in the refinement of her body and internal organs, sharpening her vision, and expanding her perception.

"Perhaps this human form is my long-term future."

With her mind's eye, she examined the intricacies of her own being, attuned to the subtle shifts within. She believed that if she could shed the mental distortions of the Origin Soul, this new human form she had taken on after rebirth could unlock further marvels, enabling her to transcend her past as the Secular Bird.


Zhong Chichen left the others behind, transforming into a divine rainbow as he traversed the skies from the Origin Blood Continent.

With the breach between the Cold Domain and the abyss sealed, and the flesh within the Creation Pool no longer releasing tumultuous energy, he was reassured of his safety, at least for the moment.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

As the laws of darkness dissolved, cold stars twinkled to life, banishing the perpetual night of the Cold Domain.

Fragmented crescents glimmered in the void, seemingly revived by the laws of light.

The Starry Forbidden Ground, obscured by darkness for years, was purified by the luminescent seeds scattered by Yu Yuan. His outspread light eradicated the dark mysteries, revealing the realm's original form.

The Cold Domain, once home to a moon and ice-cold stars, had been transformed into the Dark Domain due to the encroaching darkness and bizarre dark mysteries that consumed the light.

"The world has changed."

Standing on a fragment of a star, Zhong Chichen reappeared before Chen Qinghuang. Observing the burgeoning light sources materializing behind her, he remarked, "The Dark Domain has become the Cold Domain, and massive shifts are occurring beyond the Origin Realm."

Exhaling softly, he gazed at Chen Qinghuang with a look of genuine admiration.

At a pivotal moment, the Secular Bird Queen forsook her entire life force, transforming it into a power of death and destruction to confront Tan Xiaotian. The memory of that encounter remained vivid in Zhong Chichen's mind.

The Secular Bird Queen's selfless sacrifice unleashed an overwhelming combat strength that deeply impressed Zhong Chichen.

"Why hasn't Yu Yuan returned? And could he... have been overtaken by the Origin Blood?"

Zhong Chichen understood all too well what lay hidden within that dazzling blood light.

He feared for Yu Yuan's safety, dreading that Yu Yuan might perish in the Dark Domain after being inhabited by the Origin Blood.

"He hasn't been overtaken; he retains his own will."

Chen Qinghuang continued to feel the powerful life essence dissipating within the microcosm of Qi and blood, experiencing her organs and bones being purified repeatedly.

"The Origin Blood would never so freely bestow such a surge of life essence upon me."

Recalling the luminous figure she encountered amidst the darkness, a unique sweetness stirred in Chen Qinghuang's heart lake.

She lightly bit her lip and confidently asserted, "Yu Yuan will be alright."

Zhong Chichen was taken aback.


Brilliance Starfield.

A multitude of radiant stars, suns, and moons were strewn across the vast expanse of the galaxy.

There were multiple suns and moons.

In an ancient city bathed in the glow of these celestial bodies, powerful warriors of the Bright Clan clad in white gold armor, along with hybrids like Chen Liangquan, converged.

This was the City of Light.

Forged from innumerable gems, fine gold, and divine crystals, the City of Light drew in the radiance of the celestial bodies, with intricate arrays of light manifesting upon its walls.

Canli, adorned in Holy Radiance Armor and crowned with a white gold diadem, shone resplendently above the city.

Her lineage of light, the armor she wore, the crown atop her head, and the City of Light itself became one, unleashing an inexhaustible source of illumination.

Together with the City of Light, she absorbed the celestial light while the city emitted a dazzling brilliance.

Surrounding the City of Light, the Shadow Evil God, Grimes, along with several other unnamed Evil Gods, were jointly assaulting the bastion of radiance.

Cadorath and Norant had perished, leaving the Bright Clan without any warriors of the Tenth Level bloodline.

Canli, a rising star within the clan, found her grip on the City of Light to be tenuous. Her bloodline was insufficient, making resistance an arduous endeavor.

"I wonder how Yu Yuan is faring now."

Canli pressed a hand against her platinum crown, feeling as though she lacked something essential, something that prevented her from harnessing the City of Light's full potential.

She was acutely aware that what she lacked was the Scepter of Light.

"Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan..."

She whispered his name in her mind.

Within her, the Life Altar—a natural reservoir of the essence of light—seemed to reach across to another world with her silent calls.

Like Canli and Leo, members of the alien race were born with this Life Altar.

Its origins were a mystery, but they appeared to be the fortunate ones, favored by the heavens.

Neither Canli nor Leo, who was known as the Son of the Stars, had a deep understanding of the Life Altar within them.

Meanwhile, in the boundless void of darkness.

Yu Yuan, treading upon a blood-red expanse, heard his name being called. He saw Canli.

He also saw the City of Light, which had once subdued the Demon Master Tan Xiaotian, now besieged by Evil Gods.

"The Life Altar contains the essence of life itself. It was your handiwork all along."

Yu Yuan had an epiphany.

The Bright Clan, Star Race, Banshees, Asuras, and other flesh-and-blood alien races were the progeny of the Starry Behemoth's second dispersal of the Life Seed.

Among these beings, some were specially favored, endowed with magical gifts.

Canli and Leo, for instance, were chosen in their mothers' wombs, each bestowed with a Life Altar.

It had intended to select a suitable successor from the second wave of life-bearing races, to bestow upon them a complete life sequence, maximizing the expression of its power.

Canli, Leo, and other such blessed individuals were all under its watchful gaze.

Each born with a Life Altar, they were observed by it, capable of revealing their growth in an instant.

It was in this way that it sought to select an emissary.

But in the end, it chose itself.

Because of the sentient consciousness within the origin blood, now inside him, when Canli called out his name, the Life Altar activated, transmitting her thoughts to the origin blood.

He also learned about Canli's situation.

"Looking for the Scepter of Light? That's easy."

Yu Yuan, treading upon the blood-red drape, raised his hand and struck the dark firmament. A blinding bolt of blood-red lightning instantly tore through the layers of darkness and barriers.

The blinding bolt of blood-red lightning surged from the pitch darkness below to the seventh layer of the abyss.

He shattered the seal, and not even the Darkness Origin Spirit could withstand it.


Riding the trail of the blood-red lightning, his true form made a swift exit and an abrupt return, as if he had never left.

Yet, this brief departure and return, empowered by the might of the Abyss Lord and his mind's connection to the Light Star, enabled him to accomplish much.

With the departure of the Light Star, the Scepter of Light it left behind was now unguarded.

Hidden at the pinnacle of the Origin Blood Continent, the Scepter of Light, meant for Canli, was now unleashed by the force of Yu Yuan, the Abyss Lord.

Supreme Wisdom, Andrea, High Priest Reid, Yuv Qian, and the mightiest of both humans and the Devaputra were all bewildered.

Faced with the display of the Abyss Lord's power, even Supreme Wisdom held back, merely observing as the Scepter of Light soared out and pierced through the void.

In the Brilliance Starfield, the most radiant sun was on the brink of a cataclysmic eruption, its fierce flames and brilliance threatening to shatter the heavens and the earth.


In the midst of the thunderous detonation, the Scepter of Light unexpectedly emerged.

The Scepter, symbolizing the esteemed status of the Bright Clan's chieftain and capable of vastly amplifying the magical power of any clan member, pinpointed Canli amidst the sun's fiery core.

In a flash, the Scepter of Light settled into Canli's hands.

The light of the City of Light surged in brilliance the moment the Scepter was grasped.


Conversely, Canli, who had been calling out to Yu Yuan, was left reeling as the Scepter of Light appeared before her.

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