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C2121 Greed

At the abyss's summit.

"Could that be the Scepter of Light?"

Ji Hui watched with a puzzled expression as the Scepter of Light soared out of this world, heading towards the distant Origin Realm, and quickly vanished from sight.

The luminescent, pearly barrier that enshrouded the continent was erased as if by an invisible hand.

This land, which once shed light upon the abyss, ceased to transform the chaotic and violent energy into sources of light and divine crystals.

First, the Light Star slipped away amidst the chaos, disappearing into a spatial rift, and now the Scepter of Light had also taken flight, successfully breaking free under Yu Yuan's protective power.

Ji Hui felt as if the seven layers of the abyss had been forsaken, with each continent and its marvels seeking to flee.

The vast land beneath his feet still shone upon the six layers below, continuing to radiate light.

Yet the luminous shields and barriers, brought into existence by the Light Source Spirit, had lost their governing laws of light.

Ji Hui's mind was crystal clear; he knew that no new divine crystals would form deep beneath the continent's surface from now on.

When the light energy within the divine crystals was depleted from illuminating the abyss, darkness would once again envelop the realm. Light would cease to manifest.

At that point, there would be no more light within the seven layers of the abyss.

"Ji Hui, what secrets lie hidden in the dark depths below?"

"Ji Hui, would you consider descending to take a look?"

Van Heqing, Zu Ann, Qin Luo, and other supreme beings of their kind shared this curiosity.

Some of their souls had been twisted and altered, affecting them at pivotal moments.

Yet, for the most part, they remained their usual selves.

They had visited the Abyss before but had only explored its upper seven layers.

Below that, they understood, lay a forbidden zone of darkness, a realm said to be accessible only to the Evil God—a place they had yet to venture.

Having survived in the Abyss for many years, Ji Hui's knowledge of it undoubtedly surpassed that of anyone else.

They had no choice but to turn to Ji Hui for answers.

"Tan Xiaotian" had previously emerged from the darkness below, only to descend once more, while Yu Yuan's true form had also plummeted into the deeper darkness.

They were eager to uncover the mysteries that lay beneath the seventh layer.

"By all accounts, as supreme beings of the Protoss, you stand on equal footing with the Evil God. In fact, as members of the Protoss, you are even above the Evil God," Ji Hui mused. "I'll seek his consent first, then descend to investigate."

"Count me in!"

Andrea burst forth from among Reid, Yuv Qian, Saka, and the other Devaputras, positioning herself alongside Extreme Intelligence.

"I'm coming with you!" she declared emphatically.

The darkness beneath the seventh level held a mysterious allure for her, compelling her to descend and uncover its secrets.

In her mind swirled enigmas, thick as a magical fog, impenetrable and concealing unknowns.

She had a hunch that the enigmatic creature within her Devil Soul might find its answers below.

"You, and now me..."

Extreme Intelligence wavered.

He attempted to covertly reach out to the several masters he revered in his mind.

All these masters were Yu Yuan.

Yet, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't establish contact. Whether it was the master in the Gray Domain or the original Yu Yuan, all connections were severed. He was unable to perceive them.

Without their approval, he dared not recklessly lead others into the dark abyss.


Deep within the darkness.

The Yang God stood above the Creation Land, shattering the dense dark seals with a sweep of his hand. Yu Yuan's smile beamed brightly as he exclaimed, "Exhilarating! This is the power I was meant to wield!"

With a tear, his arm, once red like crystal, turned a majestic purple-gold, imbued with divine power that could pierce through time and space.

"To harness the power of the Origin Spirit and make it my own truly magnifies my strength!"

He reached out and struck at the Darkness Origin Spirit that had taken over Tan Xiaotian.

Balls of purple-gold light, like freshly refined stars, burst forth with unspeakable force, shattering the intricate laws of darkness.

Boom! Boom!

Seven black shields emerged in front of Tan Xiaotian's chest, barely holding back the onslaught of the purple stars.

His face was a mask of icy detachment as he slowly backed away from the Creation Pool, watching the spread of the blood-colored curtain with a cold gaze, as if it threatened to envelop the entire Creation Land.

"You seem quite pleased with yourself," the Darkness Origin Spirit remarked icily.

"And why shouldn't I be?" Yu Yuan retorted, his laughter unrestrained.

From the blood-colored streamer supporting the Creation Pool, numerous slick, fleshy tendrils suddenly emerged, as if a host of powerful beings were reaching out from within, ensnaring the Creation Pool.

Then, the fleshly tentacles strained to drag the Creation Pool.

"You are greedy," Yu Yuan remarked, his brow furrowing slightly.

No sooner had he spoken than the tentacles entwined around the Creation Pool burst apart.

"You are indeed very powerful, especially after consuming the Origin Soul of Hao Ran. Your strength is now beyond belief."

Yu Yuan, displayed on the blood-colored screen, flashed a wide grin as the Dragon Slash Platform materialized beneath his feet.

The platform served as the anchor for the screen, with layers of blood-colored light emanating from it to sustain the screen's presence and expansion.

The consciousness of the Origin Blood within his Yang God helped him forge countless splendid marvels inside the screen, fending off the pervasive Darkness Energy and Soul Power.

The Soul Power wielded by the Abyss Origin Soul could infiltrate the minds and spirits of all beings, capable of extinguishing the faintest whisper of a soul.

Such an assault by the Soul Power should be overwhelmingly terrifying, with even greater lethal force.

Yet, Yu Yuan stood resilient against it.

Communicating with the consciousness of the Origin Blood, he quickly learned of a unique characteristic of the Origin Soul.

The Cold Domain and the Darkness World were adjacent, merely separated by a crystalline barrier.

This proximity allowed the Origin Blood's spirit to touch the Origin Blood Continent within the Cold Domain.

Deep within the Origin Blood Continent, in a wondrous region at the core, lay the full manifestation of the Origin Blood.

What resided within Yu Yuan was merely a fragment of the Origin Blood's consciousness.

But being so close, the consciousness of the Origin Blood could draw power from the nearby Cold Domain, its source of strength, which in turn surged into Yang God Yu's combat prowess.

The situation with the Abyss Origin Soul was different. The Yu Yuan it inhabited was also just a fragment of its consciousness.

While the enigmatic Darkness World did offer vast soul power for it to harness, as the complete manifestation of the Origin Soul, it still resided at the heart of the vast expanse, within the pool.

Engraved in the pool were all the soul truths it had perceived, along with the concentrated, majestic soul thoughts and energies it had refined.

However, the heart of the vast expanse and the pool that symbolized it were currently absent.

Thus, even with the consciousness of the Undead Sovereign's body returning, its combat power could not be fully unleashed without the pool's presence.

"You're not at your peak right now," Yu Yuan said with a laugh, then added abruptly, "If your spiritual consciousness were to possess my true form, or even that of the Great Demon God Beilstein, you would be much stronger. However, since you haven't merged with the Origin Soul or devoured it, merely grasping its power, your possession of my Demon God's body has also limited your strength."

"If you wish to preserve that mass of flesh in the Creation Pool, you'll need to demonstrate whether you have any other tricks up your sleeve."

Yu Yuan, with his Yang God, stepped onto the Dragon Slash Platform and burst into the sky amidst his laughter. The blood-colored streamer remained in place.

The immense blood energy within the streamer had been summoned from the Origin Blood Continent in the Cold Domain, representing the power amassed and stored over countless eons.

The streamer prevented the Creation Pool from descending.

"You have a keen insight," he said, his profound gaze drifting past Yu Yuan's Yang God to settle on the dense blood light of the streamer. He rubbed his forehead and reached out to communicate with the distant Extreme Flame.

The arrival of a spirit consciousness from the Origin Blood had complicated the situation, giving him quite the headache.

He attempted to call upon Extreme Flame to join the battle. However, Extreme Flame, residing in the Heart of the Vast Ocean, required a suitable vessel for possession. The ideal candidate, Yuan Lianyao, had vanished without a trace after leaving the Gray Domain.

Despite repeated summons, Yuan Lianyao remained unresponsive, and recently, Extreme Flame could no longer detect her presence anywhere in the Origin Realm.

Thus, Extreme Flame faced the same dilemma as him: eager to join the fray but lacking a body to inhabit. For the time being, there were no other options.

With a hiss, the ice crystal barrier separating the two realms released a surge of Frost Energy.

As soon as the Frost Energy touched down, it was absorbed by Yu Yuan's true form and vanished into his Soul Altar. In his sea of consciousness, the ice crystal platform, previously halted, was once again in a state of formation.

Thanks to the influx of Frost Energy from the Cold Domain, barring any interference from the Origin Soul or the Darkness Origin Spirit, the ice crystal platform was bound to take shape within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness.

The consciousness of the Origin Blood was astounded to find that Yu Yuan, formerly known as the Abyss Lord, could stand his ground and combat both the Origin Soul and the Darkness Origin Spirit within the dark expanse of his former domain.

Yu Yuan's confrontational stance and audacious defiance against the Abyss Origin Soul greatly pleased the Origin Blood.

It channeled its formidable frost energy, drawing from the distant Cold Domain to bolster Yu Yuan's physical form, aiding in his empowerment.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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