Unmatched Dominance/C2125 The Exploration of Flesh and Blood
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Unmatched Dominance/C2125 The Exploration of Flesh and Blood
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C2125 The Exploration of Flesh and Blood

"That's more like it."

He mused in silence, hovering over the abyss.

Feeling the souls flow into his body along the 'Road of the Undead,' a satisfied smile graced the depths of his meridians.

He knew this was the strength his vessel was meant to possess, the prowess the 'Undead Sovereign' was destined to display!

In his former dark domain, he couldn't tap into the true potential of this form.

The soul energy in the darkness had been amassed alongside the Darkness Origin Spirit during his time as the Origin Soul.

However, the 'Undead Sovereign' should wield not the soul energy from the darkness, but the force of spirits formed from the deceased.

Occupying the 'Undead Sovereign's' form, he had been exerting the power of the Origin Soul, drawing in the soul energy from the darkness, which is why his power faced limitations.

Now, he had shifted his approach.

He plunged into the Origin Realm, taking in all the souls and specters from the 'Road of the Undead' into his veins. This was the most astute method to amplify his strength.

Once the souls were integrated into his body and transmuted into energy, they would lose any chance of rebirth.

He was utterly indifferent to this.

"No one is permitted to enter the world beneath the seventh level."

While amassing the ghosts on the 'Road of the Undead,' he glanced down at the Supreme Wisdom and the Devaputra, Andrea.

Supreme Wisdom replied with reverence, "As you command."

Andrea gazed up at his form, her dark blue eye sockets flickering with numerous gray-white lights.

He was intrigued and upon closer inspection, realized that her soul, aligned with the Great Demon God, had also discerned the profound mysteries of many spirits.

Andrea's expertise in this realm was profound, rivaling that of Youyu and Han Qi.

In comparison to the black goat of the Desolate Realm, Andrea, with her human form and Devil Soul, was significantly more formidable.

"She has potential."

With a mere thought, he communicated his sentiment.

Andrea, elated by his notice, swiftly emerged from among the human elites and the Devaputras, positioning herself before him.

Then, with utmost respect, she stepped onto a shard of stone and bowed deeply.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Two "yin veins" shot from His eyes, penetrating Andrea's sockets.

He had bestowed upon Andrea a fraction of the souls and specters amassed from the Origin Realm's path of the dead, for her to refine and absorb.

Andrea's Devil Soul foundation remained a testament to her unwavering devotion to Him.

With this in mind, no matter how deeply Andrea delved into the arcane soul techniques of the Origin Soul, she could never defy Him.

Thus, regardless of Andrea's power, she posed no threat to Him.

In the future, once He had consumed the Origin Soul, Andrea might lay the groundwork for a new path of undead, reconstructing the cycle of rebirth.

In this new soul system, His word would be law.

All souls within the Origin Realm would become His seeds, utterly subservient to Him.


Han Qi, now ascended to a Demon God, sensed His summons and sped through the path of the dead.

Imitating Andrea, Han Qi too knelt upon a colossal meteorite.

He bowed repeatedly, silently pleading, "Master, please grant me the strength of the Demon God."

Within the depths of Han Qi's soul lay a cyan-black essence, crafted by Him. Han Qi was indeed His protege, who had previously fled the Gray Domain amidst dire circumstances.

Han Qi had survived and now hastened to His presence.

"You have done well, too."

After a brief pause, He touched the center of Han Qi's forehead.

"Thank you for your blessing, Master."

Han Qi trembled with overwhelming emotion, tears of gratitude streaming down his face, reminiscent of a loyal dog wagging its tail.


Darkness reigned below.

With the departure of the Abyss Origin Soul, only Yu Yuan's Yang God stood above the Creation Pool.

An anticipated fierce battle eerily ceased, both the Darkness Origin Spirit and Yu Yuan gazing upward.

The darkness veiled Yu Yuan's vision, obscuring the seven layers of the Abyss from his sight.

He was aware that his Yang God had the power to pierce through the dark shroud, and he could effortlessly depart from this realm.

The world, now solely under the watch of the Darkness Origin Spirit, could not detain him; both his true form and Yang God were poised to escape this darkened cosmos.


In the core of his sea of consciousness, the grey-white lightning on the Soul Altar, aligned with the Origin Soul and the Undead Sovereign's form, surged to life.

Upon closer inspection, it appeared as though the "paths of the undead" were being drawn by some force, ferrying spectral beings.

He reflected for a brief moment, his face turning grave.

He was aware that the Origin Soul had abruptly taken flight and was now active within the external Origin Realm.

The Origin Soul was amassing the souls of the deceased powerhouses from various races along the path of the undead, transforming their essence into a source of strength for its corporeal form, readying itself for battle with newfound power.

With a mere thought, he bellowed, "Dragon Slash Platform!"

The Dragon Slash Platform burst forth from his Yang God and, in a flash, was grasped by his true form.

The moment he wielded this supreme Artifact of the cosmos, the overwhelming and majestic spiritual energy, along with the starlight energy it had absorbed, was swiftly converted by him.

It transformed into a dazzling, radiant power.

Countless laws of light, like dense lightning, filled the inner world.

Taishi's Primordial Spirit and Cao Jiaze's Yin God observed the inner world of the Dragon Slash Platform, now brimming with infinite light, and noticed that every shimmering expanse of land seemed to be solidifying into Divine Stones of Light.

The energy of light was immensely vast and highly refined, readily crystallizing.

"I really wish I could step outside and see for myself."

Cao Jiaze's face bore a bitter expression as he gazed at the lightning streaking through the void. "Yet I'm aware that the moment I leave the Dragon Slash Platform, I wouldn't last a second before my soul perishes."

"I'd like to see it as well."

Taishi, however, was more nonchalant, chuckling as he spoke, "As a Primordial Spirit, the instant I depart from the Dragon Slash Platform, I'll become a target, my thoughts and self warped by His influence."

He paused, then added, "We'd better stay put. You and I still have the prospect of rebirth, a fresh future ahead."


The two spirits dutifully remained within the Dragon Slash Platform.

With a whoosh, the elongated Dragon Slash Platform in Yu Yuan's hand suddenly coalesced into a sphere of light.

Clutching the orb with his true form, Yu Yuan unleashed the transformed light energy in a torrent, illuminating the Darkness Origin Spirit atop the chariot.

The intense light, akin to a multitude of blinding bolts of lightning, made the perpetual gloom of the abyss momentarily several shades brighter.

Above him, the Evil Gods vanished as if they were mere wisps of smoke.

The orb of light persisted, casting its glare upon the curtain of blood, a barrier corroded by dark demons. Piercing rays penetrated deep into the bloody world within.

Gargantuan Darkness Bats and soul-only Darkness Demons within this world were targeted by the relentless brightness emanating from the orb.

Any dark entity caught in its lock was as immobile as an insect pinned by a steel nail.

Destruction was imminent for them.

The tattered black banner, with its gaping holes resembling the eyes of an otherworldly creature, began to seal shut under the glow of the Dragon Slash Platform.

The intense light forced the entity to hurriedly close its 'eyelids,' as if to shield its eyes from harm.


Tan Xiaotian, his towering Demon God form possessed by the Darkness Origin Spirit, was set ablaze with black flames as the light shone upon him. His dark divine power ignited, fending off the abrupt onslaught of light.

The spirit and consciousness of the Origin Blood, scattered within Yu Yuan's Yang God, were no longer hesitant.

It immediately reached out to communicate with Yang God Yu.

The malevolent source that had burst forth from the Darkness World was temporarily subdued upon reaching the seventh layer of the abyss.

It urged Yu Yuan to seize the chance to investigate the "Creation Pool."

It was curious to see if Yang God Yu could directly assimilate the pool's flesh and blood, capturing the vast blood energy within.

A captivating blood light sparked in Yu Yuan's eyes.

The previously squirming mass, teeming with vibrant Life Seeds, radiated a frenzied, twisted, chaotic evil that lured mighty beings like the Secular Bird Queen and the Chaos Roc. They were driven to breach the barrier and merge with it.

Once Yu Yuan absorbed the Life Seeds with the Soul Altar, the flesh and blood in the Creation Pool stilled.

He had stealthily sensed with his Yang God and concluded that this vast energy of flesh and blood should be readily absorbable.

With the consciousness of the Origin Blood within him and his Yang God at the Eleventh Level, he felt confident enough to attempt it.

And so, standing at the edge of the Creation Pool, he suddenly crouched down, extending his left hand to probe into the mysterious depths.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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