Unmatched Dominance/C2127 The Darkness of Fear
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Unmatched Dominance/C2127 The Darkness of Fear
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C2127 The Darkness of Fear

Yu Yuan's Yang God form remained in perfect harmony with the Origin Blood, vigilantly observing the disturbances within the Creation Pool. The thick blood energy, coalescing into a curtain, carried the Creation Pool through the clouds, swiftly sweeping toward the Cold Domain. Radiant blood light burst forth, generating a powerful propulsive force, continuously amassing more blood energy. Thankfully, the journey was smooth, sparing him any heart-stopping upheavals.

Throughout this time, Yu Yuan acutely perceived the will of the Origin Blood within his limbs and body growing increasingly agitated, a stark contrast to the indifference he felt upon his initial encounter. In his recollections, every Origin Spirit he had previously encountered was detached and numb. Yet now, the Origin Spirits he was encountering anew exhibited peculiar behaviors.

"How odd," he pondered silently.

Yu Yuan could comprehend the Origin Blood's excitement over the Creation Pool's flesh and blood; after all, each Life Seed that emerged was imbued with the profound essence of blood. The immense blood energy within the bizarre flesh exceeded the reserves of the Origin Blood. If harnessed properly, both he and the Origin Blood stood to gain significantly.

But the fervor of the Origin Blood, with its frequent interactions, seemed as though it had been influenced by the Origin Spirits of light, thunder, and vegetation, now brimming with the rich emotions of sentient beings.

An unsettling thought surfaced unbidden. Could it be that every Origin Spirit touched by the Abyss Origin Soul was being subtly altered by its influence? If the Origin Blood began to exhibit the emotions of flesh-and-blood beings, like the light, thunder, and Darkness Origin Spirits, would that be a positive transformation or a corruption by its power? Yu Yuan couldn't help but feel concerned.

In that moment, he abruptly turned to gaze at the Demon Lord, Tan Xiaotian. The Darkness Origin Spirit possessing Tan Xiaotian was bathed in the intense light from the Dragon Slash Platform, leaving the chariot battered and torn. The gaping holes in the banners, like the eyes of dark demons, were sealing shut under the piercing divine light.

After the departure of the Abyss Origin Soul, the Darkness Origin Spirit seemed to struggle against the onslaught of its true form. However, as Yu Yuan was about to seize the Creation Pool and the mass of peculiar flesh and blood, the Darkness Origin Spirit steeled itself.

With a determined cry, it commanded, "Come out!" Whoosh!

Submerged deep within the Creation Land, the platform that Yu Yuan had transformed into a realm of darkness, known as the Darkness Divine Kingdom, shot forth, encircled by the "Heaven of Darkness."

Within the obsidian platform, the nascent beings of darkness were shivering in great fear.

The mountains and rivers born of the Abyss's energy showed signs of crumbling as the platform detached from the Creation Land.


The pitch-black platform burst into thick demonic flames under the radiant glow of the Dragon Slash Platform.

Sacred beams of brilliant light shattered the "Heaven of Darkness" seals, flooding the inner world and causing the terrain to erupt in thunderous explosions.

The once shadowy earth was now riddled with gaping wounds and cavernous holes.

The evolution of the dark life forms within came to an abrupt halt.

Deep in the darkness, many demons, newly evolved with flesh and blood, were obliterated by the divine light raining down from the Dragon Slash Platform.

High above, Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, now his third eye, gazed indifferently upon the dark domain.

His piercing gaze shattered the dark chains, reaching into the heart of the forbidden zone.

A stretch of dark land, dotted with mountains and forests and black rivers and lakes, teemed with an eerie vitality.

Many creatures, shrouded in darkness, lay in the damp valleys, gazing up at the ominous sky.

The sky crackled with lightning and thunder, and divine light cascaded down like a waterfall, as if the gods were wrathful, intent on annihilating all creation.

Then, they beheld a colossal eye, radiating an intense light that filled the void of their world.

This eye unleashed a devastating brilliance, cold and supremely majestic, as if it were judging their existence and dictating their fate.

As the dark entities stared into this eye, their incompletely formed bodies ignited with silvery flames.

One by one, the dark species perished.

The dark realm, meant to foster these beings and facilitate their advancement, had barely emerged from the earth's depths before it was struck by ruin.

"Yu Yuan!"

He was beside himself with rage, watching the dark Demonic Seed being extinguished by the penetrating gaze of Yu Yuan's eye, and with a piercing shriek, he sped toward the Creation Pool.

He was acutely aware that the flesh within the Creation Pool must not be allowed to be taken to the Cold Domain by Yu Yuan.

The Darkness Divine Kingdom he had consecrated could shatter, and the newly birthed dark creatures could also perish.

As long as the Creation Pool exists, with the Creation Land beneath his feet and the Origin Soul that governs the soul's path of creation, there's a possibility to restore everything he has lost.

What he has lost now can be reclaimed in the future; it will just require a bit more time.

He has already waited for millions of years, so a little longer doesn't bother him.

That's why he was willing to risk the destruction of the Darkness Kingdom, with its fissures and crumbling mountains and rivers, to intercept Yu Yuan and prevent him from taking the Creation Pool.

"Leave the Creation Pool behind!"

He shrieked from atop his chariot as hundreds of dark lightning bolts erupted from the battered vehicle, only to be repelled by walls of radiant armor.

Creak! Creak!

The chariot's wheels groaned under the strain, and the banner that seemed to connect to the Dark Land developed more cracks, further frayed by the Dragon Slash Platform.

"You're determined to seek your own demise."

Yu Yuan, aloft in the heavens, bore an expression as impassive as a statue carved from ice, radiating a bone-chilling aura.

The 'eye' at the center of his brow swirled with endless coldness and murderous intent, transforming into tangible bolts of law-infused lightning.

"For some reason, every time I think of you, I'm filled with extreme revulsion."

Yu Yuan clasped the Dragon Slash Platform as if cradling the most resplendent gem within the cosmos, channeling his divine power, spiritual energy, and lifeblood into it.

The divine radiance emanating from the Dragon Slash Platform was so intense it seemed poised to penetrate the Darkness World and rend asunder the Alien Realm under his dominion.

"If it's just you, I truly don't understand what makes you think you can stop me."

Yu Yuan sneered with a cruel laugh, "Who gave you the courage to engage in a fight to the death without him? Origin Spirit, Darkness Origin Spirit, heh!"

"The Mother Earth I've slain is not the only Origin Spirit I've vanquished!"


The Dragon Slash Platform vibrated in his grasp, casting down pillars of divine light, each brimming with the laws of light.

With the power of light in his hands, amplified by the Soul Altar at his brow and through the Dragon Slash Platform, he had surpassed the true Light Origin Spirit!

Even the true Light Origin Spirit, once possessed by Cadorath, could not achieve such might!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Beneath the intense illumination of the Dragon Slash Platform at Yu Yuan's brow and the radiance emanating from his Soul Altar, the pitch-black platform that had emerged from the Creation Land began to fracture in large pieces.

Oddly enough, Yu Yuan experienced a piercing pain as the dark platform shattered.

He couldn't help but recall the agony of the Soul Altar crumbling layer by layer when he served as the Abyss Lord.

The pain was excruciating!

"So, you played a part in my demise as well!"

The pain revived his memories, leading Yu Yuan to the sudden realization that the Darkness Origin Spirit had a hand in his death.

It was logical, after all. If the Darkness Origin Spirit was his most faithful ally, why wouldn't it collaborate with the Abyss Lord?


With a malevolent chuckle, the Soul Altar that had been concealed within Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness soared from his forehead, suspended high above him.

The seven-tiered Soul Altar, resembling a pagoda, radiated dazzling lights in hues of green, blood-red, white, and deep green, casting their glow over the entire Darkness World.

This unassuming Soul Altar exuded a presence capable of daunting all beings, commanding the laws of the Great Dao, and asserting dominance over the Origin Spirit.

It seemed as though the Soul Altar was crafted with the grand ambition to supplant the Origin Spirit from the very beginning.

The Soul Altar, akin to an aloof deity perched on high, overlooked the Abyss Lord within Tan Xiaotian from its position above Yu Yuan's head.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Without any visible exertion from the Soul Altar, the darkness began to recede.

The pervasive darkness where Yu Yuan's true form resided retreated in all directions at the emergence of the Soul Altar.

Even the Law of Darkness, which he wielded, could only watch powerlessly as the darkness faded into the distance.

This was an achievement that not even the formation of the blood-red curtain, which extended infinitely outward, could accomplish.

As a superior Origin Spirit, the origin blood could only stain the darkness with its hue but could not cause the darkness to disperse of its own accord.

The Soul Altar that Yu Yuan had once again summoned was driving away the darkness, intent on transforming the world, tainted by darkness, back into its divine domain and restoring its original form.

Yet, this was his realm, a territory he had cultivated for countless millennia.

He and this domain of darkness had long since become one. But as the darkness was driven out, energy vanished rapidly, and the laws of darkness he mastered began to crumble.

Origin Spirits, even one such as himself, are not immortal.

He sensed that the Soul Altar, forged by Yu Yuan, was regaining its former might, slowly reclaiming the supreme power to extinguish Origin Spirits like him.

A profound fear took hold within him.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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