Unmatched Dominance/C2128 Let Us Part Ways!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2128 Let Us Part Ways!
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C2128 Let Us Part Ways!

Gazing upon the fragmented obsidian surface, he found himself lost in thought.

"Fear. So this is fear. I never felt it before, but now I finally understand."

Involuntarily, his mind wandered back to the last time he faced a similar predicament.

It was also Yu Yuan, but the Yu Yuan from the time of the Abyss Lord.

Yet, during that encounter, he experienced no fear.

This time, however, the sensation was unmistakably vivid.


As he witnessed the enigmatic laws of darkness within this world being dissected beneath the Soul Altar that had emerged from Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness, he neglected to intercept the Creation Pool.

His sole desire was to preserve himself.

The increasingly fractured obsidian mirror swiftly retracted to the Creation Land, and the chariot descended into the abyss below.

Yu Yuan, inhabiting the body of Tan Xiaotian, also plummeted into the chasm, returning to the Creation Land.

He opted to evade the onslaught.

The moment he evaded, all the enigmatic forces that dwelled in the Darkness World and belonged to him vanished.

No one could prevent Yu Yuan, wielding the Yang God, from departing with the Creation Pool.

Yu Yuan, standing beneath the Soul Altar, looked up in astonishment.

In that instant, he realized that the Alien Realm could no longer obscure his perception or obstruct his view.

He instantly felt a connection with the darkness below the seven layers of the Abyss and all the lands above.

The lands, along with the Abyss Tribe that resided there, materialized vividly in his mind.

The Abyss was no longer comprised of one hundred twenty-seven continents, now reduced to just one hundred nine.

The continents that had been summoned by Mother Earth and subsequently shattered by the Human Tribe and the Devaputra, inadvertently fulfilled the Great Demon God Saka's agenda.

This drastic transformation within the Abyss left the remaining Abyss Tribes on the continents in a state of constant anxiety.

From below, he could sense a wave of panic, helplessness, and distress permeating each layer of the Abyss, affecting every nation where the Abyss Tribes dwelled.

The Evil Gods had departed, while the Protoss, returning from the Origin Realm, were now actively engaging within the Abyss.

The former rulers of the Abyss, the tribal warriors, were filled with unease about the future. As the Protoss cultivators who had returned from beyond gathered the Abyss's energies to grow stronger, the tribes had no choice but to comply.

Yet, deep within their hearts, there was a profound resentment towards the Protoss who had come back from another world.

Yet they dared not rebel, nor did they dare to express their discontent.

Their resentment was building.

Yu Yuan sensed the thoughts and emotions of the powerful beings from the seven levels of the Abyss World. He caught a glimpse of the Origin Soul that had usurped his title as the Undead Sovereign and what it was currently undertaking.

Before him knelt Andrea and Han Qi.

These two mighty wielders of the dark secrets of the soul humbly drew in the thick, ghostly power emanating from his form, their auras climbing steadily.

"Draw the power of souls and ghosts from every path of the undead, severing the cycle of life and death for the alien races!"

Yu Yuan's face was somber.

He suddenly understood that his current actions would lead to a drastic decline in births within the Origin Realm.

The Asura, Star Race, Bright Clan, Banshees, Silver Scale Clan, Winged Race, and other intelligent races that once illuminated the cosmos would suffer a severe population decrease due to his deeds.

The strength of the Origin Blood and the Darkness Origin Soul would be compromised by his actions.

He was effectively using his available resources and the peculiar body he had commandeered to quell the resistance of the Origin Blood and Origin Soul within the Origin Realm.

The deaths of many warriors from various races and the extinction of the second generation of intelligent races born from the Origin Blood would weaken it.

The ghosts from the Path of the Dead were being siphoned by him, and the Darkness Origin Soul within the Demonic Domain would be wounded as a result.

He was fully aware of his actions and their extreme efficacy.

Engulfing the souls and ghosts from the heavens, his presence was now formidable.

He had indeed discovered how to adeptly utilize the body of the Undead Sovereign, knowing exactly how to amplify his strength after taking over the body.

Once he amassed even greater power and integrated the spirits of the deceased into his form, and then delved deeper, his combat prowess would become unfathomable.

If even the Great Demon God Beilstein fell to him after possession, entering this dark realm...

With this thought, Yu Yuan's mood darkened further.

He realized he needed to find a new battlefield!

At that moment, he noticed that the Creation Pool, which had been taken by the Yang God, had unwittingly arrived at the icy barrier of the Cold Domain.

Without any further delay, he teleported his true form to the Yang God via the Dragon Slash Platform, taking the Creation Pool with him as he soared toward the Cold Domain.

The ice barrier, aided by the Origin Blood and the extreme cold, willingly opened a portal for him.

He passed through with ease.


In the aftermath of Yu Yuan's departure from the Alien Realm of darkness.

Having inhabited Tan Xiaotian's body, he retracted his spirit and consciousness into the damaged black surface of the platform, nestled within Creation Land.

Time passed.

Demon Lord Tan Xiaotian, along with the cracked black mirror, emerged once more from the vast pit.

"I don't want to go through this again!"

Tan Xiaotian's awareness revived, reclaiming dominion over his own body, as he gazed at the hovering black mirror.

Within the mirror lay a shattered world and a cluster of fluttering dark consciousness.

This was the fragment of the Darkness Origin Spirit that had left Tan Xiaotian's body and entered the dark prisma.

In the mirror's fractured realm, it mourned the broken world while cautiously perceiving the external environment.

It silently monitored the changes in the Darkness World following the disappearance of Yu Yuan and the Soul Altar.


A thick dark radiance emanated from the fringes of Creation Land below.

Harnessing its divine power, it drew peculiar energies from the seven tiers of the world above and the desolate true abyss below, transforming them into the familiar dark force to mend the world's imperfections and gaps.

It crafted new dark laws, patching and mending, to forestall Yu Yuan's potential return.

Eventually, it found the opportunity to address Tan Xiaotian from within the fractured mirror, "Without descending upon you, I cannot defeat Yu Yuan."

"Even with your will commanding my body, you couldn't overcome him."

A mix of coldness, disappointment, and defeat marred Tan Xiaotian's striking features.

Even with a spiritual essence descending upon him, he was unable to overpower Yu Yuan in the Darkness Land.

If even a god stood no chance, what of him?

He had dedicated his life to delving into the abyss in pursuit of the ultimate path, ascending to become the Darkness Supreme.

Was it possible that he would never surpass Yu Yuan?

He examined his hands and the meridians beneath his skin, now seemingly blackened by the infusion of dark power.

The memories of the Darkness Origin Spirit possessing him, his struggle against Yu Yuan, and his dialogue with the Abyss Origin Soul replayed in his mind incessantly.

His slender eyebrows suddenly quivered.

To his amazement, he discovered that many of the green-black soul imprints on his Primordial Spirit, which had solidified into a pitch-black palace, seemed to have been erased.

A searing pain, as if his Primordial Spirit was being scorched, shot through him.

He quickly delved into his memories and understood that the battle between the Darkness Origin Spirit and Yu Yuan, along with the intense illumination from the Soul Altar, had shrouded both his body and soul in a powerful energy.

Tan Xiaotian's gaze flickered, and after a brief pause, he whispered to himself, "It was Yu Yuan!"

Before vanishing from the Darkness World, Yu Yuan had invoked the seven-tiered Soul Altar, which exhibited a might that appeared to transcend the cosmos, embodying a Primordial Spirit nurtured by the laws of the universe!

The peculiar force emanating from the Soul Altar specifically targeted the Darkness Origin Spirit and the Darkness World itself.

Yet, within Tan Xiaotian's consciousness, the deep imprints left by the Abyss Origin Soul... seemed to have been significantly purged.

Tan Xiaotian silently experienced this sensation while continuing to reflect on his memories.

At the foot of that mountain, due to the Abyss Origin Soul consuming Cao Jiaze's Origin Soul and the proximity to the event, his own soul had been twisted and corrupted by the Abyss Origin Soul.

Subsequently, he followed the Great Demon God Beilstein back to the Gray Domain, entered the Heart of Vast Water, and even exchanged a glance with the Great Demon God.

Then, passing through the Heart of Vast Water, he arrived at Creation Land, only to be possessed once more by the Darkness Origin Spirit.

Scenes and memories raced through his mind at breakneck speed.

The Demon Lord's consciousness grew increasingly lucid, and he became more aware of his identity, what he had once stood for, and what he had defended.

Slowly, his look towards the shattered mirror took on a chill and detachment, devoid of the former closeness and... reverence.

"The freedom that Yu Yuan seeks is the same freedom I yearn for."

His demeanor turned frostier, and seizing the moment before the Demon Lord's return, he bowed respectfully towards the fragmented mirror and declared, "I thank you for the complete and profound truths of darkness you have bestowed upon me. From this point on, we go our separate ways."

With those words, he set off toward the Cold Domain.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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