Unmatched Dominance/C2130 The Soul Knot
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Unmatched Dominance/C2130 The Soul Knot
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C2130 The Soul Knot

Tan Xiaotian, devoid of any dark treasures, entered the room with a smile unfazed by the hostile glares.

"I'm here to see Yu Yuan, not any of you."

His supreme combat prowess left him indifferent to others; even the Secular Bird Queen didn't faze him.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

He tapped on the frigid barrier, marveling, "It's gotten much thicker, yet..."

The Demon Lord's brow furrowed as he pondered, "Can it truly withstand that individual?"

It was he who had shattered the barrier between the two realms, following the Darkness Origin Spirit's guidance.

As the spokesperson for the Darkness Origin Spirit, his ambition was to transform the Dark Domain into a realm of darkness, gradually consuming the Origin Realm.

Unconcerned with the stares of Chen Qinghuang, Jee Ningshuang, and the rest, he ran his finger along the crystalline barrier and addressed Yu Yuan, "The Darkness has allied with it. Together, they should possess the strength to shatter this barrier."

His words cast a shadow of gravity over everyone present.

Yu Yuan chose his words with care, "It's not at full strength yet. Its combat power will only peak once it possesses my true form and unites with the Great Demon God Beilstein."

"I have no desire for the darkness to possess me again," the Demon Lord interjected.

With a graceful hand over his brow, he confessed, "I've exhausted all my power and even separated from my essence, but I couldn't fend off the Origin Soul's encroachment. Overpowered by the combined force of the Darkness and the Demon God, I truly had no means to resist. If it weren't for..."

Tan Xiaotian's gaze settled on Yu Yuan, "It seems your Soul Altar has purified my soul, erasing some of the Origin Soul's marks."

Uncertain, he continued, "That's why I've come after you. I need you to examine it closely."


Yu Yuan was taken aback.

Ann Ziqing, Taixu, and Xuanli, stirred by the revelation, instinctively looked at Tan Xiaotian's hand resting on his forehead.

Regrettably, they saw nothing.

"Are you suggesting that the divine light from the Soul Altar I released upon my departure has the power to purify your soul?" Yu Yuan grasped the implication.

Tan Xiaotian nodded in affirmation.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The Primordial Spirit, Taishi, and the Yin God, Cao Jiaze, emerged one after the other from the Dragon Slash Platform.

They, too, had heard Tan Xiaotian's words and felt a surge of excitement.

With no remaining breaches in the Cold Domain or the Alien Realm, and the Origin Blood Continent now shifted behind the Ice Crystal Barrier, a new sense of security was established.

This new barrier allowed Taishi and Cao Jiaze, now only in their soul forms, to cautiously venture out.

Once outside, they attentively probed their surroundings, detecting no signs of soul contamination, which allowed them to ease their guard.

"I'll check on it later."

Yu Yuan communicated with Tan Xiaotian using his physical form while his Yang God stood upon the Creation Pool, instructing the consciousness of the Origin Blood to depart.


A dazzling beam of blood light shot from the chest of the Yang God back to the Origin Blood Continent.

At such proximity, the connection between his Yang God and the Origin Blood was unobstructed, allowing for seamless communication without the interference of any spiritual consciousness.

Once the consciousness of the Origin Blood had withdrawn, the Yang God Yu Yuan experienced a wave of exhaustion.

His acuity for the mysteries of various bloodlines and life's laws appeared to have diminished.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

The Life Seeds, previously mirrored from his Soul Altar onto his Yang God, began to stir with unexplained vitality.

Immersing his consciousness, he explored the intricacies of the Life Seeds and discovered numerous complex bloodline locks within the massive Life Seed projected onto his Yang God.

Each cluster of Life Seed was bound by these bloodline locks, yet he lacked the keys to unlock them.

As he endeavored to understand them, the Life Seeds within his Yang God shone with a radiant light, absorbing both his blood energy and mental strength.

His fatigue deepened.

The bloodline locks within the Life Seeds showed signs of yielding as he focused on unraveling them.

He realized that penetrating the mysteries held within the Life Seeds was not impossible; it simply required time—a considerable amount of time.

And during this process, he would continuously deplete his blood energy and soul power to unravel the secrets of the Life Seeds, one by one.

"This Creation Pool is somewhat peculiar. For the time being, I should avoid bringing it to the Origin Blood Continent and refrain from interacting with any blood energy."

As the expansive blood-colored energy transformed into the barrier of the Origin Blood Continent, Yu Yuan retracted the Dragon Slash Platform and observed the still and silent Creation Pool.

The Creation Pool and the Origin Blood Continent maintained a safe distance from one another.

He harbored concerns that the eerie flesh and sinew within the Creation Pool might undergo an even more radical mutation upon detecting another Origin Blood.

He sensed that the odd flesh was no trivial matter; the Origin Blood might not withstand it.

"Let me take a look at your soul."

With those words, he once again summoned the Soul Altar from the depths of Yu Yuan's consciousness.


The seven-tiered Soul Altar hovered above Yu Yuan's head, casting an enigmatic glow that bathed Tan Xiaotian's sea of consciousness in light.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Then, something miraculous occurred.

It began with Taishi!

Taishi's azure Primordial Spirit, lacking the reinforcement of an original source, was but an illusion.

Within the depths of Taishi's ethereal Primordial Spirit, some exceedingly covert soul threads became vividly apparent under the illumination of the seven-tiered Soul Altar.

These threads wove throughout Taishi's Primordial Spirit, forming knots as intricate as those made of soul threads themselves.

At first glance, it seemed as though these knots were impossible to unravel.

Yet, under the glow of Yu Yuan's Soul Altar, these hidden soul threads began to brighten, showing signs of dissolving.

The light from the Soul Altar didn't attempt to untangle the knots; it aimed to eradicate them completely!

Taishi's spirits soared as he exclaimed, "These soul threads are the deepest marks of his influence, the very means by which he exerts his control."

Yu Yuan, who had initially intended to penetrate the depths of Tan Xiaotian's consciousness, hadn't anticipated such a fortuitous discovery.

"I'll have a look as well."

In Tan Xiaotian's consciousness, the Demon Lord's Primordial Spirit, once a dark palace, transformed into a highly refined, dark azure Primordial Spirit.

This dark azure Primordial Spirit also contained soul threads akin to the inextricable knots, albeit in fewer numbers.

The mysterious radiance from Yu Yuan's Soul Altar shone into Tan Xiaotian's eyes, permeating them and causing the knotted soul threads to shine brightly.

"This is the force he used to warp our souls."

Tan Xiaotian inhaled deeply, his gaze fixed on the Soul Altar above Yu Yuan's head, and he spoke with barely contained excitement, "When you departed, the divine light from your Soul Altar had already begun to dissolve some of them. It's precisely because of your Soul Altar's power that I followed you."

"That's right! You can help us dispel his influence!"

Following Taishi and Tan Xiaotian, Tianqi, Ann Ziqing, and Taixu each gazed up at Yu Yuan's Soul Altar.

The magical glow emanating from Yu Yuan's Soul Altar had the same effect on them.

He quickly realized that the more powerful the soul, such as those of Taishi and Tan Xiaotian, the more soul threads were entangled in their Primordial Spirits.

Conversely, individuals like Ann Ziqing, who possessed strong flesh and had not cultivated a Primordial Spirit, had far fewer dead soul threads, which were much easier to eliminate.

The Soul Altar, which he had painstakingly created, not only enabled him to withstand the corrosion of the Abyss Origin Soul but also empowered him to use this miraculous altar to assist others affected by the Origin Soul in shedding their contamination.

With a whoosh, the Soul Altar floating above his head radiated an extraordinary light as he channeled his full power, enveloping all the experts linked to the Abyss Origin Soul, including Tan Xiaotian.

The issue that had long plagued him was resolved thanks to the power contained within the seven-tiered Soul Altar.

Ann Ziqing and Jee Ningshuang, who had achieved greatness through their flesh and blood, felt the 'dead knots' in the depths of their souls gradually melt away like ice in the sun, leaving no trace.

They were the first to experience a sense of liberation in their souls, as if the invisible chains binding them had been removed.

"It's actually effective!"

Next, the Divine Kings, including Taixu, Xuanli, and Tianqi, also sensed the dead soul imprints within their Primordial Spirits dissolving under the Soul Altar's radiance.

Tan Xiaotian spoke in a hushed tone, "My decision to follow you was indeed the right one."

He, too, felt the marks made of soul threads, which had lingered deep within his mind, slowly fading away.

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