Unmatched Dominance/C2135 No Trace
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Unmatched Dominance/C2135 No Trace
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C2135 No Trace

As the Asura warriors surveyed the Cold Domain, now littered with the Divine Soul Sect's Divine Kings, they were overwhelmed with a sense of helplessness and despair. Their eyes and hearts brimmed with intense hatred and venomous words, yet they dared not utter a sound.

"Mr. Zhong," Elena began, hesitating slightly, "during our escape, we witnessed cultivators from the Profound Sky Sect and Spirit Void Sect using giant dragons as their mounts."

Zhong Chichen's expression grew somber. When he, along with Loong Jie, the small spinosaurus, and the Chaos Roc, had departed the Gray Domain, not all the Nagas could accompany them. Only those with higher lineage were transported by the Time Book.

Many of the Nagas with lesser bloodlines were left behind as they migrated through the Cold Abyss Entrance. They were unsuited for the Time Book and too frail to endure the violent tremors of his repeated journeys through the Void, leaving them stranded on Tia Main Planet.

At that time, the Devaputra had undergone a transformation. Ghosts and demons from the Demon Realm had fled, and all of humanity's highest beings were under the influence of that entity.

The mighty from various races had departed. Initially, everyone was simply concerned that the Gray Domain had become unsafe.

Little did they know that shortly thereafter, the Protoss, Devaputra, and Evil God would unite and begin their merciless slaughter of all celestial beings.

Zhong Chichen was naturally disconcerted upon hearing that the Profound Sky Sect and Spirit Void Sect's elite cultivators were riding dragons through the Outer Star River, hunting alien beasts and intelligent races.

"Mr. Zhong, you should feel fortunate. The Nagas, born in the vast expanse, may carry its essence, which is why they are still alive, albeit reduced to mere mounts rather than being completely eradicated."

"You haven't witnessed the scenes of our Asura Clan's Starfields, where Ninth and Eighth Level Bloodline Warriors were annihilated."

"The Star Race, the female demons, and all the once-mighty races – their calamity is the true nightmare," Elena said, her voice growing heavy.

Having ascended to Asura King after her bloodline's advancement, Elena, who had honed her skills in the Cold Domain, sensed that Jee Ningshuang had traveled to the frontier, seemingly on the verge of opening a 'window'.

Jee Ningshuang's kindness left Elena feeling deeply grateful.

She also observed Yu Yuan's Yang God and the Secular Bird Queen, Chen Qinghuang, engaged in conversation in a different realm.

The striking beauty of Chen Qinghuang and the icy allure of Jee Ningshuang, coupled with their profound connection to Yu Yuan and their esteemed statuses, continued to feed Elena's sense of inferiority, even as she had become the Asura King.

She had no desire to seek an audience with Yu Yuan, unwilling to cause any discomfort for the two women.

Therefore, she remained on the star housing the Frost Well, signaling her Platinum Asura subordinates to search for more high-level Asura survivors.


"There's a trace of your life force within that girl," Chen Qinghuang remarked, her gaze slowly shifting back from the distant stars. She fought to suppress the increasingly profound death symbols in her mind and continued, "I need to find a secluded area, away from everyone else, to fully understand these symbols in my mind."

With those words, she disregarded Yu Yuan's pleas and drifted away alone.

Yu Yuan watched her, relieved to see she wasn't hastily leaving the Cold Domain and was still within this world.


"I'm heading back to the other side."

Yu Yuan announced to Tan Xiaotian, the Chaos Roc, and the others, using his true form. They watched in amazement as he approached the Ice Crystal Barrier once more.

Thanks to the synergy between the Origin Blood and the extreme cold, he passed through effortlessly.

As his true form ventured into the darkness, his Yang God immediately took position at the edge of the Creation Pool, ready for any eventuality.


In the vast, infinite darkness of the Alien Realm, Yu Yuan stood with his back against the Ice Crystal Barrier, prepared to make a swift return should the need arise.

He was aware that the Origin Blood and the extreme cold were also on the other side, attentively sensing his every move.

With a whoosh, the rich and pure soul energy from the darkness surged into his forehead, eagerly absorbed by the Soul Altar within his sea of consciousness.

The top tier of the altar turned a deeper shade of green, providing immediate relief to his weary mind and soul.

Once revitalized, he extended his senses, curious to discover if the Origin Soul that had merged with his "Undead Sovereign" had made any changes during his absence.

His perception honed in on the Creation Land, where he sensed a profound stillness.

Deep within the Creation Land, he became aware of an inky darkness. He cautiously skirted around it with his perception and thoughts, opting not to venture into the unknown.

Beyond that, the restoration of the Soul Altar allowed his perception to stretch infinitely in all directions.

Neither the Origin Soul nor the Darkness Origin Spirit made an appearance, showing no inclination to engage him in battle once more.

He couldn't be sure if the Origin Soul and the Darkness were aware of his return or if they were even present in this Darkness World.

In time, his thoughts and perceptive powers traveled from the depths of darkness to the uppermost of the seven abyssal layers.

This journey strengthened his connection to each of the seven layers.

He observed numerous human cultivators who had ventured into the abyss departing through the "Void Gates" that Supreme Wisdom and Arthurs had once opened.

Their voices and exchanges reached his ears.

He discovered that the new expanse was rife with violent and chaotic abyssal energies, seemingly more intense than those here, drawing the cultivators towards its vastness.

Many abyssal powerhouses, not having ascended to the status of an Evil God, lacked the credentials to leave.

Yet, it seemed they had been granted leave by Supreme Wisdom, and with Evil Gods leading the way, numerous Abyss Tribe members from the floating lands also departed through various "Void Gates."

The Star Race, Bright Clan, Asura, and Banshees had suffered massive casualties in the Origin Realm, leaving a multitude of Starfields and territories vacant.

Evil Gods, hunters of alien beings, would visit the Abyss to guide a portion of their kin to suitable lands they had discovered.

The Abyss Tribe was on the move, migrating from their seven-layered world to the vastness of the Origin Realm.

The floating lands above the darkness, though not exceedingly large, were mere specks compared to the expansive Origin Realm.

Upon learning of the Origin Realm's abundant resources and treasures unknown to the Abyss, those tribes, once constrained by a brutal competitive system, were now fiercely eager to relocate.

Remaining in the Abyss meant a relentless ascent from one layer to the next.

The warriors from the lower Abyss, without a breakthrough in their bloodlines, were forever barred from ascending to the higher layers.

This harsh rule had now been shattered.

Should an Evil God emerge among them, one who had not perished in the siege against Beilstein, such an Evil God would return to lead their kin to the chosen territories of the Origin Realm.

The Abyss Tribe gradually migrated from the depths of the Abyss, taking root and beginning to flourish within the Origin Realm.

This development evidently had His silent consent.

He was broadening His sphere of influence, bolstering His own strength, and simultaneously diminishing the power of the Origin Blood and Origin Soul.

With the Soul Altar steadily brimming with soul energy, Yu Yuan attempted to locate the Supreme Intellect and the exalted figures of the Sword Sect.

Yet, he discovered that neither the Supreme Intellect, Zu Ann, Qin Luo, nor the Great Sword Immortal of the Sword Sect's Primordial Spirit were present in the Abyss.

The terrain of the seven-layered Abyss was shrinking, the highest light of the Bright Clan had vanished, and the energy of the Abyss within it seemed to be thinning progressively.

It appeared that after the destruction of the Abyss Gate, the energy of the Origin Realm's starry sky had diluted it.

Yu Yuan was struck by the realization that due to the shattering of the Abyss Gate and His consumption of Hao Ran's Origin Soul, He had gained the power to encroach upon the Origin Realm and was now facing His own abandonment.

The Origin Realm, in every respect, was far superior to the seven layers of the Abyss, which were not the true Abyss.

The seven-layered world above the Darkness was under his dominion as the Abyss Lord, while the darkness below the seventh layer belonged to the Darkness Origin Spirit.

Beneath the darkness lay the barren true Abyss, a domain shared by Him and the Darkness Origin Spirit.

After an extensive search, Yu Yuan concluded that the human practitioners remaining on the seventh layer did not merit the expenditure of his energy to drag them down from above and then laboriously return them to the Cold Domain.

Some time later, once his sense of weariness had fully dissipated and the Soul Altar in his mind was saturated with soul power, he discreetly withdrew to the Cold Domain.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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