Unmatched Dominance/C2147 The Arrogant and Ancient Devaputra!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2147 The Arrogant and Ancient Devaputra!
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C2147 The Arrogant and Ancient Devaputra!

The primary spirit of the Devaputra Saka had taken possession of a fallen Rock Clan warrior's corpse and was now barreling towards the Secular Bird Queen.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Beneath him lay a boundless sea of meteors, composed of countless meteorites of varying sizes.

With his every move, the extensive meteor sea responded in kind.

At a glance, it seemed as though Saka had leveraged a dazzling galaxy, wielding its celestial power in battle.

Yu Yuan, having vanished both in presence and trace, watched Saka as if he were witnessing the Abyss World itself, where layers upon layers of land were upheaved and mastered by Saka's will.

Between the land-sized meteorites, there existed numerous invisible lines, imperceptible to both the eye and the soul.

Through his Soul Altar, Yu Yuan discerned the profound laws of Mother Earth woven within these lines, reminiscent of the human body's meridians.

"Devaputra Saka!"

Yu Yuan's brow furrowed.

Saka, who had gained from the last encounter, had transformed the meteor sea into a demonic form, with the earth's meridians serving as the veins of this devilish physique, linking the massive meteorites as one.

He watched intently, a peculiar sensation taking hold of him.

The meteorites resembled the organs of Saka's demonic flesh, with the hidden earth's veins acting as his lifeblood channels, and the fleeting dark devil clouds akin to the blood coursing through his veins.

The Great Demon God Saka, like all Demon Gods, was born devoid of a physical form.

In his pure Devil Soul state, Saka had crafted an extraordinary body from the meteor sea, a body enshrouded in enigma and endowed with the power to command the forces of nature.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

In the void where the Secular Bird Queen resided, the Divine Bird, its expansive wings burdened with meteorites, found its movements constrained, the once imminent death storm now quelled.

The ashen hue deep within the Divine Bird's eyes intensified.

Beneath the colossal shadow of the Divine Bird, Chen Qinghuang's true form had previously hung her head low.

But with the arrival of the Great Demon God Saka and his proclamation, Chen Qinghuang seemed to snap abruptly from her bizarre stupor.

The bead curtain that had obscured her beauty, capable of captivating all creation, disintegrated into dust, revealing her true visage.

Positioned below the Divine Bird, within the reconstituted Death Nest, she gazed upon the onrushing Great Demon God and declared, "Saka, I remember you."

Saka's sudden appearance, along with the transformation of the Yang God into the Divine Bird, was disrupted by a meteorite, causing the Divine Bird to momentarily regain consciousness. Her eyes filled with the intent of death, strange lights hissed and intertwined, forming symbols imbued with a desolate aura of mortality.

She gazed intently at Saka.

The power of death, unimpeded by the void between them, instantly shrouded the Devaputra Saka, engulfing his Rock Clan-possessed form.


The Rock Clan puppet, painstakingly refined by Saka, was suddenly cloaked in an aura of death and began to sprout damp, decaying patches of mold.

Death symbols emerged on the skin of the Rock Clan warrior, corroding what little life force remained in the body.

"Come," Chen Qinghuang summoned in a gentle tone.

The Rock Clan warrior, once under Saka's control, was now propelled by the death symbols and flew uncontrollably towards Chen Qinghuang.

With a single piercing look from Chen Qinghuang, the Rock Clan puppet was transformed into a Yin Corpse under her command.

The connection between the Great Demon God Saka and the Rock Clan puppet was severed in an instant.

Moreover, a force that gnawed at his Devil Soul, compelling him to seek death, emerged from the remains of the Rock Clan warrior, catching Saka off guard.


Saka's Devil Soul, making a decisive move, abandoned the puppet body of the Rock Clan warrior and hovered above the Meteor Sea.

The Meteor Sea, comprised of innumerable shattered worlds, was Saka's true demonic form, with every strand of his Devil Soul stirring in its depths.

"It's a shame I didn't acquire your corpse back then. With a bit of refinement, it would have made an excellent devilish vessel," Saka mused, his presence in the Meteor Sea marked by his wild, unabashed laughter.

He felt no remorse for the loss of a mere Rock Clan puppet.

"After a hundred thousand years, to see you again, Saka, within the Starfield of the Devaputra Race," Chen Qinghuang remarked, her nod slight. Her demeanor turned focused and earnest, yet her face and eyes grew increasingly detached and cold. "This is fortunate. You've been confined to the Holy Devil Continent, never venturing out, leaving you with no other options."

The ancient Devaputra Saka and Sable had been stationed on the Holy Devil Continent, the stronghold of the Devaputra Race, for eons under Beilstein's command.

Chen Qinghuang, having been reborn, saw her combat prowess surge to its former peak, yet she could not venture to the Holy Devil Continent to exact her vengeance.

The Holy Devil Continent serves as the stronghold of the Outland Devaputra and is under the dominion of Beilstein. Within the Origin Realm, no one dares to venture into it without great caution.

"Old Saka, of late..."

Yuv Qian and Andrea, both Great Demon Gods, hovered at the Galaxy Crossing. Trailing behind them were numerous Ninth Level Demon Gods. However, due to the disparity in their ranks, the Ninth Level Demon Gods maintained their distance.

Yuv Qian murmured, "He's become exceedingly haughty, acting as if no one else matters."

Andrea's brow furrowed as she whispered, "At the summit of the Abyss, he reaped immense benefits. The fragments of land that have separated from the Abyss hold earth powers he can assimilate. Our source, out of reverence and modesty, was bestowed upon him by Saka."

"Saka's true power at present... I might not even be a match for him," Andrea sighed.

Yuv Qian exclaimed, "If your father remains absent, does that not make Saka the mightiest among us? No wonder he's been so dismissive of me and Reid. Even you... seem to be beneath his notice."

"To him, only my father is the towering peak he must look up to. Lord Reid, you and I, we're merely his juniors, never truly in his regard," Andrea spoke somberly.

While speaking, Andrea cast a wary glance around her.

She had the unsettling feeling that an unseen gaze had fixed upon her ever since she emerged from the Galaxy Crossing, scrutinizing her every move.

With her current level of power and insight, such a sensation suggested that someone in the Serene Starfield might indeed be observing her.

Who could elude my perception?

Andrea found it puzzling.

With a whoosh, a colossal stone statue emerged from the Galaxy Crossing, surveying the galaxy with benevolent eyes.

The Evil God Hamm!

Forged from the Outer Sword Prison, he embodied both malevolence and benevolence. He recognized Yu Yuan as the Abyss Lord and had previously been one with the vast expanse.

After a brief search, Hamm made a beeline for the Great Demon God Saka.

With a compassionate gaze, he approached the Heavenly Demon Saka, seemingly eager to curry favor with him.

Once Hamm acquired a dark green essence, the statue took on a green-black hue. The deep sword scars left by Nie Qingtian, upon infusion with this dark green essence, transformed into a series of ethereal green lightning bolts.

"Lord Saka, I, Hamm, am here to assist you!"

Hamm's voice echoed from a distance.

Yuv Qian and Andrea exchanged a glance, both finding the situation peculiar.

"The power Hamm is tapping into within the Abyss seems to also be connected to the earth's energy," Yuv Qian quietly observed. "That's why his soul is housed within the stone statue. He must have realized that Saka is the key figure on this path, hence his eagerness to curry favor."

"It's no surprise Saka has been so overbearing lately. It turns out even an Evil God from the Abyss is seeking his favor," Andrea remarked.

Hamm, who had been loudly calling out, abruptly fell silent.

He sensed a profoundly hidden force!

It was the master to whom he owed allegiance.

Hamm, now a stone statue, paused in the void, swaying from side to side as if searching for something.

"Master, master, my master..."

He whispered under his breath.

From the shadows.

Yu Yuan, perched above on the Dragon Slash Platform, watched the eerie rotation of the stone statue, his soul consciousness spreading out like a spider's web, his expression curious.

Andrea had only a slight inkling.

Yet Hamm, the Evil God who had resided within the statue for so long, had detected Yu Yuan's presence in such a brief span of time.

And now, he was actively trying to locate him.

"Yu Yuan is here!"

Yuv Qian and Andrea exclaimed in unison.

Hamm's odd behavior and his murmured "master" led them to the sudden realization that Yu Yuan was indeed in the Serene Starfield at that very moment.

"It has to be him!" Yuv Qian was certain. "With the Secular Bird Queen's emergence, he... must be close by."

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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