Unmatched Dominance/C2151 Something Big will Happen!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2151 Something Big will Happen!
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C2151 Something Big will Happen!


Yu Yiyi exclaimed in alarm.

"I'm merely administering a light punishment to remind her that within this temple, I am the law. You may be the master of the Evil Cauldron, but you must still abide by my rules," the guardian stated icily.

"Why the arrogance? We serve the same master, and our souls share the same origin. By what right do you lord over me?" Yu Yiyi retorted furiously.

Within the column of light, the Ice Concubine's icy form continued to fracture, her soul ablaze amidst the lightning.

Yet, she gestured to Yu Yiyi, telepathically urging, "No, do not antagonize the hall's guardian."

She grasped the gravity of the situation, recognizing the terrifying might of the Evil God Temple's guardian when provoked.

If Beilstein's armor was his demonic vessel, then this ancient and enigmatic hall was the guardian's embodiment.

Within his own domain, the guardian's power was staggeringly formidable, wielding even the divine powers of bygone Evil Gods. Ice Concubine believed that for Yu Yiyi to clash with the guardian over her was unwise.

She was acutely aware that despite having lost her spiritual essence and memories in her fall, she could be restored through the Evil Cauldron.

There was no need to engage in a futile battle over the guardian's hubris.

"We share the same master?"

The guardian scoffed derisively, "I serve the Abyss Lord, the true sovereign of the abyss! It was only after he became the Dragon Slayer that you, a mere servant, came into existence. How dare an Artifact Soul, born from a servant's death, presume to be my equal?"

"Do you, a lowly servant girl, truly believe you're of great importance? So, having received a fragment of his grace, you've transformed into a Great Demon God and now consider yourself formidable?"

"Aren't there over a hundred Evil Gods like you, all bowing reverently before me in this very hall?"

"Keep this in mind: we are not alike. You do not possess the standing to be my equal."

The relentless whip of laws continued its assault.

Within the Ice Crystal Demon Body, the once potent Devil Soul began to fade.

The Ice Concubine, once a paramount Evil Demon, was on the verge of demotion to the Ninth Level.

Upon her return to the Ninth Level as an Evil Demon, Yu Yiyi would lose her memories and her intellect would vanish. With her present strength, she could be brought back to the Evil Cauldron, where the sinking Evil Demons would naturally restore her power, enabling her to reclaim her place among the ranks of the most formidable Evil Demons.

Yet, the indignity of being scorned by the Guardian was more than she could bear.

"Endure it," she told herself.

The elderly Guardian glared at Yu Yiyi with disdain, declaring, "Within these sacred walls, no one can challenge me except for the master I serve and our mutual creator. You certainly can't, and neither can Beilstein, whom even the lesser Devaputras admire. He too was subdued by my power, right here."

Yu Yiyi was seething with anger when she suddenly noticed what seemed like the spirits of thousands of deceased Evil Gods stirring in the recesses of the temple's dome and walls, roused by the Guardian's might. Shadows darted across the dome, the hall's pillars creaked ominously, and the deeply engraved Dao Laws began to emerge on the walls.

Yu Yiyi's silhouette, standing resolute, was bent by the overwhelming force, as if she were being compelled to bow before the Guardian.

Overcome with a sense of injustice, she found herself unable to resist the grand and powerful energy of the temple, slowly sinking to her knees.

It was as though an unseen hand pressed down on her back, clenching her neck, forcing her to bow her head in a meek gesture of seeking pardon.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Inside the cauldron, thousands of Evil Devils screamed furiously, their dark Demonic Marks undulating. Yu Yiyi employed the Soul Arts she had mastered, attempting to communicate with the cauldron and arrange a defensive formation.

Yet, with a single cold huff from the Guardian, all her defiant efforts evaporated into nothingness.

"Remember this," the Guardian taunted, "the true Protoss hail from the Abyss. I'm referring to those with flesh and blood, not an entity like you."

The Guardian continued to sneer, "Even now, as a Great Demon God of the Devaputra, your body is crafted, not born. In the vast expanse of the cosmos, both now and in the future, the Protoss, Evil Gods, and Devaputras should have a clear hierarchy, with the Protoss rightfully at the pinnacle."

In the Guardian's view, the Protoss born of the Abyss would always be the most exquisite masterpiece.

The other inhabitants of the Abyss, the Evil Gods, came next in the hierarchy.

The Devaputras, brought into existence by the Boundless Origin Soul, might have once been the rulers of this world, but after the Boundless Origin Soul was consumed and assimilated, the order of things was destined to change.

Within the hollow column of light, the Devil Soul, shrouded in smoky flames, suddenly turned its gaze toward Beilstein encased in armor.

Beilstein appeared as if he were a Devil Soul suspended in time. In the depths of the armor's eye sockets, two tiny specks of purple light, no larger than sesame seeds, began to glow ever brighter.

Purple—the essence of the Devaputra.

This ingrained memory had been wiped clean, lost to the ages, and even the Ice Concubine could no longer recall it.

Yet, as the purple light intensified, she was unexpectedly moved, sensing that the bold, towering elder with the fiery red beard whom she revered might soon return.


The armor erupted from the earth, the force that had been bearing down on Yu Yiyi dissipated by its ascent.

The light column enveloping the Ice Concubine shattered in an instant, its lightning and dark light dissolving into the earth like water.


The Guardian could no longer afford to toy with Yu Yiyi or amuse himself with the Ice Concubine's company. His attention snapped to the armor, and he began to summon in his heart.

While calling the Evil God back, he attempted to connect with the representative origin of the Boundless Great World deep within the earth's core.

Wails and howls filled the air, emanating from the grand, ancient hall. It was as if legions of Evil Gods were bellowing, sending tremors through the mightiest of the Boundless Great World.

The howl reached the ears of the Evil Gods scattered across the Gray Domain, sending them into a frantic rush to the source.

In that moment, the Evil Gods in the Gray Domain, feeling the Guardian's distress through the howl, knew he was summoning them.

The Evil Gods dared not hesitate, converging on the Holy Hall without delay.

A peculiar armor, forged from divine iron, burst through the dome of the Holy Hall and revealed itself outside the Evil God Temple.


"Old Patriarch!"

The Protoss, the most formidable beings of Tia Main Planet, and all who witnessed this spectacle from the Boundless Great World, were stunned, gazing in utter disbelief.

The Great Demon God Beilstein emerged from the Evil God Temple, but not through its main entrance. Contrary to what everyone had anticipated, he didn't stride through the grand doors to receive the adulation of countless devils. Instead, he shattered the temple's dome, a clear statement of his intent.

Within his armor, Beilstein's Devil Soul shimmered with flecks of purple light, small yet dazzling like fragmented stars. Powerful Devaputras like Reid, gazing upon the Devil Soul, found their minds thrown into disarray at the sight of the purple glow. Their memories became a tangled mess, leaving them uncertain of their own identities.

Other Outland Devaputras, their black Devil Souls churning tumultuously, seemed on the verge of dissipating into nothingness. All were influenced by Beilstein's presence, yet not one could rouse themselves, not one could reclaim their sense of self, and some nearly perished.

"Even you, Reid..." Beilstein uttered with a forlorn sigh.

He did not linger in the Gray Domain. Encased in his armor, his Devil Soul shot towards the Heaven Opening Flare Star, swiftly locating a secluded cavern. Extreme Wisdom observed Beilstein's departure but dared not intervene.

Extreme Wisdom felt an ominous premonition that any attempt to impede Beilstein would bring about disaster. Though unaware of the specifics, he sensed Beilstein's agitation, as if he had been roused by some provocation. In this state, Beilstein was exceedingly dangerous; anyone who dared approach him would meet their end. Thus, Extreme Wisdom could only watch him go.

"Lord Beilstein!"

Beneath the dome, now punctured by a massive hole, the Ice Concubine collected the shattered ice crystals to reconstruct the demonic form she had crafted. Seizing the moment while the Protector was distracted, she slipped back into the Evil Cauldron.

Inside the cauldron, she breathed a sigh of relief and pumped her fists with vigor. "Our venerable chieftain has returned!"

Meanwhile, Yu Yiyi, influenced by Beilstein's disturbance, had not fully knelt. Clutching the diminutive Evil Cauldron, she observed the disheveled Protector. Her soul flickered in and out of focus as she seemingly employed various methods to rally the scattered Evil Gods and secretly connect with the entity within the Heart of the Boundless Great World.

The Guardian was preoccupied and no longer had the time to concern himself with Yu Yiyi and the Ice Concubine, as Beilstein had departed from the Evil God Temple.

"There must be a significant event underway!"

Yu Yiyi mused quietly.


In the Serene Starfield, Andrea was immersed in a radiance capable of purifying the impurities of the Origin Soul. Her sense of self and spirituality were largely restored. Following Yu Yuan's directive, she had urged her father to leave the Evil God Temple and make haste to the Serene Starfield.

For her, summoning her father had never been a challenge.

However, before the emergence of the Soul Cleansing Brilliance, no matter how hard she tried, her efforts to beckon her father were futile.

Now the situation had changed.

Armed with the purifying light, knowing it would work on her father, she was eager to assist Yu Yuan. She reached out to Beilstein using their unique, secret method of communication.

As Yu Yuan had surmised, she was desperately calling for Beilstein's aid.

"Save me, father... save me!"

She repeated her plea to the distant Beilstein, time and again.

Shortly thereafter, Hamm, who was merged with the Sword Prison, waited expectantly for Yu Yuan's summons just beyond the Galaxy Crossing when he unexpectedly heard the Guardian's summons.

The Guardian urgently called for all the scattered Evil Gods in the Origin Realm to regroup and assist in the capture of the Great Demon God, Beilstein.

Hamm, whose face normally exuded benevolence, was now etched with concern.

His tribe had flourished under the leadership of the Abyss Lord, Yu Yuan.

Filled with reverence for Yu Yuan, Hamm, as a member of the Evil Gods and the Abyss Tribe, was not subjected to deliberate corruption by him, sparing him the effort of having his beliefs upended and his will twisted.

Thus, he had always retained his autonomy.

Hearing the Guardian's plea while facing Yu Yuan, Hamm was visibly distraught, scratching his head in agitation.

Whose command should he follow?


Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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