Unmatched Dominance/C2166 Even More Brilliant Bewitchment
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Unmatched Dominance/C2166 Even More Brilliant Bewitchment
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C2166 Even More Brilliant Bewitchment

He is the final resting place for the souls of all beings in the Gray Domain. His presence enabled the emergence of the Protoss and the abyssal races.

Having consumed the Vast Expanse Origin Soul, even the Outland Devaputra Race regarded him as the fountainhead of their souls.

Every word and deed of his was intimately linked to the soul forms of the Gray Domain's inhabitants. He possessed the power to extinguish the souls of the mighty with just a thought.

Not just Old Cash, but every formidable entity in the Gray Domain was unable to evade his life-claiming stare.

Should the need arise, a mere look from him would bring instant death to anyone.


The majestic hall, towering within the cosmic river, echoed with a profound sound that reverberated through the souls of the conscious.

They became acutely aware that without uttering a single word, he could reduce Zhongli to a pile of blood-stained bones in a mere moment.

Such was the fate of Zhongli, the Evil Gods, and the exalted ones among the Protoss and the Great Demon Gods.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

Inside the hall, the bones of the Evil Gods collided, creating an eerie symphony akin to the striking of gold metal.

Accompanied by a series of crackling noises, the bones within some of the Evil Gods uncontrollably joined with their ancestors' bones.

Their sinews entwined with the skeletal remains of their forebears, tightly bound by the hall's power, while their malevolent spirits were drawn by an indomitable will, merging them together by force.

Only at this moment did the Evil Gods of the Abyss comprehend the true purpose of this sacred temple, realizing that from its inception, it was designed to constrain them.

The bones of their forefathers had been tempered over time, becoming the cornerstone of the hall.

In life, they contributed to the hall's strength, and in death, their remains would bolster its foundations.

Such was the inevitable destiny of all Evil Gods.

"Human nature, with its emotions, desires, joys, sorrows, and fears of life and death, indeed holds a peculiar allure."

He watched with a serene smile as Old Cash, having lost his soul, lay lifeless in the Jade Tower.

At that moment, the Jade Tower, having drifted away from the Tia Main Planet, approached Yu Yuan, still radiating its resplendent light.

Old Cash, propped against the white jade railing, wore a joyful smile on his plump face. It was as if time had frozen, and he would remain in this pose forever.

His limbs were motionless, his facial expression forever unchanged.

His soul had been extinguished.

Yu Yuan gazed at the lifeless body, deep in thought, uncertain of how to remedy the situation.


At the edge of the Gray Domain, the Soul Altar that had extended from Yu Yuan's forehead, attempting to alter the fundamental laws of this realm, was severed by an unseen force.

The grand Evil God Temple comfortably twisted its "body," gradually taking on limbs.

And flesh and blood!

The shadow of its ethereal spirit sat atop the dome of the temple, as if meditating on the head that was slowly taking human form.

The Evil God Temple, towering like a sacred mountain, was imbued with a surge of spiritual intelligence due to the infusion of many Evil Gods. It transformed into an entity more massive and terrifying than the Starry Behemoths.

The skeletal temple began to show flesh and fibers, and the bound Evil Gods within became the organs of this titanic being, vigorously supplying thick essences of flesh and blood, along with their tumultuous Evil Souls.

When needed, this temple, constructed at its command, could ensnare all the Evil Gods.

Much like the innumerable Evil Devils within the Evil Cauldron, arranged into various bizarre arrays, enhancing the cauldron's might.

In this respect, there was no essential difference between the Evil Gods and the Devils in the cauldron.

"We are both undergoing change."

He squinted and smiled, seemingly amused, "The Divine Stage you've conceived to combat me brings you one step closer to the me of the past with each layer you forge. You must feel it—the death of those around you, while your true form remains numb."

"The Heavenly Dao is heartless. We are embodiments of the Dao Laws, inherently devoid of emotion."

"In your deliberate struggle to suppress me, you are also, unwittingly, becoming me."

"And likewise..."

He burst into a hearty laugh, "I, too, am experiencing things I've never before understood. In the manner of your kind, I'm feeling your likes and dislikes. I'm eager to witness more of the beautiful and the grotesque."

He was aware of his own transformation.

Before consuming the Origin Soul, no matter his strength, he had always acted in the simplest, most straightforward manner, avoiding unnecessary complications.

For instance, he possessed the power to erase the memories related to Old Cash and Yu Yuan using his soul's influence, which had permeated all living beings. This would ensure that Zu Ann, Qin Luo, and Van Heqing harbored deeply ingrained loyalty towards him in their minds.

He could also manipulate the memories of the Devaputra Pontiff Reid, convincing him that he was indeed the Founder.

This approach posed few risks, allowing him to effortlessly control the mightiest beings before him.

Previously, he would have opted for this effortless strategy, keeping his loyal puppets in line without allowing them too much autonomy.

But now, his perspective had shifted.

He was open to embracing complexity, eager to understand and experience firsthand the unique emotions of the flesh-and-blood beings he had created.

Thus, he lifted the seal.

"Yu Yuan..."

Adorned in white with a feathered crown, Zu Ann stood resolute in the cosmic void, the Skywatch Mirror in hand.

Old Monster Zu, with all his memories restored, sighed, "Perhaps you're too obstinate."

He was the origin of the Protoss, the creator of all the Protoss present, and his power was pivotal to the race's fate. The rise and fall of the Protoss were intimately linked to him.

Why resist him at all?

Zu Ann's initial resistance at the Gray Domain's entrance was due to his belief that he was the source of humanity, the Origin Soul, and that he was the embodiment of evil.

Now, Zu Ann was utterly convinced that he was the true origin of the Protoss, their creator.

With this realization, further resistance lost its meaning and necessity.

Van Heqing and the others remained silent.

Extreme Wisdom, stationed behind the Heaven Opening Flare Star, witnessed his refinement of the Evil God Temple and, understanding the unsealing, also chose silence.

With a whoosh, Yu Yuan's colossal dharma idol abruptly contracted to a regular size. Clutching the Dragon Slash Platform, he descended into the Jade Tower, greeted by Old Cash's welcoming smile.

As He had stated, Yu Yuan was unable to feel much in the way of sadness or emotion. The Seven Emotions and Six Desires seemed increasingly distant as the Soul Altar elevated them further away from him.

He could only experience a semblance of sorrow and helplessness through the Yang God, reflecting the scene before him onto the Yang God's consciousness.

In the process of becoming divine, the Origin Soul was grappling with the complex emotions of humanity, leaving him momentarily bewildered.

Atop the Jade Tower, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Old Cash, whose soul had departed. Leaning on the railing, they gazed upon the beings emerging from the vast expanse, those from the Tia Main Planet, and other celestial bodies.

He witnessed Lau Ying's attempt to break free, only to be restrained by Duan Yisheng.

Shi Jing'er from the Babel Chamber of Commerce wore a look of regret.

Tan Junshan of the Silver Moon Sect, having regained his self-awareness, occasionally cast his eyes towards the remains of Zhongli, now reduced to a bloodied skeleton.

Tan Junshan's gaze upon Him was filled with reverence and awe.

Reid, the High Priest of the Devaputra Race, was torn within.

Suddenly, His voice echoed within Reid's Devil Soul, "You shall succeed Beilstein as the new leader of the Devaputra Race. I will grant you profound soul secrets, elevating you to the Eleventh Level."

Reid was momentarily dumbfounded, then, like the others, fell into silence.

The soul secrets of the Great Demon God Beilstein originated from the vast Origin Soul.

Having assimilated the Origin Soul, He had become the pinnacle and the sole entity of souls in the world. The secrets He imparted would undoubtedly surpass those of Beilstein, signifying that Reid's compliance would yield greater rewards than Beilstein had ever received.

Unable to resist such allure, Reid's heart was swayed.

"Observe, many individuals, even upon awakening, would opt for the same path. I am the wellspring of their souls, their Creator. My might is intrinsically linked to them. And should the day come when I face oblivion, when I cease to exist..."

His voice then resonated across the cosmos, and all within the Gray Domain of sufficient spiritual stature could hear His wondrous voice from the void.

"I'm not sure if the souls that came into existence because of me would vanish into nothingness if I ceased to exist."

Upon hearing these words, those who had been indecisive suddenly found their resolve.

"We must leave the Gray Domain."

Barol of the Star Race, as he reconstructed his flesh and blood within the Dragon Slash Platform, spoke to Yu Yuan, "He's beguiling the hearts of the people with a more sophisticated approach, not merely corrupting their thoughts with simple soul manipulation. He is the origin of their souls, and he has grown wiser."

Brie added, "If you stay, you'll be besieged by the Protoss and the Devaputra. Do you really want to kill those who were once close to you, like Old Cash?"

"Zu Ann, Van Heqing, and others will be commanded to hunt you down."

"What will you do?"

The two alien supremes observed the eerie mood of the Gray Domain and recognized that he was employing a novel method to ensure the compliance of those deeply connected to him.


Yu Yuan, clenching his jaw, resolved to trigger the spatial teleportation power of the Dragon Slash Platform.

The platform radiated a spectrum of colors, sending waves through the void, attempting to break free from the Gray Domain.

The void turned impenetrable, with no spatial fissures appearing. His ability to manipulate the void was stifled by the forces of the Gray Domain.

Rings of green-black light emanated from the twisting Evil God Temple at his feet, disrupting the usual laws of the void.

The monstrous temple sprouted limbs and a massive skull.

The grotesque skull's flesh was rapidly forming, hinting that it would soon have a real face.

The hollow eye sockets of the skull suddenly fixed their gaze on the Jade Tower where Yu Yuan and Old Cash were located. The artifact that Old Cash had crafted with such care began to disintegrate.

With a crash, the Jade Tower fell apart into a shower of jade pieces, gems, divine crystals, and gold coins.

Libre Baskerville
Gentium Book Basic
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