Unmatched Dominance/C2167 The Revival of the Ancient Evil God
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Unmatched Dominance/C2167 The Revival of the Ancient Evil God
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C2167 The Revival of the Ancient Evil God

The Jade Tower crumbled, reverting to the unrefined spiritual material that now orbited the space around Yu Yuan.

Old Cash's soulless corpse began its descent toward the Tia Main Planet.

The cultivators from the Babel Chamber of Commerce watched the body fall, each of them silent and apprehensive, none daring to receive it. They feared incurring the wrath of that certain individual, risking a fate similar to Old Cash's—soul obliteration in the blink of an eye.

Yu Yuan, unable to flee using the Dragon Slash Platform, sensed the void's seal. As he reached to claim Old Cash's remains, he witnessed the corpse being drawn into the Tia Main Planet.

The Silver Dragon, burdened with Zhongli's skeletal remains, wailed mournfully. Unaffected by the void's seal, it made its way toward the Tia Main Planet.

Resigned to its fate, the Silver Dragon seemed to understand the futility of resistance, unable to break free from its bonds. If that was the case, it might as well serve as a noble mount for a Protoss warrior on the Tia Main Planet—a chance at survival.

In the space occupied by the Vast Ocean, Tia Main Planet, and Heaven Opening Flare Star, time seemed to stand still, restricting Yu Yuan's movements.

The Protoss's most exalted beings, along with those favored by the Divine Soul Sect, watched Yu Yuan with the intent to act. Yet, recalling the ends met by Zhongli and Old Cash, they hastily abandoned such thoughts.

They reassured themselves, believing Yu Yuan to be an extension of that powerful entity. At worst, he would be confined, for surely he was too valuable to be destroyed.

"Without your Yang God, I couldn't have transformed the temple in this way. The life secrets governed by the blood of origin have taught me the power to merge flesh and blood. The mysteries of life and blood are realms I had never explored before. That mass of flesh... it's a chaotic mess, and I'm unable to unravel it!" He expressed his frustration.

In the true abyss beneath the darkness, he had slain another blood of origin but failed to assimilate it, unable to unlock the profound insights hidden within that mass of flesh.

This was his deepest regret.

Fortunately, in the Origin Realm, he discovered another similar blood of origin. And Yu Yuan, as his chosen representative, had harnessed the life force from this realm's Origin Blood through the Yang God.

"You truly are my lucky star, just as you were before and will be in the future."

He smiled contentedly.

He consecrated the Evil God Temple, transforming the vast hall into a corporeal form, using the flesh of the existing Evil God as its internal organs.

The temple, shaped like a human body, featured a massive skull that was wobbling.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Deep within the eye sockets of the skull, a dark green flame ignited, followed by a pitch-black fireball.

They resembled his two eyes.

Yu Yuan's spiritual body, now in his own likeness, resided at the center of the skull's forehead, akin to a unique Soul Altar, fused to the forehead that had sprouted flesh and blood.

"We haven't had a proper conversation yet. There's no need to rush off."

The flesh of the skull was a bluish-black hue, and as he spoke, it gradually enveloped the entire skull bone.

It revealed yet another visage of Yu Yuan.

"Apart from the Evil God, I can also summon the Protoss that were born of me."

He said with a smile from within the skull.

The guardian, appearing as a withered old man, along with Zu Ann, Van Heqing, Ji Hui, Qin Luo, Lu Hongpeng, and other exalted Protoss figures, suddenly heard the majestic summons of the Heavenly Dao.

The intricate patterns etched into the flesh-covered temple began to shimmer.

Each line represented a profound and arcane principle: the secret arts mastered by Ji Hui, the Yang God path pursued by Qin Luo, the Heavenly Observing Art practiced by Zu Ann, the Earth's mysteries unveiled by Taishi, and the Moon's essence discovered by Tan Junshan.

All the deified beings from the Vast Ocean World, who had ascended through the Great Dao, had their marks etched onto the temple walls, enhancing its supreme might and transforming it into the mightiest killing artifact in existence.

Moreover, the dark mysteries and the Heavenly Dao insights of both fallen and current Evil Gods sporadically emerged on the temple walls, enigmatic and brimming with endless principles.

This temple stood as a grand repository of countless laws and profound knowledge.

The elite members of the Protoss gazed at the temple, shaped like a human, and were utterly captivated. They believed that this temple, forged from the bones of Evil Gods, represented their ultimate resting place.

Should they perish in the Origin Realm, their bones would be assimilated into the structure, augmenting the temple's formidable power.

This was their glory!

"The souls of the Evil Gods have dissipated, leaving only their skeletons behind. Now, I have the power to rouse them, to bring them back into existence. Just as the Beast Temple in the Desolate Realm can recreate Beast Gods, I possess a similar strength. Indeed, the temple's construction from the remains of numerous Evil Gods was intended for this very purpose."

Now capable of complex emotions, he began to speak freely, eager to share his triumphs with Yu Yuan.

"Take a look."

In the chest of the anthropomorphic palace, a door swung open.

As the heart's door opened, it unveiled the vast expanse of the outer void.

Gurgle! Crack!

The enigmatic sounds of flesh and blood echoed from the deep heart's door, sending shivers down one's spine.

The gaze of the Protoss' mightiest shifted from the celestial patterns on the walls to the open portal in the chest.

They could faintly discern ancient Evil Gods being resurrected within the massive stone columns, taking shape as they writhed across the palace floor, drawing vibrant life force from the rock faces.

For the new generation of Evil Gods, failing to halt the resurrection of their ancient counterparts, or losing their flesh and blood to them, signified unworthiness of existence.

The lesser Evil Gods were destined to become sustenance for the rebirth of the mighty ancients.

Within the temple, a savage and merciless struggle for dominance was unfolding.

Ultimately, it was unknown how many nascent Evil Gods would fall or how many of the ancient ones would be resurrected.

Yu Yuan's visage, crafted by the temple itself, saw the deep blue and dark flames within the eye sockets coalesce into spheres, forming true eyeballs that cast their gaze upon him.

The deep blue eyes bore a striking resemblance to the Great Demon God Beilstein's amethystine demonic form.

They also mirrored the clear and pristine Soul Altar at the center of Yu Yuan's forehead.

Trapped, Yu Yuan glanced at the deep blue orbs and felt as though he witnessed countless Evil Gods, their wails piercing, as they surged towards him.

He also saw Divine Kings, once renowned in the Abyss, being rallied to encircle and attack him.

"Heaven Opening Flare Star, open the heavens."

The transformed head of the sacred temple whispered from the center of his brow.

The gleaming Heaven Opening Flare Star, stirred by his power, soared from the side and settled at his feet, as though it had become the divine instrument of the Heavenly Dao he wielded.

Beneath him, the Heaven Opening Flare Star spun, and numerous dark caverns linking different voids of the Origin Realm burst forth with dazzling rainbows of light.

Each rainbow was as broad and brilliant as a river of sword light, pulsating with an astonishingly powerful energy.

As the Heaven Opening Flare Star rotated, it projected these rainbows of light from various caverns.


An overwhelming surge of blood energy burst forth from Yu Yuan's microcosm of Qi and blood, coursing through his body and igniting a tremendous force that shattered the stagnant void.

A colossal dharma, tens of thousands of feet tall, materialized in the cosmos, dwarfing the dharma that had just slain Gomez and Olliergues.

Next to this dharma, the Vast Ocean, Tia Main Planet, and the Heaven Opening Flare Star seemed like mere basins beside a giant.

The stars in the far distance appeared as minuscule as clods of dirt.

"You wish to detain me? I'd like to see how you'll manage that!"

The Dragon Slash Platform transformed into a massive purple-gold shield, effortlessly deflecting the broad beams of light.

The Soul Altar at the center of his forehead crackled with thunder, as the frigid laws of nature manifested to shield him from the multitude of phantoms in his mind.

With just one glance, the Soul Altar in his mind overlaid with the one he had crafted, creating a cascade of illusions.

The scenes of countless Evil Gods descending to slaughter him were cast onto Yu Yuan's Soul Altar with a mere look, subsequently seeping into Yu Yuan's consciousness.

Within his mind, the deceased Evil Gods appeared momentarily revived by that entity's power, slicing through his soul.

"Yu Yuan, you have wiped out my kin and fueled my vengeance. Today, you will finally face retribution!"

A towering Eight-armed Evil God emerged from the portal at the heart of the humanoid temple, each of his robust arms wielding a massive bronze hammer.

Resurrected from the Time River, he was granted another chance to exist in this world, engaging once more in battle with his old foe.


In a flash, he soared to the forehead of the colossal Yu Yuan, towering ten thousand feet high. The towering Eight-armed Evil God brandished his hammer and struck with force.

The eight hefty copper mallets pounded the Soul Altar at Yu Yuan's brow, sending sparks scattering in all directions.

"Abyss Lord, on your journey to supreme power, the corpses of Evil Gods litter the landscape, and I am merely one among them."

Another Evil God emerged from the heart of the Evil God Temple.

Her voluptuous form was encased in a green conch shell, and she wielded a winged long spear as she glided on the breeze.


With a sweep of her winged spear, a burst of soul-shattering green lightning erupted, piercing straight into Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness.

She was a forebear of the Green Conch Clan, once a formidable barrier to the Abyss Tribe's ascent to the pinnacle of the Abyss.

Slain by Yu Yuan, her bones became the cornerstone of the Sacred Hall, yet she was roused by the power of that individual.

"I thought my soul had been extinguished for eons, yet here I am, awakened. Apart from the founder of the Abyss Tribe, who else could possess the power to resurrect my lost memories through my remains?"

Yet another Evil God, resembling a titanic octopus, was resurrected.

Like Gomez, he was an ancient Evil God of the Ashen Clan. His myriad tentacles thrashed through the void like apocalyptic whips edged with razor-sharp teeth, lashing out chaotically at everything around.

*Boom! Boom! Boom!*

More powerful than Gomez, his tentacle whips struck the Dragon Slash Platform, which resembled a purple-golden shield, with a force so terrifying it seemed to split mountains and cleave the heavens, sending a shower of divine sparks flying.

Yet the Dragon Slash Platform remained unscathed.

"Yu Yuan!"

"Abyss Lord!"

More Evil Gods, revived by his power, streamed forth. Some invaded Yu Yuan's sea of consciousness with their nefarious souls, others assaulted the Soul Altar at his brow, and still others merged directly with their progeny, converging from all directions to assail the immense form of Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan wielded the Dragon Slash Platform with mastery, at times transforming it into a shield for defense, at other times into a lethal blade for the offensive.

The Soul Altar, nestled deep between his brows, safeguarded his Dao Heart, impervious to the corruption of the celestial malevolence.


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