Unmatched Dominance/C2174 Not Even Bones Were Left
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Unmatched Dominance/C2174 Not Even Bones Were Left
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C2174 Not Even Bones Were Left

The Sky Tiger was a blend of surprise and delight.

Despite being scarred and battered, his fighting spirit was undiminished, with streaks of silver lightning darting across his tiger eyes, sharp as blades ready to slice through the heavens. It seemed as though he might take flight at any moment.

The abundant star energy of the Desolate Realm surged into his wounds as he paused, actively seeking to mend his injuries.

New flesh and blood visibly formed within the torn tissue, seamlessly stitching together, aiding in his healing.

His remarkable self-healing ability, combined with the star energy of the Desolate Realm, enabled him to recover swiftly.

In his original Demon God form, he towered like a mountain, his fur bristling like straight silver needles, glinting with a cold metallic sheen.

Some of his sharp hairs were coated with fragments of flesh and bone, likely from those who had clashed with him in battle.

Beneath his massive tiger form, a creaking sound emanated from the white clouds of killing aura.

Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and saw numerous chunks of flesh and bone being sliced within the cloud by a white blade.

The Sky Tiger's path of slaughter unfolded brutally within the cloud, solidifying into sharp, sawtooth steel blades that cleaved through the alien beasts' flesh and bones.

The alien beasts loyal to Yuen Bu, the King of the Desolate Realm, were dismembered, their dark flesh chunks tossed from the cloud, exuding a pungent, toxic stench.

These pieces, from venomous pythons and giant scorpions, were not wholly consumed by the Sky Tiger, who selectively devoured only the edible parts.

"Who's after you?" Yu Yuan asked, his presence as immovable as a mountain, pinning the Creation Pool into stillness.

"The three Beast Gods who sought to trade lives with me," the Sky Tiger replied, licking the blood from its teeth without any intention of assuming human form. As it spoke, the blood in its mouth churned: "The dead Beast Gods can be revived by the Beast Temple. I'm not foolish enough to trade lives with them."

Yu Yuan was taken aback. He had not anticipated that the valiant and battle-hungry White Divine Tiger would opt for retreat and self-preservation.

Beneath him, the Creation Pool sensed the scent of blood and violently collided with the barrier.

The grotesquely colored flesh within it writhed slowly, emitting a potent surge of distorted power.

The venomous flesh discarded by the Sky Tiger was the first to be drawn in, swiftly soaring toward the Creation Pool. It penetrated the nine layers of the barrier and entered the microcosm within the Creation Pool.

Inside, the massive chunks of flesh were as insignificant as sesame seeds, barely visible unless scrutinized closely.


The Sky Tiger, too, was influenced by the twisted force emanating from the flesh, its intellect overwhelmed, its pupils ablaze with insatiable greed.

With a low growl, it dashed toward the Creation Pool, stepping on a white cloud.

Yu Yuan sensed trouble brewing. He extended his hand, and a blood-red wall materialized in the void, blocking both the Sky Tiger and the white cloud beneath its feet.

The wall, imbued with infinite laws, transformed into a dense network of Bloodline Crystal Chains, weaving together an inviolable array.

Within the confines of this crimson barrier, the elements of earth, iron, ice, and stone rapidly coalesced, continually fortifying the array and rendering it impassable to the Sky Tiger, which could not breach the wall.

An Eleventh Level Yang God, with a mere thought, could harness the starry energy of the Desolate Realm to materialize objects.

The life principles Yu Yuan had mastered, along with the essence of his bloodline, could manifest as anything in the universe, including divine weapons.

In the Desolate Realm, his Yang God's might surpassed that of the Origin Realm!

Rip! Sizzle!

Deep within the white cloud, a jagged steel blade, born of the Sky Tiger's lethal force, struck at the blood-colored wall.

The wall remained intact.

"Sky Tiger!"

From afar, an alien beast bellowed in the ancient tongue of the Demon Race, charging through the void wrapped in a bloody miasma.

A colossal blood-bone elephant, its feet set upon a meteorite gleaming like white gold, glared with eyes ablaze with murderous intent.

This was a Tenth Level Beast God.

Additionally, a Golden Patterned Leopard approached, its golden stripes transforming into streaks of lightning. It seemed to surge forward from a sea of golden electricity.

And there was a hyena, its maw blurred with the flesh it gnawed—bones and meat it had savagely torn from the Sky Tiger. It ate deliberately, its eyes brimming with both cruelty and a fierce resolve.

The Blood-Colored Giant Elephant, Golden Patterned Leopard, and Hyena were all Tenth Level Beast Gods, each bearing numerous wounds. Yet, they harbored no fear of death, for their blood essence was safeguarded within Yuan Li's Beast Temple. Should they perish, as long as they had fought with all their might and to good effect, Yuan Li could resurrect them.


The eerie flesh and blood within the Creation Pool emitted even more astonishing waves at the arrival of the three Beast Gods. Drawn to the Abyss Origin Blood, the Beast Gods' eyes gleamed with a covetous light akin to that of the Sky Tiger. To them, the sight of the flesh and blood was akin to beholding the most exquisite gourmet treat in the world, prompting them to salivate and charge forward with ferocity.

Yu Yuan made no move to intercept them.

Consequently, the three Beast Gods effortlessly penetrated the Nine-layer Barrier and made their way into the Creation Pool, where they transformed into tiny alien beasts, no larger than a fingertip.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

A multitude of sinewy tendrils burst forth from the mass of grotesque flesh and blood, fighting amongst themselves in midair. Some burst into clouds of blood mist, while others, after snapping, retracted back into the mass. The most resilient tendrils impaled the bodies of the three diminutive Beast Gods.

In an instant, the three Beast Gods that had invaded the Creation Pool were devoured, leaving not even a trace of bone behind. The now engorged tendrils, having feasted, still reminisced about the taste as they pounded against the barrier with renewed vigor. It was as though they sensed the Sky Tiger, twisted and influenced, would soon join them in the Creation Pool as their next meal.

Yu Yuan, having witnessed the entire ordeal, felt a chill run down his spine. The three Beast Gods of the Desolate Realm, lured by the promise of the Creation Pool's supreme delights, had instead become prey to the ravenous tendrils. The Beast Gods were utterly powerless to resist.

With the disappearance of the three Beast Gods, the undulating mass of strange flesh now contained three minuscule Life Seeds, each encoding the marvels of the Beast God bloodline.


The Sky Tiger, as imposing as a mountain, let out a low, guttural roar, relentlessly battering the blood-stained walls. Bereft of reason, the Sky Tiger failed to consider any path but straight ahead, convinced that beyond the bloody barrier lay the delectable feast it so desperately craved.

The impenetrable walls continued to thwart the Sky Tiger, halting his progress and gradually sapping his strength and patience.

After what seemed like an eternity, the bizarre mass of flesh within the Creation Pool began to settle down, having noticed the Sky Tiger's prolonged absence. The sinewy tendrils, with apparent reluctance, withdrew back into the mass.

The battered Sky Tiger slowly came to his senses, regaining his spiritual self-awareness.

"What in the world is that horrifying entity in the pool?!" exclaimed the Sky Tiger, his voice tinged with alarm.

He recalled the recent events. During his lapse in consciousness, he had witnessed the fate of the three Beast Gods, which now filled him with dread. The Beast Gods, as immense as himself, had been reduced to mere morsels, swiftly consumed by the vicious tendrils, leaving not a trace behind.

Had Yu Yuan not intervened, he too would have blindly plunged into the pool and met the same gruesome end.

"It has the power to consume the flesh and blood of all Beast Gods," Yu Yuan offered cryptically, without delving into specifics. "I've come to the Desolate Realm in search of a particular mountain, to find the Abyss Origin Blood within it and to request something from it."

With a whoosh, the overwhelming blood energy transformed into a cloud of white mist and vanished from the Sky Tiger's demon form.

The Sky Tiger morphed, taking on the appearance of a robust human man. He smacked his lips and said, "Yu Yuan, bringing such a dreadful thing to the Desolate Realm... you must be plotting to take down Yuan Li."

"And this... I sense it has a strong allure to the realm's source blood. Are you planning to offer this mass of flesh and blood as a gift to the realm's source blood in exchange for what you seek?"

"No," Yu Yuan replied, shaking his head.

"I can lead you to that mountain. I'm eager to see the Beast Gods loyal to Yuan Li, one after another, hurling themselves into the pool!" The Sky Tiger's smile was a twisted sneer.

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