Unmatched Dominance/C218 A Threat
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Unmatched Dominance/C218 A Threat
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C218 A Threat

"Chilly Wind Valley."

Chen Qingyan's delicate brows furrowed slightly, her luminous eyes swirling with confusion.

The Chilly Wind Valley was deemed off-limits by the Medicine Sect, yet the reasons for this remained unexplained to outsiders.

As someone of high status with a keen interest in the art of alchemy, she had visited the Jade Peak Mountain Range multiple times, eager to explore the Chilly Wind Valley.

But the Medicine Sect had never granted her request.

Why then, had they permitted the Hu family to venture into the Chilly Wind Valley?

"What seems to be the problem?"

Hu Hann appeared bewildered. "I'm aware that the Chilly Wind Valley is a forbidden zone of the Medicine Sect, off-limits to outsiders and even to the sect's own disciples. But as a restricted area, shouldn't it be under the sect's control? We're just here to deliver an item. Once we drop it off, we'll leave."

"The Chilly Wind Valley isn't as straightforward as you believe," Yu Yuan said, shaking his head.

At his words, the Hu family members fell into a sudden silence.

"I am Hu Yang."

The elderly man with a long beard and pale skin stepped forward, scrutinizing Yu Yuan with a serious gaze. "Young man, might you know something?"

Yu Yuan was about to respond when he noticed that he had once again cleared the plate of its fish and rabbit meat.

"I'm Hu Yue."

The young woman from the Hu family offered a sweet smile before twirling away. She quickly returned with a silver platter heaped with cooked meats and presented it to Yu Yuan with both hands.

To the Hu family, Chen Qingyan of the Luan Bird Empire was a legendary figure on the Profound Sky Continent.

Her noble birth and exceptional talent in cultivation set her apart from the rest, and she was handpicked by a renowned master of the Sword Sect. She was truly favored by the heavens, embodying a convergence of fortune and influence.

Chen Qingyan's friends were surely no ordinary individuals.

This belief led the Hu family to hold Yu Yuan in high regard, despite discerning that his cultivation level was merely at the Spirit Accumulating Stage.

"The Chilly Wind Valley is a forbidden area because it imprisons several former disciples of the Medicine Sect who specialized in crafting poison pills," Yu Yuan explained to the Hu family, picking up another fish. "Each one of those alchemists is far from ordinary. Moreover, the valley's chilling winds have the power to scatter one's very soul."

"What?" Hu Yang exclaimed in shock.

"What kind of wind?" echoed Chen Qingyan, equally startled.

"The wind that blows through Chilly Wind Valley is known as the Yin Wind. Have you heard of it?" Yu Yuan inquired.

"The Yin Wind!"

Chen Qingyan's tall frame shivered slightly. "Where does this Yin Wind originate? Chilly Wind Valley has been declared off-limits by the Medicine Sect. Surely it's not just to contain the spirits of past sect elders?"

"Indeed, it's to prevent the Yin Wind from claiming lives," Yu Yuan confirmed with a nod.

"I fear Chilly Wind Valley might be perilous. My advice to the Hu family is to ignore the Medicine Sect's directives," Chen Qingyan hesitated before suggesting, "Head straight to the Medicine Sect's domain, leave the pill furnace you've brought, and make haste away from the Jade Peak Mountains."

"We were hoping to witness the alchemists' grand event," Hu Yue interjected with a playful pout. "It's not often we get this chance, and we're quite curious to see how these alchemists are tested and promoted."

"It's problematic to defy the Medicine Sect's commands," Hu Hann admitted, looking distressed.

Yet, it was Hu Yang who appeared gravely concerned after hearing Chen Qingyan and Yu Yuan's exchange.

"Is there something amiss with the Jade Peak Mountain Range?" Hu Yang pondered before probing further, "Is Chilly Wind Valley exceptionally dangerous? Could our Hu family encounter mishaps if we venture there?"

"Of late, the Jade Peak Mountain Range has been rife with bizarre occurrences, and the Ghoul Glyph Sect's presence has been noted," Chen Qingyan acknowledged with a nod. "But most crucially, Chilly Wind Valley is indeed fraught with danger."

Yu Yuan added, "She means well."

"Take some time to think it over."

With that, Chen Qingyan shot Yu Yuan a look and strode toward the lakeside.

Carrying a tray laden with food, Yu Yuan followed her to the water's edge. As they gazed upon the gently undulating lake, he murmured, "The Yin Wind..."

"I was about to question you on that very topic!" Chen Qingyan whirled around, her piercing gaze fixed on him. "Coming from the modest Darkmoon City, how are you privy to the Yin Wind? Had you not mentioned it, I wouldn't have suspected its presence in the Jade Peak Mountain Range, let alone Chilly Wind Valley."

She was brimming with curiosity about Yu Yuan.

Recently, he had used dust to shield Bai Shenshen and others from harm, and secretly employed purple dust to sabotage Jin Fann's banner, inflicting serious damage.

Despite being a mere cultivator at the Spirit Accumulating Stage—a level hardly worth mentioning—he managed to manipulate Jin Fann with such tactics.

And now, his intimate knowledge of Chilly Wind Valley, even knowing that the so-called Chilly Wind was actually the fearsome Yin Wind, raised questions about his true identity.

Who exactly was this man?

"Lau Zaihe!" exclaimed Yu Yuan, his face a picture of astonishment.

"Why has he come?" Chen Qingyan was equally curious.

At that moment, Lau Zaihe, the scion of the Mighty Spirit King, made his appearance.

Upon Lau Zaihe's arrival, Hu Yue, the young lady from the Hu family, lit up with excitement. "Brother Liu!"

She dashed towards him.

Hu Hann, Hu Yang, and the rest of the Hu family members all beamed with smiles at the sight of Lau Zaihe, greeting him like an old friend.

"Brother Liu, do you know them?" Hu Yue approached, babbling excitedly as if she were unveiling a treasure. She relayed everything Chen Qingyan and Yu Yuan had said.

She flitted around Lau Zaihe like a joyful bird.

It was clear to anyone that she adored Lau Zaihe.

With a stern expression and the poise of a solitary peak, Lau Zaihe listened to her before slightly furrowing his brow. "A young master from the Yu family of Darkmoon City? How much could he possibly know about Chilly Wind Valley? Suggesting there's danger in going there is nothing but fearmongering."

"Darkmoon City, the Yu family?" Hu Yue's brow creased. "You mean he's from the Yu family of the Silvermoon Empire?"

Lau Zaihe gave a nod.

"Just a small clan," Hu Yue said, her face suddenly twisting with scorn. "And here I thought he was a distinguished young talent from the Luan Bird Empire like Sister Chen. Turns out he's nothing but a poser. I can't believe I was so generous with him, and all he did was talk rubbish."

In the blink of an eye, she aligned herself with Lau Zaihe, leveling accusations at Yu Yuan.

Hu Hann and Hu Yang, too, listened intently to Lau Zaihe's words.

"Hey, are you a member of the Yu family from Darkmoon City?" Hu Yang hesitated briefly before raising his voice in a light call.

Yu Yuan responded with a smile and a nod, "You've got it right. I hail from the Yu family in Darkmoon City, within the Silvermoon Empire."

Setting down the silver plate in his hand, he beamed, "Thanks for the hospitality."

Without lingering by the lake or offering any explanation to the Hu family, Yu Yuan casually strolled along the shore, making his way toward Chilly Wind Valley.

Chen Qingyan of the Luan Bird Empire kept a keen eye on him the entire time.

As soon as she realized he was leaving, a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth beneath her veil, and she promptly set off after him.

"Miss Chen!"

The calls of the Hu family members fell on deaf ears; she completely disregarded them.

Lau Zaihe watched her retreating figure, his expression one of confusion and loss.

Libre Baskerville
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