Unmatched Dominance/C2196 The Eighth Layer!!
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Unmatched Dominance/C2196 The Eighth Layer!!
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C2196 The Eighth Layer!!

Inside Creation Peak, the cavern had turned a deep, blood-red hue.

Eyes that symbolized his spiritual consciousness appeared on the walls, now bleeding profusely, adding to the cave's eerie and terrifying atmosphere.

The Light Origin Spirit, who had been incessantly urging Yu Yuan to leave, fell silent.

The City of Light quaked violently, as though shuddering from the cold.

Yu Yuan lay upon the earth, his body radiating a blinding, bloody glow, while numerous faint thoughts infiltrated the Colorful Land beneath him.

The Colorful Land was visibly diminishing in size!

"You still claim it's not being consumed? Since you've lain upon it, it's dying even quicker."

The Light Origin Spirit lamented softly from within the city.

It sounded like a woman wronged, endlessly complaining, "Though I dislike it, I don't want to watch it perish like this. Alas, you're more terrifying than that pond. It keeps shrinking, and soon, there might not even be a trace left."

The bleeding eyes on the walls silently observed Yang God Yu and the steadily contracting Colorful Land, their gaze becoming increasingly filled with horror.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

With the ongoing shrinkage of the Colorful Land and the substantial loss of its essence, Creation Peak, as sturdy as divine iron, seemed on the verge of collapsing under the weight of the origin blood.

The earth's power from deep within the stone also bled towards the Colorful Land, desperately trying to delay the demise of Mother Earth.


The blood-red rocks crumbled, and the blood-red Prisma were forced into hiding.


One by one, the blood-red Prisma, hanging like crimson crystal swords, pierced the ground.

The cave walls appeared incapable of supporting the weight of the blood-red Prisma any longer.

As more fissures spread across the solid rock, potentially revealing an exit, the Light Origin Spirit, after much clamoring, found a glimmer of hope, exclaiming, "So be it. If you die, I can finally escape. The world is vast, and I will surely find a new safe haven!"

In its eyes, Mother Earth, akin to a colorful divine bed, was on the brink of being completely drained by Yu Yuan.


Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The soul consciousness of Yang God Yu, carrying with it Mother Earth's arcane laws and essence, surged toward his true form within the confines of the nine-layered barrier.

Yu Yuan keenly felt his soul consciousness pierce through a barrier as if it were a thin membrane. It was akin to his Yang God traversing the barriers between the Perish Starfield, the Origin Realm, and the Desolate Realm, crossing from one domain to another.

At that moment, he realized that the nine-layered barrier encircling the Creation Pool and the one around the true Abyss were distinctly different entities. Within the Creation Pool's barrier, there were concealed exits and secret doors leading to the true Abyss!

The laws and arcane mysteries imprinted on these barriers were identical, both crafted by the same entity. Yet, when his Yang God consciousness attempted to locate the secret door once more, it proved elusive.

In the true Abyss, Yu Yiyi, Barol, Brie, and others on the Dragon Slash Platform were suddenly bathed in beams of rainbow light that seemed to emerge from nowhere, converging on Yu Yuan's physical form.

"Light of the Earth!" exclaimed the Creation Wood and the Thunder Source Spirit in unison.

Yu Yuan, within the barrier, felt a jolt of energy upon hearing the two source spirits. The rainbow beams merged into his brow, forming a small, seven-colored clod of earth. This Colorful Land was etched with clear earth veins and contained numerous intricate earth laws.

Similar truths related to the earth within the nine layers of the barrier felt the pull of the Colorful Land, transforming into streams of rainbow light that seamlessly integrated with it. With each integration, new earth veins materialized.

Previously, the barrier had been imprinting the arcane wisdom of the Soul Altar within Yu Yuan. Now, he had managed to manipulate the earth laws contained within it. In an incredibly brief span, Yu Yuan crafted a new platform.

"This feels familiar; I've had such a platform before. This time, it's like second nature," Yu Yuan whispered to himself.

With a whoosh, the seven-colored clod crystallized upon entering his sea of consciousness, expanding dozens of times in size. The seven-colored prismatic city at the base, now prepared, aligned perfectly with another seven-layered Soul Altar, which settled into place with a resonant clang.

Thus, the Soul Altar transformed from seven layers to eight. As the eight-layered Soul Altar materialized, Yu Yuan's true form within the ninth layer of the barrier astonishingly freed itself from the cosmic equilibrium of the sun, moon, and stars overhead.

He concentrated and discovered that the Great Demon God Beilstein and the Sword Sect Lord Lin Daoke were ensnared on the sixth layer of the seal. He was nearest to the true abyss, while the two of them remained trapped on the sixth layer, still separated by the sealing barrier.

Beilstein and Lin Daoke had unleashed the Great Dao Laws they had mastered on the sixth layer, yet they were unable to penetrate any deeper.

"Perhaps..." Yu Yuan mused, cloaking his true form in the luminescence of the Soul Altar's eightfold light.

He journeyed from the ninth layer down to the eighth. The towering Gold Mountains he faced, the gravity that was tens of thousands of times stronger, the roaring waves in his mind, the vines wrapping around his body, and the sporadic eruptions of fire—all seemed to diminish in intensity.

Not even the celestial array of sun, moon, and stars overhead could stifle his thoughts. He was suddenly at ease.

Within the real abyss's sealing barrier, he could see Beilstein and Lin Daoke, as well as the Creation Land pressing against the barrier and the chunks of land sinking into the depths.

"Those lands!" Yu Yuan's eyes sparkled with realization.

Beneath the darkness, within the barrier of the abyss's lowest reaches, lay sixty-four pieces of land brimming with rich earth essence energy!

And now, with the emergence of the Colorful Land deep within his consciousness, he felt he might be able to manipulate those sixty-four pieces of land.

He even sensed...

"Coalesce!" he whispered within the confines of the ninth layer's sealed realm, attempting to harness the sophisticated laws recently imprinted upon the earth's surface.

From those sixty-four pieces of land surged an immense and terrifying earth essence energy, flooding into the ninth layer's barrier and drawn directly to him by his Soul Altar.

His once lean physique instantly became robust!

The acupoints within his lower dantian, the energy centers he had cultivated, were now brimming with earth essence energy!

This energy could be transformed by him into pure spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, which in turn could manifest as the forces of wood, lightning, light, extreme cold, and more.

Ever since Yu Yuan's true form had been dispatched to the real abyss from the Gray Domain, it had been relentlessly eroded and sapped of strength by the pervasive black spots.

Out of necessity, and with no power to draw from the energy-depleted real abyss, he had been left with no choice but to fend for himself.

Taking a daring risk, he entered the barrier, intent on breaking through the nine-layered seal to return to the profound darkness.

It was precisely the path he sought.

Once his true form penetrated the depths of the seal, the intricate laws and secrets of the various Source Spirits were imprinted within the inner sanctum of the Soul Altar.

The experience mirrored that of the Yang God entering the heart of the vast expanse and the Undead Sovereign's Yin God stepping into that same heart.

Now, he could finally consolidate his power and, with the support of the newly formed landmass, navigate through the barrier with ease.


The golden mountains soaring towards him crumbled. The celestial bodies adorning their surfaces, which twisted the laws of his lineage, were erased by the brilliance emanating from the eighth tier of the Soul Altar.

Ultimately, the unparalleled divine light bursting from the eighth tier of the Soul Altar effortlessly obliterated all the manifested Dao Phases within the confines of the seal.

At last!

Yu Yuan, positioned at the eighth tier of the Soul Altar, encountered Beilstein and Lin Daoke within the sixth layer of the barrier.

"Yu Yuan!"

"Yu Yuan!"

Beilstein, disheveled, and Lin Daoke, breathless, were astounded by his sudden appearance.

Libre Baskerville
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