Unmatched Dominance/C2208 It Was as If It Was a Dream
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Unmatched Dominance/C2208 It Was as If It Was a Dream
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C2208 It Was as If It Was a Dream

Thousands of radiant red flames performed a mesmerizing dance, their brilliance manifesting atop a golden chariot, exuding the aura of a Dao that could incinerate the heavens.

Yuan Lianyao's eyes sparkled with dazzling excitement as she gazed into the distant, silent expanse of the starry sky, her hands trembling slightly against the railing.

Her elation was palpable, as if the person she had longed for in her dreams was now within reach, making it difficult for her to maintain her composure.

"You actually came. You really did..." she whispered repeatedly to herself.

The four colossal Golden Crows pulling the chariot sensed her surging emotions and the bursts of flames. They immediately took to the skies, their wings casting fiery rainbows with each powerful stroke.

The Golden Crows tapped into their bloodline powers and harnessed the chariot's intricate array, covering vast distances in the blink of an eye.

Suns, fierce and incandescent, followed in the wake of the fiery chariot, resembling orbs of flame.

A suffocating oppression emanated from the nearby starfield, causing the air and Galaxy Extraordinary Talent of the Gal Starfield to pop and hiss, filling the cosmos with the scent of scorching.

The remains of the alien beasts and the intelligent race from the Desolate Realm were instantly reduced to ash within the inferno.

As the golden chariot raced on, the stars and heavens it passed were engulfed in a deluge of flames.

The deathly aura emitted by the transformed strange tree was cleansed by the flames, posing no further threat.

Before long, Yuan Lianyao, a supreme Eleventh Level being, had purged a swath of the Gal Starfield with fire.

"Lord Flame God, are you seeking vengeance for us?"

An alien beast that had once dwelled in the Gal Starfield pursued the chariot amidst the flames, crying out in an ancient, demon-like tongue, "We've been gone only a few years, and our homeland has been ravaged. Lord Flame God, we implore you to take up our cause!"

A Ninth Level flamingo circled behind the chariot, calling out, "Our flamingo race's leader has been resurrected multiple times in the Beast Temple, but it seems we can no longer rely on him."

After a brief pause, the flamingo spoke with ingratiating intent, "Our flamingo race pledges allegiance to you!"

"We do as well!"

"If you, Lord Flame God, are willing to avenge us, we will follow you!"

In the blazing sun behind them, a colossal crimson toad joined in with its raucous cries. Numerous fire lions, astride charred, dark red meteorites, pursued the fiery chariot, all vying for Yuan Lianyao's favor.

The Starfield neighboring the Gal Starfield was known throughout the Desolate Realm as the Ashes Starfield, a land of legendary flames. Alien beasts that sought advancement through the consumption of fire regarded the Ashes Starfield as a sacred pilgrimage site, a place to seek breakthroughs in their bloodlines.

The first Beast God of the flamingo, the Phoenix, and the lion—all were rumored to have shattered their bloodline constraints and ascended to the Tenth Level within the Ashes Starfield. Consequently, the region teemed with the Desolate Realm's mightiest flame-wielding alien beasts.

Recently, Yuan Lianyao graced this hallowed ground and ascended to the unprecedented Eleventh Level, becoming a Supreme Being among the flame beasts. Such a feat had never before been witnessed in the annals of the Desolate Realm.

The leader of the Phoenix Tribe, the one who had long aspired but never succeeded, was the Phoenix that had once merged with the Ice Phoenix, Alex. Tragically, she perished while fighting alongside Zhiya in the Origin Realm.

Yuan Lianyao's emergence as a Flame Supreme Being might not have stirred the other alien beast clans, but for the flamingo, Blazing Sun Toad, and fire lion, her rise marked an epochal moment. Her alliance with the Demon Phoenix only underscored the significance.

With their leaders confined by the Beast Temple and lacking direction, the flame beasts eagerly courted Yuan Lianyao, hoping to earn her approval and favor. Yet Yuan Lianyao remained indifferent to their overtures.

Suddenly, the Dragon Slash Platform materialized before the massive golden chariot. Yu Yuan's face broke into a radiant smile as he called out, "Sister Yuan, congratulations on your ascension to Supreme Being in the Desolate Realm."

"Is it truly you?" The chariot came to an abrupt halt, and the suns trailing behind Yuan Lianyao paused as if wild horses reined in at once.

Surrounded by an infinite sea of flames, Yuan Lianyao's flushed, beautiful face was etched with utter astonishment.

Yuan Lianyao rubbed her eyes as the flames beside her split apart, clearing the space between her and Yu Yuan.

"The Secular Bird Queen who's been causing chaos in this realm, did she come to the Desolate Realm with you?" Yuan Lianyao asked with a hint of jealousy and concern for Yu Yuan. "She's responsible for wiping out life in several Starfields. Yuen Bu won't let her off easily. And the Demon Palace sees her as a severe irritant."

"She didn't come with me, actually."

Yu Yuan chuckled, considering Yuan Lianyao's worries to be unfounded, but he offered an explanation nonetheless. "She arrived before I did. There was a disturbance in the Gray Domain, and she was infected by an unknown alien spirit with the Law of Death. Back in the Origin Realm, she had already spiraled out of control, bringing devastation to several Starfields. To prevent further catastrophe in the Origin Realm, she chose to come to the Desolate Realm while she was still lucid."

After briefly clarifying the situation, Yu Yuan added, "However, I don't wish for her demise. I'm eager to witness her ascend to the Eleventh Level."

At his words, the alien beasts on the charred meteorite behind Yuan Lianyao, as well as those from the Ashes Starfield, roared furiously at Yu Yuan.

The alien beasts scolded in the ancient beast language of the Desolate Realm, akin to the olden tongue of the vast seas.

Their message was clear: The Secular Bird Queen had obliterated the Gal Starfield and other areas of the Desolate Realm. This heinous queen must be eliminated without delay.

The Ninth Level beast kings, with their unremarkable beast souls and insufficient strength, failed to recognize Yu Yuan's might.

Having never ventured to the Origin Realm, they were ignorant of Yu Yuan's identity, which emboldened them to challenge him.

Yu Yuan merely grinned, unbothered by the insignificant alien beasts, and muttered, "What a racket."

Yuan Lianyao's face grew stern.

With a thunderous boom, the massive sun at her back vibrated, unleashing an immense surge of energy that drew all the clamoring fire beasts into its core.

The sun's brilliance intensified, silencing the beasts' roars and clamor, making them inaudible.

The four Golden Crows shivered in her presence, their fear transforming them into two pairs of children, each appearing to be around fifteen or sixteen years old, flanking the golden chariot.

The two young men and two young women, all clad in golden armor, grasped the long golden poles connected to the chariot.

"Master, please calm your anger!"

While the Golden Crows implored Yuan Lianyao to temper her fury, they couldn't help but gaze at Yu Yuan with curiosity, pondering who he might be.

"I never expected you to achieve so much in the Desolate Realm," Yu Yuan said with a chuckle.

Yuan Lianyao shot him a reproachful look, and the flames dancing around the chariot abruptly vanished.

"Come aboard first, then we'll talk."

Yuan Lianyao gestured to him once more.

Without hesitation, Yu Yuan cast aside the Dragon Slash Platform and leaped toward the spacious golden chariot.

As he descended, he noticed blossoming red lotuses within the chariot, each bloom appearing beneath his feet, granting him sudden insight into the mysteries of the Fire Law.


Yuan Lianyao's eyes widened in astonishment. She, too, recognized that as he touched the fiery lotuses, he had swiftly unraveled and grasped the profound secrets of the flames.

"How did you come to be with Zhiya?" Yu Yuan inquired, intrigued.

"The fire phoenix perished in the vast ocean, but not by my hand—it was the work of the Extreme Flame beneath the earth. My rebirth and bloodline carry the essence and power of the fire phoenix, earning me her favorable regard."

Reflecting on this, Yuan Lianyao was filled with wonder and a touch of awe. "Back in the Middle Period, she was the revered sovereign of the Demon Palace, an entity beyond the reach of Lin Daoke and Tan Xiaotian. I could never have imagined that one day, I'd be discussing strategies with her on how to confront Yuen Bu."

"But you, you're the one who truly astonishes me."

The Blazing Red Lotus, now a supreme being in the Desolate Realm, boldly drew close with her fiery essence. Her arms encircled Yu Yuan's neck like tendrils, her captivating gaze fixed on him, her breath as warm and intense as the waves of heat she emitted. "I was merely a minor city lord of Darkmoon City. Through you, I've encountered a series of extraordinary events. You've transformed my life and realm."

"Today, I've ascended to the Eleventh Level before that expert from the Demon Palace and even before the Secular Bird Queen herself."

"How should I express my gratitude to you?"


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