Unmatched Dominance/C2209 Plopping to the Ground
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Unmatched Dominance/C2209 Plopping to the Ground
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C2209 Plopping to the Ground

Yuan Lianyao's face radiated with genuine delight as she beamed, "I never imagined I would have the chance to meet you here in the Desolate Realm."

She embraced herself tightly, as though attempting to fuse with Yu Yuan's form.

She had always felt like the most inferior among them.

The yet-to-awaken Secular Bird Queen, a sovereign of a realm within the Vast Ocean Continent, was an early practitioner at the Unrestrained Stage and held in high esteem by the three great upper sects.

She couldn't hold a candle to her.

Moreover, after awakening, wasn't Chen Qinghuang the same Secular Bird who had once dominated the myriad races a hundred thousand years ago?

Jee Ningshuang, known as the "Ice Sword," was a renowned Great Sword Immortal of the Sword Sect, greatly valued by Lin Daoke, and had already clinched a spot among the supreme ranks.

As expected, Jee Ningshuang had indeed ascended smoothly.

Each of these individuals had a pedigree and innate talent that far exceeded her own.

In addition, there was Ann Ziqing from the Blood God Cult, who had once served incognito beside Yu Yuan.

When her true identity was revealed and she returned to the Blood God Cult, her concealed talents were unleashed, propelling her to new heights.

All three women had profound ties with Yu Yuan, and there were whispers of romance and scandal. In terms of looks, lineage, or cultivation level, they all surpassed her, plunging Yuan Lianyao into the depths of despair.

Even Lau Ying from the Silver Moon Sect and Chen Qingyan, Jee Ningshuang's disciple, had statuses and positions beyond her reach.

Her inferiority complex was overwhelming.

It was only through her connection with Yu Yuan that she was grudgingly accepted into the Red Devil Sect.

Within the sect, she wasn't the one with the greatest talent. There was Zhou Cangmin, whose wisdom and strategy were exceptional, and whose innate ability soared just as high.

Among the younger members, Hou Tianzhao's cultivation pace and insight also outstripped hers, leaving her feeling powerless.

She practiced tirelessly within the Red Devil Sect, desperately trying to catch up, yet she still lagged behind them. The vast gap in their statuses made her interactions with Yu Yuan fraught with timidity and restraint.

It was only at this moment that everything changed.

Who could have imagined that she, with her modest cultivation talent and humble origins, would be the first to ascend to the ranks of the Supreme after surviving a multitude of hardships and a brush with death?

Attaining the Eleventh Level Supreme Rank shattered all barriers of status and innate ability, convincing her that she was second to none.

The Secular Bird Queen, Jee Ningshuang, Ann Ziqing, and all the women linked romantically to Yu Yuan now paled in comparison to her in both cultivation level and strength.

Only then did she feel bold enough to make the first move.

Her arms, graceful as serpents, encircled Yu Yuan's neck, her face aglow with joy and anticipation.

"Tell me, how should I repay you? My current level of cultivation is all thanks to you. Without your assistance, both overt and covert, I would have perished long ago and never would have joined the Red Devil Sect."

On either side of the golden flame chariot, pairs of golden crows stood motionless like statues.

They were focused inward, oblivious to Yuan Lianyao's words.

As Yu Yuan stepped onto the flame chariot, Yuan Lianyao's divine presence spread, sealing the chariot off from the Gal Starfield. Only beings of her caliber or the likes of the Demon Phoenix, Zhiya, could penetrate this barrier with their divine thoughts and glimpse the scene within the chariot.

"Sister Yuan, do we really need to stand on such ceremony with each other?"

Feeling the astonishing heat radiating from her body, Yu Yuan narrowed his eyes and saw the formidable volcanoes within her meridians, brimming with an unimaginable fiery energy.

"It appears you've reaped substantial rewards across the numerous Starfields of the Desolate Realm," Yu Yuan remarked with a grin.

"I have no desire to discuss cultivation! I can overlook the Secular Bird Queen's advancement and not interfere, but you..."

She interrupted him with a fervent kiss.

Yu Yuan's head spun as he embraced her lush, fiery form, surrendering to his desires and willingly losing himself in her ardor.

"She has made her breakthrough, but you're going to stay with me for now. After all, you need to keep an eye on things."

Yuan Lianyao's eyes shimmered seductively as she murmured a phrase. Watching Yu Yuan savor the moment with a lick of his lips, she playfully tackled him to the ground.

The massive golden chariot was suddenly submerged in rolling flames. Fiery clouds hovered above, as if emanating from Yuan Lianyao's own divine power and vitality.

Above these fiery clouds were suns that had followed from the Ashes Starfield.

Circling these suns were numerous fiery lions, flamingos, golden crows, and Blazing Sun Toads, all trapped by the fiery halos emitted by the suns, unable to enter the Starfield where death loomed.

They were well aware that the Secular Bird Queen from the Origin Realm was conducting some malevolent ascension ritual in the Gal Starfield, yet they were powerless to intervene.

The four golden crows, transformed into children, stood loyally at either side of the chariot, ready for Yuan Lianyao and Yu Yuan to make their move.


In the Origin Realm, at the Heart of the Vast Sea, the dark green pond teemed with Origin Souls, sufficient to forge ten supreme beings.

Hovering above the pond, within the depths of the Soul Sea, the Origin Soul took on the form of Yu Yuan, gazing downward.

Adjacent to the Soul Sea, a sphere of darkness and a sphere of flame floated in silence, symbolizing the essence of darkness and extreme fire.

Within the darkness lurked a seductive female form, her true face concealed.

Encased in the flames was a rotund figure.

As the Abyss Origin Soul progressed, both the Darkness Origin Spirit and the Fire Origin Spirit experienced a surge in emotion and intelligence, learning to shape their consciousness into ethereal human forms.

At that moment, both Origin Spirits, along with the Origin Soul, turned their attention to an object within the Soul Sea.

In the misty depths of the Azure Soul Sea, a resplendent nine-layered barrier emerged, revealing Beilstein, the Great Demon God, and Lin Daoke, the Sword Sect Lord, with striking clarity.

The Soul Sea acted as a mirror, reflecting the enigmatic Nine-layered Seal that separated darkness from the true abyss.

The three Origin Spirits of the Heart of Vastness gazed upon the Nine-layered Seal deep within the Soul Sea, as deities might observe the common folk of the lower realms.


The Nine-layered Seal underwent a sudden transformation, revealing an eerie sphere of flesh and blood within.

The barrier shrouding the Creation Pool, now bathed in the light of the Soul Sea symbolizing the Abyss Origin Soul, seemed to be observed by the three Origin Spirits from outside the pool.

In the form of Yu Yuan, He gazed at the burning flames and the round, indistinct figure inside, saying, "The Flame Devil Ancestor, whom we created together, has ascended to the Eleventh Level in the Desolate Realm."

"The instant she attained supremacy, my power was enhanced. The thinning barrier between the two realms allowed her ascension to resonate with me, producing a substantial force."

From within the flames, Extreme Flame spoke with a hint of exhilaration, "The Desolate Realm suits me perfectly!"


The Origin Soul concurred with a detached tone, "There, amidst the numerous intensely hot Starfields, you will indeed find your place. Having advanced to the middle level, a journey to the Desolate Realm could see you evolve to the higher level in no time."

"Hao Yun, is it possible to traverse the barrier between realms as effortlessly as scaling a mountain?" inquired Extreme Flame, filled with ambition.

"Once I penetrate the Cold Domain and consecrate the Origin Blood Continent, that feat will be within reach," mused the Origin Soul. "But my two physical forms are currently engaged in the exploration of alien spirits in the outer realms, and it will be some time before I can return. However..."

After a pause, He added, "Yu Yuan's true form can pass through these nine layers of seals to the Desolate Realm, and so can I. There's no need to hurry. We'll wait for his dealings with the Origin Blood to conclude."

"My spiritual consciousness alone, once it enters the Desolate Realm, will immediately locate the Flame Devil Ancestor and I can possess her," declared Extreme Flame calmly. "Having ascended to supremacy with my power, she cannot escape me. She will become my vessel."

"We'll continue to observe for a while longer."



Creation Peak.

Doubt flickered in the depths of Mother Earth's grayish-brown eyes as she hovered above the Creation Pool. With a casual flick of her wrist, she tossed a pebble towards the resplendent nine-layered barrier.

With a snap, the pebble shattered, transforming into a wisp of smoke.

No longer bound to seek the secrets of the earth from the confines of the Creation Pool, she furrowed her brow and said, "Within this barrier, there are nine distinct types of Origin Soul Dao laws. Beyond metal, wood, water, fire, earth, sun, moon, and stars, there lies an exceedingly intricate and profound soul law, possessing an energy that surpasses all others."

"My spiritual consciousness was submerged, and in making a pact with the seal, it was the soul law within that blinded me to my own sensations, leaving my external body nearly depleted of strength."

"Just moments ago, the soul energy within the seal seemed to stir, as if on the verge of being mastered."

Mother Earth spoke with a grave tone.

"Could it be the Abyss?" exclaimed the Light Origin Spirit in alarm.

"It's highly probable."

Mother Earth nodded, conveying her insights and sensations to Yang God Yu deep within the mountain.

"The nine-layered seal is merely a blend of the laws and energies of the nine origin spirits, whose spiritual consciousness has long since perished. But now, an external soul consciousness has intruded. You'd best be vigilant."


Before Mother Earth could say more, her expression abruptly shifted. She noticed that the once nine-layered seal had unexpectedly gained two additional layers.

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