Unmatched Dominance/C2215 The Power of Another Side
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Unmatched Dominance/C2215 The Power of Another Side
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C2215 The Power of Another Side

Zhiya was suddenly overcome with madness within the confines of the seal. She hadn't received what she had anticipated, leaving her with the sensation of being duped, as if someone had surreptitiously snatched away the prize she sought.


She darted through the layers of barriers like a streak of blood-red lightning, her dangerously potent aura threatening to burst forth from her body through the Creation Pool.

Mother Earth, after a moment of contemplation, reached out and pulled the Creation Pool from the void. With a thunderous crash, the enigmatic Creation Pool was once again perched atop Creation Peak, its presence solidified by the immense earthly power that now clung to it, preventing any further movement.

"I'm merely looking after this pool for Yu Yuan," he explained, though he was uncertain if Zhiya could hear him.

A flicker of realization crossed his face as he remembered his recent conversation with Yang God Yu in the mountain's cave. Piecing together that dialogue with Zhiya's frenzied actions, Mother Earth quickly grasped the situation. The object of the Demon Phoenix's desire was the very essence of life that Yu Yuan had spoken of, already stripped away by him.

"What does it have to do with me?" Mother Earth muttered to herself, her expression darkening with irritation at Zhiya's outburst.


The vast expanse of deep purple Demonic Energy, stirred by Zhiya's rage, drifted over from the distant starry river. Towering above this sea of energy were the Beast Temple and the Phoenix Shrine.

The walls of the Beast Temple were etched with numerous blood-red patterns, from which the roars of Beast Gods echoed. These roars transformed into sonic attacks, causing the mountainside of Creation Peak to crack and stones to begin tumbling down.

"You're seeking your own demise!" Mother Earth's voice was icy with warning.

"That remains to be seen," Yu Zhu countered calmly, levitating above the Phoenix Shrine. Her eyes, profound with secrets, held a soul sea of deep azure in one and a flowing Grim River in the other.

The mysteries of the Origin Soul emanated from her being and gaze, and the Phoenix Shrine, which had altered the soul laws of the Desolate Realm due to her influence, now targeted Mother Earth. In her corporeal form, Mother Earth felt an eerie sensation as her gaze met Yu Zhu's, as if her consciousness was on the brink of being wrenched from her body and absorbed by Yu Zhu's mesmerizing eyes.

"How peculiar," Mother Earth muttered under her breath.

Innumerable meteors and stars, drawn by her formidable power, hurtled from all directions, swirling around Creation Peak. Once more, Creation Peak was shrouded by celestial bodies and massive stones, solidifying its status as the most formidable bastion in the Desolate Realm.

The meteors whirled past Creation Peak, warping the very fabric of space. This tumult also anchored Mother Earth's spiritual consciousness more deeply into her physical form, rendering her impervious to Yu Zhu's influence.

"If you're looking for a fight, I'm more than ready to oblige. Let's see how many of your Beast Gods and your daughter can withstand this," Mother Earth declared, her expression rigid as she observed Zhiya, the Demon Phoenix, darting through the eleven layers of the dazzling enchantment, rapidly closing in on her.

"Hmm?" she pondered, suddenly realizing that Zhiya, trapped within the barrier, seemed unable to hear her voice anymore.

Numerous Dao patterns associated with Mother Earth materialized within the barrier, transforming into mountains and boulders with stars coalescing around them. They were manipulated by some unseen force, aiming to thwart Zhiya's advance.

The blood-red lightning that Zhiya had become was now a crimson river, shaped by the solidifying Dao patterns. The mountains, boulders, and stars moved in a unique orbit, encircling the river of blood. Astonishingly, the movement of these celestial bodies mirrored the trajectory of the meteors and stars around Creation Peak.

The eleven-layered barrier was governed by a multitude of cosmic laws, yet the one in control had chosen to employ only those truths that pertained to Mother Earth.

"It's definitely you!" Yu Zhu, the White Divine Tiger, the bone snake, the black goat, and other formidable Beast Gods, upon realizing that the force countering the Hall Master within the barrier was none other than the power of Mother Earth, were convinced.

Even the strategic pattern of the array formations matched the movements of the celestial bodies near Creation Peak, leaving no doubt that Mother Earth was orchestrating these events from the shadows.

Mother Earth, though frustrated and unwilling to explain herself, retorted fiercely, "If you seek death, then come forth."

She had accessed the profound truths of Mother Earth within the barrier, naturally imprinting the laws she had deciphered into the array formations as part of an exchange.

With Mother Earth's laws present within the barrier, she could harness the essence of Earth to manifest Dao patterns and strategically arrange the array formations.

He was puzzled as to who was deliberately using the profound mysteries of the earth to manifest a Dao Image and intercept Zhiya.

It was clear that someone was trying to set him up, prompting Yu Zhu, the Sky Tiger, and other Demon Gods to besiege him.

Dissatisfied yet unwilling to explain, he resolved to eliminate these thoughtless Demon Gods.


The ground of Creation Peak trembled, and Yu Yuan's resonant voice echoed from deep within the earth: "It's not him."

Yu Zhu and the Sky Tiger, who were poised to strike, were stilled by Yu Yuan's voice.

"He can't touch the flesh and blood within the Creation Pool, nor can he control the Creation Pool itself. He has no influence over the eleventh layer's sealing barrier."

Crack crack crack!

A cave leading to the heart of the mountain emerged, powered by Mother Earth. A startling beam of blood light burst forth from the cave, shooting into the sky.

Numerous Demon Gods, Mother Earth, Yu Han, and the Light Origin Spirit all turned their gaze toward the blood light.

The blood light halted before the two holy halls, swiftly taking the form of Yu Yuan's Yang God.

Yu Yuan, clad in a simple dark red robe, had skin that shimmered like blood crystal, with delicate blood-colored lightning coursing through his veins as meridians.

He appeared unchanged from before.

Yet, all the Demon Gods born in the Desolate Realm, including the White Divine Tiger from the vast ocean, and even Lvliu from afar, sensed the essence of their origin in him.

The lineages of demons and alien beasts were one and the same.

Now, their bloodlines had been assimilated by Yang God Yu, becoming part of his being.

In a sense, Yu Yuan was the creator of these demons and alien beasts!

"Yu Yuan!"

Zhong Chichen, observing from the sidelines, was thrilled at his arrival.

The Time Book, along with Loong Jie and Lvliu, approached as well.

"You've come too."

Yu Yuan expressed mild surprise, nodding at them, "Well, since you're here, it's fine. Yuen Bu is dead, and the Desolate Realm poses no threat."

He then cast a deep look toward the churning purple sea above.

Within the purple sea of demonic energy, a tremendously powerful life force was descending, seemingly fearful of his scrutiny, not wanting to be revealed.

Yu Yuan had never sensed such immense flesh and blood energy from any Starry Behemoth, not even from Yuan Li, the undying King of the Desolate Realm. Yet, the entity before him radiated a terrifying level of power.

Despite his inability to see through the purple demonic energy sea of the Demon Phoenix, Yu Yuan could still sense the formidable presence within it.

Moreover, a sense of familiarity began to dawn on him.

At that moment, his true self was deep within the Gal Starfield, engaged with the Soul Altar in his sea of consciousness, unraveling the enigmatic life wonders left by another source blood in the abyss. He was unlocking the miracles contained within the Life Seeds.

Among these Life Seeds, the one harboring the deepest truths of life was the so-called Chaos Djinn.

The Chaos Djinn, responsible for the destruction of the Abyss, was a life form far more massive, ancient, and formidable than the Starry Behemoth. It was a killing artifact, nurtured by the Origin Blood of its realm.

"It's actually a juvenile Chaos Djinn!"

Yu Yuan's spirit trembled, and his expression turned grave. He was certain that the creature concealed within the purple demonic energy sea, the one that had devoured Yuan Li, was none other than an immature Chaos Djinn.

The revelation left him astounded.

He couldn't fathom how Zhiya managed to create a Chaos Djinn.

Nor could he grasp where Zhiya had acquired the bloodline knowledge pertaining to the Chaos Djinn.

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