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"Why can't the Yang God come?"

Yu Yuan sneered, leaping from one sealed layer into an intensely hot world.

Volcanoes erupted with fierce flames, and rivers of lava drifted through the air. Scorched stars dotted the sky, creating a scene more daunting than the Ashes Starfield.

A colossal sun bobbed in the fiery sea, like a plaything in its grasp.


Lightning, refined from the laws of fire, streaked towards Yu Yuan, piercing through the protective blood energy barrier he had naturally formed, threatening to reduce his flesh to cinders.

Narrowing his eyes, Yu Yuan discerned that the lightning bore the essence of the bloodlines from a hundred different fire alien beasts, transformed into enigmatic fire runes.

Fire Qilins, Fire Phoenixes, Fire Lions, Flamingos, and numerous other fire beasts he had never encountered rampaged within the bolts, as if they were miniaturized a thousandfold.

They surged towards him, a torrent challenging both his blood and spirit.

"We know each other; why the lethal welcome?"

Behind Yu Yuan, a massive Life Wheel emerged, its deep crimson hue slowly turning, exuding an aura capable of engulfing all life. Inside the wheel, lightning clashed with thunder, while light and darkness alternated, revealing the profound Dao that countless warriors from the Origin Realm and Desolate Realm had sought their entire lives.

The lightning, laden with the secrets of the fire beasts' bloodlines, vanished into the Life Wheel without causing so much as a ripple.


The red sky's barrier burst open, and Yu Yuan shattered the encircling flames of Extreme Flame, arriving smoothly at the Heaven Bearing Life Pillar.

"I'm relieved you're not dead."

Glancing down, he saw Zhiya had dodged the golden sword light, her vitality undiminished. He spoke indifferently, "You should leave first; Yu Zhu is waiting for you outside."

A harsh look flashed across Zhiya's stunning face as she retorted, "You could die a thousand, ten thousand times, and I still wouldn't!"

She was utterly ungrateful.

"I'm not the one who's going to die."

With a cold huff, Yu Yuan dismissed her and continued unhurriedly towards the sea of flames.

Amidst the dazzling twilight, Yu Yuan stood by the Dragon Slash Platform, his demeanor as serene as still water.

The souls from the Great Demon God Beilstein and the earlier sword light summoned by Lin Daoke, once suppressed, vanished with Yu Yuan's arrival.

Beilstein and Lin Daoke, from afar, seemed to recognize his presence, discerning his distinct aura.

Perhaps, he had the ability to transmit his unique essence across realms.

Amidst erupting volcanoes and charred flame stars, he glided effortlessly, untouched by any onslaught of metal, wood, water, fire, lightning, ice, or the soul-balancing forces of the sun, moon, and stars.

Zhiya, with her delicate features, showed a look of surprise. After a brief pause, she tentatively reached out with a gesture.

Shattering a golden sword light, she descended upon the Heaven Bearing Life Pillar amidst the intense inferno. The blood mark within resonated instantly with her touch.


The Heaven Bearing Life Pillar teleported instantly, and her elegant, elongated form gracefully settled atop it.

Barefoot, her feet, as sculpted as amethyst, were adorned with clusters of crimson blood marks.

As she stepped down, the blood marks transformed into dragons, phoenixes, heavenly snakes, golden elephants, and qilins.

In the Boundless Great World, the ancestral Demon Gods of thirty-six ancient clans materialized one by one, amassing combat power and vitality beneath her crimson soles.

Moreover, a giant scarlet tree dominated a vast area at the pillar's summit, radiating brilliant blood light.

The ancient Demon Clan ancestors, Tenth Level dragons, received an immense boost, as if the alien tree had fortified their bloodlines and strength.

The Heaven Bearing Life Pillar erupted with infinite blood light, forming concentric rings of blood curtains that shrouded her.

Remarkably, she felt none of the intense heat of this fiery world.

Zhiya's brow furrowed slightly, and the severity on her face softened a touch as she asked coldly, "What brings you here?"

"Why shouldn't I be here if you are?" Yu Yuan responded icily, without turning to face her.

"Is this your true form?"

Yu Yuan's attention was captured by the spherical image within the sea of flames.

He couldn't resist scoffing, "You possess the seven emotions and six desires of a normal being, thanks to the Origin Soul from the abyss. You've even learned to shape your spiritual consciousness into a corporeal form. Hmm, your aesthetic is clearly different from other Origin Spirits. Your spiritual form... it's somewhat crudely crafted."

After Mother Earth and the Light Origin Spirit developed rich emotions, they endeavored to craft a more dazzling image for themselves when solidifying their spiritual consciousness.

The Light Origin Spirit was youthful and radiant, while Mother Earth exuded an upright and regal presence. Both were exceptionally beautiful.

Meanwhile, the Fire Origin Spirit, concealed within the heart of the Boundless Great World and slumbering throughout the year, had yet to reveal its spiritual form, and its figure appeared somewhat swollen.

"I like it just fine," it declared.

Its voice, fiery and impetuous, reverberated through the newly forged world of flames.

It was brimming with vigor.

It had not anticipated that, upon being infused with a spiritual consciousness by the allied Origin Soul and entering this enchanting sealed barrier, it would instantly gain a flame Great Dao akin to its own nature!

With the Origin Soul's assistance, it received a vastly different treatment compared to Mother Earth, the Light Origin Spirit, and the Hannya Divine Tree.

As it traded fire laws, it retained its self-awareness, and the flame energy it introduced seamlessly merged with the barrier's fiery essence.

It was acutely aware that all of this was a boon from the Origin Soul, sparing it from paying a steep price.

When the Origin Soul facilitated access, its spiritual consciousness galloped through the barrier, becoming like a demi-master of this realm. The power at its disposal and the fire laws it wielded now surpassed even the sea of flames at the Boundless Great World's core!

The ultimate power of flames, a nemesis to flesh and blood creatures, could incinerate all things.

Within its divine domain, it was supremely confident when confronting Yu Yuan and the Demon Phoenix, both of whom depended on their formidable physical forms and the true essence of Origin Blood.

Furthermore, here it could wield its power without relying on Yuan Lianyao!

It was also aware that on the other end, it could utilize the strength of Beilstein and Lin Daoke, continuing to bewilder them and urging them to keep exerting their force.

"You've been stirring in the Boundless for years. My chosen Mo Baichuan perished because of you. You've always sought to surpass me, to reach the core of the Boundless," it said, its featureless, indistinct face turning towards Zhiya with a mocking tone. "But what good does it do? Do you really think we are oblivious to your meticulous schemes and all your actions?"

"I had high hopes that you would ascend to the Eleventh Level. I envisioned you entering the heart of the Boundless Great World with your exalted form, so that I could strip away the profound truths of life imbued by your source blood."

"Sadly, you failed to achieve this. You've let us down."

The 'us' he spoke of naturally included himself and the Origin Soul from the Abyss.

"Now that we have the Abyss Lord Yu Yuan, we no longer require your services. Your time has come to an end."

The sea of flames that housed the extreme heat roared thunderously.

Stars turned to scorched earth and black charcoal, volcanoes erupted with fierce flames, and countless flame meteors swerved to avoid Yu Yuan's Heaven Bearing Life Pillar as it headed towards Zhiya.

"As long as I am here, you ought to show me respect!"

A majestic figure, as if emerging from the depths of a fiery sea, materialized as Yu Yuan's words ceased. To Ji Yan's astonishment, this towering body of flesh and blood suddenly transformed into a colossal crimson ancient tree.

Branches like red crystals pierced through stars, split volcanoes, and sliced thousands of flame meteors into fragments.

From within this massive Tree of Life, the sound of a heart beating vigorously echoed.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The thumping vibrations caused the foundational laws of fire at the core of the forbidden area to shatter, rendering Ji Yan's power ineffective.

In an instant, the flame energy that had amassed due to Ji Yan dissipated into the surrounding seals.

The sea of fire that Ji Yan was immersed in, as if quenched by hail, began to slowly extinguish.

"Leave now. I can handle things here."

Yu Yuan's voice emanated from the Tree of Life, resonating with the life of this world, "Once I've dealt with Ji Yan, I'll have questions for you."

"Are you deaf?!" Yu Yuan's voice boomed and trembled.

"It was you! You stole what was rightfully mine! It was you!"

Zhiya's scream pierced the air. She sensed the life force emanating from the flesh within the Tree of Life.

Inside the Creation Pool, the flesh responded, writhing and emitting a magnetic field that warped the essence of all living creatures.

Outside, all the Beast Gods, including Yu Zhu, Sky Tiger, and the Black Goat, went into a frenzy, converging upon the scene.

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