Unmatched Dominance/C2222 Extinguishing Yuan Ling's Consciousness
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Unmatched Dominance/C2222 Extinguishing Yuan Ling's Consciousness
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C2222 Extinguishing Yuan Ling's Consciousness

Within the last remaining layer of the seal, the spiritual manifestation of a powerful being had Yu Yuan, Beilstein, Lin Daoke, and Zhiya under its oppressive force. Their souls were suppressed, leaving them in a state of disarray.

In this domain, ruled by an entity of immense power, the four formidable champions from different realms stood no chance against the soul confinement imposed upon them.

His gaze pierced through the luminous barrier, settling on Mother Earth. "What about you?" His consciousness reached out to her, clear and distinct.

"No one can best him. You've already died once; don't be so obstinate," the Light Origin Spirit implored from within the celestial body. "Let it be. We are of the same essence. Why not just heed his words?"

"Of the same essence? Have you seen how many like us have perished within the seal?" Mother Earth's face was somber as she gazed upon the halos of light behind him, as if witnessing the erasure of a source spirit akin to herself.

"I'm unsure if Yu Yuan can break free, so I've decided to leave first, to distance myself from you!" With a swift gesture from Mother Earth, the Creation Pool, once stationary atop Creation Peak, surged toward the purple sea of Demon Phoenix energy.

Creation Peak itself, amidst a dance of stars and an endless cascade of meteors, set off toward another expanse of the cosmos.

"You have yet to possess a suitable vessel. Merely a spiritual consciousness, you lack the ability to wield your full strength outside the seal. You may be invincible within, but emerging now serves no purpose," Mother Earth taunted as she watched the peak recede into the distance.

The Light Star, hovering midair above Creation Peak, did not seek out the Creation Pool on its own. Instead, it followed the mountain's path, signifying a shared decision between Mother Earth and the Light Origin Spirit.

If they could not prevail, then flight was the next recourse.

"Where can you possibly flee to?" He watched the departing Creation Peak with a cold, detached gaze from within the seal. "The Origin Realm, the Abyss, the Desolate Realm—they will all be filled with my power. The world is vast, yet there will be no place for you to stand."

"There will be," Mother Earth retorted sharply.

With a swift motion, the Light Star descended, slipping into a crevice and burrowing into the mountain's depths. Yu Han, momentarily taken aback, followed Mother Earth's silent command and vanished into the earth's core.

"Let's head to the Gal Starfield!"

Mother Earth's will resonated within the mountain's heart, "Yu Yuan's true form is there, and there's an abnormal spatial vibration emanating an aura unlike anything from the Desolate Realm. If the Desolate Realm falls, we'll seek refuge in that lifeless world, hoping for a sliver of hope to survive!"

Driven into a corner, she was left with no choice but to consider venturing into the land of death in search of that faint glimmer of life.

"You cannot escape."

The consciousness of the Origin Soul within the sealed area of Creation Peak stirred.

The Creation Pool was slowly making its way toward the purple sea beneath the Beast Temple and Phoenix Shrine, a sea rich with demonic energy.

The movement of the pool struck fear into the hearts of the Beast God and the Demon God.

"Lord Sky Tiger!"

"Princess Yu Zhu, what should we do?"

As the Creation Pool soared through the cosmos, drawing ever nearer to the purple sea, the Beast Gods of the Desolate Realm could clearly see the phantom image of the Abyss Origin Soul within the seal.

Panic set in.

The Creation Pool concealed a great terror, and no one knew what might happen once it arrived.

They all sought guidance from the White Divine Tiger and Yu Zhu.

With Zhiya absent, no one could command the purple sea, not even the might of the Beast Temple.

"Let the pool descend!"

In this critical moment, Yu Zhu became the pillar of strength for the Beast Gods, stepping in for the absent Demon Phoenix Zhiya to make the call. "The purple sea, consecrated by Mother, holds mysteries even I cannot fathom. Remain calm, everyone. If the pool dares to plunge into its depths, Mother may well break free!"

Yu Zhu harbored immense faith in the purple sea.

"Very well!"

Sky Tiger gave a firm nod, gesturing for the Beast Gods to stay close to the hall and clear a path for the Creation Pool, allowing it to merge with the purple sea.

"So, it lies deep within your soul."

The shadow of the Origin Soul, trapped within the seal, turned its attention to Sky Tiger, Yu Zhu, the black goat, the bone snake, and the other Beast Gods.

Its gaze and focus abruptly shifted to Yu Zhu.

A chill ran through her, as she felt every secret laid bare under its scrutiny.

Even the profound marks within her soul, which she herself had yet to understand, were exposed to its piercing gaze.

"What a curious young lady you are. I hadn't realized before that you carry an important soul imprint he left behind."

The Origin Soul peered across the barrier, its consciousness resonating within Yu Zhu's mind, "He concealed it exceptionally well. It only began to emerge slowly after you shed your original essence and ascended to the highest level. It seems he did so to elude me, to escape the scrutiny of my own origin."

Suddenly, Yu Zhu's eye in front of the Phoenix Shrine ignited as a surge of her spiritual consciousness was forcibly infused.

Her own consciousness became hazy.

She glimpsed a luminous green sea of souls deep within her mind.

From the depths of this soul sea, numerous green crystals slowly surfaced, drawing the gaze of the invasive spiritual consciousness.

These green crystals appeared to be her unique source, previously unnoticed by her.

With the arrival of this spiritual consciousness, the green crystals at the very bottom of the sea of souls were unveiled by its power.

With a whoosh, his spiritual consciousness took the form of a green-black silhouette deep within Yu Zhu's soul.

This figure bore the likeness of Yu Yuan: tall, handsome, with an air of profound indifference.

The consciousness, assuming Yu Yuan's form, hovered above the glowing soul sea, intently observing each green crystal that rose to the surface.

Moments later, he reached out and touched one of the green crystals.

His hand plunged into the crystal, and the soul imprint and secrets hidden within transformed into currents of electricity, coursing into his hand.

"This is indeed what I've been searching for all this time," he murmured to himself in Yu Zhu's mind.

Streams of blood-yellow rivers, teeming with innumerable lost souls and spirits, extended from the unknown, converging towards the figure formed by Yu Yuan's consciousness.

"Subcurrent of the Ancient Yin Vein, Origin Soul," he uttered with a cold huff.

With a thunderous boom, the grand Phoenix Shrine shrank to an infinitesimal size and shot into Yu Zhu's forehead, materializing within her mind.

The blood-yellow rivers encircled the actual Phoenix Shrine that had entered Yu Zhu's mind from the external world.

Countless flickering lights of white, ashen, and dark green, like the souls of beings from all three realms, wailed within these rivers.

Their cries reverberated through heaven and earth, the laws and decrees of the Origin Soul magnified a hundredfold by the Phoenix Shrine.

Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness, having taken the form of his own image, dissipated into smoke within Yu Zhu's mind, vanishing under the onslaught of weeping sounds.

Yu Zhu's eyes suddenly cleared, regaining their focus.

Simultaneously, in the Gal Starfield.

A fiery meteor, like crimson lightning, pierced through Yuan Lianyao's crown and surged into her mind.

Deep within Yuan Lianyao's consciousness lay a massive fire crystal, etched with the profound truths of fire she had deciphered, along with strands of the Fire Laws.

As the lightning struck, it attempted to forcefully seize the fire crystal, aiming to seal away Yuan Lianyao's sense of self.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time."

Within the fire crystal, Yuan Lianyao manifested as a diminutive deity of flame, her form ablaze with towering infernos, as she grasped the fiery spiritual consciousness.

The power to extinguish the Origin Spirit's consciousness erupted from the palm of this flame deity, methodically snuffing out the fiery light bit by bit.

Before long, the spiritual consciousness, a fragment of the Extreme Flame, was extinguished within the Primordial Spirit by the flame deity.

Libre Baskerville
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